[sword-cvs] sword/src/modules/texts/rawtext rawtext.cpp,1.59,1.60

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 20:23:28 -0700

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/modules/texts/rawtext
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv6595

Modified Files:
Log Message:
little STL/namespace cleanups to make MSVC happy

Index: rawtext.cpp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/src/modules/texts/rawtext/rawtext.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.59
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -C2 -d -r1.59 -r1.60
*** rawtext.cpp	21 Oct 2002 22:51:05 -0000	1.59
--- rawtext.cpp	27 Jan 2003 03:23:26 -0000	1.60
*** 31,37 ****
--- 31,41 ----
  using std::map;
  using std::list;
+ using std::find;
+ typedef  map < string, list<long> > strlist;
+ typedef list<long> longlist;
   * RawText Constructor - Initializes data for instance of RawText
*** 212,217 ****
  	int datfd;
  	int idxfd;
! 	map < string, list<long> >::iterator it;
! 	list<long>::iterator it2;
  	unsigned long offset, entryoff;
  	unsigned short size;
--- 216,221 ----
  	int datfd;
  	int idxfd;
! 	strlist::iterator it;
! 	longlist::iterator it2;
  	unsigned long offset, entryoff;
  	unsigned short size;
*** 428,432 ****
  				// iterate thru each good module position that meets the search
! 				for (list <long>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); it++) {
  					// set a temporary verse key to this module position
--- 432,436 ----
  				// iterate thru each good module position that meets the search
! 				for (longlist::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); it++) {
  					// set a temporary verse key to this module position