[osis-core] Selah

Kirk Lowery osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Fri, 05 Sep 2003 08:34:02 -0400

Todd Tillinghast wrote:
> What element should we use to encode "Selah" when it appears by it self
> on a line after a block of text?  
> Are there any special elements or should this be a <seg type="x-selah">
> or a <p type="x-selah"> or something else?
> Thoughts?

I'm not familiar enough with the total range of OSIS elements to 
comment here. But let me address the nature of the beastie: selah is 
some sort of musical -- *not* poetic! -- notation. We really don't 
know what it means, but one thing is clear: it segments the text (in 
linguistic jargon: it is a discourse disjunctive, marking some sort of 
textual boundary). As for its role in information markup: it should be 
associated in some with with the text group that *preceeds* it.

My $0.02. :-P


Kirk E. Lowery, Ph.D.
Director, Westminster Hebrew Institute
Adjunct Professor of Old Testament
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

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