[sword-cvs] sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS mainfrm.cpp,1.121,1.122 mainfrm.h,1.45,1.46 paraldisp.cpp,1.2,1.3 paraldisp.h,1.1,1.2 searchfrm.cpp,1.41,1.42 sword.bpr,1.112,1.113 sword.res,1.99,1.100 vrslstfrm.cpp,1.13,1.14

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:58:32 -0700

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv19591/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS

Modified Files:
	mainfrm.cpp mainfrm.h paraldisp.cpp paraldisp.h searchfrm.cpp 
	sword.bpr sword.res vrslstfrm.cpp 
Log Message:
no message

Index: mainfrm.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.121
retrieving revision 1.122
diff -C2 -d -r1.121 -r1.122
*** mainfrm.cpp	18 Jun 2003 23:37:21 -0000	1.121
--- mainfrm.cpp	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.122
*** 436,448 ****
  			if (pc == LexDictPageControl)
! 		}else if(pc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL")
!                 {
!                         parallelDisp->Display();
!                         pc->Hint = "PARALLEL";
  			if (logmodstate)
  				modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, *DefaultVSKey));
! 			if (pc == LexDictPageControl)
! 				FillDictKeys();
!                 }
--- 436,446 ----
  			if (pc == LexDictPageControl)
! 		}
! 		else if (pc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
! 			parallelDisp->Display();
! 			pc->Hint = "PARALLEL";
  			if (logmodstate)
  				modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, *DefaultVSKey));
! 		}
*** 455,459 ****
  	VSBox->Text  = DefaultVSKey->Verse();
  	//freeHandLookup->Text = UTF8ToWideString((const char *)*DefaultVSKey);
!         freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)*DefaultVSKey;
  	logmodstate = false;		// only log state once
--- 453,457 ----
  	VSBox->Text  = DefaultVSKey->Verse();
  	//freeHandLookup->Text = UTF8ToWideString((const char *)*DefaultVSKey);
! 	   freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)*DefaultVSKey;
  	logmodstate = false;		// only log state once
*** 1387,1392 ****
  /* TODO -cParallel Disp : Troy could you make sure that I did this correctly?
  					I am not sure what they key was for in the original
!                          if statement so I left it out of the PARALLEL statement
!                          and it works, I think ;-) */
  void TForm1::RestoreState(ModState *state)
--- 1385,1390 ----
  /* TODO -cParallel Disp : Troy could you make sure that I did this correctly?
  					I am not sure what they key was for in the original
! 					if statement so I left it out of the PARALLEL statement
! 					and it works, I think ;-) */
  void TForm1::RestoreState(ModState *state)
*** 1404,1416 ****
  					*DefaultVSKey = state->key;
! 				}else if(state->pc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
  					*DefaultVSKey = state->key;
!                     }
  		if (state->pc == LexDictPageControl) {
  			//DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString((const char *)state->key);
!                         DictKeyEdit->Text = ((const char *)state->key);
  		if (state->pc->ActivePage->ControlCount){
--- 1402,1415 ----
  					*DefaultVSKey = state->key;
! 				}
! 				else if (state->pc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
  					*DefaultVSKey = state->key;
! 				}
  		if (state->pc == LexDictPageControl) {
  			//DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString((const char *)state->key);
! 				    DictKeyEdit->Text = ((const char *)state->key);
  		if (state->pc->ActivePage->ControlCount){
*** 1559,1568 ****
  					pc = LexDictPageControl;
! 				it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 				if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
  					if (ctrlstates[val])
  						delete ctrlstates[val];
! 					ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText());
--- 1558,1573 ----
  					pc = LexDictPageControl;
! 				if (pc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
  					if (ctrlstates[val])
  						delete ctrlstates[val];
! 					ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, *DefaultVSKey);
! 				}
! 				else {					
! 					it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 					if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 						if (ctrlstates[val])
! 							delete ctrlstates[val];
! 						ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText());
! 					}
*** 1705,1712 ****
! 		tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(highlight.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey);
! 		if (tmpVerseList.Count())
! 			AddVerseChoices(menu, highlight.c_str(), rtf);
  	else	if (!rtf->SelLength) {
--- 1710,1718 ----
! 		else {
! 			tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(highlight.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey);
! 			if (tmpVerseList.Count())
! 				AddVerseChoices(menu, highlight.c_str(), rtf);
! 		}
  	else	if (!rtf->SelLength) {
*** 2399,2406 ****
  			else if (hintVLists) {			// otherwise assume verselist
! 				ModMap::iterator it;
! 				it = mainmgr->Modules.find(TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 				if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 					SWModule *module = it->second;
  					ListKey verses = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(verseList.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey, true);
  					if (verses.Count()) {
--- 2405,2419 ----
  			else if (hintVLists) {			// otherwise assume verselist
! 				SWModule *module = 0;
! 				if (TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
! 					module = Form1->parallelDisp->getModules()[0];
! 				}
! 				else {
! 					ModMap::iterator it = mainmgr->Modules.find(TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 					if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 						module = it->second;
! 					}
! 				}
! 				if (module) {
  					ListKey verses = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(verseList.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey, true);
  					if (verses.Count()) {
*** 2802,2805 ****
--- 2815,2823 ----
  		menus[i]->Caption = "Bible " + IntToStr(i+1);
+ 		newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
+ 		newitem->Caption = "[NONE]";
+ 		newitem->Hint = "Remove This View";
+ 		newitem->OnClick = ParallelMenuItemClick;
+ 		menus[i]->Add(newitem);
*** 2809,2814 ****
  				newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
  				newitem->Caption = it->second->Name();
!                                 if(!strcmp(parallelDisp->mod[i].c_str(), newitem->Caption.c_str()))
!                                         newitem->Checked = true;
  				newitem->Hint = it->second->Description();
  				newitem->OnClick = ParallelMenuItemClick;
--- 2827,2832 ----
  				newitem = new TMenuItem(menu);
  				newitem->Caption = it->second->Name();
! 				if(!strcmp(parallelDisp->mod[i].c_str(), newitem->Caption.c_str()))
! 					newitem->Checked = true;
  				newitem->Hint = it->second->Description();
  				newitem->OnClick = ParallelMenuItemClick;
*** 2835,2838 ****
--- 2853,2857 ----
  	parallelDisp->mod[bno] = value;
+ 	delete [] value;

Index: mainfrm.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/mainfrm.h,v
retrieving revision 1.45
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -C2 -d -r1.45 -r1.46
*** mainfrm.h	12 Jun 2003 02:03:34 -0000	1.45
--- mainfrm.h	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.46
*** 367,372 ****
  	String clickText;
- 	ParallelDisp *parallelDisp;
  	char CreateTextPane(SWModule *mod);
  	char CreateParallelPane(SWMgr **mgr);
--- 367,370 ----
*** 410,413 ****
--- 408,412 ----
  	bool renderingHint;
  	bool closing;
+ 	ParallelDisp *parallelDisp;

Index: paraldisp.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/paraldisp.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** paraldisp.cpp	13 Jun 2003 12:18:21 -0000	1.2
--- paraldisp.cpp	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.3
*** 21,28 ****
--- 21,31 ----
  		: SWDispRTFChap(Owner) {
  	modCount = 3;
+ 	mods = 0;
  __fastcall ParallelDisp::~ParallelDisp() {
+ 	if (mods)
+ 		delete [] mods;
*** 33,39 ****
- char ParallelDisp::Display() {
! 	SWModule **mods;
  	int realModCount = 0;
  	for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) {
--- 36,44 ----
! SWModule **ParallelDisp::getModules() {
! 	if (mods)
! 		delete [] mods;
  	int realModCount = 0;
  	for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) {
*** 43,51 ****
! 	// assert we have at least one module to display
! 	if (!realModCount)
! 		return 0;  // not an error, just nothing to display
! 	mods = new SWModule *[realModCount];
  	realModCount = 0;
  	for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) {
--- 48,52 ----
! 	mods = new SWModule *[realModCount+1];
  	realModCount = 0;
  	for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) {
*** 54,63 ****
  			mods[realModCount++] = it->second;
  	int testmt, book, chap, verse, versepos;
  	char buf[254];
  	System::AnsiString newtext, tmptext, tmptext2;
  	VerseKey *key = (VerseKey *)(SWKey *)(*mods[0]);
  	UnicodeRTF uToRTF;
--- 55,76 ----
  			mods[realModCount++] = it->second;
+ 	mods[realModCount] = 0;
+ 	return mods;
+ }
+ char ParallelDisp::Display() {
+ 	SWModule **mods = getModules();
+ 	int realModCount;
+ 	for (realModCount = 0; mods[realModCount]; realModCount++);
+ 	// assert we have at least one module to display
+ 	if (!realModCount)
+ 		return 0;  // not an error, just nothing to display
  	int testmt, book, chap, verse, versepos;
  	char buf[254];
  	System::AnsiString newtext, tmptext, tmptext2;
  	VerseKey *key = (VerseKey *)(SWKey *)(*mods[0]);
  	UnicodeRTF uToRTF;
*** 73,77 ****
  	newtext = RTFHeader;
  	newtext = newtext + RTFChapterMarkPre + IntToStr(chap) + RTFChapterMarkPost;
--- 86,89 ----
*** 81,85 ****
  	// Dunno if this first line does anything 
--- 93,96 ----
*** 206,209 ****
--- 217,221 ----
  				RTFStream->Position = 0;
+ 				makeLinks();
  				versepos =  GetTextLen() - 3;
*** 211,215 ****
  			if (z < (realModCount-1))
! 				newtext += "\\par__________\\par ";
  			else	newtext += "\\par\\par ";
--- 223,227 ----
  			if (z < (realModCount-1))
! 				newtext += "\\par{\\super _______}\\par ";
  			else	newtext += "\\par\\par ";
*** 243,277 ****
  	RTFStream->WriteBuffer(newtext.c_str(), newtext.Length());
  	RTFStream->Position = 0;
! 		Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
! 	// make links
! 	while (true) {
! 		int start, len, foundAt, endAt;
! 		start = (SelLength) ? SelStart + SelLength : 0;
! 		len = Text.Length() - start;
! 		foundAt = this->SearchText("<a href=\"\">", start, len, TRichSearchTypes());
! 		if (foundAt == -1)
! 			break;
! 		SelStart = foundAt;
! 		SelLength = 11;
! 		this->SelText = "";
! 		endAt = this->SearchText("</a>", foundAt, len, TRichSearchTypes());
! 		if (foundAt == -1)
! 			break;
! 		SelStart = endAt;
! 		SelLength = 4;
! 		this->SelText = "";
! 		SelStart = foundAt;
! 		SelLength = endAt - foundAt;
! 		this->SelAttributes->Link = true;
! 	}
  	//{ Position control text at current verse }
  	SelStart = versepos;
  	SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);
- 	delete [] mods;
  	return 0;
--- 255,268 ----
  	RTFStream->WriteBuffer(newtext.c_str(), newtext.Length());
  	RTFStream->Position = 0;
! 	Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
! 	makeLinks();        
  	//{ Position control text at current verse }
+ 	SelStart = 1;
+ 	SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);
  	SelStart = versepos;
  	SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);
  	return 0;

Index: paraldisp.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/paraldisp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** paraldisp.h	12 Jun 2003 02:03:34 -0000	1.1
--- paraldisp.h	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.2
*** 37,40 ****
--- 37,41 ----
  class ParallelDisp : public SWDispRTFChap {
+ 	SWModule **mods;
*** 49,52 ****
--- 50,54 ----
  	virtual char Display(SWModule & imodule);
  	virtual char Display();
+ 	SWModule **getModules();

Index: searchfrm.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/searchfrm.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -C2 -d -r1.41 -r1.42
*** searchfrm.cpp	26 Mar 2003 22:07:12 -0000	1.41
--- searchfrm.cpp	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.42
*** 337,343 ****
! 			ModMap::iterator it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(targetpc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 			if (it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 				setTarget(it->second);
--- 337,351 ----
! 			if (targetpc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
! 				SWModule *mod = Form1->parallelDisp->getModules()[0];
! 				if (mod) {
! 					setTarget(mod);
! 				}
! 			}
! 			else {
! 				ModMap::iterator it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(targetpc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 				if (it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 					setTarget(it->second);
! 				}

Index: sword.bpr
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/sword.bpr,v
retrieving revision 1.112
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -C2 -d -r1.112 -r1.113
*** sword.bpr	12 Jun 2003 02:03:34 -0000	1.112
--- sword.bpr	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.113
*** 46,50 ****
      <RELEASELIBPATH value="$(BCB)\lib\release"/>
      <LINKER value="ilink32"/>
      <SYSDEFINES value="NO_STRICT"/>
      <MAINSOURCE value="sword.cpp"/>
--- 46,50 ----
      <RELEASELIBPATH value="$(BCB)\lib\release"/>
      <LINKER value="ilink32"/>
      <SYSDEFINES value="NO_STRICT"/>
      <MAINSOURCE value="sword.cpp"/>
*** 58,66 ****
        -I..\..\..\..\..\icu-sword\source\i18n -I..\..\..\..\include 
        -I$(BCB)\include -I$(BCB)\include\vcl -Irxlib -src_suffix cpp -D_ICU_"/>
!     <CFLAG1 value="-Od -Vx -Ve -RT- -X- -r- -a8 -4 -b- -k -y -v -vi- -c -tW -tWM"/>
!     <PFLAGS value="-N2obj -N0obj -$Y+ -$W -$O- -v -M -JPHNE"/>
      <RFLAGS value=""/>
!     <AFLAGS value="/mx /w2 /zi"/>
!     <LFLAGS value="-Iobj -D&quot;&quot; -aa -Tpe -GD -s -Gn -v"/>
--- 58,66 ----
        -I..\..\..\..\..\icu-sword\source\i18n -I..\..\..\..\include 
        -I$(BCB)\include -I$(BCB)\include\vcl -Irxlib -src_suffix cpp -D_ICU_"/>
!     <CFLAG1 value="-O2 -Vx -Ve -RT- -X- -a8 -4 -b- -k- -vi -c -tW -tWM"/>
!     <PFLAGS value="-N2obj -N0obj -$Y- -$L- -$D- -v -M -JPHNE"/>
      <RFLAGS value=""/>
!     <AFLAGS value="/mx /w2 /zn"/>
!     <LFLAGS value="-Iobj -D&quot;&quot; -aa -Tpe -GD -s -Gn"/>
*** 76,80 ****
! Build=31
--- 76,80 ----
! Build=33
*** 88,92 ****
  CompanyName=CrossWire Software &amp; Bible Society
  FileDescription=Windows 32bit User Interface to The SWORD Project
! FileVersion=
  LegalCopyright=(c) 2002 CrossWire Bible Society under the terms of the GNU General Public License
--- 88,92 ----
  CompanyName=CrossWire Software &amp; Bible Society
  FileDescription=Windows 32bit User Interface to The SWORD Project
! FileVersion=
  LegalCopyright=(c) 2002 CrossWire Bible Society under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*** 133,138 ****
--- 133,138 ----

Index: sword.res
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/sword.res,v
retrieving revision 1.99
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -C2 -d -r1.99 -r1.100
Binary files /tmp/cvs6py2dn and /tmp/cvs6pFK1H differ

Index: vrslstfrm.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/vrslstfrm.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -d -r1.13 -r1.14
*** vrslstfrm.cpp	27 Jan 2003 09:23:06 -0000	1.13
--- vrslstfrm.cpp	19 Jun 2003 16:58:30 -0000	1.14
*** 36,48 ****
  void __fastcall TVerseListForm::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender) {
! 	ModMap::iterator target;
! 	target = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(Form1->TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 	if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
  		ListKey key;
! 		SWKey *tkey = target->second->CreateKey();
  		*tkey = ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str();
  		key << *tkey;
  		delete tkey;
! 		pvrtf->fillWithVerses(target->second, &key, true, false);
--- 36,57 ----
  void __fastcall TVerseListForm::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender) {
! 	SWModule *target = 0;
! 	if (Form1->TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
! 		target = Form1->parallelDisp->getModules()[0];
! 	}
! 	else {
! 		ModMap::iterator it;
! 		it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(Form1->TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 		if (it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end())
! 			target = it->second;
! 	}
! 	if (target) {
  		ListKey key;
! 		SWKey *tkey = target->CreateKey();
  		*tkey = ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex].c_str();
  		key << *tkey;
  		delete tkey;
! 		pvrtf->fillWithVerses(target, &key, true, false);
*** 108,114 ****
  		targetpc = Form1->LexDictPageControl;
! 	ModMap::iterator it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(targetpc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 	if (it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) {
! 		RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->fillWithVerses(it->second, &verses, true, true);
--- 117,133 ----
  		targetpc = Form1->LexDictPageControl;
! 	SWModule *target = 0;
! 	if (targetpc->ActivePage->Caption == "PARALLEL") {
! 		target = Form1->parallelDisp->getModules()[0];
! 	}
! 	else {
! 		ModMap::iterator it;
! 		it = Form1->mainmgr->Modules.find(targetpc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str());
! 		if (it != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end())
! 			target = it->second;
! 	}
! 	if (target) {
! 		RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->fillWithVerses(target, &verses, true, true);