[sword-svn] r2221 - trunk/src/modules/filters

scribe at crosswire.org scribe at crosswire.org
Sat Dec 27 22:36:48 MST 2008

Author: scribe
Date: 2008-12-27 22:36:47 -0700 (Sat, 27 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 2221

Applied Ben Morgan's patch to change thml -> plain
conversion to output UTF-8

Modified: trunk/src/modules/filters/thmlplain.cpp
--- trunk/src/modules/filters/thmlplain.cpp	2008-12-27 02:05:30 UTC (rev 2220)
+++ trunk/src/modules/filters/thmlplain.cpp	2008-12-28 05:36:47 UTC (rev 2221)
@@ -55,104 +55,104 @@
 			else if (!strncmp("amp", token, 3)) text += '&';
 			else if (!strncmp("lt", token, 2)) text += '<';
 			else if (!strncmp("gt", token, 2)) text += '>';
-			else if (!strncmp("brvbar", token, 6)) text += '¦';
-			else if (!strncmp("sect", token, 4)) text += '§';
-			else if (!strncmp("copy", token, 4)) text += '©';
-			else if (!strncmp("laquo", token, 5)) text += '«';
-			else if (!strncmp("reg", token, 3)) text += '®';
-			else if (!strncmp("acute", token, 5)) text += '´';
-			else if (!strncmp("para", token, 4)) text += '¶';
-			else if (!strncmp("raquo", token, 5)) text += '»';
+			else if (!strncmp("brvbar", token, 6)) text += "¦";
+			else if (!strncmp("sect", token, 4)) text += "§";
+			else if (!strncmp("copy", token, 4)) text += "©";
+			else if (!strncmp("laquo", token, 5)) text += "«";
+			else if (!strncmp("reg", token, 3)) text += "®";
+			else if (!strncmp("acute", token, 5)) text += "´";
+			else if (!strncmp("para", token, 4)) text += "¶";
+			else if (!strncmp("raquo", token, 5)) text += "»";
-			else if (!strncmp("Aacute", token, 6)) text += 'Á';
-			else if (!strncmp("Agrave", token, 6)) text += 'À';
-			else if (!strncmp("Acirc", token, 5)) text += 'Â';
-			else if (!strncmp("Auml", token, 4)) text += 'Ä';
-			else if (!strncmp("Atilde", token, 6)) text += 'Ã';
-			else if (!strncmp("Aring", token, 5)) text += 'Å';
-			else if (!strncmp("aacute", token, 6)) text += 'á';
-			else if (!strncmp("agrave", token, 6)) text += 'à';
-			else if (!strncmp("acirc", token, 5)) text += 'â';
-			else if (!strncmp("auml", token, 4)) text += 'ä';
-			else if (!strncmp("atilde", token, 6)) text += 'ã';
-			else if (!strncmp("aring", token, 5)) text += 'å';
-			else if (!strncmp("Eacute", token, 6)) text += 'É';
-			else if (!strncmp("Egrave", token, 6)) text += 'È';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ecirc", token, 5)) text += 'Ê';
-			else if (!strncmp("Euml", token, 4)) text += 'Ë';
-			else if (!strncmp("eacute", token, 6)) text += 'é';
-			else if (!strncmp("egrave", token, 6)) text += 'è';
-			else if (!strncmp("ecirc", token, 5)) text += 'ê';
-			else if (!strncmp("euml", token, 4)) text += 'ë';
-			else if (!strncmp("Iacute", token, 6)) text += 'Í';
-			else if (!strncmp("Igrave", token, 6)) text += 'Ì';
-			else if (!strncmp("Icirc", token, 5)) text += 'Î';
-			else if (!strncmp("Iuml", token, 4)) text += 'Ï';
-			else if (!strncmp("iacute", token, 6)) text += 'í';
-			else if (!strncmp("igrave", token, 6)) text += 'ì';
-			else if (!strncmp("icirc", token, 5)) text += 'î';
-			else if (!strncmp("iuml", token, 4)) text += 'ï';
-			else if (!strncmp("Oacute", token, 6)) text += 'Ó';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ograve", token, 6)) text += 'Ò';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ocirc", token, 5)) text += 'Ô';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ouml", token, 4)) text += 'Ö';
-			else if (!strncmp("Otilde", token, 6)) text += 'Õ';
-			else if (!strncmp("oacute", token, 6)) text += 'ó';
-			else if (!strncmp("ograve", token, 6)) text += 'ò';
-			else if (!strncmp("ocirc", token, 5)) text += 'ô';
-			else if (!strncmp("ouml", token, 4)) text += 'ö';
-			else if (!strncmp("otilde", token, 6)) text += 'õ';
-			else if (!strncmp("Uacute", token, 6)) text += 'Ú';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ugrave", token, 6)) text += 'Ù';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ucirc", token, 5)) text += 'Û';
-			else if (!strncmp("Uuml", token, 4)) text += 'Ü';
-			else if (!strncmp("uacute", token, 6)) text += 'ú';
-			else if (!strncmp("ugrave", token, 6)) text += 'ù';
-			else if (!strncmp("ucirc", token, 5)) text += 'û';
-			else if (!strncmp("uuml", token, 4)) text += 'ü';
-			else if (!strncmp("Yacute", token, 6)) text += 'Ý';
-			else if (!strncmp("yacute", token, 6)) text += 'ý';
-			else if (!strncmp("yuml", token, 4)) text += 'ÿ';
+			else if (!strncmp("Aacute", token, 6)) text += "Á";
+			else if (!strncmp("Agrave", token, 6)) text += "À";
+			else if (!strncmp("Acirc", token, 5)) text += "Â";
+			else if (!strncmp("Auml", token, 4)) text += "Ä";
+			else if (!strncmp("Atilde", token, 6)) text += "Ã";
+			else if (!strncmp("Aring", token, 5)) text += "Ã…";
+			else if (!strncmp("aacute", token, 6)) text += "á";
+			else if (!strncmp("agrave", token, 6)) text += "à";
+			else if (!strncmp("acirc", token, 5)) text += "â";
+			else if (!strncmp("auml", token, 4)) text += "ä";
+			else if (!strncmp("atilde", token, 6)) text += "ã";
+			else if (!strncmp("aring", token, 5)) text += "Ã¥";
+			else if (!strncmp("Eacute", token, 6)) text += "É";
+			else if (!strncmp("Egrave", token, 6)) text += "È";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ecirc", token, 5)) text += "Ê";
+			else if (!strncmp("Euml", token, 4)) text += "Ë";
+			else if (!strncmp("eacute", token, 6)) text += "é";
+			else if (!strncmp("egrave", token, 6)) text += "è";
+			else if (!strncmp("ecirc", token, 5)) text += "ê";
+			else if (!strncmp("euml", token, 4)) text += "ë";
+			else if (!strncmp("Iacute", token, 6)) text += "Í";
+			else if (!strncmp("Igrave", token, 6)) text += "Ì";
+			else if (!strncmp("Icirc", token, 5)) text += "ÃŽ";
+			else if (!strncmp("Iuml", token, 4)) text += "Ï";
+			else if (!strncmp("iacute", token, 6)) text += "í";
+			else if (!strncmp("igrave", token, 6)) text += "ì";
+			else if (!strncmp("icirc", token, 5)) text += "î";
+			else if (!strncmp("iuml", token, 4)) text += "ï";
+			else if (!strncmp("Oacute", token, 6)) text += "Ó";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ograve", token, 6)) text += "Ã’";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ocirc", token, 5)) text += "Ô";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ouml", token, 4)) text += "Ö";
+			else if (!strncmp("Otilde", token, 6)) text += "Õ";
+			else if (!strncmp("oacute", token, 6)) text += "ó";
+			else if (!strncmp("ograve", token, 6)) text += "ò";
+			else if (!strncmp("ocirc", token, 5)) text += "ô";
+			else if (!strncmp("ouml", token, 4)) text += "ö";
+			else if (!strncmp("otilde", token, 6)) text += "õ";
+			else if (!strncmp("Uacute", token, 6)) text += "Ú";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ugrave", token, 6)) text += "Ù";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ucirc", token, 5)) text += "Û";
+			else if (!strncmp("Uuml", token, 4)) text += "Ü";
+			else if (!strncmp("uacute", token, 6)) text += "ú";
+			else if (!strncmp("ugrave", token, 6)) text += "ù";
+			else if (!strncmp("ucirc", token, 5)) text += "û";
+			else if (!strncmp("uuml", token, 4)) text += "ü";
+			else if (!strncmp("Yacute", token, 6)) text += "Ý";
+			else if (!strncmp("yacute", token, 6)) text += "ý";
+			else if (!strncmp("yuml", token, 4)) text += "ÿ";
-			else if (!strncmp("deg", token, 3)) text += '°';
-			else if (!strncmp("plusmn", token, 6)) text += '±';
-			else if (!strncmp("sup2", token, 4)) text += '²';
-			else if (!strncmp("sup3", token, 4)) text += '³';
-			else if (!strncmp("sup1", token, 4)) text += '¹';
-			else if (!strncmp("nbsp", token, 4)) text += 'º';
-			else if (!strncmp("pound", token, 5)) text += '£';
-			else if (!strncmp("cent", token, 4)) text += '¢';
-			else if (!strncmp("frac14", token, 6)) text += '¼';
-			else if (!strncmp("frac12", token, 6)) text += '½';
-			else if (!strncmp("frac34", token, 6)) text += '¾';
-			else if (!strncmp("iquest", token, 6)) text += '¿';
-			else if (!strncmp("iexcl", token, 5)) text += '¡';
-			else if (!strncmp("ETH", token, 3)) text += 'Ð';
-			else if (!strncmp("eth", token, 3)) text += 'ð';
-			else if (!strncmp("THORN", token, 5)) text += 'Þ';
-			else if (!strncmp("thorn", token, 5)) text += 'þ';
-			else if (!strncmp("AElig", token, 5)) text += 'Æ';
-			else if (!strncmp("aelig", token, 5)) text += 'æ';
-			else if (!strncmp("Oslash", token, 6)) text += 'Ø';
-			else if (!strncmp("curren", token, 6)) text += '¤';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ccedil", token, 6)) text += 'Ç';
-			else if (!strncmp("ccedil", token, 6)) text += 'ç';
-			else if (!strncmp("szlig", token, 5)) text += 'ß';
-			else if (!strncmp("Ntilde", token, 6)) text += 'Ñ';
-			else if (!strncmp("ntilde", token, 6)) text += 'ñ';
-			else if (!strncmp("yen", token, 3)) text += '¥';
-			else if (!strncmp("not", token, 3)) text += '¬';
-			else if (!strncmp("ordf", token, 4)) text += 'ª';
-			else if (!strncmp("uml", token, 3)) text += '¨';
-			else if (!strncmp("shy", token, 3)) text += '­';
-			else if (!strncmp("macr", token, 4)) text += '¯';
-			else if (!strncmp("micro", token, 5)) text += "µ";
-			else if (!strncmp("middot", token, 6)) text +="·";
-			else if (!strncmp("cedil", token, 5)) text += "¸";
-			else if (!strncmp("ordm", token, 4)) text +=  "º";
-			else if (!strncmp("times", token, 5)) text += "×";
-			else if (!strncmp("divide", token, 6)) text +="÷";
-			else if (!strncmp("oslash", token, 6)) text +="ø";
+			else if (!strncmp("deg", token, 3)) text += "°";
+			else if (!strncmp("plusmn", token, 6)) text += "±";
+			else if (!strncmp("sup2", token, 4)) text += "²";
+			else if (!strncmp("sup3", token, 4)) text += "³";
+			else if (!strncmp("sup1", token, 4)) text += "¹";
+			else if (!strncmp("nbsp", token, 4)) text += "º";
+			else if (!strncmp("pound", token, 5)) text += "£";
+			else if (!strncmp("cent", token, 4)) text += "¢";
+			else if (!strncmp("frac14", token, 6)) text += "¼";
+			else if (!strncmp("frac12", token, 6)) text += "½";
+			else if (!strncmp("frac34", token, 6)) text += "¾";
+			else if (!strncmp("iquest", token, 6)) text += "¿";
+			else if (!strncmp("iexcl", token, 5)) text += "¡";
+			else if (!strncmp("ETH", token, 3)) text += "Ð";
+			else if (!strncmp("eth", token, 3)) text += "ð";
+			else if (!strncmp("THORN", token, 5)) text += "Þ";
+			else if (!strncmp("thorn", token, 5)) text += "þ";
+			else if (!strncmp("AElig", token, 5)) text += "Æ";
+			else if (!strncmp("aelig", token, 5)) text += "æ";
+			else if (!strncmp("Oslash", token, 6)) text += "Ø";
+			else if (!strncmp("curren", token, 6)) text += "¤";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ccedil", token, 6)) text += "Ç";
+			else if (!strncmp("ccedil", token, 6)) text += "ç";
+			else if (!strncmp("szlig", token, 5)) text += "ß";
+			else if (!strncmp("Ntilde", token, 6)) text += "Ñ";
+			else if (!strncmp("ntilde", token, 6)) text += "ñ";
+			else if (!strncmp("yen", token, 3)) text += "Â¥";
+			else if (!strncmp("not", token, 3)) text += "¬";
+			else if (!strncmp("ordf", token, 4)) text += "ª";
+			else if (!strncmp("uml", token, 3)) text += "¨";
+			else if (!strncmp("shy", token, 3)) text += "­";
+			else if (!strncmp("macr", token, 4)) text += "¯";
+			else if (!strncmp("micro", token, 5)) text += "µ";
+			else if (!strncmp("middot", token, 6)) text += "·";
+			else if (!strncmp("cedil", token, 5)) text += "¸";
+			else if (!strncmp("ordm", token, 4)) text += "º";
+			else if (!strncmp("times", token, 5)) text += "×";
+			else if (!strncmp("divide", token, 6)) text += "÷";
+			else if (!strncmp("oslash", token, 6)) text += "ø";

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