[sword-cvs] icu-sword/source/test/perf/perldriver Dataset.pm,NONE,1.1 Format.pm,NONE,1.1 Output.pm,NONE,1.1 PerfFramework.pm,NONE,1.1

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 19:42:52 -0700

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/icu-sword/source/test/perf/perldriver
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv19862/source/test/perf/perldriver

Added Files:
	Dataset.pm Format.pm Output.pm PerfFramework.pm 
Log Message:
ICU 2.6 commit

--- NEW FILE: Dataset.pm ---
#  ********************************************************************
#  * Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and
#  * others. All Rights Reserved.
#  ********************************************************************

package Dataset;
use Statistics::Descriptive;
use Statistics::Distributions;
use strict;

# Create a new Dataset with the given data.
sub new {
    my ($class) = shift;
    my $self = bless {
        _data => \@_,
        _scale => 1.0,
        _mean => 0.0,
        _error => 0.0,
    }, $class;

    my $n = @_;
    if ($n >= 1) {
        my $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
        $self->{_mean} = $stats->mean();

        if ($n >= 2) {
            # Use a t distribution rather than Gaussian because (a) we
            # assume an underlying normal dist, (b) we do not know the
            # standard deviation -- we estimate it from the data, and (c)
            # we MAY have a small sample size (also works for large n).
            my $t = Statistics::Distributions::tdistr($n-1, 0.005);
            $self->{_error} = $t * $stats->standard_deviation();


# Set a scaling factor for all data; 1.0 means no scaling.
# Scale must be > 0.
sub setScale {
    my ($self, $scale) = @_;
    $self->{_scale} = $scale;

# Multiply the scaling factor by a value.
sub scaleBy {
    my ($self, $a) = @_;
    $self->{_scale} *= $a;

# Return the mean.
sub getMean {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{_mean} * $self->{_scale};

# Return a 99% error based on the t distribution.  The dataset
# is desribed as getMean() +/- getError().
sub getError {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{_error} * $self->{_scale};

# Divide two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining the
# mean+/-error.  The new Dataset has no data points.
sub divide {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rhs = shift;
    my $minratio = ($self->{_mean} - $self->{_error}) /
                   ($rhs->{_mean} + $rhs->{_error});
    my $maxratio = ($self->{_mean} + $self->{_error}) /
                   ($rhs->{_mean} - $rhs->{_error});

    my $result = Dataset->new();
    $result->{_mean} = ($minratio + $maxratio) / 2;
    $result->{_error} = $result->{_mean} - $minratio;
    $result->{_scale} = $self->{_scale} / $rhs->{_scale};

# subtracts two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining the
# mean+/-error.  The new Dataset has no data points.
sub subtract {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rhs = shift;
    my $result = Dataset->new();
    $result->{_mean} = $self->{_mean} - $rhs->{_mean};
    $result->{_error} = $self->{_error} + $rhs->{_error};
    $result->{_scale} = $self->{_scale};

# adds two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining the
# mean+/-error.  The new Dataset has no data points.
sub add {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rhs = shift;
    my $result = Dataset->new();
    $result->{_mean} = $self->{_mean} + $rhs->{_mean};
    $result->{_error} = $self->{_error} + $rhs->{_error};
    $result->{_scale} = $self->{_scale};

# Divides a dataset by a scalar.
# The new Dataset has no data points.
sub divideByScalar {
    my $self = shift;
    my $s = shift;
    my $result = Dataset->new();
    $result->{_mean} = $self->{_mean}/$s;
    $result->{_error} = $self->{_error}/$s;
    $result->{_scale} = $self->{_scale};

# Divides a dataset by a scalar.
# The new Dataset has no data points.
sub multiplyByScalar {
    my $self = shift;
    my $s = shift;
    my $result = Dataset->new();
    $result->{_mean} = $self->{_mean}*$s;
    $result->{_error} = $self->{_error}*$s;
    $result->{_scale} = $self->{_scale};


--- NEW FILE: Format.pm ---
#  ********************************************************************
#  * Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and
#  * others. All Rights Reserved.
#  ********************************************************************

my $PLUS_MINUS = "±";

#|# Format a confidence interval, as given by a Dataset.  Output is as
#|# as follows:
#|#   241.23 - 241.98 => 241.5 +/- 0.3
#|#   241.2 - 243.8 => 242 +/- 1
#|#   211.0 - 241.0 => 226 +/- 15 or? 230 +/- 20
#|#   220.3 - 234.3 => 227 +/- 7
#|#   220.3 - 300.3 => 260 +/- 40
#|#   220.3 - 1000 => 610 +/- 390 or? 600 +/- 400
#|#   0.022 - 0.024 => 0.023 +/- 0.001
#|#   0.022 - 0.032 => 0.027 +/- 0.005
#|#   0.022 - 1.000 => 0.5 +/- 0.5
#|# In other words, take one significant digit of the error value and
#|# display the mean to the same precision.
#|sub formatDataset {
#|    my $ds = shift;
#|    my $lower = $ds->getMean() - $ds->getError();
#|    my $upper = $ds->getMean() + $ds->getError();
#|    my $scale = 0;
#|    # Find how many initial digits are the same
#|    while ($lower < 1 ||
#|           int($lower) == int($upper)) {
#|        $lower *= 10;
#|        $upper *= 10;
#|        $scale++;
#|    }
#|    while ($lower >= 10 &&
#|           int($lower) == int($upper)) {
#|        $lower /= 10;
#|        $upper /= 10;
#|        $scale--;
#|    }

# Format a number, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant
# digits.
# @param significant digit, a value >= 1
# @param multiplier
# @param time in seconds to be formatted
# @optional delta in seconds
# @return string of the form "23" or "23 +/- 10".
sub formatNumber {
    my $sigdig = shift;
    my $mult = shift;
    my $a = shift;
    my $delta = shift; # may be undef
    my $result = formatSigDig($sigdig, $a*$mult);
    if (defined($delta)) {
        my $d = formatSigDig($sigdig, $delta*$mult);
        # restrict PRECISION of delta to that of main number
        if ($result =~ /\.(\d+)/) {
            # TODO make this work for values with all significant
            # digits to the left of the decimal, e.g., 1234000.

            # TODO the other thing wrong with this is that it
            # isn't rounding the $delta properly.  Have to put
            # this logic into formatSigDig().
            my $x = length($1);
            $d =~ s/\.(\d{$x})\d+/.$1/;
        $result .= " $PLUS_MINUS " . $d;

# Format a time, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant
# digits.
# @param significant digit, a value >= 1
# @param time in seconds to be formatted
# @optional delta in seconds
# @return string of the form "23 ms" or "23 +/- 10 ms".
sub formatSeconds {
    my $sigdig = shift;
    my $a = shift;
    my $delta = shift; # may be undef

    my @MULT = (1   , 1e3,  1e6,  1e9);
    my @SUFF = ('s' , 'ms', 'us', 'ns');

    # Determine our scale
    my $i = 0;
    #always do seconds if the following line is commented out
    ++$i while ($a*$MULT[$i] < 1 && $i < @MULT);
    formatNumber($sigdig, $MULT[$i], $a, $delta) . ' ' . $SUFF[$i];

# Format a percentage, optionally with a +/- delta, to n significant
# digits.
# @param significant digit, a value >= 1
# @param value to be formatted, as a fraction, e.g. 0.5 for 50%
# @optional delta, as a fraction
# @return string of the form "23 %" or "23 +/- 10 %".
sub formatPercent {
    my $sigdig = shift;
    my $a = shift;
    my $delta = shift; # may be undef
    formatNumber($sigdig, 100, $a, $delta) . '%';

# Format a number to n significant digits without using exponential
# notation.
# @param significant digit, a value >= 1
# @param number to be formatted
# @return string of the form "1234" "12.34" or "0.001234".  If
#         number was negative, prefixed by '-'.
sub formatSigDig {
    my $n = shift() - 1;
    my $a = shift;

    local $_ = sprintf("%.${n}e", $a);
    my $sign = (s/^-//) ? '-' : '';

    my $a_e;
    my $result;
    if (/^(\d)\.(\d+)e([-+]\d+)$/) {
        my ($d, $dn, $e) = ($1, $2, $3);
        $a_e = $e;
        $d .= $dn;
        $d .= '0' while ($e > length($d));
        while ($e < 1) {
            $d = '0' . $d;
        if ($e == length($d)) {
            $result = $sign . $d;
        } else {
            $result = $sign . substr($d, 0, $e) . '.' . substr($d, $e);
    } else {
        die "Can't parse $_";



--- NEW FILE: Output.pm ---

#  ********************************************************************
#  * Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and
#  * others. All Rights Reserved.
#  ********************************************************************

use strict;

use Dataset;

my $outType = "HTML";
my $html = "noName";
my $inTable;
my @headers;
my @timetypes = ("mean per op", "error per op", "events", "per event");
my %raw;
my $current = "";
my $exp = 0;
my $mult = 1e9; #use nanoseconds
my $perc = 100; #for percent
my $printEvents = 0;
my $legend = "<a name=\"Legend\">\n<h2>Table legend</h2></a><ul>";
my $legendDone = 0;
my %options;
my $operationIs = "operation";
my $eventIs = "event";

sub startTest {
  $current = shift;
  $exp = 0;

sub printLeg {
  if(!$legendDone) {
    my $message;
    foreach $message (@_) {
      $legend .= "<li>".$message."</li>\n";

sub outputDist {
  my $value = shift;
  my $percent = shift;
  my $mean = $value->getMean;
  my $error = $value->getError;
  print HTML "<td class=\"";
  if($mean > 0) {
    print HTML "value";
  } else {
    print HTML "worse";
  print HTML "\">";
  if($percent) {
    print HTML formatPercent(2, $mean);
  } else {
    print HTML formatNumber(2, $mult, $mean);
  print HTML "</td>\n";  
  print HTML "<td class=\"";
  if((($error*$mult < 10)&&!$percent) || (($error<10)&&$percent)) {
    print HTML "error";
  } else {
    print HTML "errorLarge";
  print HTML "\">&plusmn;";
  if($percent) {
    print HTML formatPercent(2, $error);
  } else {
    print HTML formatNumber(2, $mult, $error);
  print HTML "</td>\n";  
sub outputValue {
  my $value = shift;
  print HTML "<td class=\"sepvalue\">";
  print HTML $value;
  #print HTML formatNumber(2, 1, $value);
  print HTML "</td>\n";  

sub startTable {
  #my $printEvents = shift;
  $inTable = 1;
  my $i;
  print HTML "<table $TABLEATTR>\n";
  print HTML "<tbody>\n";
  if($#headers >= 0) {
    my ($header, $i);
    print HTML "<tr>\n";
    print HTML "<th rowspan=\"2\" class=\"testNameHeader\"><a href=\"#TestName\">Test Name</a></th>\n";
    print HTML "<th rowspan=\"2\" class=\"testNameHeader\"><a href=\"#Ops\">Ops</a></th>\n";
    printLeg("<a name=\"Test Name\">TestName</a> - name of the test as set by the test writer\n", "<a name=\"Ops\">Ops</a> - number of ".$operationIs."s per iteration\n");
    if(!$printEvents) {
      print HTML "<th colspan=".((4*($#headers+1))-2)." class=\"sourceType\">Per Operation</th>\n";
    } else {
      print HTML "<th colspan=".((2*($#headers+1))-2)." class=\"sourceType\">Per Operation</th>\n";
      print HTML "<th colspan=".((5*($#headers+1))-2)." class=\"sourceType\">Per Event</th>\n";
    print HTML "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
    if(!$printEvents) {
      foreach $header (@headers) {
	print HTML "<th class=\"source\" colspan=2><a href=\"#meanop_$header\">$header<br>/op</a></th>\n";
	printLeg("<a name=\"meanop_$header\">$header /op</a> - mean time and error for $header per $operationIs");
    for $i (1 .. $#headers) {
      print HTML "<th class=\"source\" colspan=2><a href=\"#mean_op_$i\">ratio $i<br>/op</a></th>\n";
      printLeg("<a name=\"mean_op_$i\">ratio $i /op</a> - ratio and error of per $operationIs time, calculated as: (($headers[0] - $headers[$i])/$headers[$i])*100%, mean value");
    if($printEvents) {
      foreach $header (@headers) {
	print HTML "<th class=\"source\"><a href=\"#events_$header\">$header<br>events</a></th>\n";
	printLeg("<a name=\"events_$header\">$header events</a> - number of ".$eventIs."s for $header per iteration");
      foreach $header (@headers) {
	print HTML "<th class=\"source\" colspan=2><a href=\"#mean_ev_$header\">$header<br>/ev</a></th>\n";
	printLeg("<a name=\"mean_ev_$header\">$header /ev</a> - mean time and error for $header per $eventIs");
      for $i (1 .. $#headers) {
	print HTML "<th class=\"source\" colspan=2><a href=\"#mean_ev_$i\">ratio $i<br>/ev</a></th>\n";
	printLeg("<a name=\"mean_ev_$i\">ratio $i /ev</a> - ratio and error of per $eventIs time, calculated as: (($headers[0] - $headers[$i])/$headers[$i])*100%, mean value");
    print HTML "</tr>\n";
  $legendDone = 1;

sub closeTable {
  if($inTable) {
    undef $inTable;
    print HTML "</tr>\n";
    print HTML "</tbody>";
    print HTML "</table>\n";

sub newRow {
  if(!$inTable) {
  } else {
    print HTML "</tr>\n";
  print HTML "<tr>";

sub outputData {
  if($inTable) {
    my $msg = shift;
    my $align = shift;
    print HTML "<td";
    if($align) {
      print HTML " align = $align>";
    } else {
      print HTML ">";
    print HTML "$msg";
    print HTML "</td>";
  } else {
    my $message;
    foreach $message (@_) {
      print HTML "$message";

sub setupOutput {
  my $date = localtime;
  my $options = shift;
  %options = %{ $options };
  my $title = $options{ "title" };
  my $headers = $options{ "headers" };
  if($options{ "operationIs" }) {
    $operationIs = $options{ "operationIs" };
  if($options{ "eventIs" }) {
    $eventIs = $options{ "eventIs" };
  @headers = split(/ /, $headers);
  my ($t, $rest);
  ($t, $rest) = split(/\.\w+/, $0);
  $t =~ /^.*\W(\w+)$/;
  $t = $1;
  if($outType eq 'HTML') {
    $html = $date;
    $html =~ s/://g; # ':' illegal
    $html =~ s/\s*\d+$//; # delete year
    $html =~ s/^\w+\s*//; # delete dow
    $html = "$t $html.html";
    if($options{ "outputDir" }) {
      $html = $options{ "outputDir" }."/".$html;
    $html =~ s/ /_/g;

    open(HTML,">$html") or die "Can't write to $html: $!";

#<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    print HTML <<EOF;
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
body         { font-size: 10pt; font-family: sans-serif }
th           { font-size: 10pt; border: 0 solid #000080; padding: 5 }
th.testNameHeader { border-width: 1 }
th.testName  { text-align: left; border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; 
               border-bottom-width: 1 }
th.source    { border-right-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1 }
th.sourceType { border-right-width: 1; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1 }
td           { font-size: 10pt; text-align: Right; border: 0 solid #000080; padding: 5 }
td.string    { text-align: Left; border-bottom-width:1; border-right-width:1 }
td.sepvalue  { border-bottom-width: 1; border-right-width: 1 }
td.value     { border-bottom-width: 1 }
td.worse     { color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; border-bottom-width: 1 }
td.error     { font-size: 75%; border-right-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1 }
td.errorLarge { font-size: 75%; color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; border-right-width: 1; 
               border-bottom-width: 1 }
A:link    { color: black; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none}    /* unvisited links */
A:visited { color: blue; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none }   /* visited links   */
A:hover   { color: red; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none } /* user hovers     */
A:active  { color: lime; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none }   /* active links    */
   <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" LINK="#006666" VLINK="#000000">
    print HTML "<H1>$title</H1>\n";

    #print HTML "<H2>$TESTCLASS</H2>\n";

sub closeOutput {
  if($outType eq 'HTML') {
    if($inTable) {
    $legend .= "</ul>\n";
    print HTML $legend;
    print HTML <<EOF;
    close(HTML) or die "Can't close $html: $!";

sub outputRaw {
  print HTML "<h2>Raw data</h2>";
  my $key;
  my $i;
  my $j;
  my $k;
  print HTML "<table $TABLEATTR>\n";
  for $key (sort keys %raw) {
    my $printkey = $key;
    $printkey =~ s/\<br\>/ /g;
    if($printEvents) {
      if($key ne "") {
	print HTML "<tr><th class=\"testNameHeader\" colspan = 7>$printkey</td></tr>\n"; # locale and data file
      print HTML "<tr><th class=\"testName\">test name</th><th class=\"testName\">interesting arguments</th><th class=\"testName\">iterations</th><th class=\"testName\">operations</th><th class=\"testName\">mean time (ns)</th><th class=\"testName\">error (ns)</th><th class=\"testName\">events</th></tr>\n";
    } else {
      if($key ne "") {
	print HTML "<tr><th class=\"testName\" colspan = 6>$printkey</td></tr>\n"; # locale and data file
      print HTML "<tr><th class=\"testName\">test name</th><th class=\"testName\">interesting arguments</th><th class=\"testName\">iterations</th><th class=\"testName\">operations</th><th class=\"testName\">mean time (ns)</th><th class=\"testName\">error (ns)</th></tr>\n";
    $printkey =~ s/[\<\>\/ ]//g;
    my %done;
    for $i ( $raw{$key} ) {
      print HTML "<tr>";
      for $j ( @$i ) {
	my ($test, $args);
	($test, $args) = split(/,/, shift(@$j));

	print HTML "<th class=\"testName\">";
	if(!$done{$test}) {
	  print HTML "<a name=\"".$printkey."_".$test."\">".$test."</a>";
	  $done{$test} = 1;
	} else {
	  print HTML $test;
	print HTML "</th>";

	print HTML "<td class=\"string\">".$args."</td>";
	print HTML "<td class=\"sepvalue\">".shift(@$j)."</td>";
	print HTML "<td class=\"sepvalue\">".shift(@$j)."</td>";

	my @data = @{ shift(@$j) };
	my $ds = Dataset->new(@data);
	print HTML "<td class=\"sepvalue\">".formatNumber(4, $mult, $ds->getMean)."</td><td class=\"sepvalue\">".formatNumber(4, $mult, $ds->getError)."</td>";
	if($#{ $j } >= 0) {
	  print HTML "<td class=\"sepvalue\">".shift(@$j)."</td>";
	print HTML "</tr>\n";

sub store {
  $raw{$current}[$exp++] = [@_];

sub outputRow {
  #$raw{$current}[$exp++] =  [@_];
  my $testName = shift;
  my @iterPerPass = @{shift(@_)};
  my @noopers =  @{shift(@_)};
   my @timedata =  @{shift(@_)};
  my @noevents;
  if($#_ >= 0) {
    @noevents =  @{shift(@_)};
  if(!$inTable) {
    if(@noevents) {
      $printEvents = 1;
    } else {
  debug("No events: @noevents, $#noevents\n");

  my $j;
  my $loc = $current;
  $loc =~ s/\<br\>/ /g;
  $loc =~ s/[\<\>\/ ]//g;

  # Finished one row of results. Outputting
  #outputData($testName, "LEFT");
  print HTML "<th class=\"testName\"><a href=\"#".$loc."_".$testName."\">$testName</a></th>\n";
  #outputData($noopers[0], "RIGHT");

  if(!$printEvents) {
    for $j ( 0 .. $#timedata ) {
      my $perOperation = $timedata[$j]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[$j]*$noopers[$j]); # time per operation
      #debug("Time per operation: ".formatSeconds(4, $perOperation->getMean, $perOperation->getError)."\n");
  my $baseLinePO = $timedata[0]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[0]*$noopers[0]);
  for $j ( 1 .. $#timedata ) {
    my $perOperation = $timedata[$j]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[$j]*$noopers[$j]); # time per operation
    my $ratio = $baseLinePO->subtract($perOperation);
    $ratio = $ratio->divide($perOperation);
    outputDist($ratio, "%");
  if (@noevents) {
    for $j ( 0 .. $#timedata ) {
      #outputData($noevents[$j], "RIGHT");
    for $j ( 0 .. $#timedata ) {
      my $perEvent =  $timedata[$j]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[$j]*$noevents[$j]); # time per event
      #debug("Time per operation: ".formatSeconds(4, $perEvent->getMean, $perEvent->getError)."\n");
    my $baseLinePO = $timedata[0]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[0]*$noevents[0]);
    for $j ( 1 .. $#timedata ) {
      my $perOperation = $timedata[$j]->divideByScalar($iterPerPass[$j]*$noevents[$j]); # time per operation
      my $ratio = $baseLinePO->subtract($perOperation);
      $ratio = $ratio->divide($perOperation);
      outputDist($ratio, "%");



--- NEW FILE: PerfFramework.pm ---
#  ********************************************************************
#  * Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and
#  * others. All Rights Reserved.
#  ********************************************************************

use strict;

#use Dataset;
use Format;
use Output;

my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $DEBUG   = 1;
my $start_l = ""; #formatting help
my $end_l   = "";
my @testArgs; # different kinds of tests we want to do
my $datadir = "data";
my $extraArgs; # stuff that always gets passed to the test program

my $iterCount = 0;
my $NUMPASSES = 4;
my $TIME = 2;

sub setupOptions {
  my %options = %{shift @_};

  if($options{"time"}) {
    $TIME = $options{"time"};

  if($options{"passes"}) {
    $NUMPASSES = $options{"passes"};
  if($options{"dataDir"}) {
    $DATADIR = $options{"dataDir"};

sub runTests {
  my $options = shift;
  my @programs;
  my $tests = shift;
  my %datafiles;
  if($#_ >= 0) { # maybe no files/locales
    my $datafiles = shift;
    if($datafiles) {
      %datafiles = %{$datafiles};

  my($locale, $iter, $data, $program, $args, $variable);
#  Outer loop runs through the locales to test
  if (%datafiles) {
    foreach $locale (sort keys %datafiles ) {
      foreach $data (@{ $datafiles{$locale} }) {
	my $locdata = "";
	if(!($locale eq "")) {
	  $locdata = "<b>Locale:</b> $locale<br>";
	$locdata .= "<b>Datafile:</b> $data<br>";

	if($DATADIR) {
	  compareLoop ($tests, $locale, $DATADIR."/".$data);
	} else {
	  compareLoop ($tests, $locale, $data);
  } else {

sub compareLoop {
  my $tests = shift;
  #my @tests = @{$tests};
  my %tests = %{$tests};
  my $locale = shift;
  my $datafile = shift;
  my $locAndData = "";
  if($locale) {
    $locAndData .= " -L $locale";
  if($datafile) {
    $locAndData .= " -f $datafile";
  my $args;
  my ($i, $j, $aref);
  foreach $i ( sort keys %tests ) {
    debug("Test: $i\n");
    $aref = $tests{$i};
    my @timedata;
    my @iterPerPass;
    my @noopers;
    my @noevents;

    my $program;
    my @argsAndTest;
    for $j ( 0 .. $#{$aref} ) {
    # first we calibrate. Use time from somewhere
    # first test is used for calibration
      ($program, @argsAndTest) = split(/\ /, @{ $tests{$i} }[$j]);
      my $commandLine = "$program -t $TIME -p $NUMPASSES $locAndData @argsAndTest";
      #my $commandLine = "$program -i 5 -p $NUMPASSES $locAndData @argsAndTest";
      my @res = measure1($commandLine);
      store("$i, $program @argsAndTest", @res);

      push(@iterPerPass, shift(@res));
      push(@noopers, shift(@res));
      my @data = @{ shift(@res) };
      if($#res >= 0) {
	push(@noevents, shift(@res));

      shift(@data) if (@data > 1); # discard first run

      #debug("data is @data\n");
      my $ds = Dataset->new(@data);

      push(@timedata, $ds);

    outputRow($i, \@iterPerPass, \@noopers, \@timedata, \@noevents);


# Measure a given test method with a give test pattern using the
# global run parameters.
# @param the method to run
# @param the pattern defining characters to test
# @param if >0 then the number of iterations per pass.  If <0 then
#        (negative of) the number of seconds per pass.
# @return array of:
#         [0] iterations per pass
#         [1] events per iteration
#         [2..] ms reported for each pass, in order
sub measure1 {
    # run passes
    my @t = callProg(shift); #"$program $args $argsAndTest");
    my @ms = ();
    my @b; # scratch
    for my $a (@t) {
        # $a->[0]: method name, corresponds to $method
        # $a->[1]: 'begin' data, == $iterCount
        # $a->[2]: 'end' data, of the form <ms> <eventsPerIter>
        # $a->[3...]: gc messages from JVM during pass
        @b = split(/\s+/, $a->[2]);
        #push(@ms, $b[0]);
        push(@ms, shift(@b));
    my $iterCount = shift(@b);
    my $operationsPerIter = shift(@b);
    my $eventsPerIter;
    if($#b >= 0) {
      $eventsPerIter = shift(@b);

#    out("Iterations per pass: $iterCount<BR>\n");
#    out("Events per iteration: $eventsPerIter<BR>\n");
#    debug("Iterations per pass: $iterCount<BR>\n");
#    if($eventsPerIter) {
#      debug("Events per iteration: $eventsPerIter<BR>\n");
#    }

    my @ms_str = @ms;
    $ms_str[0] .= " (discarded)" if (@ms_str > 1);
#    out("Raw times (ms/pass): ", join(", ", @ms_str), "<BR>\n");
    debug("Raw times (ms/pass): ", join(", ", @ms_str), "<BR>\n");
    if($eventsPerIter) {
      ($iterCount, $operationsPerIter, \@ms, $eventsPerIter);
    } else {
      ($iterCount, $operationsPerIter, \@ms);

# Measure a given test method with a give test pattern using the
# global run parameters.
# @param the method to run
# @param the pattern defining characters to test
# @param if >0 then the number of iterations per pass.  If <0 then
#        (negative of) the number of seconds per pass.
# @return a Dataset object, scaled by iterations per pass and
#         events per iteration, to give time per event
sub measure2 {
    my @res = measure1(@_);
    my $iterPerPass = shift(@res);
    my $operationsPerIter = shift(@res);
    my @data = @{ shift(@res) };
    my $eventsPerIter = shift(@res);

    shift(@data) if (@data > 1); # discard first run

    my $ds = Dataset->new(@data);
    #$ds->setScale(1.0e-3 / ($iterPerPass * $operationsPerIter));
    ($ds, $iterPerPass, $operationsPerIter, $eventsPerIter);

# Invoke program and capture results, passing it the given parameters.
# @param the method to run
# @param the number of iterations, or if negative, the duration
#        in seconds.  If more than on pass is desired, pass in
#        a string, e.g., "100 100 100".
# @param the pattern defining characters to test
# @return an array of results.  Each result is an array REF
#         describing one pass.  The array REF contains:
#         ->[0]: The method name as reported
#         ->[1]: The params on the '= <meth> begin ...' line
#         ->[2]: The params on the '= <meth> end ...' line
#         ->[3..]: GC messages from the JVM, if any
sub callProg {
    my $cmd = shift;
    #my $pat = shift;
    #my $n = shift;

    #my $cmd = "java -cp c:\\dev\\myicu4j\\classes $TESTCLASS $method $n $pat";
    debug( "[$cmd]\n"); # for debugging
    open(PIPE, "$cmd|") or die "Can't run \"$cmd\"";
    my @out;
    while (<PIPE>) {
        push(@out, $_);
    close(PIPE) or die "Program failed: \"$cmd\"";

    @out = grep(!/^\#/, @out);  # filter out comments

    #debug( "[", join("\n", @out), "]\n");

    my @results;
    my $method = '';
    my $data = [];
    foreach (@out) {
        next unless (/\S/);

        if (/^=\s*(\w+)\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
            my ($m, $state, $d) = ($1, $2, $3);
            #debug ("$_ => [[$m $state !!!$d!!! $data ]]\n");
            if ($state eq 'begin') {
                die "$method was begun but not finished" if ($method);
                $method = $m;
                push(@$data, $d);
                push(@$data, ''); # placeholder for end data
            } elsif ($state eq 'end') {
                if ($m ne $method) {
                    die "$method end does not match: $_";
                $data->[1] = $d; # insert end data at [1]
                #debug( "#$method:", join(";",@$data), "\n");
                unshift(@$data, $method); # add method to start
                push(@results, $data);
                $method = '';
                $data = [];
            } else {
                die "Can't parse: $_";

        elsif (/^\[/) {
            if ($method) {
                push(@$data, $_);
            } else {
                # ignore extraneous GC notices

        else {
            die "Can't parse: $_";

    die "$method was begun but not finished" if ($method);


sub debug  {
  my $message;
  if($DEBUG != 0) {
    foreach $message (@_) {
      print STDERR "$message";

sub measure1Alan {
  #Added here, was global
  my $CALIBRATE = 2; # duration in seconds for initial calibration

    my $method = shift;
    my $pat = shift;
    my $iterCount = shift; # actually might be -seconds/pass

    out("<P>Measuring $method using $pat, ");
    if ($iterCount > 0) {
        out("$iterCount iterations/pass, $NUMPASSES passes</P>\n");
    } else {
        out(-$iterCount, " seconds/pass, $NUMPASSES passes</P>\n");

    # is $iterCount actually -seconds?
    if ($iterCount < 0) {

        # calibrate: estimate ms/iteration
        print "Calibrating...";
        my @t = callJava($method, $pat, -$CALIBRATE);
        print "done.\n";

        my @data = split(/\s+/, $t[0]->[2]);
        my $timePerIter = 1.0e-3 * $data[0] / $data[2];
        # determine iterations/pass
        $iterCount = int(-$iterCount / $timePerIter + 0.5);

        out("<P>Calibration pass ($CALIBRATE sec): ");
        out("$data[0] ms, ");
        out("$data[2] iterations = ");
        out(formatSeconds(4, $timePerIter), "/iteration<BR>\n");
    # run passes
    print "Measuring $iterCount iterations x $NUMPASSES passes...";
    my @t = callJava($method, $pat, "$iterCount " x $NUMPASSES);
    print "done.\n";
    my @ms = ();
    my @b; # scratch
    for my $a (@t) {
        # $a->[0]: method name, corresponds to $method
        # $a->[1]: 'begin' data, == $iterCount
        # $a->[2]: 'end' data, of the form <ms> <eventsPerIter>
        # $a->[3...]: gc messages from JVM during pass
        @b = split(/\s+/, $a->[2]);
        push(@ms, $b[0]);
    my $eventsPerIter = $b[1];

    out("Iterations per pass: $iterCount<BR>\n");
    out("Events per iteration: $eventsPerIter<BR>\n");

    my @ms_str = @ms;
    $ms_str[0] .= " (discarded)" if (@ms_str > 1);
    out("Raw times (ms/pass): ", join(", ", @ms_str), "<BR>\n");

    ($iterCount, $eventsPerIter, @ms);

