[sword-svn] r148 - trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI

alsites at www.crosswire.org alsites at www.crosswire.org
Sat Jul 12 08:19:33 MST 2008

Author: alsites
Date: 2008-07-12 08:19:33 -0700 (Sat, 12 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 148

This change adds the paging ability when using the navigation buttons.

Modified: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.cpp
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.cpp	2008-07-11 05:08:23 UTC (rev 147)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.cpp	2008-07-12 15:19:33 UTC (rev 148)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include "SRBookChooser.h"
 #include "SwordReaderResource.h"
+#include <winuserm.h>
 BOOL SRBookChooser::s_fRegistered = false;
@@ -105,13 +106,9 @@
     HDC hdc = BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
-	if (selCol < 0 || selCol >= MaxCols())
-		selCol = 0;
+	if (m_nSelectedBook < 1 || m_nSelectedBook > 66)
+		m_nSelectedBook = 1;
-	if (selRow < 0 || selRow >= MaxRows())
-		selRow = 0;
     GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &clientRect);
     FillRect(hdc, &clientRect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
@@ -132,22 +129,17 @@
         for(nCol = 0; nCol < nMaxCols; nCol++){
             nCurrent = m_nStartAt + (nRow * nMaxCols) + nCol;
-		    SetTextColor(hdc, BUTTON_FOREGROUND);
-			if(nCol == selCol && nRow == selRow) {
-			//if(nCurrent == nSelectedBook) {
-				SetBkColor(hdc, BUTTON_SEL_BACKGROUND);
-			    FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG);
-				Rectangle(hdc, buttonRect.left, buttonRect.top, buttonRect.right, buttonRect.bottom);
+			if(m_nSelectedBook == nCurrent) {
+				DrawButton(hdc, buttonRect, m_wcsBookNames[nCurrent - 1].w_str(), TRUE);
 			} else {
-			    SetBkColor(hdc, BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
-			    FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG);
+				DrawButton(hdc, buttonRect, m_wcsBookNames[nCurrent - 1].w_str(), FALSE);
-            DrawText(hdc, m_wcsBookNames[nCurrent - 1].w_str(), -1, &buttonRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);
             if(nCurrent == m_nEndBook)
-            // Move the bounds right.
+			// Move the bounds right.
             buttonRect.left += BUTTON_WIDTH_BOOK + BUTTON_PADDING_WIDTH;
             buttonRect.right = buttonRect.left + BUTTON_WIDTH_BOOK;
@@ -168,25 +160,42 @@
         buttonRect.top = clientRect.bottom - (BUTTON_HEIGHT + BUTTON_PADDING_HEIGHT);
         buttonRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom - BUTTON_PADDING_HEIGHT;
-        FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG); 
-        DrawText(hdc, L"More >>", -1, &buttonRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);  
+		DrawButton(hdc, buttonRect, L"More >>", FALSE);
-    // We are not on the first page of Books we need to draw a Prev button...
+	// We are not on the first page of Books we need to draw a Prev button...
     if(m_nStartAt != 1){
         buttonRect.left = LeftEdge();
         buttonRect.right = buttonRect.left + BUTTON_WIDTH_MORE;
         buttonRect.top = clientRect.bottom - (BUTTON_HEIGHT + BUTTON_PADDING_HEIGHT);
         buttonRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom - BUTTON_PADDING_HEIGHT;
-        FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG); 
-        DrawText(hdc, L"<< Prev", -1, &buttonRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);  
+		DrawButton(hdc, buttonRect, L"<< Prev", FALSE);
-    //Clean up.
-    DeleteObject(brushBG);
+	//Clean up.
     return TRUE;
+void SRBookChooser::DrawButton(HDC hdc, RECT buttonRect, LPCWSTR caption, bool selected)
+    SetTextColor(hdc, BUTTON_FOREGROUND);
+	if (selected) {
+	    FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG);
+		Rectangle(hdc, buttonRect.left, buttonRect.top, buttonRect.right, buttonRect.bottom);
+	} else {
+	    SetBkColor(hdc, BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
+	    FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brushBG);
+	}
+	DrawText(hdc, caption, -1, &buttonRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);
+    DeleteObject(brushBG);
 /* Return:
  * > 0  - the Book found.
  *   0  - More button pressed.
@@ -223,42 +232,102 @@
 BOOL SRBookChooser::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags){
 	if(nChar == VK_RIGHT){
-		INT tempBook = (MaxCols() * selRow) + selCol + 1;
-		if (tempBook == m_nEndBook) {
-			selCol = 0;
-			selRow = 0;
-		} else if (selCol == (MaxCols() - 1)) {
-			selCol = 0;
-			selRow++;
-		} else {
-			selCol++;
-		}
+		lastChar = VK_RIGHT;
+		MoveRight();
 	} else if(nChar == VK_DOWN){
-		selRow++;
-		if(selRow >= MaxRows())
-			selRow = 0;
+		lastChar = VK_DOWN;
+		MoveDown();
 	} else if(nChar == VK_LEFT){
-		if(selCol <= 0)
-			selCol = MaxCols() - 1;
-		else
-			selCol--;
+		lastChar = VK_LEFT;
+		MoveLeft();
 	} else if(nChar == VK_UP){
-		if(selRow <= 0)
-			selRow = MaxRows() - 1;
-		else
-			selRow--;
+		lastChar = VK_UP;
+		MoveUp();
+	} else if (nChar == VK_ROCKER) {
+		if (lastChar == VK_UP) {
+			MoveDown();
+			MoveLeft();
+			RefreshWindow();
+		} else if (lastChar == VK_DOWN) {
+			MoveUp();
+			MoveRight();
+			RefreshWindow();
+		}
 	} else if(nChar == VK_RETURN){
-		INT book = (selRow * MaxCols()) + selCol + 1;
-        ::SendMessage(m_pParentWnd->GetWindowHandle(),WM_COMMAND,SR_SETBOOK, book);
-        ::SendMessage(m_pParentWnd->GetWindowHandle(),WM_COMMAND,m_wNextMenuID, book);
+        ::SendMessage(m_pParentWnd->GetWindowHandle(),WM_COMMAND,SR_SETBOOK, m_nSelectedBook);
+        ::SendMessage(m_pParentWnd->GetWindowHandle(),WM_COMMAND,m_wNextMenuID, m_nSelectedBook);
 	return true;
+void SRBookChooser::MoveDown()
+	INT nMaxCols = MaxCols();
+	INT nMaxRows = MaxRows();
+	INT curRow = (m_nSelectedBook - m_nStartAt + 1) / nMaxCols;
+	INT curTrueRow = m_nSelectedBook / nMaxCols;
+	INT curCol = m_nSelectedBook - (nMaxCols * curTrueRow);
+	if (curCol != nMaxCols)
+		curRow++;
+	if ((m_nSelectedBook + nMaxCols) > m_nEndBook) {
+		if ((curRow == nMaxRows) && (((nMaxCols - curCol) + m_nSelectedBook) < m_nEndBook))
+			m_nStartAt += nMaxCols;
+		m_nSelectedBook = m_nEndBook;
+	} else {
+		if (curRow == nMaxRows)
+			m_nStartAt += nMaxCols;
+		m_nSelectedBook += nMaxCols;
+	}
+void SRBookChooser::MoveLeft()
+	if (m_nSelectedBook == m_nStartAt) {
+		if (m_nStartAt != 1) {
+			m_nSelectedBook--;
+			m_nStartAt -= MaxCols();
+		}
+	} else {
+		m_nSelectedBook--;
+	}
+void SRBookChooser::MoveRight()
+	INT nMaxCols = MaxCols();
+	INT nMaxRows = MaxRows();
+	INT curRow = (m_nSelectedBook - m_nStartAt + 1) / nMaxCols;
+	INT curTrueRow = m_nSelectedBook / nMaxCols;
+	INT curCol = m_nSelectedBook - (nMaxCols * (curTrueRow - 1));
+	if (m_nSelectedBook != m_nEndBook) { //sizeof(m_wcsBookNames)/sizeof(m_wcsBookNames[0])) {
+		if ((curRow == nMaxRows) && (curCol == nMaxCols)) {
+			m_nStartAt += nMaxCols;
+		}
+		m_nSelectedBook++;
+	}
+void SRBookChooser::MoveUp()
+	INT nMaxCols = MaxCols();
+	if ((m_nSelectedBook - nMaxCols) < m_nStartAt) {
+		if (!((m_nSelectedBook - nMaxCols) < 1)) {
+			m_nSelectedBook -= nMaxCols;
+			m_nStartAt -= nMaxCols;
+		}
+	} else {
+		m_nSelectedBook -= nMaxCols;
+	}
 BOOL SRBookChooser::OnLButtonUp(WORD fwKeys, INT xPos, INT yPos)
     TCHAR buf[16] = {0};

Modified: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.h	2008-07-11 05:08:23 UTC (rev 147)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SRBookChooser.h	2008-07-12 15:19:33 UTC (rev 148)
@@ -19,21 +19,28 @@
 	BOOL OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
     BOOL OnLButtonUp(WORD fwKeys, INT xPos, INT yPos);
-	INT BookAt(int x, int y);
-    INT LeftEdge();
-	INT MaxRows();
-    INT MaxCols();
-    INT MaxBooksPerScreen();
+	INT  BookAt(int x, int y);
+	void DrawButtons();
+	void DrawButton(HDC hdc, RECT buttonRect, LPCWSTR caption, bool selected);
+    INT  LeftEdge();
+	INT  MaxRows();
+    INT  MaxCols();
+    INT  MaxBooksPerScreen();
+	void MoveDown();
+	void MoveLeft();
+	void MoveRight();
+	void MoveUp();
 	INT         m_nEndBook;
     INT         m_nStartAt;
     INT         m_nSelectedBook;
-	INT         selCol;
-	INT         selRow;
+//	INT         selCol;
+//	INT         selRow;
     WORD        m_wNextMenuID;
 	WCString    m_wcsPrompt;
     WCString   *m_wcsBookNames;
     static BOOL s_fRegistered;
+	UINT        lastChar;

Modified: trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SwordReaderResource.h
--- trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SwordReaderResource.h	2008-07-11 05:08:23 UTC (rev 147)
+++ trunk/src/SwordReader_GUI/SwordReaderResource.h	2008-07-12 15:19:33 UTC (rev 148)
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
 #define BUTTON_BACKGROUND       0x00b9ccd5
 #define BUTTON_SEL_BACKGROUND   0x00ffffff
-#define BUTTON_WIDTH_BOOK       28
+#define BUTTON_WIDTH_BOOK       30
 #define BUTTON_WIDTH_NUMBER     20
 #define BUTTON_WIDTH_MORE       60
-#define BUTTON_HEIGHT           19
+#define BUTTON_HEIGHT           21
 #define BUTTON_FOREGROUND       0x00000000

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