[sword-svn] r3529 - in trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD: . src/ios

scribe at crosswire.org scribe at crosswire.org
Sun Nov 26 00:06:30 MST 2017

Author: scribe
Date: 2017-11-26 00:06:30 -0700 (Sun, 26 Nov 2017)
New Revision: 3529

added first mostly-working ios cordova bindings

Modified: trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/package.json
--- trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/package.json	2017-11-26 07:05:45 UTC (rev 3528)
+++ trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/package.json	2017-11-26 07:06:30 UTC (rev 3529)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
     "id": "org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD",
     "platforms": [
-      "amazon-fireos"
+      "amazon-fireos",
+      "ios"
   "repository": {
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
+    "cordova-ios",
   "author": "CrossWire Bible Society",

Modified: trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/plugin.xml
--- trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/plugin.xml	2017-11-26 07:05:45 UTC (rev 3528)
+++ trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/plugin.xml	2017-11-26 07:06:30 UTC (rev 3529)
@@ -93,16 +93,25 @@
     <!-- ios -->
-    <platform name="ios">
-        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
-            <feature name="SWORD">
-                <param name="ios-package" value="SWORD"/>
-            </feature>
-        </config-file>
+	<platform name="ios">
+		<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+			<feature name="SWORD">
+				<param name="ios-package" value="SWORD" />
+			</feature>
+		</config-file>
+		<header-file src="src/ios/flatapi.h" />
+		<header-file src="src/ios/defs.h" />
+		<header-file src="src/ios/SWORD-Bridging-Header.h" />
+		<source-file src="src/ios/SWORD.swift" />
+		<source-file src="libs/ios/libSWORD.a" framework="true" />
+		<source-file src="libs/ios/libcurl.a" framework="true" />
+		<framework src="libstdc++.dylib" />
+		<framework src="libcurl.dylib" />
-        <header-file src="src/ios/SWORD.swift" />
+		<dependency id="cordova-plugin-add-swift-support" />
 <!--	<source-file src="lib/ios/libSWORD.a" framework="true" /> -->
-    </platform>
+	</platform>
     <!-- blackberry10
     <platform name="blackberry10">

Added: trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD-Bridging-Header.h
--- trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD-Bridging-Header.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD-Bridging-Header.h	2017-11-26 07:06:30 UTC (rev 3529)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#import "flatapi.h"

Modified: trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD.swift
--- trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD.swift	2017-11-26 07:05:45 UTC (rev 3528)
+++ trunk/bindings/cordova/org.crosswire.sword.cordova.SWORD/src/ios/SWORD.swift	2017-11-26 07:06:30 UTC (rev 3529)
@@ -1,329 +1,161 @@
- at objc(SWORD) class SWORD : CDVPlugin {
-  @objc(echo:)
-  func echo(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+import MessageUI
-    let msg = command.arguments[0] as? String ?? ""
+var mySWORDPlugin:SWORD? = nil
-    if msg.characters.count > 0 {
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: msg, preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+ at objc(SWORD) class SWORD : CDVPlugin, MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate {
+	var mgr = 0;
+    var installMgr = 0
+    var disclaimerConfirmed = false;
+	@objc(initSWORD:)
+	func initSWORD(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        mgr = 0
+        installMgr = 0
+        disclaimerConfirmed = false
+        mySWORDPlugin = nil
+        VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV);
+        VERSEKEY_BOOK = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOK);
+        VERSEKEY_CHAPTER = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_CHAPTER);
+        VERSEKEY_VERSE = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_VERSE);
+        VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT);
+        VERSEKEY_OSISREF = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_OSISREF);
+        VERSEKEY_CHAPMAX = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_CHAPMAX);
+        VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX);
+        VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME);
+        VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT);
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: msg)
-    }
+		initMgr()
+        let libswordVersion = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_version(mgr))
+debugPrint("libswordVersion: " + libswordVersion)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "initSWORD; Version: " + libswordVersion), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+	}
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(initSWORD:)
-  func initSWORD(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+	func myToast(message: String) {
+		let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
+		self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+		DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
+			toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
+		}
+	}
+	func initMgr() {
+		if (mgr == 0) {
+            let baseDir = (FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.path)! + "/sword";
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "initSWORD", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+			mgr = org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_newWithPath(baseDir)
+            debugPrint("initMgr, mgr: " + String(describing: mgr))
+		}
+	}
+    func reinitMgr() {
+        if (mgr != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_delete(mgr)
+        }
+        mgr = 0
+        initMgr()
+    }
+    func reinitInstall() {
+        if (installMgr != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_delete(installMgr)
+        }
+        installMgr = 0
+        initInstall()
+    }
+    func logError(message: String) {
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWlog_logError(message)
+    }
+    func logDebug(message: String) {
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWlog_logDebug(message)
+    }
+    func logWarning(message: String) {
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWlog_logWarning(message)
+    }
+    func logInformation(message: String) {
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWlog_logInformation(message)
+    }
+    func logTimedInformation(message: String) {
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWlog_logTimedInformation(message)
+    }
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "initSWORD")
+    func initInstall() {
+        if (installMgr == 0) {
+            logDebug(message: "initInstall: installMgr is null");
+            let baseDir = (FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.path)! + "/sword";
+            installMgr = org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_new(baseDir, { (message: Optional<UnsafePointer<Int8>>, totalBytes: u_long, completedBytes: u_long) in
+                let msg = String(cString: message!)
+                if (msg == "update") {
+                    let response = [
+                        "status": "update",
+                        "totalBytes": totalBytes,
+                        "completedBytes": completedBytes
+                        ] as [String : Any]
+                    if (mySWORDPlugin != nil && mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID != "") {
+                        let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response)
+                        result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+                        mySWORDPlugin!.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID)
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    let response = [
+                        "status": "preStatus",
+                        "totalBytes": totalBytes,
+                        "completedBytes": completedBytes,
+                        "message": msg
+                        ] as [String : Any]
+                    if (mySWORDPlugin != nil && mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID != "") {
+                        let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response)
+                        result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+                        mySWORDPlugin!.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID)
+                    }
+                }
+            })
+            if (disclaimerConfirmed) {
+                org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(installMgr)
+            }
+            logDebug(message: "initInstall: instantiated InstallMgr with baseDir: \(baseDir)");
+        }
+    }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(HTTPUtils_makeRequest:)
-  func HTTPUtils_makeRequest(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+	@objc(SWMgr_getModuleByName:)
+	func SWMgr_getModuleByName(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "HTTPUtils_makeRequest", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+		initMgr();
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "HTTPUtils_makeRequest")
+		let modName = command.arguments[0] as? String ?? ""
+        let module = org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_getModuleByName(mgr, modName)
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getBookNames:)
-  func SWModule_getBookNames(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getBookNames", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+        if (module == 0) {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+            return
+        }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getBookNames")
+        let name = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getName(module)
+        let description = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getDescription(module)
+        let category = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getCategory(module)
+        let language = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(module, "Lang")
+        let direction = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(module, "Direction")
+        let font = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(module, "Font")
+        let shortCopyright = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(module, "ShortCopyright")
+        let shortPromo = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(module, "ShortPromo")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getVerseKey:)
-  func SWModule_getVerseKey(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+        let response = [
+            "name": name == nil ? "" : String(cString: name!),
+            "description": description == nil ? "" : String(cString: description!),
+            "category": category == nil ? "" : String(cString: category!),
+            "language": language == nil ? "" : String(cString: language!),
+            "direction": direction == nil ? "" : String(cString: direction!),
+            "font": font == nil ? "" : String(cString: font!),
+            "shortCopyright": shortCopyright == nil ? "" : String(cString: shortCopyright!),
+            "shortPromo": shortPromo == nil ? "" : String(cString: shortPromo!)
+        ]
+		self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+	}
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getVerseKey", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getVerseKey")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_begin:)
-  func SWModule_begin(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_begin", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_begin")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_previous:)
-  func SWModule_previous(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_previous", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_previous")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_next:)
-  func SWModule_next(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_next", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_next")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_popError:)
-  func SWModule_popError(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_popError", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_popError")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getEntryAttribute:)
-  func SWModule_getEntryAttribute(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getEntryAttribute", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getEntryAttribute")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getConfigEntry:)
-  func SWModule_getConfigEntry(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getConfigEntry", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getConfigEntry")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getKeyChildren:)
-  func SWModule_getKeyChildren(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getKeyChildren", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getKeyChildren")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getRenderHeader:)
-  func SWModule_getRenderHeader(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getRenderHeader", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getRenderHeader")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_sendText:)
-  func SWModule_sendText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_sendText", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_sendText")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getRenderText:)
-  func SWModule_getRenderText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getRenderText", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getRenderText")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getRenderChapter:)
-  func SWModule_getRenderChapter(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getRenderChapter", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getRenderChapter")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_search:)
-  func SWModule_search(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_search", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_search")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_getKeyText:)
-  func SWModule_getKeyText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_getKeyText", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getKeyText")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWModule_setKeyText:)
-  func SWModule_setKeyText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWModule_setKeyText", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_setKeyText")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWMgr_getModuleByName:)
-  func SWMgr_getModuleByName(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWMgr_getModuleByName", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWMgr_getModuleByName")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
   func SWMgr_addExtraConfig(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
     var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
@@ -404,134 +236,584 @@
     self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  @objc(InstallMgr_uninstallModule:)
-  func InstallMgr_uninstallModule(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_uninstallModule", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+    @objc(echo:)
+    func echo(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        let msg = command.arguments[0] as? String ?? ""
+        myToast(message: msg)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: msg), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
+    @objc(HTTPUtils_makeRequest:)
+    func HTTPUtils_makeRequest(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        var url = command.arguments[0] as? String ?? ""
+        let postData = command.arguments[1] as? String ?? ""
+        let method = command.arguments[2] as? Int ?? 1
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_uninstallModule")
+        if method == 1 {
+            url += "?" + postData
+        }
+        var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
+        request.httpMethod = method == 1 ? "GET" : "POST"
+        if method == 2 {
+            request.httpBody = postData.data(using: .utf8)
+        }
+        let session = URLSession.shared
+        session.dataTask(with: request) {data, response, err in
+            let pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8))
+            pluginResult?.setKeepCallbackAs(false)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }.resume()
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        let pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_NO_RESULT)
+        pluginResult?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  @objc(InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule:)
-  func InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+    @objc(SWModule_getBookNames:)
+    func SWModule_getBookNames(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        var retVal = [String]()
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_begin(mod)
+        while (org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_popError(mod) == 0) {
+            retVal.append(getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(mod))[VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME])
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(mod, "+book")
+        }
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getVerseKey:)
+    func SWModule_getVerseKey(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let module = getModule(command: command)
+        if (module != 0) {
+            let retVal = getVerseKey(keyChildren: getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(module)))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule")
+    @objc(SWModule_begin:)
+    func SWModule_begin(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_begin(mod)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_begin"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList:)
-  func InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+    @objc(SWModule_previous:)
+    func SWModule_previous(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_previous(mod)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_previous"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_next:)
+    func SWModule_next(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_next(mod)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_next"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_popError:)
+    func SWModule_popError(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let error = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_popError(mod))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: error), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getEntryAttribute:)
+    func SWModule_getEntryAttribute(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let retVal = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getEntryAttribute(mod, command.arguments[1] as? String ?? "", command.arguments[2] as? String ?? "", command.arguments[3] as? String ?? "", (command.arguments[4] as? Bool ?? false) ? 1 : 0))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getConfigEntry:)
+    func SWModule_getConfigEntry(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let retVal = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getConfigEntry(mod, command.arguments[1] as? String ?? ""))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getKeyChildren:)
+    func SWModule_getKeyChildren(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let retVal = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(mod))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getRenderHeader:)
+    func SWModule_getRenderHeader(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let header = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getRenderHeader(mod))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: header), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    func messageComposeViewController(_ controller: MFMessageComposeViewController, didFinishWith result: MessageComposeResult) {
+        self.webView.inputViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK), callbackId: self.callbackID)
+        })
+    }
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+    func sendVerse(module: Int, keyText: String) {
+        if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText() {
+            let controller = MFMessageComposeViewController()
+            let verseKey = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(module))
+            let modName = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getName(module))
+            let verseText = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_stripText(module))
+            controller.body = verseText + " --" + verseKey[VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT] + " (" + modName + ")"
+            controller.recipients = [""]
+            controller.messageComposeDelegate = self
+            self.webView.inputViewController?.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_sendText:)
+    func SWModule_sendText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+// Switch this to use cordova social plugin
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            mySWORDPlugin = self
+            callbackID = command.callbackId
+            let keyText = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyText(mod))
+            sendVerse(module: mod, keyText: keyText)
+            let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_NO_RESULT)
+            result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+    @objc(SWModule_getRenderText:)
+    func SWModule_getRenderText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let retVal = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_renderText(mod))
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(SWMgr_registerBibleSyncListener:)
+    func SWMgr_registerBibleSyncListener(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        let pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWMgr_registerBibleSyncListener")
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getRenderChapter:)
+    func SWModule_getRenderChapter(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList")
+//        DispatchQueue.global().async {
+            self.initMgr()
+            let masterMod = self.getModule(command: command, nameArgNumber: 0)
+            let mod = self.getModule(command: command, nameArgNumber: 1)
+            if (masterMod != 0 && mod != 0) {
+                let r = self.renderChapter(masterMod: masterMod, mod: mod)
+                self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: r), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+            }
+//        }
+        var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_getRenderChapter")
+        pluginResult?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource:)
-  func InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+    var VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV);
+    var VERSEKEY_BOOK = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOK);
+    var VERSEKEY_CHAPTER = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_CHAPTER);
+    var VERSEKEY_VERSE = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_VERSE);
+    var VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT);
+    var VERSEKEY_OSISREF = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_OSISREF);
+    var VERSEKEY_CHAPMAX = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_CHAPMAX);
+    var VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX);
+    var VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME);
+    var VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT = Int(org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT);
+    func renderChapter(masterMod: Int, mod: Int) -> [[String: Any]] {
+        let saveMasterKey = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyText(masterMod))
+        let saveKey = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyText(mod))
+        var r = [[String: Any]]()
+        var currentKey = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(masterMod))
+        let book = currentKey[VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV]
+        let chapter = currentKey[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER]
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(masterMod, book + "." + chapter + ".1")
+        var verseKey = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(masterMod))
+        while (org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_popError(masterMod) == 0
+            && currentKey[VERSEKEY_BOOK] == verseKey[VERSEKEY_BOOK]
+            && currentKey[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER] == verseKey[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER]
+            ) {
+                org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(mod, verseKey[VERSEKEY_OSISREF])
+                let error = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_popError(mod)
+                var v = [String:Any]()
+                if (error == 0) {
+                    v["verse"] = getVerseKey(keyChildren: getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(mod)))
+                    var preVerse = ""
+                    for i in getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getEntryAttribute(mod, "Heading", "Preverse", "", 1)) {
+                        preVerse += i
+                    }
+                    v["preVerse"] = preVerse
+                    v["text"] = String(cString: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_renderText(mod))
+                }
+                else {
+                }
+                r.append(v)
+                org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_next(masterMod)
+                verseKey = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyChildren(masterMod))
+        }
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(masterMod, saveMasterKey)
+        org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(mod, saveKey)
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(InstallMgr_getRemoteSources:)
-  func InstallMgr_getRemoteSources(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_getRemoteSources", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+        return r
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_getRemoteSources")
+    }
+    func getVerseKey(keyChildren:[String]) -> [String:Any] {
+        var retVal = [String:Any]()
+        if (keyChildren.count > 9) {
+            retVal["testament"]   = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_TESTAMENT]);
+            retVal["book"]        = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_BOOK]);
+            retVal["chapter"]     = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_CHAPTER]);
+            retVal["verse"]       = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_VERSE]);
+            retVal["chapterMax"]  = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_CHAPMAX]);
+            retVal["verseMax"]    = Int(keyChildren[VERSEKEY_VERSEMAX]);
+            retVal["bookName"]    = keyChildren[VERSEKEY_BOOKNAME];
+            retVal["osisRef"]     = keyChildren[VERSEKEY_OSISREF];
+            retVal["shortText"]   = keyChildren[VERSEKEY_SHORTTEXT];
+            retVal["bookAbbrev"]  = keyChildren[VERSEKEY_BOOKABBREV];
+        }
+        return retVal;
+    }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(InstallMgr_syncConfig:)
-  func InstallMgr_syncConfig(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+    @objc(SWModule_search:)
+    func SWModule_search(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let mod = getModule(command: command)
+        if (mod != 0) {
+            let expression = command.arguments[1] as? String ?? ""
+            let searchType = command.arguments[2] as? Int32 ?? 0
+            let flags = command.arguments[3] as? Int ?? 0
+            let scope = command.arguments.count < 5 ? nil : command.arguments[4] as? String ?? nil
+            callbackID = command.callbackId
+            DispatchQueue.global().async {
+                mySWORDPlugin = self
+                let buffer = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_search(mod, expression, searchType, flags, scope, { (percent: Int32) in
+                    let response = [
+                        "status": "update",
+                        "percent": percent
+                        ] as [String : Any]
+                    if (mySWORDPlugin != nil && mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID != "") {
+                        let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response)
+                        result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+                        mySWORDPlugin!.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: mySWORDPlugin!.callbackID)
+                    }
+                });
+                self.callbackID = ""
+                var response = [
+                    "status": "complete",
+                    "percent": 100
+                ] as [String : Any]
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_syncConfig", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+                //UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>!) -> [String] {
+                var b = buffer
+                var count = 0
+                while let i = b?.pointee {
+                    if i.key == nil {
+                        break
+                    }
+                    count = count + 1
+                    b = b?.advanced(by: 1)
+                }
+                let searchResults = UnsafeBufferPointer<org_crosswire_sword_SearchHit>(start: buffer, count: count);
+                var results = [[String:Any]]()
+                for i in searchResults {
+                    let sr = [
+                        "key": String(cString: i.key),
+                        "score": Int(i.score)
+                    ] as [String : Any]
+                    results.append(sr)
+                }
+                response["results"] = results
+                let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response)
+                result?.setKeepCallbackAs(false)
+                self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+            }
+            let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_search")
+            result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    func getModule(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand, nameArgNumber: Int = 0) -> Int {
+        initMgr()
+        let modName = command.arguments[nameArgNumber] as? String ?? ""
+        let module = org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_getModuleByName(mgr, modName)
+        if (module == 0) {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: "couldn't find module \(modName)"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        return module
+    }
+    @objc(SWModule_getKeyText:)
+    func SWModule_getKeyText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        let module = getModule(command: command)
+        if (module != 0) {
+            let keyText = org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_getKeyText(module)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: keyText == nil ? "" : String(cString: keyText!)), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_syncConfig")
+    @objc(SWModule_setKeyText:)
+    func SWModule_setKeyText(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        let module = getModule(command: command)
+        let keyText = command.arguments[1] as? String ?? ""
+        if (module != 0) {
+            org_crosswire_sword_SWModule_setKeyText(module, keyText)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWModule_setKeyText"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(InstallMgr_uninstallModule:)
+    func InstallMgr_uninstallModule(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        initMgr()
+        let retVal = org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_uninstallModule(installMgr, mgr, command.arguments[0] as? String ?? "")
+        if (retVal == 0) {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+        else {
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR, messageAs: retVal), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    var callbackID:String = ""
+    @objc(InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule:)
+    func InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        initMgr()
+        let repo = command.arguments[0] as? String ?? ""
+        let modName = command.arguments[1] as? String ?? ""
+        callbackID = command.callbackId
+        DispatchQueue.global().async {
+            mySWORDPlugin = self
+            org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule(self.installMgr, self.mgr, repo, modName)
+            self.reinitMgr()
+            self.callbackID = ""
+            let response = [
+                "status": "complete",
+                "totalBytes": 0,
+                "completedBytes": 0,
+                "message": "Complete"
+                ] as [String : Any]
+            let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: response)
+            result?.setKeepCallbackAs(false)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed:)
-  func InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+        let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_remoteInstallModule")
+        result?.setKeepCallbackAs(true)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
+    @objc(InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList:)
+    func InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        initMgr()
+        let buffer = org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_getRemoteModInfoList(installMgr, mgr, command.arguments[0] as? String ?? "")
+        var count = 0
+        var b = buffer
+        while let i = b?.pointee {
+            if (i.name == nil) {
+                break
+            }
+            count = count + 1
+            b = b?.advanced(by: 1)
+        }
+        let modInfoList = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer<org_crosswire_sword_ModInfo>(start: buffer, count: count));
+        var mods = [[AnyHashable : Any]]()
+        for i in modInfoList {
+            let modInfo = [
+                "name": String(cString: i.name),
+                "description": String(cString: i.description),
+                "category": String(cString: i.category),
+                "language": String(cString: i.language),
+                "delta": String(cString: i.delta),
+                "version": String(cString: i.version)
+                ] as [AnyHashable : Any]
+            mods.append(modInfo)
+        }
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: mods), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
+    @objc(InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource:)
+    func InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        DispatchQueue.global().async {
+            mySWORDPlugin = self
+            self.callbackID = ""
+            org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource(self.installMgr, command.arguments[0] as? String ?? "")
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_refreshRemoteSource"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed")
+    func getStringArray(buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>!) -> [String] {
+        var sources = [String]()
+        var b = buffer
+        while let i = b?.pointee {
+            sources.append(String(cString: i))
+            b = b?.advanced(by: 1)
+        }
+        return sources
+    }
+    @objc(InstallMgr_getRemoteSources:)
+    func InstallMgr_getRemoteSources(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        let sources = getStringArray(buffer: org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_getRemoteSources(installMgr))
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: sources), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
-  @objc(SWMgr_getModInfoList:)
-  func SWMgr_getModInfoList(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-    var pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_ERROR)
+    @objc(InstallMgr_syncConfig:)
+        func InstallMgr_syncConfig(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
-      let toastController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "SWMgr_getModInfoList", preferredStyle: .alert)
-      self.viewController?.present(toastController, animated: true, completion: nil)
-      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
-        toastController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
-      }
+        initInstall()
+        DispatchQueue.global().async {
+            self.callbackID = ""
+            mySWORDPlugin = self
+            org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_syncConfig(self.installMgr)
+            self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_syncConfig"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+        }
+    }
+    @objc(InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed:)
+    func InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initInstall()
+        org_crosswire_sword_InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed(installMgr)
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "InstallMgr_setUserDisclaimerConfirmed"), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }
+    @objc(SWMgr_getModInfoList:)
+    func SWMgr_getModInfoList(command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
+        initMgr()
+        let buffer = org_crosswire_sword_SWMgr_getModInfoList(mgr)
+        var b = buffer
+        var count = 0
+        while let i = b?.pointee {
+            if i.name == nil {
+                break
+            }
+            b = b?.advanced(by: 1)
+            count = count + 1
+        }
+        let modInfoList = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer<org_crosswire_sword_ModInfo>(start: buffer, count: count));
-      pluginResult = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: "SWMgr_getModInfoList")
-    self.commandDelegate!.send(pluginResult, callbackId: command.callbackId)
-  }
+        var mods = [[AnyHashable : Any]]()
+        for i in modInfoList {
+            let modInfo = [
+                "name": String(cString: i.name),
+                "description": String(cString: i.description),
+                "category": String(cString: i.category),
+                "language": String(cString: i.language),
+                "delta": i.delta == nil ? "" : String(cString: i.delta),
+                "version": i.version == nil ? "" : String(cString: i.version)
+            ] as [AnyHashable : Any]
+            mods.append(modInfo)
+        }
+        self.commandDelegate!.send(CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: mods), callbackId: command.callbackId)
+    }

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