[sword-cvs] sword/src/mgr installmgr.cpp,1.9,1.10

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 07:16:27 -0700

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/mgr
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv15875/src/mgr

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added InstallMgr basic feature for remote source installation

Index: installmgr.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/mgr/installmgr.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** installmgr.cpp	7 Jul 2003 02:50:05 -0000	1.9
--- installmgr.cpp	7 Jul 2003 14:16:25 -0000	1.10
*** 6,12 ****
- // stupid hack to make untgz stuff compile
- #define VCL
  extern "C" {
  #include <untgz.h>
--- 6,9 ----
*** 104,108 ****
  		while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
! 			InstallSource *is = new InstallSource(sourceBegin->second.c_str(), "FTP");
  			sources[is->caption] = is;
  			SWBuf parent = (SWBuf)privatePath + "/" + is->source + "/file";
--- 101,105 ----
  		while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
! 			InstallSource *is = new InstallSource("FTP", sourceBegin->second.c_str());
  			sources[is->caption] = is;
  			SWBuf parent = (SWBuf)privatePath + "/" + is->source + "/file";
*** 297,311 ****
! InstallSource::InstallSource(const char *confEnt, const char *type) {
! 	char *buf = 0;
! 	stdstr(&buf, confEnt);
! 	caption = strtok(buf, "|");
! 	source = strtok(0, "|");
! 	directory = strtok(0, "|");
! 	delete [] buf;
  	this->type = type;
  	mgr = 0;
  	userData = 0;
--- 294,310 ----
! InstallSource::InstallSource(const char *type, const char *confEnt) {
  	this->type = type;
  	mgr = 0;
  	userData = 0;
+ 	if (confEnt) {
+ 		char *buf = 0;
+ 		stdstr(&buf, confEnt);
+ 		caption = strtok(buf, "|");
+ 		source = strtok(0, "|");
+ 		directory = strtok(0, "|");
+ 		delete [] buf;
+ 	}
*** 316,319 ****
--- 315,327 ----
+ void InstallSource::flush() {
+ 	if (mgr) {
+ 		delete mgr;
+ 		mgr = 0;
+ 	}
+ }
  SWMgr *InstallSource::getMgr() {
  	if (!mgr)
*** 321,324 ****
--- 329,334 ----
  	return mgr;
  int InstallMgr::FTPCopy(InstallSource *is, const char *src, const char *dest, bool dirTransfer, const char *suffix) {
  	terminate = false;
*** 382,385 ****
--- 392,396 ----
+ 	return 0;
*** 399,402 ****
--- 410,416 ----
  		sourceDir = (SWBuf)privatePath + "/" + is->source;
  	else	sourceDir = fromLocation;
+ 	if (sourceDir[sourceDir.length()-1] != '/')
+ 		sourceDir += '/';
  	SWMgr mgr(sourceDir.c_str());