[sword-devel] GNU and OS ideologies and indulgences

Kevin Montgomery sword-devel@crosswire.org
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 23:55:25 -0000


This is completely off-topic but I will ask anyway :-)

Can you tell me where your scriptual reference for the Paul being renamed by
God argument is?

I have often been told this but have never found anything in the Bible to
back it up.

Am I missing it somewhere?



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sword-devel@crosswire.org
[mailto:owner-sword-devel@crosswire.org]On Behalf Of Timothy R. Butler
Sent: 17 December 2001 21:34
To: sword-devel@crosswire.org
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] GNU and OS ideologies and indulgences

> Rabbi Shaul,
> although Paul is also legitemate.

  Although, wouldn't it be *incorrect* to refer to Paul as Rabbi Shaul
(Saul), after he was renamed by God? Looking at my Greek Bible (some odd
verison, and also the UBS/Nestle-Aland 26th), I can see that Paul's name (I
checked a few of the Epistles) is Paulos, not Saul or Shaul.

> Likewise you probably know that Jesus is
> a modern translation of Yeshua,

    You have a better point on this one. I'd be half way inclined to
translate it that way - but then again, you have to ask yourself this -
should you go with the proper Hebrew and Greek names in the Bible, or the
more familiar names that will make the Bible the most accessible?


Timothy R. Butler | Universal  Networks | http://www.uninet.info
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