[sword-cvs] swordtools/modules/hebrew-wlc/source/WLC2XML
Copyright.txt, NONE, 1.1 WLC2XML.Instructions.html, NONE,
1.1 WLC2XML.jar, NONE, 1.1
sword at www.crosswire.org
sword at www.crosswire.org
Fri Jun 4 01:33:58 MST 2004
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NONE, 1.1 MORPHmanual.pdf, NONE, 1.1 michigan.man, NONE,
1.1 supplmt.wts, NONE, 1.1 wlc20040305.zip, NONE, 1.1
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Committed by: mgruner
Update of /cvs/core/swordtools/modules/hebrew-wlc/source/WLC2XML
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv13918/modules/hebrew-wlc/source/WLC2XML
Added Files:
Copyright.txt WLC2XML.Instructions.html WLC2XML.jar
Log Message:
initial import of source files for the new BHS-replacement WLC (Westminster Leningrad Codex).
Not functional yet at all.
--- NEW FILE: Copyright.txt ---
>From kimball at ntplx.net Wed May 19 05:28:25 2004
Return-Path: <kimball at ntplx.net>
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X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 23:28:25 -0400
To: Martin Gruner <mg.pub at gmx.net>,
"Christopher V. Kimball" <kimball at ntplx.net>
From: "Christopher V. Kimball" <kimball at ntplx.net>
Subject: Re: Tanach
In-Reply-To: <200405182206.33955.mg.pub at gmx.net>
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Dear Martin,
I made a large mistake in my previous e-mail. The Java software I sent
(Tanach.jar) is NOT subject to any restrictions. You may use it and
distribute it anyway you'd like. It's necessarily "open" to enhance the
credibility of the transcription. And, I'd be glad to help you understand
it better. (I was confusing it with the Tanach.xsl.xml file which is
copyrighted and subject to some restrictions.) I'm sorry for causing a
I'm pretty busy right now and won't be free for a couple of months at
least. I can help you by e-mail as questions come up, but can't convert to
OSIS at this time. If there's an XMLSchema for OSIS, I'd give it a quick
look, however.
At any rate, please excuse my error.
Best wishes,
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
<font size=3><br><br>
Dear Martin,<br><br>
I made a large mistake in my previous e-mail. The Java software I
sent (Tanach.jar) is NOT subject to any restrictions. You may use
it and distribute it anyway you'd like. It's necessarily "open"
to enhance the credibility of the transcription. And, I'd be glad to help
you understand it better. (I was confusing it with the
Tanach.xsl.xml file which is copyrighted and subject to some
restrictions.) I'm sorry for causing a distraction.<br><br>
I'm pretty busy right now and won't be free for a couple of months at
least. I can help you by e-mail as questions come up, but can't
convert to OSIS at this time. If there's an XMLSchema for OSIS, I'd
give it a quick look, however.<br><br>
At any rate, please excuse my error.<br><br>
Best wishes,<br><br>
--- NEW FILE: WLC2XML.Instructions.html ---
<TITLE>WLC2XML Ooperating instructions</TITLE>
<p align="right">31 May 2004</p>
<h2>WLC2XML operating instructions</h2>
<b><tt>WLC2XML</tt></b> is a Java program which converts Westminister Hebrew Institute text files of the Westminister Leningrad Codex (WLC) into XML files. This page describes how to produce the site from an updated WLC text file.
Because <b><tt>WLC2XML</tt></b> is a Java application, Java must be installed on the system. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is needed. To install the JRE, go to
<a href="http://java.sun.com"><b><tt>http://java.sun.com</tt></a></b>. Look for a download of <b><tt>J2SE X.X.X SDK</tt></b>, the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, where X.X.X is the current version. For <b><tt>WLC2XML</tt></b> the version should be 1.4+. <b><tt>WLC2XML</tt></b> is contained in the Java Archive (JAR) file <b><tt>WLC2XML.jar</tt></b> which is contained in the <b><tt>Tanach.zip</tt></b> file provided at the site.
The program will request three inputs:
<li>The name and location of the WLC input text file.<p/>
A typical name for a WLC input file is <b><tt>wlc20040305.txt</tt></b>. The usual
first two lines are:
gn1:1 B.:/R")$I73YT B.FRF74) ):ELOHI92YM )"71T HA/$.FMA73YIM W:/)"71T HF/)F75REC00
gn1:2 W:/HF/)F81REC HFY:TF71H TO33HW.03 WF/BO80HW. W:/XO73$EK: (AL-P.:N"74Y ...</pre></li>
<li>The date to be associated with the WLC input text file.<p/>
With the usual naming convention for the WLC input file, the preceding example file
is dated 5 March 2004. This is the date that should be given to the program. The requested date
usually isn't the current date.<p/></li>
<li>The location of the output <i>directory</i> to contain the resulting XML files. <p/>The program will
produce 40 XML files, 39 "book" files and 1 "index" file in the output directory.<p/>
The program doesn't output the 11 "supporting
files" necessary for the site. They must be provided by the user if the output directory is to contain a complete site.
<blockquote>The easiest way to do this is to
un-zip the <i>previous</i> <b><tt>Tanach.zip</tt></b> file into the output directory <i>before running the program</i>. <b><tt>WLC2XML</tt></b> will overwrite the old index and book files. Because <b><tt>WLC2XML.jar</tt></b> is included in the zip file, the program may then be run from the output directory.
To run the program, open a command window in a directory containing <b><tt>WLC2XML.jar</tt></b>
and type:
<b><tt>java -jar WLC2XML.jar</tt></b>
In some systems <b><tt>WLC2XML.jar</tt></b> may be run by clicking on the file's icon. <i>Although
the program could be run this way, the error messages to the system output may not be visible and the operator may miss critical error messages.</i>
With good luck a popup window should appear identifying the program. If not, check that the Java JRE
is installed. Be ready to write down error messages that might appear in the command window and press
<li>Select the input WLC text <i>file</i> using the file-choosing window labelled "Give the input file."
and press "Set".<p/></li>
<li>Enter the date of the input file into the text field of the window labelled
"Give the date of this file" and press "Set". Use an attractive date format because this date
is prominently displayed on many pages.<p/></li>
<li>Select the output </i>directory</i> using the file-choosing window labelled "Set the output directory."
and press "Set".<p/></li>
<li>With luck sequence of label lines and a succession of outputs of the form
Genesis.xml has been written.
will appear in the command window. <i>Errors may also be written at this time and they should be very carefully noted.</i><p/>
<li>Eventually, a window will appear saying "The 40 output files have been written normally. ...". <i>The appearance of this window doesn't mean that no errors have occurred.</i> It only indicates that the program hasn't crashed.<p/>
If the 11 "supporting files" were previously placed in the output directory, push "OK" to see the index.<p/>
<li>A "Normal end." window will appear. Although this completes the running of the program, two other actions are needed to keep the site complete:<p/>
<li>Update the <b><tt>Tanach.Version.html</tt></b> file to reflect the update.<p/></li>
<li>Zip all 51 files in the output directory into <b><tt>Tanach.zip</tt></b> and place
<b><tt>Tanach.zip</tt></b> into the output directory.<p/></li>
Good luck!
<p align="right"><a href="mailto:mail at cvkimball.com">Chris Kimball</a></br>
<b><tt>kimball at ntplx.net</tt></b></p>
--- NEW FILE: WLC2XML.jar ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
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1.1 supplmt.wts, NONE, 1.1 wlc20040305.zip, NONE, 1.1
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