[sword-svn] r137 - trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI

dtrotzjr at www.crosswire.org dtrotzjr at www.crosswire.org
Thu May 22 20:56:22 MST 2008

Author: dtrotzjr
Date: 2008-05-22 20:56:22 -0700 (Thu, 22 May 2008)
New Revision: 137

Cleaned out old files.

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include <aygshell.h>
-#include <sipapi.h>
-#include "resource.h"
-HINSTANCE	g_hInst;	// The current instance
-HWND		g_hWnd;		// The main window
-DWORD		g_tMain;	// The main thread id.
-HWND		g_hwndCB;	// The command bar handle
-HDC			hdc;		// Only valid when painting
-HBRUSH		background;
-HFONT		navFont;	// For navigation
-HFONT		textFont;	// For navigation
-int			font;		// Current font id
-HFONT		defaultFont;
-void initApplicationInterface() {
-	LOGFONT fontSpecs;
-	memset(&fontSpecs,0,sizeof(fontSpecs));
-	fontSpecs.lfHeight=-10;
-	fontSpecs.lfWeight=200;
-	fontSpecs.lfPitchAndFamily=FF_SWISS;
-	fontSpecs.lfQuality=5;
-	navFont=CreateFontIndirect(&fontSpecs);
-	fontSpecs.lfHeight=-12;
-	textFont=CreateFontIndirect(&fontSpecs);
-	background=(HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
-void closeApplicationInterface() {
-    DeleteObject(textFont);
-    DeleteObject(navFont);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/ApplicationInterface.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// This file contains a wrapper for the windows CE functions that are needed for the gui
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <aygshell.h>
-#include <htmlctrl.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "SRFramework/WCString.h"
-#include "swordce.h"
-#include "resource.h"
-#define setMenuSelected(hWndMB, idButton, checked) SendMessage((hWndMB), TB_CHECKBUTTON,\
-	(WPARAM)idButton, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(checked,0));
-#define getMenu(hWndMB)  (HMENU)SendMessage((hWndMB), SHCMBM_GETMENU, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
-#define getSubMenu(hWndMB,ID_MENU) (HMENU)SendMessage((hWndMB), SHCMBM_GETSUBMENU, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)ID_MENU);
-#define setSubMenu(hWndMB,ID_MENU) (HMENU)SendMessage((hWndMB), SHCMBM_SETSUBMENU, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)ID_MENU);
-#define registerID(id) (HMENU)(USERBUTTONS+id)
-#define WM_TXT_START WM_USER + 0x00F1
-#define WM_TXT_END   WM_USER + 0x00F2
-#define MENU_HEIGHT		26
-#define MAX_LOADSTRING	100
-#define FONT_DEFAULT	0
-#define FONT_TEXT		2
-#define BUTTON_WIDTH_BK 26
-#define BUTTON_WIDTH_NM 20
-#define BUTTON_HEIGHT 17
-#define PADDING_WIDTH 3
-void initApplicationInterface();
-void closeApplicationInterface();
-// load string from string table
-void loadString(UINT id, LPTSTR buffer);
-WCString loadString(UINT id);
-// sets the main title
-void setTitle(const WCString &title);
-// Refreshes the whole application screen
-void refreshScreen();
-// Draws the text inside the rectangle
-inline void drawText(RECT* rt, const TCHAR* text, int length) {
-	ExtTextOut(hdc, rt->left+2, rt->top+2, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE,
-		rt, text, length, 0);
-void drawText(RECT* rt,const WCString &text);
-// Draws the text right-aligned inside the rectangle
-inline void drawRText(RECT* rt, const TCHAR* text, int length) {
-	SIZE textSize;
-	GetTextExtentPoint(hdc,text,length,&textSize);
-	ExtTextOut(hdc, rt->right-2-textSize.cx, rt->top+2, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE,
-		rt, text, length, 0);
-void drawRText(RECT* rt,const WCString &text);
-int drawVerseText(RECT* rt,const WCString &text);
-// fill the rectangle with the original background color
-inline void clearRect(RECT* rt) {
-	FillRect(hdc, rt, background);
-// set the font
-void setFont(int id=FONT_DEFAULT);
-// set the background color 
-inline void setBackground(COLORREF color=NOCOLOR) {
-	if (color==NOCOLOR)
-		SetBkColor(hdc,(COLORREF)GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
-	else
-		SetBkColor(hdc,color);
-void selectMenu(std::map<int,int>& menus, int mode);
-//void selectMenu(int mode);
-void addMenu(HMENU menu, int flags, int id,const WCString& text);
-void checkMenu(HMENU menu, int id, bool checked);
-// Get an id to give to the CreateWindow as hMenu
-HMENU registerID(int id);
-WCString getText(HWND edit);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Main.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Main.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Main.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MAIN_H
-#define MAIN_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "Utils.h"
-int WINAPI WinMain(	HINSTANCE hInstance,
-					HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
-					LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
-					int       nCmdShow);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavBooks.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-//RECT RECT_SCREEN = {0,0,240,294};
-// #define MAXVERTICAL 10  // altered BD Nov 07 to make OK in landscape
-//#define MAXVERTICAL 9
-//#define MAX_OT_COLS 5
-// #define ROW0 15
-// #define ROW1 30
-// #define ROW2 45
-// all uses of ROW1 and ROW2 removed BD Nov 2007 to make buttons fit on landscape
-// the message "Select a book:" will only show in portrait display as it is now
-// re-sited below the buttons - but it's not really that important anyway
-#define ROW0 5
-NavBooks::NavBooks(SimpleNavigator* navigator): NavPage(navigator) {
-	this->position=&(navigator->position);
-	this->command = "Select a book from the above:";
-	this->maxOTNumber=position->otBookCount();
-	this->maxNumber=position->bookCount();
-NavBooks::~NavBooks() {
-void NavBooks::paint() {
-	RECT rt;
-	memset(&rt,0,sizeof(rt));
-	//RECT_SCREEN.bottom = 320; // portrait or landscape for clearing (Big square area)
-	//RECT_SCREEN.right = 320;
-	RECT_SCREEN.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 2*MENU_HEIGHT;
-	RECT_SCREEN.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
-	rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right;
-	// to see if the whole screen gets filled
-	//rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-	//setBackground(0x00000000);
-	//drawText(&rt,UString(L"test"));
-	//setBackground();
-	// below simply padded the top of the screen downwards and displayed the string
-	// rt.bottom=ROW0;
-	// clearRect(&rt);
-	// rt.top=ROW0; rt.bottom=ROW1;
-	// drawText(&rt,command);
-	// rt.top=ROW1; rt.bottom=ROW2;
-	// clearRect(&rt);
-	// all references below changed to ROW0 :some were formerly ROW2 - amended BD Nov 07
-	setBackground(BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
-	TCHAR** bookNames=position->getBookNames();
-	int current=1;
-	int maxTNumber=maxOTNumber;
-	//padding left of books
-	rt.top=rt.bottom; rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-	rt.right=PADDING_WIDTH;
-	clearRect(&rt);
-	while (current<=maxNumber) {
-		//Paint one testament
-		while (current<=maxTNumber) {
-			int colStart=current;
-			rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=rt.left+BUTTON_WIDTH_BK; rt.bottom=ROW0;
-			while ((current<=maxTNumber)&&(current-colStart<getMaxRows())) {
-				//padding top of button
-				rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=rt.top+PADDING_HEIGHT;
-				clearRect(&rt);
-				//button
-				rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=rt.top+BUTTON_HEIGHT;
-				drawText(&rt,bookNames[current-1],3);
-				current++;
-			}
-			//	padding below buttons
-			rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-			clearRect(&rt);
-			// padding right of buttons
-			// rt.top=ROW2; rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=rt.left+PADDING_WIDTH;
-			rt.top=ROW0; rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=rt.left+PADDING_WIDTH;
-			clearRect(&rt);
-			// six lines above commented out while testing BD
-		}
-		if (current<maxNumber) {
-			//space between testaments
-			maxTNumber=maxNumber;
-			rt.right=rt.left+PADDING_WIDTH+PADDING_WIDTH;
-			// rt.right=rt.left+BUTTON_WIDTH+PADDING_WIDTH;
-			clearRect(&rt);
-		}
-	}
-	//space right of the buttons
-	rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right; rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-	clearRect(&rt);
-		// next three lines draw text which will only be seen in portrait mode	
-	setBackground(0xFFFFFFFF);  // white
-	rt.left=0;
-	rt.top = ROW0 + 20 + getMaxRows()*(BUTTON_HEIGHT+PADDING_HEIGHT);
-	drawText(&rt,command);
-	setBackground();
-	setFont();
-int NavBooks::numberAt(int x, int y) {
-	// The addition portion adds a partial column to the total 
-	int totalOTCols = maxOTNumber / getMaxRows() + (maxOTNumber % getMaxRows() ? 1 : 0);
-	if ((y>=ROW0)&&(y < ROW0 + getMaxRows()*(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT))) {
-		y=y-ROW0;
-			int horizontal=(x/(PADDING_WIDTH+BUTTON_WIDTH_BK));
-			x=x-horizontal*(PADDING_WIDTH+BUTTON_WIDTH_BK);
-			int vertical=(y/(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT));
-			if (vertical<getMaxRows()) {
-				//button is in bottom left corner
-				if ((x<BUTTON_WIDTH_BK)&&(y>=PADDING_HEIGHT)) {
-					int current=horizontal*getMaxRows()+vertical+1;
-					if (current<=maxOTNumber) return current;  // it was a valid OT book
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// it wasn't an old testament book, so try for NT book
-			int horizontal=(x/(PADDING_WIDTH+BUTTON_WIDTH_BK));
-			x=x-horizontal*(PADDING_WIDTH+BUTTON_WIDTH_BK);
-			int vertical=(y/(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT));
-			if (vertical<getMaxRows()) {
-				//button is in bottom left corner
-				if ((x<BUTTON_WIDTH_BK)&&(y>=PADDING_HEIGHT)) {
-					int current=horizontal*getMaxRows()+vertical+maxOTNumber+1;
-					if (current<=maxNumber) return current;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return -1;
-void NavBooks::userTap(int x, int y) {
-	int number=numberAt(x,y);
-	if (number>0) {
-		navigator->setBook(number);
-		navigator->setMode(MODE_CHAP);
-	}

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavBooks.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVBOOKS_H
-#define NAVBOOKS_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "WCString.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class SwordIndex;
-class NavBooks: public NavPage {
-	NavBooks(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavBooks();
-	// redraw the screen. This should use methods in ApplicationInterface.h to do the drawing
-	void paint();
-	// signals that the user has tapped somewhere. 
-	// returns: the number that the user has tapped. -1 if no number
-	void userTap(int x, int y);
-	int getMaxRows() {
-		return (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 2*MENU_HEIGHT) / (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING_HEIGHT) - 1; 
-	};
-	int numberAt(int x, int y);
-	SwordIndex* position;
-	WCString command;
-	int maxNumber, maxOTNumber;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "NavChap.h"
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavFind.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-NavChap::NavChap(SimpleNavigator* navigator):NavNumbers(navigator){
-	command=L"Select a chapter";
-void NavChap::show() {
-	maxNumber=navigator->chapCount();
-	NavNumbers::show();
-void NavChap::userTap(int x, int y) {
-	int number=numberAt(x,y);
-	if (number>0) {
-		navigator->setChap(number);
-		navigator->setMode(MODE_VERSE);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavChap.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVCHAP_H
-#define NAVCHAP_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-#include "NavNumbers.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavChap : public NavNumbers {
-	NavChap(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavChap();
-	void show();
-	void userTap(int x, int y);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavFind.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-#include <aygshell.h>
-#define check(checkButtonHWND) SendMessage(checkButtonHWND,BM_SETCHECK,BST_CHECKED,0);
-#define uncheck(checkButtonHWND) SendMessage(checkButtonHWND,BM_SETCHECK,BST_UNCHECKED,0);
-// added Nov 2007 to check mode before painting 'find' listbox - BD
-// this was written as a separate function in case we want to call it from elsewhere
-int IsPortrait() {
-	if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)) return(100);
-	return(0);
-NavFind::NavFind(SimpleNavigator* navigator) : NavPage(navigator) {
-	// register ID's so we get feedback
-	searchID=navigator->getID();
-	rangeBibleID=navigator->getID();
-	rangeTestamentID=navigator->getID();
-	rangeBookID=navigator->getID();
-	methodMultiwordID=navigator->getID();
-	methodExactphraseID=navigator->getID();
-	goID=navigator->getID();
-	resultsID=navigator->getID();
-	// create windows ce managed controls
-	queryEdit = CreateWindow(_T("edit"), NULL, 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd,	NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
-	search = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Search", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd,	registerID(searchID), g_hInst, NULL);
-	// Radio Buttons
-	rangeBible = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Whole bible", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd, registerID(rangeBibleID),g_hInst, NULL);
-	rangeTestament = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"This testament", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd, registerID(rangeTestamentID),g_hInst, NULL);
-	rangeBook = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"This book", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd, registerID(rangeBookID),g_hInst, NULL);
-	methodMultiword = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Multi-word", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd, registerID(methodMultiwordID),g_hInst, NULL);
-	methodExactphrase = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Exact phrase", 
-		0,0,0,0, 
-		g_hWnd, registerID(methodExactphraseID),g_hInst, NULL);
-	check(rangeBook);
-	rangeMode=RANGEBOOK;
-	check(methodMultiword);
-	results = CreateWindow(_T("listbox"),NULL,
-		0,0,0,0, 
-		g_hWnd, registerID(resultsID), g_hInst, NULL); //bottom row of screen
-		// the last figure in above line needs to be 100 for landscape or 173 for portrait (scrHeight)
-	progressBar = CreateWindow(PROGRESS_CLASS, L"",
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd, NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
-	go = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Go to", 
-		0,0,0,0,
-		g_hWnd,	registerID(goID), g_hInst, NULL);
-	// HTML control
-	// preview=new TextControl(80,120,160,148); // this is OK for portrait
-	// we now change the preview size for landscape.  Note, however that
-	// preview window does not have scroll bars.  Are long verses going to
-	// become a problem?  Maybe it's not that important.  If it is, then add scrollbars.
-	preview=new TextControl(0,0,0,0, true);  // the last figure is the height
-	// I haven't bothered changing the height - what is off-screen simply doesn't show.  
-	// There is no test and no error.
-	preview->clearText();
-	preview->addText(L"preview");
-	preview->endOfText();
-	placeWidgets();
-NavFind::~NavFind() {
-	delete preview;
-void NavFind::show() {
-	// set our controls to visible
-	ShowWindow(queryEdit,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(search,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(rangeBible,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(rangeTestament,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(rangeBook,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(methodMultiword,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(methodExactphrase,SW_SHOW);
-	//ShowWindow(title,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(results,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(progressBar,SW_SHOW);
-	ShowWindow(go,SW_SHOW);
-	// propagate to HTML control
-	preview->show();
-void NavFind::hide() {
-	// set our controls to visible
-	ShowWindow(queryEdit,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(search,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(rangeBible,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(rangeTestament,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(rangeBook,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(methodMultiword,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(methodExactphrase,SW_HIDE);
-	//ShowWindow(title,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(results,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(progressBar,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(go,SW_HIDE);
-	// propagate to HTML control
-	preview->hide();
-void NavFind::paint() {
-	placeWidgets();
-	// this method can be used to do custom painting, for an example, see NavBooks::paint()
-	// propagate to HTML control
-	preview->paint();
-void NavFind::placeWidgets(){
-	int width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
-	int height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
-	int searchBtnW = 60;
-	int pad = 2;
-	int btnH = 24;
-	int margin = 2;
-	int row0 = margin;
-	int row1 = row0 + pad + btnH;
-	int row2 = row1 + pad + btnH;
-	int row3 = row2 + pad + btnH;
-	int row4 = row3 + pad + btnH;
-	int row5 = row4 + pad + btnH;
-	int col0 = margin;
-	int textW = (width - (2*margin + pad))/2;
-	int col1 = margin + textW + pad;
-	int gotoBtnW = 60;
-	int queryW = width - (margin + searchBtnW + pad + margin);
-	int listH = height - (row4 + margin + 2*MENU_HEIGHT);
-	int listW = 80;
-	int prevH = height - (row5 + margin);
-	int prevW = width - (margin + listW + pad + margin);
-	int progW = width - (margin + listW + pad + pad + gotoBtnW + margin);
-	MoveWindow(queryEdit,col0, row0, queryW, btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(search,col0 + queryW + pad, row0, searchBtnW, btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(rangeBible,col0,row1,textW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(rangeTestament,col0,row2,textW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(rangeBook,col0,row3,textW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(methodMultiword,col1,row1,textW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(methodExactphrase,col1,row2,textW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(results,margin,row4,listW,listH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(progressBar,col0 + listW + pad,row4,progW,btnH,TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(go,col0 + listW + pad + progW + pad,row4, gotoBtnW,btnH,TRUE);
-	preview->moveTo(margin + listW + pad,row5,prevW,prevH);
-void NavFind::buttonClicked(int id) {
-	// is it one of our registered ID's?
-	if (id==searchID) {
-		searchFor(getText(queryEdit));
-		refreshScreen();
-	} else if (id==rangeBibleID) {
-		check(rangeBible);
-		uncheck(rangeTestament);
-		uncheck(rangeBook);
-		rangeMode=RANGEBIBLE;
-	} else if (id==rangeTestamentID) {
-		uncheck(rangeBible);
-		check(rangeTestament);
-		uncheck(rangeBook);
-	} else if (id==rangeBookID) {
-		uncheck(rangeBible);
-		uncheck(rangeTestament);
-		check(rangeBook);
-		rangeMode=RANGEBOOK;
-	} else if (id==methodMultiwordID) {
-		check(methodMultiword);
-		uncheck(methodExactphrase);
-	} else if (id==methodExactphraseID) {
-		check(methodExactphrase);
-		uncheck(methodMultiword);
-	} else if (id==resultsID) {
-		unsigned int pos= SendMessage (results, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
-		if ((pos!=LB_ERR)&&(pos<verses.size())) {
-			previewVerse(&verses[pos]);
-		}
-	} else if (id==goID) {
-		unsigned int pos= SendMessage (results, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
-		if ((pos!=LB_ERR)&&(pos<verses.size())) {
-			navigateToVerse(&verses[pos]);
-		}
-	}
-void NavFind::previewVerse(Verse* verse) {
-	preview->clearText();
-	// next line was commented out
-	//	preview->addText(SwordIndex::verseToString(verse));
-	// and the line below left in
-	preview->addText(navigator->position.verseText(verse));
-	preview->endOfText();
-void NavFind::navigateToVerse(Verse* verse) {
-	navigator->position.setVerseKey(verse);
-	navigator->chapterCache=false;
-	navigator->setMode(MODE_TEXT);
-void NavFind::clearResults() {
-	SendMessage (results, LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0);
-	preview->clearText();
-	preview->addText(L"preview");
-	preview->endOfText();
-	verses.clear();
-void NavFind::setProgress(int percent) {
-	SendMessage(progressBar,PBM_SETPOS, percent, 0);
-void NavFind::addResult(const WCString &verseStr) {
-	Verse* verse=new Verse(verseStr.c_str());
-	verses.push_back(*verse);
-	WCString verseString = SwordIndex::verseToString(verse);
-	SendMessage (results, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)verseString.w_str());
-    delete verse;
-void NavFind::searchFor(const WCString &query) {
-	clearResults();
-	setProgress(5);
-	navigator->position.search(query,rangeMode,methodMode,this);
-WCString NavFind::GetSearchText(HWND edit) {
-	chars[MAX_LOADSTRING-1]=0; // in case the buffer was exceeded
-	return WCString(chars);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavFind.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVFIND_H
-#define NAVFIND_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-#include "TextControl.h"
-#include "SwordIndex.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavFind: public NavPage, public Searcher {
-	NavFind(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavFind();
-	void show();
-	void paint();
-	void hide();
-	void buttonClicked(int id);
-	void searchFor(const WCString &query);
-	virtual void setProgress(int percent);
-	virtual void addResult(const WCString &verseStr);
-	void placeWidgets();
-    WCString GetSearchText(HWND edit);
-	//Navigator* navigator;
-	std::vector<Verse> verses;
-	HWND queryEdit,search;
-	HWND rangeBible, rangeTestament, rangeBook;
-	HWND methodMultiword, methodExactphrase;
-	HWND progressBar, results, title, go;
-	TextControl* preview;
-	int searchID;
-	int rangeBibleID, rangeTestamentID, rangeBookID;
-	int methodMultiwordID, methodExactphraseID;
-	int goID, resultsID;
-	void clearResults();
-	void previewVerse(Verse* verse);
-	void navigateToVerse(Verse* verse);
-	int rangeMode;
-	int methodMode;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavNumbers.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-//RECT RECT_SCREEN = {0,0,240,294};
-#define ROW0 5
-NavNumbers::NavNumbers(SimpleNavigator* navigator):NavPage(navigator) {
-NavNumbers::~NavNumbers() {
-void NavNumbers::show() {
-	start=1;
-void NavNumbers::paint() {
-	RECT rt;
-	memset(&rt,0,sizeof(rt));
-	RECT_SCREEN.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 2*MENU_HEIGHT;
-	RECT_SCREEN.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
-	rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right;
-	// to see if the whole screen gets filled
-	//rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-	//setBackground(0x00000000);
-	//drawText(&rt,UString(L"test"));
-	//setBackground();
-	// below simply padded the top of the screen downwards and displayed the string
-	// rt.bottom=ROW0;
-	// clearRect(&rt);
-	// rt.bottom=ROW0;
-	// clearRect(&rt);
-	// rt.top=ROW0; rt.bottom=ROW1;
-	// drawText(&rt,command);
-	// rt.top=ROW1; rt.bottom=ROW2;
-	// clearRect(&rt);
-	TCHAR buttonText[4];
-	setBackground(BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
-	int current=start;
-	// left of first buttons
-	rt.right=rt.left+PADDING_WIDTH;
-	rt.top=rt.bottom; rt.bottom=LASTROW;
-	clearRect(&rt);
-	while ((current<=maxNumber)&&(current<start+MAXNUMBERS)) {
-		int colStart=current;
-		rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=rt.left+BUTTON_WIDTH_NM; rt.bottom=ROW0;
-		while ((current<=maxNumber)&&(current-colStart<getMaxRows())) {
-			//padding above button
-			rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=rt.top+PADDING_HEIGHT;
-			clearRect(&rt);
-			//button
-			rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=rt.top+BUTTON_HEIGHT;
-			_itow(current,buttonText,10);
-			drawRText(&rt,buttonText,wcslen(buttonText));
-			current++;
-		}
-		//padding below buttons
-		rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=LASTROW;
-		clearRect(&rt);
-		//padding right of buttons
-		rt.top=ROW0; rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=rt.left+PADDING_WIDTH;
-		clearRect(&rt);
-	}
-	//area right of buttons
-	rt.left=rt.right; rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right;
-	clearRect(&rt);
-	rt.left=RECT_SCREEN.left;rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right; //rt.bottom is still LASTROW
-	//optional 'more' button
-	if ((start!=1)||(current<maxNumber)) {
-		rt.top=rt.bottom;rt.bottom=rt.top+PADDING_HEIGHT;
-		clearRect(&rt);
-		rt.top=rt.bottom; rt.bottom=rt.top+BUTTON_HEIGHT;
-		rt.right=(RECT_SCREEN.right/3);
-		clearRect(&rt);
-		rt.left=rt.right;rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right-rt.left;
-		drawText(&rt,"More...");
-		rt.left=rt.right;rt.right=RECT_SCREEN.right;
-		clearRect(&rt);
-		rt.left=RECT_SCREEN.left;
-	}
-	//space below the buttons
-	rt.top=rt.bottom; rt.bottom=RECT_SCREEN.bottom;
-	clearRect(&rt);
-	setBackground();
-	setFont();
-int NavNumbers::numberAt(int x, int y) {
-	// y=y-ROW2;
-	y=y-ROW0;
-	if (x>0) {
-		int horizontal=(x/(PADDING_WIDTH+BUTTON_WIDTH_NM));
-		if (horizontal<MAXHORIZONTAL) {
-			x=x-horizontal*(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT);
-			int vertical=(y/(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT));
-			if (vertical<getMaxRows()) {
-				//button is in bottom right corner
-				if ((x>=PADDING_WIDTH)&&(y>=PADDING_HEIGHT)) {
-					int current=horizontal*getMaxRows()+vertical+start;
-					if (current<=maxNumber) return current;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (vertical==getMaxRows()) { // The 'more' button is here
-				if (y>=PADDING_HEIGHT) {
-					x=x+horizontal*(PADDING_HEIGHT+BUTTON_HEIGHT); //undo
-					if (((2*x)>=(RECT_SCREEN.right-x))&&((2*(RECT_SCREEN.right-x))>=x)) {
-						if ((start+MAXNUMBERS)>maxNumber)
-							start=1;
-						else
-							start=start+MAXNUMBERS;
-						refreshScreen();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return -1;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavNumbers.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavNumbers: public NavPage {
-	NavNumbers(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavNumbers();
-	// initialize with this maximum number
-	void show();
-	// redraw the screen. This should use methods in ApplicationInterface.h to do the drawing
-	void paint();
-	// signals that the user has tapped somewhere. 
-	// returns: the number that the user has tapped. -1 if no number
-	int numberAt(int x, int y);
-	int getMaxRows() {
-		return (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 2*MENU_HEIGHT) / (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING_HEIGHT) - 1; 
-	};
-	int maxNumber;
-	WCString command;
-	int start;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavPage.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavPage.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavPage.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVPAGE_H
-#define NAVPAGE_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavPage  
-	//	In a derived class, use this constructor to instantiate visual
-	//	components using CreateWindow. For example:
-	//
-	//	anEdit = CreateWindow(_T("edit"), NULL, 
-	//		RECT_SCREEN.left, RECT_SCREEN.top, 30, 20, 
-	//		g_hWnd,	NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
-	//
-	//	In order to listen to button clicks, they first need to be 
-	//	registered here in the navigator like this:
-	//
-	//	aButtonID=navigator->getID();
-	//
-	//	aButton = CreateWindow(_T("button"), L"Go", 
-	//		RECT_SCREEN.right-30, RECT_SCREEN.top, 30, 20,
-	//		g_hWnd,	registerID(goButtonID), g_hInst, NULL);
-	NavPage(SimpleNavigator* navigator) {
-		portrait = inPortraitMode();
-		this->navigator=navigator;
-	};
-	//	Destructor
-	virtual ~NavPage() {};
-	//	In the derived class, show all visual components here using 
-	//	ShowWindow. For example:
-	//
-	//	ShowWindow(anEdit,SW_SHOW);
-	virtual void show() {};
-	//	In the derived class, hide all visual components here using 
-	//	ShowWindow. For example:
-	//
-	//	ShowWindow(anEdit,SW_HIDE);
-	virtual void hide() {};
-	//	In the derived class, use this method to do all custom
-	//	painting, using methods from ApplicationInterface.cpp. Example:
-	//
-	//	drawText(&RECT_SCREEN, L"Under construction");
-	virtual void paint() {};
-	//	In the derived class, use this method to listen to buttons being
-	//	clicked. See the comment in the constructor on how to obtain the id
-	virtual void buttonClicked(int id) {};
-	//	In the derived class, use this method to listen to 'mouse clicks'
-	//	that do not occur inside visual components.
-	virtual void userTap(int x, int y) {};
-	//	In the derived class, use this method to listen to keys being pressed
-	virtual void keyDown(WPARAM id, LPARAM lparam) {};
-	SimpleNavigator* navigator;
-	// Used to determine if the screen switched from portrait to landscape and visa versa.
-	bool portrait;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavRenderText.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-#include <swordce.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sipapi.h>
-#include <shlobj.h>
-#include <prsht.h>
-#include <aygshell.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-//#define getMenu(window) (HMENU)SendMessage(window, SHCMBM_GETMENU, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)
-NavRenderText::NavRenderText(SimpleNavigator* navigator):NavPage(navigator) {
-	textControl = new VerseTextControl(RECT_SCREEN.left, RECT_SCREEN.top, RECT_SCREEN.right, RECT_SCREEN.bottom);
-NavRenderText::~NavRenderText() {
-	delete textControl;
-void NavRenderText::show() {
-	textControl->show();
-	showText();
-void NavRenderText::showText() {
-	int verse=navigator->getVerse();
-	if (!(navigator->chapterCache)) {
-		textControl->clearText();
-		textControl->hide();
-		load();
-		textControl->show();
-		if (verse!=1)
-			textControl->gotoAnchor(verse);
-	}
-	else
-		textControl->gotoAnchor(verse);
-	navigator->chapterCache=true;
-void NavRenderText::load() {
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_BOOK, false);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_CHAP, false);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_VERSE, false);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_TEXT, false);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_FIND, false);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_MENU, false);
-	// Suspend user interaction until this page is fully loaded.
-	PostThreadMessage(g_tMain, WM_TXT_START, NULL, NULL);
-	navigator->position.setMark();
-	navigator->position.setVerse(1);
-	textControl->addText("<html><head><meta name=\"MobileOptimized\" content=\"240\"><title></title></head><body>"); // a <style> section presumably gets skipped
-	WCString s;
-	WCString heading;
-	char buf[10];
-	while (true) {
-		int pvHeading = 0;
-		do {
-			sprintf(buf, "%i", pvHeading++);
-			SWBuf preverseHeading = navigator->position.bible->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Preverse"][buf].c_str();
-			if (preverseHeading.length()) {
-				textControl->addText(L"<br /><br /><b>");
-				textControl->addText((WCHAR *)navigator->position.bible->RenderText(preverseHeading)); // do any tag conversions for our requested markup
-				textControl->addText(L"</b><br /><br />");
-			}
-			else break;
-		} while (true);
-		s = navigator->position.verseText();
-		if (s.length() > 0) {
-			textControl->addAnchoredText(getVerseHeader(),navigator->position.getVerse());
-			textControl->addText(s);
-		}
-		if (navigator->position.getVerse()==navigator->position.verseCount())
-			break;
-		else
-			navigator->position.next();
-	}
-	textControl->addText("</body></html>");
-	navigator->position.jumpBack();
-	textControl->endOfText();
-	// Allow user interaction since this page is now fully loaded.
-	PostThreadMessage(g_tMain, WM_TXT_END, NULL, NULL);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_BOOK, true);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_CHAP, true);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_VERSE, true);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_TEXT, true);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_FIND, true);
-	SendMessage(g_hwndCB, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, MENU_MENU, true);
-	textControl->focus();
-	refreshScreen();
-	textControl->paint();
-void NavRenderText::hide() {
-	textControl->hide();
-void NavRenderText::paint() {
-	textControl->paint();
-WCString NavRenderText::getVerseHeader() {
-    wchar_t wverse[16] = {0};
-    wchar_t wchap[16] = {0};
-    _itow(navigator->position.getVerse(), wverse, 10);
-    _itow(navigator->position.getChap(), wchap, 10);
-	WCString result = "\n<b><a name=\"";
-	result += wverse;
-	result += "\">";
-	if (navigator->position.getVerse() == 1) {
-		result += wchap;
-		result += ":";
-	}
-	result += wverse;
-	result += "</a></b>&nbsp;";
-	return result;
-void NavRenderText::keyDown(WPARAM id, LPARAM lparam) {
-	switch (id) {
-		case VK_UP:
-			navigator->position--;
-			if (navigator->position.getVerse()==navigator->position.verseCount()) 
-				navigator->chapterCache=false;
-			break;
-		case VK_DOWN:
-			navigator->position++;
-			if (navigator->position.getVerse()==1) navigator->chapterCache=false;
-			break;
-		case VK_LEFT:
-			navigator->position.setVerse(1);
-			navigator->position--;
-			navigator->chapterCache=false;
-			break;
-		case VK_RIGHT:
-			navigator->position.setVerse(navigator->position.verseCount());
-			navigator->position++;
-			navigator->chapterCache=false;
-			break;
-		}
-	showText();
-	navigator->updateTitle();

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavRenderText.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-#include "VerseTextControl.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavRenderText: public NavPage {
-	int verseCount; //number of verses on screen
-	NavRenderText(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavRenderText();
-	void show();
-	void paint();
-	void hide();
-	void keyDown(WPARAM id, LPARAM lparam);
-//	HWND htmlControl;
-	VerseTextControl* textControl;
-	void load();
-	void showText();
-	WCString getVerseHeader();
-#endif // !defined(NAVRENDERTEXT_H)

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "NavVerse.h"
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "NavFind.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-NavVerse::NavVerse(SimpleNavigator* navigator):NavNumbers(navigator){
-	command=L"Select a verse";
-void NavVerse::show() {
-	NavNumbers::show();
-	maxNumber=navigator->verseCount();	
-void NavVerse::userTap(int x, int y) {
-	int number=numberAt(x,y);
-	if (number>0) {
-		navigator->setVerse(number);
-		navigator->setMode(MODE_TEXT);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/NavVerse.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVVERSE_H
-#define NAVVERSE_H
-class Navigator;
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-#include "NavNumbers.h"
-class SimpleNavigator;
-class NavVerse : public NavNumbers  
-	NavVerse(SimpleNavigator* navigator);
-	virtual ~NavVerse();
-	void show();
-	void userTap(int x, int y);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "Navigator.h"
-Navigator::Navigator(RECT* screen):SimpleNavigator(screen) {
-	text2=pages[MODE_TEXT2]=new ConstructionPage(this);
-Navigator::~Navigator() {
-	delete text2;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Navigator.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NAVIGATOR_H
-#define NAVIGATOR_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#define MODE_TEXT2	5
-class NavPage;
-class ConstructionPage: public NavPage {
-	public:
-		ConstructionPage(SimpleNavigator* navigator):NavPage(navigator) {};
-		void paint() {
-			drawText(&RECT_SCREEN, L"Under construction");
-		};
-class Navigator : public SimpleNavigator {
-	private:
-		NavPage* text2;
-	public:
-		Navigator(RECT* screen);
-		virtual ~Navigator();
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "SimpleNavigator.h"
-#include "NavChap.h"
-#include "NavVerse.h"
-#include "NavBooks.h"
-#include "NavRenderText.h"
-#include "NavFind.h"
-#include <swordce.h>
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include <url.h>
-using namespace sword;
-extern SWConfig *g_swordConf;
-#define WIDTH 240
-#define HEIGHT 294
-RECT RECT_SCREEN;// = {0,0,240,294};
-RECT RECT_SELECTLABEL = {4,4,120,20};
-RECT RECT_POSITION = {164,4,236,20};
-RECT RECT_FIELD = {6,24,240,250};
-SimpleNavigator::SimpleNavigator(RECT* screen) {
-	RECT_SCREEN=*screen;
-	mode=-1;
-	nextID = 1;
-	chapterCache=false;
-	books=pages[MODE_BOOK]=new NavBooks(this);
-	chapters=pages[MODE_CHAP]=new NavChap(this);
-	verses=pages[MODE_VERSE]=new NavVerse(this);
-	text=pages[MODE_TEXT]=new NavRenderText(this);
-	find=pages[MODE_FIND]=new NavFind(this);
-	optStartID = 0;
-	optEndID = 0;
-	transStartID = 0;
-	transEndID = 0;
-	options = 0;
-	opCount = 0;
-	SWModule *mod = SwordIndex::manager->getModule((*g_swordConf)["History"].getWithDefault("LastVersion", "KJV"));
-	if (mod) {	
-		position.setModule(SwordIndex::manager->getModule((*g_swordConf)["History"].getWithDefault("LastVersion", "KJV")));
-		}
-	else setModule(transStartID); // if defaults not present, start with first module found
-	sword::VerseKey key = sword::VerseKey((*g_swordConf)["History"].getWithDefault("LastPassage", "Gen 1:1"));
-	position.setVerseKey(&key);
-SimpleNavigator::~SimpleNavigator() {
-	delete books;
-	delete chapters;
-	delete verses;
-	delete text;
-	delete find;
-	if (options){
-		delete [] options;
-	}
-	saveState();
-void SimpleNavigator::saveState(){
-	(*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastPassage"] = position.verseToString().c_str();
-	(*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastVersion"] = position.getModName();
-void SimpleNavigator::refresh() {
-	refreshScreen();
-void SimpleNavigator::setModule(const char *module){
-	position.setModule(SwordIndex::manager->getModule(module));
-void SimpleNavigator::setMode(int mode) {
-	if (this->mode>=0) pages[this->mode]->hide();
-	this->mode=mode;
-	selectMenu(menus, mode);
-	pages[this->mode]->show();
-	updateTitle();
-	refresh();
-void SimpleNavigator::paint() {
-	pages[mode]->paint();
-void SimpleNavigator::updateTitle() {
-	WCString title = position.toString() + " - SwRd";
-	setTitle(title);
-/* a menu-item is selected (maybe one of the translations) */
-void SimpleNavigator::buttonClicked(int id) {
-	if ((id >= transStartID) && (id <= transEndID)) {
-		setModule(id);
-		checkModuleMenu(id);
-		chapterCache=false;
-		setMode(mode);
-	}
-	else if ((id >= optStartID) && (id <= optEndID)) {
-		toggleOptionMenu(id);
-		chapterCache=false;
-		setMode(mode);
-	}
-	else
-		pages[mode]->buttonClicked(id);
-bool SimpleNavigator::menuClicked(int id) {
-	for (std::map<int,int>::iterator i=menus.begin();i!=menus.end();i++) {
-		if (i->second==id) {
-			setMode(i->first);
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-void SimpleNavigator::keyDown(WPARAM id, LPARAM lparam) {
-	pages[mode]->keyDown(id,lparam);
-void SimpleNavigator::mouseDown(int x, int y) {
-	pages[mode]->userTap(x,y);
-void SimpleNavigator::setBook(int number) {
-	position.setBook(number);
-	chapterCache=false;
-void SimpleNavigator::setChap(int number) {
-	position.setChap(number);
-	chapterCache=false;
-void SimpleNavigator::setVerse(int number) {
-	position.setVerse(number);
-void SimpleNavigator::fillTranslationsMenu(HMENU menuTranslations) {
-	transStartID = nextID;
-	this->menuTranslations=menuTranslations;
-	if (menuTranslations) {
-		for (ModuleMap::iterator i=position.firstModule();i!=position.lastModule();i++) {
-			if(strcmp(i->first, position.getModName()) == 0)
-				addMenu(menuTranslations, MF_CHECKED, nextID++, i->first);
-			else
-				addMenu(menuTranslations, 0, nextID++, i->first);
-		}
-	}
-	// The following line is now handled above. -- dctrotz 
-	//checkModuleMenu(transStartID);
-	transEndID = nextID - 1;
-void SimpleNavigator::fillGlobalOptionsMenu(HMENU menuOptions) {
-	StringList::iterator i;
-	if (menuOptions) {
-		if (options)
-			delete [] options;
-		optStartID = nextID;
-		this->menuOptions=menuOptions;
-		StringList optionNames = position.manager->getGlobalOptions();
-		// count options
-		opCount = 0;
-		for (i = optionNames.begin(); i != optionNames.end(); i++) {
-			StringList values = position.manager->getGlobalOptionValues(*i);
-			bool supported = true;
-			for (StringList::iterator j = values.begin(); j != values.end(); j++) {
-				if ((*j != "On") && (*j != "Off"))
-					supported = false;
-			}
-			if (supported)
-				opCount++;
-		}
-		options = new SWBuf[opCount];
-		// add options;
-		for (i = optionNames.begin(); i != optionNames.end(); i++) {
-//			HMENU menuOption = CreatePopupMenu();
-//			InsertMenu(menuOptions,0,MF_POPUP,(UINT)menuOption, toUString(i->c_str()).c_str());
-			StringList values = position.manager->getGlobalOptionValues(*i);
-			bool supported = true;
-			for (StringList::iterator j = values.begin(); j != values.end(); j++) {
-//				addMenu(menuOption, nextID++, toUString(j->c_str()));
-				if ((*j != "On") && (*j != "Off"))
-					supported = false;
-			}
-			if (supported) {
-				options[nextID - optStartID] = *i;
-				addMenu(menuOptions, 0, nextID++, i->c_str());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	optEndID = nextID - 1;
-	// TODO: if no options, disable options menu
-void SimpleNavigator::setModule(int id) {
-	int modulenr = transStartID;
-	ModuleMap::iterator i;
-	for (i=position.firstModule();
-			(i!=position.lastModule())&&(id!=modulenr);
-			i++) { 
-		modulenr++; 
-	};
-	if (i!=position.lastModule()) {
-		position.setModule(i->second);
-		// added - bd 06/01/08
-		(*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastModule"] = position.getModName();
-		SWModule *mod = SwordIndex::manager->getModule((*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastModule"]);
-		if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) {
-			(*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastBible"] = position.getModName();	
-		}
-		else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) {
-			(*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastComment"] = position.getModName();
-		}
-					// end added code - bd 06/01/08
-	}
-void SimpleNavigator::checkModuleMenu(int id) {
-	int current=transStartID;
-	for (ModuleMap::iterator i=position.firstModule();i!=position.lastModule();i++) {
-		checkMenu(menuTranslations,current,(current==id));
-		current++;
-	}
-void SimpleNavigator::toggleOptionMenu(int id) {
-	if (options) {
-		for (int i = optStartID; i <= optEndID; i++) {
-			SWBuf val = position.manager->getGlobalOption(options[i-optStartID]);
-			if (i == id) {
-				val = (val=="On")?"Off":"On";
-				position.manager->setGlobalOption(options[i-optStartID], val);
-			}
-			checkMenu(menuOptions, i, (val == "On"));
-		}
-	}
-void SimpleNavigator::urlClicked(const WCHAR *target) {   
-    const int BUF_SIZE = 2048;
-    char target_cstr[BUF_SIZE];
-    const char * t = wstrtostr(target_cstr, target, BUF_SIZE);
-    wchar_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
-	SWKey *modKey = 0;
-	// MessageBox(0, strtowstr(t), L"This is 't'", MB_OK);
-	// SWMgr swmanager; // don't create new manager - use SwordIndex::manager
-	// Footnote MessageBox
-	WCString oldPos = position.verseToString(); // information to restore the persistent key
-	if (strstr(t, "showNote")) {
-		URL footnote(t);  // t is char* to URL string
-		SWBuf module = footnote.getParameterValue("module");
-		SWBuf key = footnote.getParameterValue("passage");
-		SWBuf footnoteNumber = footnote.getParameterValue("value");
-		// Now that you have extracted all the info you need from the URL,
-		// you can lookup the footnote...
-		// get the module it's in
-		SWModule *mod = SwordIndex::manager->getModule(module); // Thanks Troy for above ...  Nov 2007
-		// set that module to the correct entry
-		// TODO - may need to re-set this afterwards - could save int SimpleNavigator::getID();
-		modKey = mod->getKey(); // get the persistent key
-		modKey->setText(key.c_str()); // set the key itself 
-		// force a parse of the entry
-		mod->RenderText(); 
-		SWBuf body = mod->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][footnoteNumber]["body"];
-		const char *Body = mod->RenderText(body.c_str()); // RenderText not StripText used
-		// MessageBox can't display html - need to strip out tagged stuff; but Greek works OK
-		// FIX ME
-        MessageBox(0, (LPCWSTR)Body, L"Footnote", MB_OK); //
-		}
-	// Strongs number MessageBox
-	else if (strstr(t, "showStrongs")) {
-		URL footnote(t);  // t is char* to URL string
-		SWBuf type = footnote.getParameterValue("type");
-		SWBuf number = footnote.getParameterValue("value");
-		SWModule *mod = 0;
-		if(strstr(type.c_str(), "Greek")) 
-			mod = SwordIndex::greekLex;
-		if(strstr(type.c_str(), "Hebrew")) 
-			mod = SwordIndex::hebrewLex;
-		if (! mod) {
-			MessageBox(0, L"No Dictionary found - install Strong's modules", 
-				L"Strong's", MB_OK);
-			return;
-		}
-		modKey = mod->getKey(); 
-		modKey->setText(number.c_str()); 
-		mod->RenderText(); 
-		MessageBox(0, strtowstr(buf, mod->StripText(), BUF_SIZE), L"Strong's", MB_OK);
-		}
-	// Morph MessageBox
-	else if (strstr(t, "showMorph")) {
-		URL footnote(t);  // t is char* to URL string
-		SWBuf type = footnote.getParameterValue("type");
-		SWBuf number = footnote.getParameterValue("value");
-		SWModule *mod = 0;
-		if(strstr(type.c_str(), "robinson")) {
-			mod = SwordIndex::greekMorph;
-			if (! mod) {
-			MessageBox(0, L"No Greek parsing Dictionary found - install Morphological modules", 
-				L"Greek Morphological tags", MB_ICONWARNING);
-			return;
-			}
-		}
-		if(strstr(type.c_str(), "strongMorph")) {
-			mod = SwordIndex::hebrewMorph;
-			if (! mod) {
-			MessageBox(0, L"No Hebrew parsing Dictionary found - install Morphological modules", 
-				L"Hebrew Morphological tags", MB_ICONWARNING);
-			return;
-			}
-		}
-		modKey = mod->getKey(); 
-		modKey->setText(number.c_str()); 
-		mod->RenderText(); 
-		MessageBox(0, strtowstr(buf, mod->StripText(), BUF_SIZE), L"Morph tags", MB_OK);
-	}
-	// X-Ref MessageBox
-	else if (strstr(t, "scripRef")) {
-		URL footnote(t);  // t is char* to URL string
-		SWBuf module = footnote.getParameterValue("module"); // very unlikely to have this
-		SWBuf key = footnote.getParameterValue("value");
-		// get the last bible module used and get xRefs from this version
-		SWModule *mod = SwordIndex::manager->getModule((*g_swordConf)["History"]["LastBible"]);
-		// will fail if user has never looked at a bible - possible??? so check ....
-		if (!mod) {
-			MessageBox(0, L"xRef bible not found", 
-				L"Cross referencing", MB_ICONWARNING);
-			return;
-			}
-		modKey = mod->getKey(); // get the persistent key
-		modKey->setText(key.c_str()); // set the key itself 
-		mod->RenderText(); 
-		// strip out html if present
-		SWBuf body = mod->StripText();
-		// not sure if MessageBox can display html - if it can, re-think this some day
-		MessageBox(0, strtowstr(buf, body, BUF_SIZE), L"Scripture reference", MB_OK);
-		}
-        else //comment next line out in release version
-            MessageBox(0, strtowstr(buf, t, BUF_SIZE), L"Raw entry unresolved", MB_OK); // catch all 
-        modKey->setText((const char *)oldPos.c_str()); // restore the key before leaving
-int SimpleNavigator::getID() {
-	return nextID++;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SimpleNavigator.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "SwordIndex.h"
-#include "NavPage.h"
-//using namespace sword;
-#define NUM_MENUS	5
-#define MODE_BOOK	0
-#define MODE_CHAP	1
-#define MODE_VERSE	2
-#define MODE_TEXT	3
-#define MODE_FIND	4
-class NavNumbers;
-class NavBooks;
-class NavRenderText;
-class NavFind;
-class SimpleNavigator
-	std::map<int,NavPage*> pages;
-	std::map<int,int> menus;
-	int mode;
-	HMENU menuTranslations;
-	HMENU menuOptions;
-	int nextID;
-	int transStartID;
-	int transEndID;
-	int optStartID;
-	int optEndID;
-	SWBuf *options;
-	int opCount;
-	WCString getVerseHeader();
-	void setModule(int id);
-	void checkModuleMenu(int id);
-	SwordIndex position;
-	NavPage* chapters;
-	NavPage* verses;
-	NavPage* books;
-	NavPage* text;
-	NavPage* find;
-	SimpleNavigator(RECT* screen);
-	virtual ~SimpleNavigator();
-	void saveState();
-	//	Navigation
-	void setBook(int number);
-	void setChap(int number);
-	void setVerse(int number);
-	void setModule(const char *module);
-	int getBook() {return position.getBook();};
-	int getChap() {return position.verse->Chapter();};
-	int getVerse() {return position.verse->Verse();};
-	int chapCount() {return position.chapCount();}
-	int verseCount() {return position.verseCount();}
-	//	Change user interface
-	void updateTitle();
-	void fillTranslationsMenu(HMENU menuTranslations);
-	void fillGlobalOptionsMenu(HMENU menuTranslations);
-	void toggleOptionMenu(int id);
-	//	Interface with pages
-	int getID();
-	void setMode(int mode);
-	bool chapterCache;	// to be set to false if 'text' should reload 
-						// its chapter
-	void refresh();
-	//	Interface with system
-	bool initialized() {return position.initialized();}
-	void buttonClicked(int id);
-	void keyDown(WPARAM id, LPARAM lparam);
-	void urlClicked(const WCHAR *target);
-	bool menuClicked(int id);
-	void mouseDown(int x, int y);
-	void paint();

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "TextControl.h"
-#include <swordce.h>
-//#define NOHTML
-#ifndef NOHTML
-// The sophisticated graphical representation, using an HTML component
-#include <htmlctrl.h>
-//#define debugfile
-#ifdef debugfile
-	#include <stdio.h>
-	FILE* file;
-	#define addHtml(window,text) SendMessage(window, DTM_ADDTEXTW, FALSE, (LPARAM)text);fwprintf(file,text);
-	#define addHtml(window,text) SendMessage(window, DTM_ADDTEXTW, FALSE, (LPARAM)text)
-#define setZoom(window,zoom) SendMessage(window, DTM_ZOOMLEVEL, 0, zoom);
-#define clearHtml(window) SendMessage(window, DTM_CLEAR, 0, 0);
-#define endHtml(window) SendMessage(window, DTM_ENDOFSOURCE, 0, 0);
-#define controlToVerse(window,versenr) SendMessage(window, DTM_ANCHORW, FALSE, (LPARAM)(toUString(versenr).c_str()))
-TextControl::TextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool preview){
-	this->preview = preview;
-	primed = false;
-	if(width < height) 
-		portrait = true;
-	VERIFY(InitHTMLControl(g_hInst));
-	htmlPrimed = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, WC_HTML, NULL, 
-		x, y, width, height, 
-		g_hWnd,	NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
-	htmlFull = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, WC_HTML, NULL, 
-		x, y, width, height, 
-		g_hWnd,	NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
-	setZoom(htmlPrimed, 1);
-	setZoom(htmlFull, 1);
-	i = 0;
-	ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_HIDE);
-void TextControl::show() {
-	if(preview)
-		ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_SHOW);
-	else if(primed){
-		ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_SHOW);
-		ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_HIDE);
-	}else{
-		ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_SHOW);
-		ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_HIDE);
-	}
-void TextControl::focus() {
-	if(primed)
-		SetFocus(htmlFull);
-	else
-		SetFocus(htmlPrimed);
-void TextControl::hide() {
-	ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_HIDE);
-	ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_HIDE);
-void TextControl::paint() {
-	if(preview)
-		return;
-	// Detect if we switched from portrait to landscape. If so lets resize the window appropiately.
-	int width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
-	int height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
-	if(width < height && !portrait){
-		portrait = true;
-		MoveWindow(htmlPrimed,0,0,width,height - 2*MENU_HEIGHT, TRUE);
-		MoveWindow(htmlFull,0,0,width,height - 2*MENU_HEIGHT, TRUE);
-	}else if(width > height && portrait){
-		portrait = false;
-		MoveWindow(htmlPrimed,0,0,width,height - 2*MENU_HEIGHT, TRUE);
-		MoveWindow(htmlFull,0,0,width,height - 2*MENU_HEIGHT, TRUE);
-	}
-void TextControl::moveTo(int x, int y, int width, int height){
-	MoveWindow(htmlPrimed, x, y, width, height, TRUE);
-	MoveWindow(htmlFull, x, y, width, height, TRUE);
-void TextControl::clearText() {
-	clearHtml(htmlPrimed);
-	clearHtml(htmlFull);
-	primed = false;
-	i = 0;
-	buffer.clear();
-void TextControl::addText(const WCString &text) {
-	buffer+=text;
-	if(!preview && !primed && buffer.length() > 1500){
-		clearHtml(htmlPrimed);
-		addHtml(htmlPrimed,buffer.w_str());
-		addHtml(htmlPrimed, L"</body></html>");
-		endHtml(htmlPrimed);
-		ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_SHOW);
-		ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_HIDE);
-		UpdateWindow(g_hWnd);
-		primed = true;
-	}
-void TextControl::endOfText() {
-	if(preview){
-		addHtml(htmlPrimed,buffer.w_str());
-		endHtml(htmlPrimed);
-	}else{
-		addHtml(htmlFull,buffer.w_str());
-		endHtml(htmlFull);
-		ShowWindow(htmlPrimed,SW_HIDE);
-		ShowWindow(htmlFull,SW_SHOW);
-		// In some cases this is still false due to very short chapters
-		primed = true; 
-	}
-	FILE *fp = fopen("\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\sword\\text.txt", "w");
-	fwrite(buffer.c_str(), buffer.length(), 2, fp);
-	fclose(fp);
-#else //ifndef NOHTML
-// A simpeler graphical representation not using the HTML component
-TextControl::TextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height){
-	area.left=x; area.top=y; area.right=x+width; area.bottom=y+height;
-void TextControl::show() {
-void TextControl::hide() {
-void TextControl::paint() {
-	RECT textArea=area;
-	textArea.top+=drawVerseText(&textArea,buffer);
-	clearRect(&textArea);
-void TextControl::clearText() {
-	buffer=L"";
-void TextControl::addText(UString text) {
-	buffer+=noMarkup(text);
-void TextControl::endOfText() {
-	refreshScreen();
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/TextControl.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include <map>
-class TextControl {
-	TextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool preview = false);
-	void moveTo(int x, int y, int width, int height);
-	virtual ~TextControl();
-	void show();
-	void hide();
-	void focus();
-	virtual void paint();
-	virtual void clearText();
-	void addText(const WCString &text);
-	void endOfText();
-	HWND htmlPrimed;
-	HWND htmlFull;
-	WCString buffer;
-	RECT area;
-	bool portrait;
-	bool preview;
-	bool primed;
-	int i;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include "Utils.h"
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-WCHAR CharToUchar(const char in){
-	WCHAR result;
-	mbstowcs(&result,&in,1);
-	return result;
-char UcharToChar(const WCHAR in){
-    char result;
-	wcstombs(&result,&in,1);
-	return result;
-UString toUString(int i) {
-	TCHAR buffer[12];
-	return UString(_itow(i, buffer, 10));
-String toCString(int i) {
-	char buffer[12];
-	return String(_itoa(i, buffer, 10));
-UString *toUString(UString& dst,const std::string src) {
-    dst.resize(src.length());
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dst.length(); i++){
-        dst[i] = CharToUchar(src[i]);
-    }
-	return &dst;
-std::string toCString(UString s) {
-	std::string result(s.length(),' ');
-    for(int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++){
-        result[i] = UcharToChar(s[i]);
-    }
-	return result;
-UString noMarkup(UString in) {
-	bool inTag=false;
-	bool inEntity=false;
-	UString::iterator pos;
-	UString result;
-	for(pos=in.begin();pos!=in.end();pos++) {
-		if ((inTag)&&(*pos==L'>')) inTag=false;
-		else if ((!inTag)&&(*pos==L'<')) inTag=true;
-		else if ((!inEntity)&&(*pos==L'&')) inEntity=true;
-		else if ((inEntity)&&(*pos==L';')) { inEntity=false; result+=L' '; } //probably &nbsp;
-		else if ((!inTag)&&(!inEntity)&&(*pos!=L'\n')) result+=*pos;
-	}
-	return result;
-bool inPortraitMode(){
-	return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) <= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
-void LOGIT(const char *msg)
-#ifdef __DEBUG__
-  FILE *fp2 = fopen("\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\sword\\init_log.txt", "a");
-  fprintf(fp2, msg);
-  fclose(fp2);
-#endif // __DEBUG__
-void LOGIT(const char *msg, int i)
-#ifdef __DEBUG__
-  FILE *fp2 = fopen("\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\sword\\init_log.txt", "a");
-  fprintf(fp2, msg, i);
-  fclose(fp2);
-#endif // __DEBUG__

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/Utils.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef UTILS_H
-#define UTILS_H
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include <swbuf.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-// This file is a library containing several utilities that can be used throughout the program
-typedef std::basic_string<WCHAR> UString;
-typedef std::string String;
-UString toUString(int i);
-String toCString(int i);
-UString *toUString(UString& dst,const std::string src);
-String toCString(UString s);
-UString noMarkup(UString in);
-bool inPortraitMode();
-void LOGIT(const char *msg, int i);
-void LOGIT(const char *msg);

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.cpp	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.cpp	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include "ApplicationInterface.h"
-#include "VerseTextControl.h"
-#include <swordce.h>
-//#define NOHTML
-#ifndef NOHTML
-#include <htmlctrl.h>
-#define controlToVerse(window,versenr) SendMessage(window, DTM_ANCHORW, FALSE, (LPARAM)(versenr))
-VerseTextControl::VerseTextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height) 
-		: TextControl(x,y,width,height) {}
-void VerseTextControl::addAnchoredText(const WCString &text, int anchor) {
-	// anchor is assumed to be embedded in the text
-	addText(text);
-void VerseTextControl::gotoAnchor(int anchor) {
-    wchar_t wanchor[16];
-    _itow(anchor, wanchor, 10);
-	if(!primed || preview)
-		controlToVerse(htmlPrimed,wanchor);
-	else
-		controlToVerse(htmlFull,wanchor);
-void VerseTextControl::paint() {
-	TextControl::paint();
-void VerseTextControl::clearText() {
-	TextControl::clearText();
-#else //ifndef NOHTML
-VerseTextControl::VerseTextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height) 
-		: TextControl(x,y,width,height) {
-	currentAnchor=-1;
-void VerseTextControl::paint() {
-	AnchorIterator current=anchorPositions.find(currentAnchor);
-	if (current==(AnchorIterator)anchorPositions.end()) {
-		current=anchorPositions.begin();
-		// no or invalid anchor, start at the first anchor
-	}
-	RECT textArea=area;
-	int start, end;
-	if (current==(AnchorIterator)anchorPositions.end()) start=0; 
-	else start=current->second;
-	while (textArea.top<textArea.bottom) {
-		if (current==(AnchorIterator)anchorPositions.end()) 
-			end=buffer.length(); 
-		else {
-			current++;
-			end=(current==(AnchorIterator)anchorPositions.end())?buffer.length():current->second;
-		}
-		if (end<=start) {
-			clearRect(&textArea);
-			break; // no more text left
-		}
-		textArea.top+=drawVerseText(&textArea,buffer.substr(start, end-start));
-		start=end;
-	}
-void VerseTextControl::clearText() {
-	TextControl::clearText();
-	currentAnchor=-1;
-	anchorPositions.clear();
-void VerseTextControl::addAnchoredText(UString text, int anchor) {
-	anchorPositions[anchor]=buffer.length();
-	addText(text);
-void VerseTextControl::gotoAnchor(int anchor) {
-	currentAnchor=anchor;
-	refreshScreen();
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/VerseTextControl.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "TextControl.h"
-class VerseTextControl: public TextControl {
-	VerseTextControl(int x, int y, int width, int height);
-    ~VerseTextControl() {}
-	void addAnchoredText(const WCString &text, int anchor); 
-	// we are able to scroll back to this point using the anchor
-	void gotoAnchor(int anchor);
-	virtual void paint();
-	virtual void clearText();
-	std::map<int,int> anchorPositions;	// in case of plain text
-	typedef std::map<int,int>::const_iterator AnchorIterator;
-	int currentAnchor;

Deleted: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/newres.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/newres.h	2008-05-23 03:40:02 UTC (rev 136)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/newres.h	2008-05-23 03:56:22 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __NEWRES_H__
-#define __NEWRES_H__
-#if !defined(UNDER_CE)
-#define UNDER_CE _WIN32_WCE
-#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
-	#endif
-	#include <commctrl.h>
-	#if defined(WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC) && (_WIN32_WCE >= 300)
-		#include <aygshell.h>
-		#define AFXCE_IDR_SCRATCH_SHMENU  28700
-	#else
-		#define I_IMAGENONE		(-2)
-		#define NOMENU			0xFFFF
-		#define IDS_SHNEW		1
-		#define IDM_SHAREDNEW        10
-	#endif // _WIN32_WCE_PSPC
-#endif // _WIN32_WCE
-#ifdef RC_INVOKED
-#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
-#define _INC_WINDOWS
-	#include "winuser.h"           // extract from windows header
-	#include "winver.h"   
-#ifdef IDC_STATIC
-#undef IDC_STATIC
-#define IDC_STATIC      (-1)
-#endif //__NEWRES_H__

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