[sword-svn] r1837 - branches/wdg/include
dglassey at crosswire.org
dglassey at crosswire.org
Tue Jun 28 15:54:57 MST 2005
Author: dglassey
Date: 2005-06-28 15:54:57 -0700 (Tue, 28 Jun 2005)
New Revision: 1837
keep the enum in my branch
Modified: branches/wdg/include/canon.h
--- branches/wdg/include/canon.h 2005-06-28 22:53:51 UTC (rev 1836)
+++ branches/wdg/include/canon.h 2005-06-28 22:54:57 UTC (rev 1837)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* $Id$
- * Copyright 1998 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org)
+ * Copyright 1998-2005 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org)
* CrossWire Bible Society
* P. O. Box 2528
* Tempe, AZ 85280-2528
@@ -27,8 +27,41 @@
#include <defs.h>
+ *
+ * The list of books as enum to make the 'abbreviation
+ * easier to read.
+ *
+ * They are OSIS ids with the exception that the enums can't start with an
+ * integer so they use roman numerals instead
+ *
+ * Locale files will use OSIS ids
+ *
+enum canon_books {
+ OT,
+ Gen, Exod, Lev, Num, Deut, Josh, Judg, Ruth, ISam, IISam,
+ IKgs, IIKgs, IChr, IIChr, Ezra, Neh, Esth, Job, Ps,
+ Prov, Eccl,
+ Song, Isa, Jer, Lam, Ezek, Dan, Hos, Joel, Amos, Obad,
+ Jonah, Mic, Nah, Hab, Zeph, Hag, Zech, Mal,
+ NT,
+ Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Rom, ICor, IICor, Gal, Eph,
+ Phil, Col, IThess, IIThess, ITim, IITim, Titus, Phlm, Heb, Jas,
+ IPet, IIPet, IJohn, IIJohn, IIIJohn, Jude, Rev
struct sbook
VerseKey::otbooks[] = {
+ {"Old Testament", "OT", 0},
{"Genesis", "Gen", 50},
{"Exodus", "Exod", 40},
{"Leviticus", "Lev", 27},
@@ -72,6 +105,9 @@
struct sbook
VerseKey::ntbooks[] = {
+ {"New Testament", "NT", 0},
{"Matthew", "Matt", 28},
{"Mark", "Mark", 16},
{"Luke", "Luke", 24},
@@ -110,196 +146,204 @@
const struct abbrev
VerseKey::builtin_abbrevs[] = {
- {"1 C", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"1 CHRONICLES", 13}, // 1 Chronicles
- {"1 CORINTHIANS", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"1 JN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"1 JOHN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"1 KGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"1 KINGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"1 PETER", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"1 PTR", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"1 SAMUEL", 9}, // 1 Samuel
- {"1 THESSALONIANS", 52}, // 1 Thessalonians
- {"1 TIMOTHY", 54}, // 1 Timothy
- {"1C", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"1CHRONICLES", 13}, // 1 Chronicles
- {"1CORINTHIANS", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"1JN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"1JOHN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"1KGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"1KINGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"1PETER", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"1PTR", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"1SAMUEL", 9}, // 1 Samuel
- {"1THESSALONIANS", 52}, // 1 Thessalonians
- {"1TIMOTHY", 54}, // 1 Timothy
- {"2 C", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"2 CHRONICLES", 14}, // 2 Chronicles
- {"2 CORINTHIANS", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"2 JN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"2 JOHN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"2 KGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"2 KINGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"2 PETER", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"2 PTR", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"2 SAMUEL", 10}, // 2 Samuel
- {"2 THESSALONIANS", 53}, // 2 Thessalonians
- {"2 TIMOTHY", 55}, // 2 Timothy
- {"2C", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"2CHRONICLES", 14}, // 2 Chronicles
- {"2CORINTHIANS", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"2JN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"2JOHN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"2KGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"2KINGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"2PETER", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"2PTR", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"2SAMUEL", 10}, // 2 Samuel
- {"2THESSALONIANS", 53}, // 2 Thessalonians
- {"2TIMOTHY", 55}, // 2 Timothy
- {"3 JN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"3 JOHN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"3JN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"3JOHN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"ACTS", 44}, // Acts
- {"AMOS", 30}, // Amos
- {"APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN", 66}, // Apocalypse of St. John (Rev.)
- {"C", 51}, // Colossians
- {"CANTICLE OF CANTICLES", 22}, // Canticle of Canticles (Song of S.)
- {"COLOSSIANS", 51}, // Colossians
- {"D", 5}, // Deuteronomy
- {"DANIEL", 27}, // Daniel
- {"DEUTERONOMY", 5}, // Deuteronomy
- {"E", 49}, // Ephesians
- {"ECCLESIASTES", 21}, // Ecclesiastes
- {"EPHESIANS", 49}, // Ephesians
- {"ESTER", 17}, // Esther
- {"ESTHER", 17}, // Esther
- {"EXODUS", 2}, // Exodus
- {"EZEKIEL", 26}, // Ezekiel
- {"EZK", 26}, // Ezekiel
- {"EZRA", 15}, // Ezra
- {"G", 1}, // Genesis
- {"GALATIANS", 48}, // Galatians
- {"GENESIS", 1}, // Genesis
- {"H", 58}, // Hebrews
- {"HABAKKUK", 35}, // Habakkuk
- {"HAGGAI", 37}, // Haggai
- {"HEBREWS", 58}, // Hebrews
- {"HOSEA", 28}, // Hosea
- {"I C", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"I CHRONICLES", 13}, // 1 Chronicles
- {"I CORINTHIANS", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"I JN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"I JOHN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"I KGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"I KINGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"I PETER", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"I PTR", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"I SAMUEL", 9}, // 1 Samuel
- {"I THESSALONIANS", 52}, // 1 Thessalonians
- {"I TIMOTHY", 54}, // 1 Timothy
- {"IC", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"ICHRONICLES", 13}, // 1 Chronicles
- {"ICORINTHIANS", 46}, // 1 Corinthians
- {"II C", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"II CHRONICLES", 14}, // 2 Chronicles
- {"II CORINTHIANS", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"II JN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"II JOHN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"II KGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"II KINGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"II PETER", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"II PTR", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"II SAMUEL", 10}, // 2 Samuel
- {"II THESSALONIANS", 53}, // 2 Thessalonians
- {"II TIMOTHY", 55}, // 2 Timothy
- {"IIC", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"IICHRONICLES", 14}, // 2 Chronicles
- {"IICORINTHIANS", 47}, // 2 Corinthians
- {"III JN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"III JOHN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"IIIJN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"IIIJOHN", 64}, // 3 John
- {"IIJN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"IIJOHN", 63}, // 2 John
- {"IIKGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"IIKINGS", 12}, // 2 Kings
- {"IIPETER", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"IIPTR", 61}, // 2 Peter
- {"IISAMUEL", 10}, // 2 Samuel
- {"IITHESSALONIANS", 53}, // 2 Thessalonians
- {"IITIMOTHY", 55}, // 2 Timothy
- {"IJN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"IJOHN", 62}, // 1 John
- {"IKGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"IKINGS", 11}, // 1 Kings
- {"IPETER", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"IPTR", 60}, // 1 Peter
- {"ISA", 23}, // Isaiah
- {"ISAIAH", 23}, // Isaiah
- {"ISAMUEL", 9}, // 1 Samuel
- {"ITHESSALONIANS", 52}, // 1 Thessalonians
- {"ITIMOTHY", 54}, // 1 Timothy
- {"J", 43}, // John
- {"JAMES", 59}, // James
- {"JAS", 59}, // James
- {"JDGS", 7}, // Judges
- {"JEREMIAH", 24}, // Jeremiah
- {"JHN", 43}, // John
- {"JN", 43}, // John
- {"JO", 43}, // John
- {"JOB", 18}, // Job
- {"JOEL", 29}, // Joel
- {"JOHN", 43}, // John
- {"JOL", 29}, // Joel
- {"JONAH", 32}, // Jonah
- {"JOSHUA", 6}, // Joshua
- {"JUDE", 65}, // Jude
- {"JUDGES", 7}, // Judges
- {"L", 42}, // Luke
- {"LAMENTATIONS", 25}, // Lamentations
- {"LEVITICUS", 3}, // Leviticus
- {"LK", 42}, // Luke
- {"LUKE", 42}, // Luke
- {"MA", 40}, // Matthew
- {"MALACHI", 39}, // Malachi
- {"MARK", 41}, // Mark
- {"MATTHEW", 40}, // Matthew
- {"MICAH", 33}, // Micah
- {"MK", 41}, // Mark
- {"MRK", 41}, // Mark
- {"MT", 40}, // Matthew
- {"N", 4}, // Numbers
- {"NAHUM", 34}, // Nahum
- {"NAM", 34}, // Nahum
- {"NEHEMIAH", 16}, // Nehemiah
- {"NUMBERS", 4}, // Numbers
- {"OBADIAH", 31}, // Obadiah
- {"P", 19}, // Psalms
- {"PHIL", 50}, // Philippians
- {"PHILEMON", 57}, // Philemon
- {"PHILIPPIANS", 50}, // Philippians
- {"PHLM", 57}, // Philemon
- {"PHM", 57}, // Philemon
- {"PHP", 50}, // Philippians
- {"PROVERBS", 20}, // Proverbs
- {"PSALMS", 19}, // Psalms
- {"PSM", 19}, // Psalms
- {"PSS", 19}, // Psalms
- {"QOHELETH", 21}, // Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)
- {"REVELATION OF JOHN", 66}, // Revelation
- {"ROMANS", 45}, // Romans
- {"RUTH", 8}, // Ruth
- {"SNG", 22}, // Song of Solomon
- {"SOLOMON", 22}, // Song of Solomon
- {"SONG OF SOLOMON", 22}, // Song of Solomon
- {"SONG OF SONGS", 22}, // Song of Solomon
- {"SOS", 22}, // Song of Solomon
- {"TITUS", 56}, // Titus
- {"ZECHARIAH", 38}, // Zechariah
- {"ZEPHANIAH", 36}, // Zephaniah
+ {"1 C", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"1 CHRONICLES", IChr}, // 1 Chronicles
+ {"1 CORINTHIANS", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"1 JN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"1 JOHN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"1 KGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"1 KINGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"1 PETER", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"1 PTR", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"1 SAMUEL", ISam}, // 1 Samuel
+ {"1 THESSALONIANS", IThess}, // 1 Thessalonians
+ {"1 TIMOTHY", ITim}, // 1 Timothy
+ {"1C", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"1CHRONICLES", IChr}, // 1 Chronicles
+ {"1CORINTHIANS", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"1JN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"1JOHN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"1KGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"1KINGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"1PETER", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"1PTR", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"1SAMUEL", ISam}, // 1 Samuel
+ {"1THESSALONIANS", IThess}, // 1 Thessalonians
+ {"1TIMOTHY", ITim}, // 1 Timothy
+ {"2 C", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"2 CHRONICLES", IIChr}, // 2 Chronicles
+ {"2 CORINTHIANS", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"2 JN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"2 JOHN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"2 KGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"2 KINGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"2 PETER", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"2 PTR", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"2 SAMUEL", IISam}, // 2 Samuel
+ {"2 THESSALONIANS", IIThess}, // 2 Thessalonians
+ {"2 TIMOTHY", IITim}, // 2 Timothy
+ {"2C", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"2CHRONICLES", IIChr}, // 2 Chronicles
+ {"2CORINTHIANS", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"2JN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"2JOHN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"2KGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"2KINGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"2PETER", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"2PTR", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"2SAMUEL", IISam}, // 2 Samuel
+ {"2THESSALONIANS", IIThess}, // 2 Thessalonians
+ {"2TIMOTHY", IITim}, // 2 Timothy
+ {"3 JN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"3 JOHN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"3JN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"3JOHN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"ACTS", Acts}, // Acts
+ {"AMOS", Amos}, // Amos
+ {"APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN", Rev}, // Apocalypse of St. John (Rev.)
+ {"C", Col}, // Colossians
+ {"CANTICLE OF CANTICLES", Song}, // Canticle of Canticles (Song of S.)
+ {"COLOSSIANS", Col}, // Colossians
+ {"D", Deut}, // Deuteronomy
+ {"DANIEL", Dan}, // Daniel
+ {"DEUTERONOMY", Deut}, // Deuteronomy
+ {"E", Eph}, // Ephesians
+ {"ECCLESIASTES", Eccl}, // Ecclesiastes
+ {"EPHESIANS", Eph}, // Ephesians
+ {"ESTER", Esth}, // Esther
+ {"ESTHER", Esth}, // Esther
+ {"EXODUS", Exod}, // Exodus
+ {"EZEKIEL", Ezek}, // Ezekiel
+ {"EZK", Ezek}, // Ezekiel
+ {"EZRA", Ezra}, // Ezra
+ {"G", Gen}, // Genesis
+ {"GALATIANS", Gal}, // Galatians
+ {"GENESIS", Gen}, // Genesis
+ {"H", Heb}, // Hebrews
+ {"HABAKKUK", Hab}, // Habakkuk
+ {"HAGGAI", Hag}, // Haggai
+ {"HEBREWS", Heb}, // Hebrews
+ {"HOSEA", Hos}, // Hosea
+ {"I C", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"I CHRONICLES", IChr}, // 1 Chronicles
+ {"I CORINTHIANS", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"I JN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"I JOHN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"I KGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"I KINGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"I PETER", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"I PTR", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"I SAMUEL", ISam}, // 1 Samuel
+ {"I THESSALONIANS", IThess}, // 1 Thessalonians
+ {"I TIMOTHY", ITim}, // 1 Timothy
+ {"IC", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"ICHRONICLES", IChr}, // 1 Chronicles
+ {"ICORINTHIANS", ICor}, // 1 Corinthians
+ {"II C", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"II CHRONICLES", IIChr}, // 2 Chronicles
+ {"II CORINTHIANS", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"II JN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"II JOHN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"II KGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"II KINGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"II PETER", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"II PTR", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"II SAMUEL", IISam}, // 2 Samuel
+ {"II THESSALONIANS", IIThess},// 2 Thessalonians
+ {"II TIMOTHY", IITim}, // 2 Timothy
+ {"IIC", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"IICHRONICLES", IIChr}, // 2 Chronicles
+ {"IICORINTHIANS", IICor}, // 2 Corinthians
+ {"III JN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"III JOHN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"IIIJN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"IIIJOHN", IIIJohn}, // 3 John
+ {"IIJN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"IIJOHN", IIJohn}, // 2 John
+ {"IIKGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"IIKINGS", IIKgs}, // 2 Kings
+ {"IIPETER", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"IIPTR", IIPet}, // 2 Peter
+ {"IISAMUEL", IISam}, // 2 Samuel
+ {"IITHESSALONIANS", IIThess}, // 2 Thessalonians
+ {"IITIMOTHY", IITim}, // 2 Timothy
+ {"IJN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"IJOHN", IJohn}, // 1 John
+ {"IKGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"IKINGS", IKgs}, // 1 Kings
+ {"IPETER", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"IPTR", IPet}, // 1 Peter
+ {"ISA", Isa}, // Isaiah
+ {"ISAIAH", Isa}, // Isaiah
+ {"ISAMUEL", ISam}, // 1 Samuel
+ {"ITHESSALONIANS", IThess}, // 1 Thessalonians
+ {"ITIMOTHY", ITim}, // 1 Timothy
+ {"J", Luke}, // John
+ {"JAMES", Jas}, // James
+ {"JAS", Jas}, // James
+ {"JDGS", Judg}, // Judges
+ {"JEREMIAH", Jer}, // Jeremiah
+ {"JHN", John}, // John
+ {"JN", John}, // John
+ {"JO", John}, // John
+ {"JOB", Job}, // Job
+ {"JOEL", Joel}, // Joel
+ {"JOHN", John}, // John
+ {"JOL", Joel}, // Joel
+ {"JONAH", Jonah}, // Jonah
+ {"JOSHUA", Josh}, // Joshua
+ {"JUDE", Jude}, // Jude
+ {"JUDGES", Judg}, // Judges
+ {"L", Luke}, // Luke
+ {"LAMENTATIONS", Lam}, // Lamentations
+ {"LEVITICUS", Lev}, // Leviticus
+ {"LK", Luke}, // Luke
+ {"LUKE", Luke}, // Luke
+ {"MA", Matt}, // Matthew
+ {"MALACHI", Mal}, // Malachi
+ {"MARK", Mark}, // Mark
+ {"MATTHEW", Matt}, // Matthew
+ {"MICAH", Mic}, // Micah
+ {"MK", Mark}, // Mark
+ {"MRK", Mark}, // Mark
+ {"MT", Matt}, // Matthew
+ {"N", Num}, // Numbers
+ {"NAHUM", Nah}, // Nahum
+ {"NAM", Nah}, // Nahum
+ {"NEHEMIAH", Neh}, // Nehemiah
+ {"NEW TESTAMENT", NT}, // New Testament
+ {"NT", NT}, // New Testament
+ {"NUMBERS", Num}, // Numbers
+ {"OBADIAH", Obad}, // Obadiah
+ {"OLD TESTAMENT", OT}, // Old Testament
+ {"OT", OT}, // Old Testament
+ {"P", Ps}, // Psalms
+ {"PHIL", Phil}, // Philippians
+ {"PHILEMON", Phlm}, // Philemon
+ {"PHILIPPIANS", Phil}, // Philippians
+ {"PHLM", Phlm}, // Philemon
+ {"PHM", Phlm}, // Philemon
+ {"PHP", Phil}, // Philippians
+ {"PROVERBS", Prov}, // Proverbs
+ {"PSALMS", Ps}, // Psalms
+ {"PSM", Ps}, // Psalms
+ {"PSS", Ps}, // Psalms
+ {"QOHELETH", Eccl}, // Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)
+ {"REVELATION OF JOHN", Rev}, // Revelation
+ {"ROMANS", Rom}, // Romans
+ {"RUTH", Ruth}, // Ruth
+ {"SNG", Song}, // Song of Solomon
+ {"SOLOMON", Song}, // Song of Solomon
+ {"SONG OF SOLOMON", Song}, // Song of Solomon
+ {"SONG OF SONGS", Song}, // Song of Solomon
+ {"SOS", Song}, // Song of Solomon
+ {"TITUS", Titus}, // Titus
+ {"ZECHARIAH", Zech}, // Zechariah
+ {"ZEPHANIAH", Zeph}, // Zephaniah
{"", -1}
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