[sword-cvs] sword/include gbffootnotes.h,1.11,1.12 gbfheadings.h,1.4,1.5 gbfmorph.h,1.4,1.5 gbfosis.h,1.7,1.8 gbfplain.h,1.11,1.12 gbfrtf.h,1.9,1.10 gbfstrongs.h,1.10,1.11 swfilter.h,1.15,1.16

sword@www.crosswire.org sword@www.crosswire.org
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 06:31:39 -0700

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include
In directory www:/tmp/cvs-serv1294/include

Modified Files:
	gbffootnotes.h gbfheadings.h gbfmorph.h gbfosis.h gbfplain.h 
	gbfrtf.h gbfstrongs.h swfilter.h 
Log Message:
additional doc changes

Index: gbffootnotes.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbffootnotes.h,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** gbffootnotes.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.11
--- gbffootnotes.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.12
*** 38,42 ****
  	virtual ~GBFFootnotes();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey * key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }
--- 38,42 ----
  	virtual ~GBFFootnotes();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }

Index: gbfheadings.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfheadings.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** gbfheadings.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.4
--- gbfheadings.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.5
*** 38,42 ****
  	virtual ~GBFHeadings();
! 	virtual char processText (SWBuf &text, const SWKey * key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }
--- 38,42 ----
  	virtual ~GBFHeadings();
! 	virtual char processText (SWBuf &text, const SWKey * key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }

Index: gbfmorph.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfmorph.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** gbfmorph.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.4
--- gbfmorph.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.5
*** 38,42 ****
  	virtual ~GBFMorph();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey * key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }
--- 38,42 ----
  	virtual ~GBFMorph();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey * key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }

Index: gbfosis.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfosis.h,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** gbfosis.h	27 Feb 2003 00:56:30 -0000	1.7
--- gbfosis.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.8
*** 65,69 ****
  	virtual ~GBFOSIS();
! 	char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey * = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
--- 65,69 ----
  	virtual ~GBFOSIS();
! 	char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);

Index: gbfplain.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfplain.h,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** gbfplain.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.11
--- gbfplain.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.12
*** 31,35 ****
! 	virtual char processText (SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
--- 31,35 ----
! 	virtual char processText (SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);

Index: gbfrtf.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfrtf.h,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** gbfrtf.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.9
--- gbfrtf.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.10
*** 31,35 ****
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
--- 31,35 ----
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);

Index: gbfstrongs.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/gbfstrongs.h,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** gbfstrongs.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:19 -0000	1.10
--- gbfstrongs.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.11
*** 38,42 ****
  	virtual ~GBFStrongs();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule * = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }
--- 38,42 ----
  	virtual ~GBFStrongs();
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0);
  	virtual const char *getOptionName() { return optName; }
  	virtual const char *getOptionTip() { return optTip; }

Index: swfilter.h
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/sword/include/swfilter.h,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -d -r1.15 -r1.16
*** swfilter.h	20 Feb 2003 07:25:20 -0000	1.15
--- swfilter.h	28 Feb 2003 13:31:37 -0000	1.16
*** 36,39 ****
--- 36,40 ----
  typedef std::list < SWBuf > OptionsList;
+ class SWModule;
  /** Base class for all filters in sword.
*** 41,46 ****
  * like GBF, HTML, RTF ...
- class SWModule;
  class SWDLLEXPORT  SWFilter {
--- 42,45 ----
*** 59,63 ****
  	/** returns a list of the possible option values
! 	 * might be
  	 * @return list of option values
--- 58,62 ----
  	/** returns a list of the possible option values
! 	 * 
  	 * @return list of option values
*** 67,86 ****
  	/** sets the value of the option of this filter,
  	 * e.g maybe a strong's filter mioght be set to "on" / "off" -
  	 * that would mean to show or not to show the strongs in the text,
! 	 * see also @ref getOptionValues
  	 * @param ival the new option valus
! 	virtual void setOptionValue (const char *) { }
! 	virtual const char *getOptionValue () { return 0; }
  	/** This is the main filter function
! 	 * @param text the text to be filtered/converted
! 	 * @param maxlen maximal length of text to be processed
! 	 * @param key sorry I don't know
  	 * @return 0
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey * = 0, const SWModule * = 0) = 0;
--- 66,88 ----
+ 	/** @return The value of the current option.
+ 	*/
+ 	virtual const char *getOptionValue () { return 0; }
  	/** sets the value of the option of this filter,
  	 * e.g maybe a strong's filter mioght be set to "on" / "off" -
  	 * that would mean to show or not to show the strongs in the text,
! 	 * see also getOptionValues()
  	 * @param ival the new option valus
! 	virtual void setOptionValue (const char *ival) { }
  	/** This is the main filter function
! 	 * @param text The text to be filtered/converted
! 	 * @param key Current key That was used.
! 	 * @param module Current module.
  	 * @return 0
! 	virtual char processText(SWBuf &text, const SWKey *key = 0, const SWModule *module = 0) = 0;