[sword-devel] 1.5.1a
Dan Bertles
10 Nov 2000 12:37:16 -0800
I have tried 1.5.1a on WinNT 4.0 and Win95. I love how fast the search is, but when I double click on a specific verse in the search list I get the following message instead of Sword jumping to that verse:
Access violation at address 004390BA in module 'SWORD151A.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFF.
I have only added the MKFASTMOD on the KJV version.
1.51a seems to be more unstable. When I first chose the options to include strong numbers or footnotes, the program crashed without any message. On the NT machine, I couln't perform a second search without the program crashing.
I love that the program defaults to the last version used.
I would love to see the program saving the footnotes/strong's number settings and the ability to copy the search list to the clipboard.
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