[sword-devel] John Gill

Chris Little sword-devel@crosswire.org
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 13:23:14 -0700 (PDT)

Actually, the Gill Expositor is already a SWORD module.  I've been working
on the other two commentaries people have mentioned in the last week or
so, JFB and Matthew Henry's Commentary (the full version).  I got a perl
script working that can create an index file, which makes creation of
modules considerably easier than using the C utilities that ship with
SWORD.  I finished up a working JFB module (completely client-side and
reading from a single module file) and just need to do some cleanup.  I
should start tackling the MHC soon.  Once they're done, however, they'll
still depend on my (or someone else's) finishing up the ThML filters since
they're converted from HTML source files and ThML was the least painful
format to import to.

--Chris Little

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Don A. Elbourne Jr. wrote:

> Thanks! Now, I'd be glad to convert it for use with the Sword project, if I
> only knew how.
> Don A. Elbourne Jr.
> http://elbourne.simplenet.com