[osis-core] Strong's numbers -- big oops

Chris Little osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 16 Oct 2003 15:33:41 -0700


Patrick Durusau wrote:

> Kirk Lowery advises that MORPH is not widely used enough to include so 
> long as the "x-" is available. Zondervan uses the Edward Goodrick and 
> John Kohlenberger III system, written on their website as GK and G/K. 
> Since it is used by Zondervan and likely to be used by others, I suggest 
> that we do "Strong" and "GK" plus the extension.

TWOT and possibly BDB are a couple of other systems frequently 
referenced by other works.

> Probably will need to do something with morphology and syntax when we do 
> the linguistic annotation module but that need not trouble us now.


> So, bottom line is that I am inserting the stuff Chris requested as is.

Well, trusting me was your first mistake. :)

I didn't think this through completely.  What we allowed before was 
"x-([^\s])+".  What we now allow is just "x-([^\s])+", "Strong", and 
"GK".  In other words, using "Strong" or "GK" means you can't actually 
include the number itself.

What we need to offer is something like:

That is, a "namespace" identifying any of x-..., Strong, or GK, followed 
by a values.  This consititues a single record, which can then be 
followed by additional records separated by | characters, assuming the 
syntax Troy described long ago.  Correct me on that, if I have an error 
in the syntax for multiple records.
