[sword-cvs] sword/src/modules/filters gbfwebif.cpp,NONE,1.1 thmlwebif.cpp,NONE,1.1 Makefile.am,1.17,1.18
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 07:32:16 -0700
Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/modules/filters
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv1646/src/modules/filters
Modified Files:
Added Files:
gbfwebif.cpp thmlwebif.cpp
Log Message:
added webif stuff, updated makefile.am files
--- NEW FILE: gbfwebif.cpp ---
GBFWEBIF.cpp - GBF to HTML filter with hrefs
for strongs and morph tags
begin : 2001-09-03
copyright : 2001 by CrossWire Bible Society
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <gbfwebif.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <utilweb.h>
GBFWEBIF::GBFWEBIF() : baseURL("/"), passageStudyURL(baseURL + "passagestudy.jsp") {
//all is done in GBFHTMLHREF since it inherits form this class
bool GBFWEBIF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, DualStringMap &userData) {
const char *tok;
char val[128];
char *valto;
const char *num;
std::string url;
if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
if (!strncmp(token, "w", 1)) {
// OSIS Word (temporary until OSISRTF is done)
valto = val;
num = strstr(token, "lemma=\"x-Strongs:");
if (num) {
for (num+=17; ((*num) && (*num != '\"')); num++)
*valto++ = *num;
*valto = 0;
if (atoi((!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val) < 5627) {
buf += " <small><em><";
url = "";
for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) {
url += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
for (tok = (!isdigit(*val))?val+1:val; *tok; tok++) {
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>></em></small> ";
valto = val;
num = strstr(token, "morph=\"x-Robinson:");
if (num) {
for (num+=18; ((*num) && (*num != '\"')); num++)
*valto++ = *num;
*valto = 0;
buf += " <small><em>(";
url = "";
for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) {
// normal robinsons tense
buf += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
for (tok = val; *tok; tok++) {
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>)</em></small> ";
else if (!strncmp(token, "WG", 2) || !strncmp(token, "WH", 2)) { // strong's numbers
buf += " <small><em><";
url = "";
for (tok = token+1; *tok; tok++) {
url += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) {
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>></em></small>";
else if (!strncmp(token, "WTG", 3) || !strncmp(token, "WTH", 3)) { // strong's numbers tense
buf += " <small><em>(";
url = "";
for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) {
if(*tok != '\"')
url += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++)
if(*tok != '\"')
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>)</em></small>";
else if (!strncmp(token, "WT", 2) && strncmp(token, "WTH", 3) && strncmp(token, "WTG", 3)) { // morph tags
buf += " <small><em>(";
for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) {
if(*tok != '\"')
buf += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
for (tok = token + 2; *tok; tok++) {
if(*tok != '\"')
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>)</em></small>";
else if (!strncmp(token, "RX", 2)) {
buf += "<a href=\"";
for (tok = token + 3; *tok; tok++) {
if(*tok != '<' && *tok+1 != 'R' && *tok+2 != 'x') {
buf += *tok;
else {
buf.appendFormatted("a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
else {
return GBFHTMLHREF::handleToken(buf, token, userData);
return true;
--- NEW FILE: thmlwebif.cpp ---
ThMLWEBIF.cpp - ThML to HTML filter with hrefs
begin : 2001-09-03
copyright : 2001 by CrossWire Bible Society
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <thmlwebif.h>
#include <swmodule.h>
#include <utilweb.h>
ThMLWEBIF::ThMLWEBIF() : baseURL("/"), passageStudyURL(baseURL + "passagestudy.jsp") {
//all's done in ThMLHTMLHREF
bool ThMLWEBIF::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, DualStringMap &userData) {
const char *tok;
std::string url;
if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
// manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution
if (!strncmp(token, "sync ", 5)) {
url = "";
buf += "<small><em> (";
else {
buf += "<small><em> <";
for (tok = token + 5; *(tok+1); tok++) {
if(*tok != '\"') {
url += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?sync_key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str() );
//scan for value and add it to the buffer
for (tok = token + 5; *tok; tok++) {
if (!strncmp(tok, "value=\"", 7)) {
tok += 7;
tok += 8;
for (;*tok != '\"'; tok++)
buf += *tok;
buf += "</a>) </em></small>";
buf += "</a>> </em></small>";
else if (!strncmp(token, "scripRef p", 10) || !strncmp(token, "scripRef v", 10)) {
userData["inscriptRef"] = "true";
url = "";
for (const char *tok = token + 9; *(tok+1); tok++) {
if(*tok != '\"')
url += *tok;
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?p_key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str());
// we've ended a scripRef
else if (!strcmp(token, "/scripRef")) {
if (userData["inscriptRef"] == "true") { // like "<scripRef passage="John 3:16">John 3:16</scripRef>"
userData["inscriptRef"] = "false";
buf +="</a>";
else { // like "<scripRef>John 3:16</scripRef>"
url = userData["lastTextNode"].c_str();
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"%s?key=%s\">", passageStudyURL.c_str(), encodeURL(url).c_str() );
buf += userData["lastTextNode"].c_str();
// let's let text resume to output again
userData["suspendTextPassThru"] = "false";
buf += "</a>";
else {
return ThMLHTMLHREF::handleToken(buf,token,userData);
return true;
Index: Makefile.am
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/modules/filters/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18
*** Makefile.am 1 May 2003 10:59:45 -0000 1.17
--- Makefile.am 1 Jun 2003 14:32:09 -0000 1.18
*** 5,8 ****
--- 5,9 ----
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfhtml.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfhtmlhref.cpp
+ libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfwebif.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfplain.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfrtf.cpp
*** 17,20 ****
--- 18,22 ----
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfmorph.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/plainfootnotes.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlstrongs.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlfootnotes.cpp
*** 30,33 ****
--- 32,37 ----
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlhtml.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlhtmlhref.cpp
+ libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlwebif.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/thmlosis.cpp
libsword_la_SOURCES += $(filtersdir)/gbfosis.cpp