[osis-core] Current Schema documentation

Patrick Durusau osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 22 May 2003 10:59:34 -0400


Forward to anyone at the OSIS meeting that is not on the list.


Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature
Co-Editor, ISO 13250, Topic Maps -- Reference Model

Schema osisCore.1.1.1.xsd
|   schema location:                 |   C:                               |
|                                    |   \Working\OSIS_User\osisCore.1.1.1|
|                                    |   .xsd                             |
|                                    |                                    |
|   Elements             |   Simple types         |   Attr. groups         |
|   a                    |   annotation           |   globalWithoutType    |
|   abbr                 |   attributeExtension   |   globalWithType       |
|   actor                |   calendar             |                        |
|   caption              |   changeType           |                        |
|   castGroup            |   divType              |                        |
|   castItem             |   languageType         |                        |
|   castList             |   milestonePt          |                        |
|   catchWord            |   milestoneSe          |                        |
|   cell                 |   nameType             |                        |
|   closer               |   noteType             |                        |
|   contributor          |   osisAnnotation       |                        |
|   coverage             |   osisChanges          |                        |
|   creator              |   osisDivs             |                        |
|   date                 |   osisIDType           |                        |
|   description          |   osisMilestonePt      |                        |
|   div                  |   osisMilestoneSe      |                        |
|   divineName           |   osisNames            |                        |
|   figure               |   osisNotes            |                        |
|   foreign              |   osisRefType          |                        |
|   format               |   osisRoles            |                        |
|   head                 |   osisWorkType         |                        |
|   header               |   roleType             |                        |
|   hi                   |   tableRole            |                        |
|   identifier           |                        |                        |
|   index                |                        |                        |
|   inscription          |                        |                        |
|   item                 |                        |                        |
|   l                    |                        |                        |
|   label                |                        |                        |
|   language             |                        |                        |
|   lg                   |                        |                        |
|   list                 |                        |                        |
|   mentioned            |                        |                        |
|   milestone            |                        |                        |
|   milestoneEnd         |                        |                        |
|   milestoneStart       |                        |                        |
|   name                 |                        |                        |
|   note                 |                        |                        |
|   osis                 |                        |                        |
|   osisCorpus           |                        |                        |
|   osisText             |                        |                        |
|   p                    |                        |                        |
|   publisher            |                        |                        |
|   q                    |                        |                        |
|   rdg                  |                        |                        |
|   reference            |                        |                        |
|   refSystem            |                        |                        |
|   relation             |                        |                        |
|   revisionDesc         |                        |                        |
|   rights               |                        |                        |
|   role                 |                        |                        |
|   roleDesc             |                        |                        |
|   row                  |                        |                        |
|   salute               |                        |                        |
|   seg                  |                        |                        |
|   signed               |                        |                        |
|   source               |                        |                        |
|   speaker              |                        |                        |
|   speech               |                        |                        |
|   subject              |                        |                        |
|   table                |                        |                        |
|   teiHeader            |                        |                        |
|   title                |                        |                        |
|   transChange          |                        |                        |
|   type                 |                        |                        |
|   verse                |                        |                        |
|   w                    |                        |                        |
|   work                 |                        |                        |

 element a
|   chil|   index                                                         |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser |
|       |                             datedivdivineNameforeignheadhi      |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabelmentionedname  |
|       |                             notepqrdgreferenceroleroleDescsalute|
|       |                             segsignedspeakerspeechtitle         |
|       |                             transChangeversew                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     href                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <a> element is a clone of    |
|       |                             <reference> and was added to allow  |
|       |                             simple links to be built with the   |
|       |                             current OSIS release. This will     |
|       |                             continue in future releases but     |
|       |                             expect to see full XLink/XPointer   |
|       |                             syntax in later releases. Both the  |
|       |                             standard HTML links and XLinks will |
|       |                             be supported for OSIS texts for the |
|       |                             foreseeable future.</p>             |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="a"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The   |
|       |   <a> element is a clone of <reference> and was added to allow  |
|       |   simple links to be built with the current OSIS release. This  |
|       |   will continue in future releases but expect to see full       |
|       |   XLink/XPointer syntax in later releases. Both the standard    |
|       |   HTML links and XLinks will be supported for OSIS texts for the|
|       |   foreseeable future.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><   |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="index"/></xs:choice><             |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="href|
|       |   "type="xs:string"use="required"/></xs:complexType></xs:element|
|       |   >                                                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 element abbr
|   chil|   adivineNameforeignindexnamenotereferencew                     |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             actorcaptioncatchWordcellcloserdiv  |
|       |                             divineNameforeignheadhiinscription  |
|       |                             itemllabelmentionednamenotepqrdg    |
|       |                             referenceroleroleDescsalutesegsigned|
|       |                             speakerspeechtitletransChangeverse  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     expansion                                                   |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          abbr   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <abbr> element contains      |
|       |                             abbreviations and the expansion of  |
|       |                             abbreviations is placed in the      |
|       |                             expansion attribute. To illustrate: |
|       |                             <abbr expansion="Journal of Biblical|
|       |                             Literature">JBL</abbr> This will be |
|       |                             particularly helpful for users who  |
|       |                             are not professional biblical       |
|       |                             scholars or to make sure references |
|       |                             to lesser known publications are    |
|       |                             easy to find (both by researchers   |
|       |                             and librarians).</p>                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="abbr"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <abbr> element contains abbreviations and the expansion of    |
|       |   abbreviations is placed in the expansion attribute. To        |
|       |   illustrate: <abbr expansion="Journal of Biblical              |
|       |   Literature">JBL</abbr> This will be particularly helpful for  |
|       |   users who are not professional biblical scholars or to make   |
|       |   sure references to lesser known publications are easy to find |
|       |   (both by researchers and librarians).</p></xs:documentation></|
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "divineName"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="reference"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attribute|
|       |   name="expansion"type="xs:string"/><xs:attributeGroupref=      |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="abbr"/></ |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element actor
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             castItem                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     who                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          actor  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p/>                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="actor"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p/> |
|       |   </xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice |
|       |   minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="index"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><        |
|       |   xs:attributename="who"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="actor"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 element caption
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonenamenoteqreference  |
|   dren|   segw                                                          |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             figure                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          figDesc|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <caption> element is used    |
|       |                             within <figure> to contain short    |
|       |                             descriptive information that may    |
|       |                             appear with an illustration, photo  |
|       |                             or map.</p>                         |
|       |                             <p>It should be noted that this     |
|       |                             element maps to the TEI <figDesc>   |
|       |                             element and not <caption>. For some |
|       |                             reason, <caption< was used by TEI   |
|       |                             for text displayed with a film or   |
|       |                             screenplay. Not its common          |
|       |                             definition and not followed by      |
|       |                             OSIS.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="caption"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>|
|       |   The <caption> element is used within <figure> to contain short|
|       |   descriptive information that may appear with an illustration, |
|       |   photo or map.</p><p>It should be noted that this element maps |
|       |   to the TEI <figDesc> element and not <caption>. For some      |
|       |   reason, <caption< was used by TEI for text displayed with a   |
|       |   film or screenplay. Not its common definition and not followed|
|       |   by OSIS.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType|
|       |   mixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroup |
|       |   ref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed=       |
|       |   "figDesc"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>                     |
|       |                                                                 |

 element castGroup
|   chil|   headcastItem                                                  |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             castList                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          castGro|
|       |                                                          up     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p/>                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="castGroup"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p/></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><       |
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=   |
|       |   "head"/><xs:elementref="castItem"/></xs:choice><              |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="castGroup"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>    |
|       |                                                                 |

 element castItem
|   chil|   actorroleroleDesc                                             |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             castGroup                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          castIte|
|       |                                                          m      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p/>                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="castItem"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   /></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><        |
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=   |
|       |   "actor"/><xs:elementref="role"/><xs:elementref="roleDesc"/></ |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="castItem"/></xs:complexType> |
|       |   </xs:element>                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |

 element castList
|   chil|   castGroup                                                     |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          castLis|
|       |                                                          t      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <castList> element and its   |
|       |                             children are used to document roles |
|       |                             in the biblical text.</p>           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="castList"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >The <castList> element and its children are used to document |
|       |   roles in the biblical text.</p></xs:documentation></          |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs|
|       |   ="unbounded"><xs:elementref="castGroup"/></xs:choice><        |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="castList"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>     |
|       |                                                                 |

 element catchWord
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             notep                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <catchWord> element occurs in|
|       |                             a note to contain text that occurs  |
|       |                             as part of the main text and is used|
|       |                             to alert the reader to the material |
|       |                             in the main text under discussion.  |
|       |                             This is likely to be used when a    |
|       |                             note concerns several parts of a    |
|       |                             single passage and the note wishes  |
|       |                             to draw attention to a particular   |
|       |                             part of the text for the following  |
|       |                             discussion. While to some degree a  |
|       |                             holdover from print practice, it    |
|       |                             does represent a simple way to      |
|       |                             create an implied reference from a  |
|       |                             note to the main text and is        |
|       |                             retained for that purpose. Careful  |
|       |                             users will make use of the linking  |
|       |                             attributes to make the <catchWord>  |
|       |                             element attach to a particular      |
|       |                             portion of the text. That practice  |
|       |                             will avoid having to re-edit an     |
|       |                             electronic text when more robust    |
|       |                             software is available for linking   |
|       |                             the <catchWord> to the main         |
|       |                             text.</p>                           |
|       |                             <p>There is no TEI equivalent for   |
|       |                             this element.</p>                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="catchWord"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The <catchWord> element occurs in a note to contain text    |
|       |   that occurs as part of the main text and is used to alert the |
|       |   reader to the material in the main text under discussion. This|
|       |   is likely to be used when a note concerns several parts of a  |
|       |   single passage and the note wishes to draw attention to a     |
|       |   particular part of the text for the following discussion.     |
|       |   While to some degree a holdover from print practice, it does  |
|       |   represent a simple way to create an implied reference from a  |
|       |   note to the main text and is retained for that purpose.       |
|       |   Careful users will make use of the linking attributes to make |
|       |   the <catchWord> element attach to a particular portion of the |
|       |   text. That practice will avoid having to re-edit an electronic|
|       |   text when more robust software is available for linking the   |
|       |   <catchWord> to the main text.</p><p>There is no TEI equivalent|
|       |   for this element.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><     |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=        |
|       |   "globalWithType"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>              |
|       |                                                                 |

 element cell
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehifigureforeignindexinscriptionlglist      |
|   dren|   milestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepqreferencesalute  |
|       |   segsignedspeakerspeechtabletitletransChangeversew             |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             row                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   tableRole                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     rows                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:positiveInteger            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     cols                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:positiveInteger            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          cell   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="cell"><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choice |
|       |   minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="figure"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="inscription"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="list  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><     |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="salute"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="signed"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "speaker"/><xs:elementref="speech"/><xs:elementref="table"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="role"type="tableRole"use="optional"/><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="rows"type="xs:positiveInteger"use="optional |
|       |   "/><xs:attributename="cols"type="xs:positiveInteger"use=      |
|       |   "optional"/><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><         |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="cell"/></xs:complexType></   |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element closer
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexlglistmentionedmilestone     |
|   dren|   milestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepqreferencesegsignedspeaker |
|       |   transChangeversew                                             |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             q                                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          closer |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <closer> element is a child  |
|       |                             of <div> and <q> and is meant to be |
|       |                             used with the close of letters      |
|       |                             (Pauline for example).</p>          |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="closer"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <closer> element is a child of <div> and <q> and is meant |
|       |   to be used with the close of letters (Pauline for example).</p|
|       |   ></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true|
|       |   "><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="list"/><xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref=             |
|       |   "milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref=    |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="signed"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="closer"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>       |
|       |                                                                 |

 element contributor
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     file-as                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   roleType                      |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <contributor> element has the|
|       |                             same semantics as the <creator>     |
|       |                             element. Can be used for            |
|       |                             contributors to a work that are not |
|       |                             covered under <creator>. Note that  |
|       |                             it has attributes for role (roleType|
|       |                             is a defined list of various role   |
|       |                             types) and a file-as attribute for  |
|       |                             additional indexing information.</p>|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="contributor"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation|
|       |   ><p>The <contributor> element has the same semantics as the   |
|       |   <creator> element. Can be used for contributors to a work that|
|       |   are not covered under <creator>. Note that it has attributes  |
|       |   for role (roleType is a defined list of various role types)   |
|       |   and a file-as attribute for additional indexing information.</|
|       |   p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><        |
|       |   xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><xs:attribute  |
|       |   name="file-as"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="role"type="roleType"use="optional"/><xs:attributeGroup  |
|       |   ref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></    |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element coverage
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>A description of a place or time |
|       |                             described in the work. </p>         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="coverage"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >A description of a place or time described in the work. </p> |
|       |   </xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><          |
|       |   xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><              |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element creator
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   roleType                      |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <creator> element has the    |
|       |                             same semantics as the <contributor> |
|       |                             element. Used for the primary       |
|       |                             creator or author of a work. If     |
|       |                             there are multiple authors, there   |
|       |                             should be a separate <creator>      |
|       |                             element for each one. Note that it  |
|       |                             has attributes for role (roleType is|
|       |                             a defined list of various role      |
|       |                             types) and a file-as attribute for  |
|       |                             additional indexing information.</p>|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="creator"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>|
|       |   The <creator> element has the same semantics as the           |
|       |   <contributor> element. Used for the primary creator or author |
|       |   of a work. If there are multiple authors, there should be a   |
|       |   separate <creator> element for each one. Note that it has     |
|       |   attributes for role (roleType is a defined list of various    |
|       |   role types) and a file-as attribute for additional indexing   |
|       |   information.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><          |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string |
|       |   "><xs:attributename="role"type="roleType"use="optional"/><    |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element date
|   chil|   aindexnotew                                                   |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             captioncellcloserdivforeignheadhi   |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabelmentionednotepq|
|       |                             rdgreferencerevisionDescsaluteseg   |
|       |                             speechtitletransChangeversework     |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   calendar                      |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                             ISO                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          date   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <date> element is used to    |
|       |                             record the type of date found in a  |
|       |                             text. It bears an optional          |
|       |                             calendarType attribute which will   |
|       |                             allow the user to note what sort of |
|       |                             date is being recorded. Permissible |
|       |                             values for the calendarType         |
|       |                             attribute are: Chinese, Gregorian,  |
|       |                             Islamic, ISO, Jewish, Julian. As    |
|       |                             with other attribute values in this |
|       |                             schema, the user can insert their   |
|       |                             own value for this attribute by     |
|       |                             appending "x-" before the value they|
|       |                             wish to use. Thus, calendarType     |
|       |                             ="x-DisneyLand" would be one        |
|       |                             possible value, although probably   |
|       |                             not a useful one.</p>               |
|       |                             <p>The <note> element may occur     |
|       |                             within <date> as commentators may   |
|       |                             wish to record additional           |
|       |                             information about the date.</p>     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="date"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <date> element is used to record the type of date found in a  |
|       |   text. It bears an optional calendarType attribute which will  |
|       |   allow the user to note what sort of date is being recorded.   |
|       |   Permissible values for the calendarType attribute are:        |
|       |   Chinese, Gregorian, Islamic, ISO, Jewish, Julian. As with     |
|       |   other attribute values in this schema, the user can insert    |
|       |   their own value for this attribute by appending "x-" before   |
|       |   the value they wish to use. Thus, calendarType="x-DisneyLand" |
|       |   would be one possible value, although probably not a useful   |
|       |   one.</p><p>The <note> element may occur within <date> as      |
|       |   commentators may wish to record additional information about  |
|       |   the date.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><             |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="index"/><     |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="type"type="calendar"use="optional"default=  |
|       |   "ISO"/><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="date"/></xs:complexType></   |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element description
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>A prose description of the       |
|       |                             content of the work.</p>            |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="description"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation|
|       |   ><p>A prose description of the content of the work.</p></     |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><            |
|       |   xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><              |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element div
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivdivineNamehifigureforeignindexinscriptionlglist   |
|   dren|   mentionedmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepq        |
|       |   referencesalutesegsignedspeakerspeechtabletitletransChange    |
|       |   versew                                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             divosisText                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   divType                       |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     divTitle                                                    |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisRef                                                     |
|       |                                   osisRefType                   |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          div    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <div> element is the         |
|       |                             principal container below the       |
|       |                             <osisText> element. As was noted    |
|       |                             above, there is no separate <front>,|
|       |                             <body>, or, <back> elements in OSIS |
|       |                             markup and the <div> type attribute |
|       |                             bears that information about the    |
|       |                             text. The usage of the <div> element|
|       |                             should be recorded in the           |
|       |                             <revisionDesc> element so users of  |
|       |                             the text will know what types of    |
|       |                             <div> elements they will encounter  |
|       |                             in processing the text.</p>         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="div"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The |
|       |   <div> element is the principal container below the <osisText> |
|       |   element. As was noted above, there is no separate <front>,    |
|       |   <body>, or, <back> elements in OSIS markup and the <div> type |
|       |   attribute bears that information about the text. The usage of |
|       |   the <div> element should be recorded in the <revisionDesc>    |
|       |   element so users of the text will know what types of <div>    |
|       |   elements they will encounter in processing the text.</p></    |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="div"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="figure"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="index"/><xs:elementref="inscription"/><xs:elementref="lg |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="list"/><xs:elementref="mentioned"/><       |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="salute"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="signed"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "speaker"/><xs:elementref="speech"/><xs:elementref="table"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="type"type="divType"use="optional"/><        |
|       |   xs:attributename="divTitle"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><  |
|       |   xs:attributename="osisRef"type="osisRefType"use="optional"/>< |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/><xs:attributename=  |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="div"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>          |
|       |                                                                 |

 element divineName
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbrcaptioncellcloserdivforeignhead |
|       |                             hiinscriptionitemllabelmentionednote|
|       |                             pqrdgreferencesalutesegsignedspeaker|
|       |                             speechtitletransChangeverse         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <divineName> element is to be|
|       |                             used to mark the name of the diety  |
|       |                             in biblical and other texts.        |
|       |                             Traditions vary on the writing of   |
|       |                             the divine name and this is our     |
|       |                             response to satisfy the need for    |
|       |                             marking the divine name in the text |
|       |                             and yet not make any presumptions   |
|       |                             about various traditions concerning |
|       |                             the writing of the name. This would |
|       |                             be a most appropriate element to    |
|       |                             record a typology of the divine name|
|       |                             as found or translated in the       |
|       |                             text.</p>                           |
|       |                             <p>There is no equivalent TEI       |
|       |                             element, other than perhaps <name>, |
|       |                             since the TEI Guidelines did not    |
|       |                             specifically address issues related |
|       |                             to the encoding of biblical         |
|       |                             materials.</p>                      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="divineName"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>|
|       |   <p>The <divineName> element is to be used to mark the name of |
|       |   the diety in biblical and other texts. Traditions vary on the |
|       |   writing of the divine name and this is our response to satisfy|
|       |   the need for marking the divine name in the text and yet not  |
|       |   make any presumptions about various traditions concerning the |
|       |   writing of the name. This would be a most appropriate element |
|       |   to record a typology of the divine name as found or translated|
|       |   in the text.</p><p>There is no equivalent TEI element, other  |
|       |   than perhaps <name>, since the TEI Guidelines did not         |
|       |   specifically address issues related to the encoding of        |
|       |   biblical materials.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><   |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=        |
|       |   "globalWithType"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>              |
|       |                                                                 |

 element figure
|   chil|   captionindexnote                                              |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivnotepqtitle                  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     osisRef                                                     |
|       |                                   osisRefType                   |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     src                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          div    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <figure> element is used more|
|       |                             broadly than what might be expected |
|       |                             from its name. In our usage, figure |
|       |                             includes the usual things such as   |
|       |                             photographs and line drawings, but  |
|       |                             also maps and any other non-textual |
|       |                             material that should appear in a    |
|       |                             text at a particular point.</p>     |
|       |                             <p>We have deliberately not made any|
|       |                             mention of the notation for the     |
|       |                             value of the "src" attribute as that|
|       |                             will vary from system to system,    |
|       |                             depending upon software             |
|       |                             capabilities. Bodies such as the    |
|       |                             IEFT (Internet Engineering Task     |
|       |                             Force) set standards for use of such|
|       |                             notations by software and should be |
|       |                             consulted for proper usage.</p>     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="figure"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <figure> element is used more broadly than what might be  |
|       |   expected from its name. In our usage, figure includes the     |
|       |   usual things such as photographs and line drawings, but also  |
|       |   maps and any other non-textual material that should appear in |
|       |   a text at a particular point.</p><p>We have deliberately not  |
|       |   made any mention of the notation for the value of the "src"   |
|       |   attribute as that will vary from system to system, depending  |
|       |   upon software capabilities. Bodies such as the IEFT (Internet |
|       |   Engineering Task Force) set standards for use of such         |
|       |   notations by software and should be consulted for proper      |
|       |   usage.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=   |
|       |   "caption"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="note"/></  |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributename="osisRef"type="osisRefType"use=   |
|       |   "optional"/><xs:attributename="src"type="xs:string"/><        |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="div"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>          |
|       |                                                                 |

 element foreign
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonenamenotereferenceseg|
|   dren|   titlew                                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser |
|       |                             divdivineNameforeignheadinscription |
|       |                             itemllabelmentionednamenotepqrdg    |
|       |                             referenceroleroleDescsalutesegsigned|
|       |                             speakerspeechtitletransChangeverse  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          foreign|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <foreign> element is used to |
|       |                             mark foreign words or phrases that  |
|       |                             occur in a text. In some cases that |
|       |                             may be for purposes of special      |
|       |                             display of such words, such as      |
|       |                             displaying "foreign" words in an    |
|       |                             English text in italics. In others, |
|       |                             it may be to allow the use of a     |
|       |                             special font to insure properly     |
|       |                             rendering of the text. Foreign in   |
|       |                             this sense means different from the |
|       |                             text being encoded and not foreign  |
|       |                             from a particular language. The     |
|       |                             quotation of Armaic words in a New  |
|       |                             Testament translation (whether the  |
|       |                             translation is English, Spanish or  |
|       |                             German) is an example of foreign    |
|       |                             words in a text.</p>                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="foreign"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>|
|       |   The <foreign> element is used to mark foreign words or phrases|
|       |   that occur in a text. In some cases that may be for purposes  |
|       |   of special display of such words, such as displaying "foreign"|
|       |   words in an English text in italics. In others, it may be to  |
|       |   allow the use of a special font to insure properly rendering  |
|       |   of the text. Foreign in this sense means different from the   |
|       |   text being encoded and not foreign from a particular language.|
|       |   The quotation of Armaic words in a New Testament translation  |
|       |   (whether the translation is English, Spanish or German) is an |
|       |   example of foreign words in a text.</p></xs:documentation></  |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "index"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="name"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="seg"/><xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="w"/></     |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="foreign"/></xs:complexType></|
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element format
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>A set of descriptors is not yet  |
|       |                             available from Dublin Core for      |
|       |                             formats.</p>                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="format"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>A|
|       |   set of descriptors is not yet available from Dublin Core for  |
|       |   formats.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType|
|       |   ><xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><            |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element head
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignheadindexmilestonemilestoneEnd    |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegw                          |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             castGroupheadlisttable              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          head   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <head> element occurs only   |
|       |                             within the <list> element. Its      |
|       |                             function is to provide a header for |
|       |                             a list of items. Note that it can   |
|       |                             contain itself, so it is possible to|
|       |                             have sub-headings under a main      |
|       |                             heading for a list.</p>             |
|       |                             <p>Does not map precisely to TEI    |
|       |                             <head> because TEI allows <head> for|
|       |                             things such as tables, figure, etc. |
|       |                             Have included the mapping as a      |
|       |                             reference for users but be aware of |
|       |                             the less extensive usage in         |
|       |                             OSIS.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="head"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <head> element occurs only within the <list> element. Its     |
|       |   function is to provide a header for a list of items. Note that|
|       |   it can contain itself, so it is possible to have sub-headings |
|       |   under a main heading for a list.</p><p>Does not map precisely |
|       |   to TEI <head> because TEI allows <head> for things such as    |
|       |   tables, figure, etc. Have included the mapping as a reference |
|       |   for users but be aware of the less extensive usage in OSIS.</p|
|       |   ></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true|
|       |   "><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="head"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroup |
|       |   ref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="head  |
|       |   "/></xs:complexType></xs:element>                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 element header
|   chil|   revisionDescwork                                              |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             osisCorpusosisText                  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          teiHead|
|       |                                                          er     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <header> element contains the|
|       |                             <work> element, which holds the     |
|       |                             Dublin Core metadata used by the    |
|       |                             Open EBook initiative. The          |
|       |                             containers in the <work> element    |
|       |                             hold basically unstructured data and|
|       |                             that while sufficient for this      |
|       |                             initial release, far more internal  |
|       |                             structure will be added to these    |
|       |                             elements for the publisher,         |
|       |                             translator and scholar modules to be|
|       |                             released in the future by this      |
|       |                             initiative.</p>                     |
|       |                             <p>The <header> element diverges    |
|       |                             from both Dubline Core and Open     |
|       |                             eBook by providing a <revisionDesc> |
|       |                             element to describe the revision    |
|       |                             history of a document. For further  |
|       |                             information on Dublin Core, see:    |
|       |                             http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2413.txt |
|       |                             or                                  |
|       |                             http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core|
|       |                             . Information on the Open eBook can |
|       |                             be found at the Open eBook Forum,   |
|       |                             http://www.openebook.org/. While the|
|       |                             Dublin Core source materials are the|
|       |                             best reference, short notes have    |
|       |                             been included in the documentation  |
|       |                             for each of the metadata elements as|
|       |                             guides to their usage.</p>          |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="header"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <header> element contains the <work> element, which holds |
|       |   the Dublin Core metadata used by the Open EBook initiative.   |
|       |   The containers in the <work> element hold basically           |
|       |   unstructured data and that while sufficient for this initial  |
|       |   release, far more internal structure will be added to these   |
|       |   elements for the publisher, translator and scholar modules to |
|       |   be released in the future by this initiative.</p><p>The       |
|       |   <header> element diverges from both Dubline Core and Open     |
|       |   eBook by providing a <revisionDesc> element to describe the   |
|       |   revision history of a document. For further information on    |
|       |   Dublin Core, see: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2413.txt or      |
|       |   http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core. Information on the Open |
|       |   eBook can be found at the Open eBook Forum,                   |
|       |   http://www.openebook.org/. While the Dublin Core source       |
|       |   materials are the best reference, short notes have been       |
|       |   included in the documentation for each of the metadata        |
|       |   elements as guides to their usage.</p></xs:documentation></   |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:elementref=    |
|       |   "revisionDesc"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="work"maxOccurs="unbounded"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute  |
|       |   name="TEIform"fixed="teiHeader"/></xs:complexType></xs:element|
|       |   >                                                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 element hi
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehimilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamew |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             captioncellcloserdivforeignheadhi   |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabelmentionednotepq|
|       |                             rdgreferencesalutesegsignedspeech   |
|       |                             titletransChangeverse               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          hi     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <hi> element is a generic    |
|       |                             element that can be used to record  |
|       |                             emphasis and the type of emphasis   |
|       |                             for an authored text. It should not |
|       |                             be used with primary source         |
|       |                             materials or translations to mark   |
|       |                             portions of texts that have been    |
|       |                             rendered differently from the       |
|       |                             surrounding text. The words of Jesus|
|       |                             in a red-letter edition for example,|
|       |                             should not be encoded using the <hi>|
|       |                             element. To merely record that the  |
|       |                             words appear in the color red is to |
|       |                             miss the reason why they are marked |
|       |                             in red, a fact that will probably be|
|       |                             of interest to others reading the   |
|       |                             text.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="hi"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The  |
|       |   <hi> element is a generic element that can be used to record  |
|       |   emphasis and the type of emphasis for an authored text. It    |
|       |   should not be used with primary source materials or           |
|       |   translations to mark portions of texts that have been rendered|
|       |   differently from the surrounding text. The words of Jesus in a|
|       |   red-letter edition for example, should not be encoded using   |
|       |   the <hi> element. To merely record that the words appear in   |
|       |   the color red is to miss the reason why they are marked in    |
|       |   red, a fact that will probably be of interest to others       |
|       |   reading the text.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><     |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=         |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroup|
|       |   ref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="hi"/> |
|       |   </xs:complexType></xs:element>                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 element identifier
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Any unique identifier for a work,|
|       |                             such as an ISBN or ISSN number,     |
|       |                             although those are merely           |
|       |                             illustrative and not given as       |
|       |                             limitations. A separate <identifier>|
|       |                             element should be used for each such|
|       |                             identifier and its type recorded in |
|       |                             the type attribute for the          |
|       |                             element.</p>                        |
|       |                             <p>It should be noted that the type |
|       |                             attribute should be OSIS for cases  |
|       |                             where the identifier represents an  |
|       |                             OSIS identifier. This is promote    |
|       |                             resolution of OSIS ID and Refs.</p> |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="identifier"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>|
|       |   <p>Any unique identifier for a work, such as an ISBN or ISSN  |
|       |   number, although those are merely illustrative and not given  |
|       |   as limitations. A separate <identifier> element should be used|
|       |   for each such identifier and its type recorded in the type    |
|       |   attribute for the element.</p><p>It should be noted that the  |
|       |   type attribute should be OSIS for cases where the identifier  |
|       |   represents an OSIS identifier. This is promote resolution of  |
|       |   OSIS ID and Refs.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><     |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string |
|       |   "><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></   |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element index
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             aabbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser|
|       |                             datedivdivineNamefigureforeignhead  |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabellglistmentioned|
|       |                             namenotepqrdgreferenceroleroleDesc  |
|       |                             salutesegsignedspeakerspeechtitle   |
|       |                             transChangeversew                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     index                                                       |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level1                                                      |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level2                                                      |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level3                                                      |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level4                                                      |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     see                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          index  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <index> element is an empty  |
|       |                             element that is used to mark index  |
|       |                             locations in a text. It follows the |
|       |                             TEI Guidelines in most respects,    |
|       |                             with the addition of a "see"        |
|       |                             attribute which is explained below. |
|       |                             Note that the level attributes      |
|       |                             (level1 - level4) correspond to a   |
|       |                             main entry (level1) and nested      |
|       |                             entries under that entry. Thus, the |
|       |                             levels link the attribute values    |
|       |                             together in hierarchy of topics. If |
|       |                             you want a separate index entry for |
|       |                             a particular                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             location, use another index         |
|       |                             element.</p>                        |
|       |                             <p>The "see" attribute was added to |
|       |                             the TEI syntax to enable the        |
|       |                             recording of a see or see also entry|
|       |                             in the index. The value of that     |
|       |                             attribute should be a level1 entry  |
|       |                             that occurs in the document         |
|       |                             instance. Automatic processing      |
|       |                             should generate a link to the       |
|       |                             appropriate location in the text but|
|       |                             use of the string provides a useful |
|       |                             fallback to the user by specifying  |
|       |                             the index entry that should be a    |
|       |                             pointer to the appropriate          |
|       |                             location.</p>                       |
|       |                             <p>If it is desired to have see or  |
|       |                             see also entries at other levels of |
|       |                             the index, separate index tags      |
|       |                             should be inserted with the         |
|       |                             appropriate see attributes.</p>     |
|       |                             <p>Examples:                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             Standard usage of this element:     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <index id="1234" index="subject"    |
|       |                             level1="Job" level2="theodicy"      |
|       |                             level3="parallel literature" level4 |
|       |                             ="Babylonian sufferer" see          |
|       |                             ="Suffering - Theodicy"/>           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             would result in an entry in the     |
|       |                             subject index that looks like this: |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             Job                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                              theodicy                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                parallel literature              |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                  Babylonian sufferer (pointer to|
|       |                             location in text [id])              |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             see: Suffering - Theodicy</p>       |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="index"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>  |
|       |   The <index> element is an empty element that is used to mark  |
|       |   index locations in a text. It follows the TEI Guidelines in   |
|       |   most respects, with the addition of a "see" attribute which is|
|       |   explained below. Note that the level attributes (level1 -     |
|       |   level4) correspond to a main entry (level1) and nested entries|
|       |   under that entry. Thus, the levels link the attribute values  |
|       |   together in hierarchy of topics. If you want a separate index |
|       |   entry for a particular                                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   location, use another index element.</p><p>The "see" attribute|
|       |   was added to the TEI syntax to enable the recording of a see  |
|       |   or see also entry in the index. The value of that attribute   |
|       |   should be a level1 entry that occurs in the document instance.|
|       |   Automatic processing should generate a link to the appropriate|
|       |   location in the text but use of the string provides a useful  |
|       |   fallback to the user by specifying the index entry that should|
|       |   be a pointer to the appropriate location.</p><p>If it is      |
|       |   desired to have see or see also entries at other levels of the|
|       |   index, separate index tags should be inserted with the        |
|       |   appropriate see attributes.</p><p>Examples:                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   Standard usage of this element:                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   <index id="1234" index="subject" level1="Job" level2          |
|       |   ="theodicy" level3="parallel literature" level4="Babylonian   |
|       |   sufferer" see="Suffering - Theodicy"/>                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   would result in an entry in the subject index that looks like |
|       |   this:                                                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   Job                                                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |    theodicy                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |      parallel literature                                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |        Babylonian sufferer (pointer to location in text [id])   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |   see: Suffering - Theodicy</p></xs:documentation></            |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:attributename="index"type=  |
|       |   "xs:string"use="required"/><xs:attributename="level1"type=    |
|       |   "xs:string"use="required"/><xs:attributename="level2"type=    |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="level3"type=    |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="level4"type=    |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="see"type=       |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributeGroupref=             |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="index"/></|
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element inscription
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegspeakerspeechtitlew        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivnotepqspeechtitleverse       |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <inscription> element should |
|       |                             not be used for quotations but only |
|       |                             in cases where an actual physical   |
|       |                             inscription is being reported or    |
|       |                             recorded.</p>                       |
|       |                             <p>The TEI has no equivalent of this|
|       |                             element.</p>                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="inscription"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation|
|       |   ><p>The <inscription> element should not be used for          |
|       |   quotations but only in cases where an actual physical         |
|       |   inscription is being reported or recorded.</p><p>The TEI has  |
|       |   no equivalent of this element.</p></xs:documentation></       |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "index"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=          |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="q"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="speech"/><xs:elementref="title |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=     |
|       |   "globalWithType"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>              |
|       |                                                                 |

 element item
|   chil|   labelaabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexlglistmilestone         |
|   dren|   milestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepqreferencesegtitle         |
|       |   transChangeversew                                             |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             list                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          item   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <item> element is solely used|
|       |                             by <list> and is used to contain    |
|       |                             material commonly found in lists. It|
|       |                             can be preceded by a <label> so it  |
|       |                             can be part of a glossary or simple |
|       |                             dictionary type listing.</p>        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="item"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <item> element is solely used by <list> and is used to contain|
|       |   material commonly found in lists. It can be preceded by a     |
|       |   <label> so it can be part of a glossary or simple dictionary  |
|       |   type listing.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><         |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:sequenceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=|
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="label"minOccurs="0"/><xs:choice   |
|       |   minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref=   |
|       |   "list"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=           |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="p"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "seg"/><xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice></     |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><         |
|       |   xs:attributename="role"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="item"/></xs:complexType></   |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element l
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmentionedmilestone           |
|   dren|   milestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegspeaker        |
|       |   transChangeversew                                             |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             lg                                  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          l      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <l> element is solely a child|
|       |                             of <lg>. That means that is should  |
|       |                             not be used to mark lines in a text.|
|       |                             Being aware that some translations  |
|       |                             place great emphasis on line breaks,|
|       |                             the <seg> element should be used for|
|       |                             that purpose. Scholars should note  |
|       |                             that more robust mechanisms for     |
|       |                             marking orthographic (how the text  |
|       |                             is written) features of original    |
|       |                             texts will be included in the       |
|       |                             scholarly module to be issued by the|
|       |                             OSIS initiative.</p>                |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="l"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The   |
|       |   <l> element is solely a child of <lg>. That means that is     |
|       |   should not be used to mark lines in a text. Being aware that  |
|       |   some translations place great emphasis on line breaks, the    |
|       |   <seg> element should be used for that purpose. Scholars should|
|       |   note that more robust mechanisms for marking orthographic (how|
|       |   the text is written) features of original texts will be       |
|       |   included in the scholarly module to be issued by the OSIS     |
|       |   initiative.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><           |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="l"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>            |
|       |                                                                 |

 element label
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegtransChangew               |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             item                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          label  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <label> element is an        |
|       |                             optional element within <list> which|
|       |                             allows the following:               |
|       |                             <list><label>Crosswire.org</label><i|
|       |                             tem>A volunteer group of highly     |
|       |                             skilled programmers who write Bible |
|       |                             software</item></list>.</p>         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="label"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>  |
|       |   The <label> element is an optional element within <list> which|
|       |   allows the following:                                         |
|       |   <list><label>Crosswire.org</label><item>A volunteer group of  |
|       |   highly skilled programmers who write Bible                    |
|       |   software</item></list>.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation>|
|       |   <xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs= |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref=     |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="transChange|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=     |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="role"type="xs:string"use=|
|       |   "optional"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="label"/></      |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element language
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Should comply with the           |
|       |                             requirements of RFC 1766            |
|       |                             (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1766.txt|
|       |                             ) and any successor standards for   |
|       |                             specifying the language of a        |
|       |                             work.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="language"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >Should comply with the requirements of RFC 1766              |
|       |   (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1766.txt) and any successor       |
|       |   standards for specifying the language of a work.</p></        |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><            |
|       |   xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><              |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element lg
|   chil|   indexllgmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStart                   |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivitemlgnotepqrdgsalute  |
|       |                             speechtitle                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          lg     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <lineGroup> element is for   |
|       |                             use in marking poetic texts, such as|
|       |                             are found in Psalms and Proverbs. It|
|       |                             contains only the <line> and        |
|       |                             <milestone> elements.</p>           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="lg"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The  |
|       |   <lineGroup> element is for use in marking poetic texts, such  |
|       |   as are found in Psalms and Proverbs. It contains only the     |
|       |   <line> and <milestone> elements.</p></xs:documentation></     |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs|
|       |   ="unbounded"><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="l"/><    |
|       |   xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/></xs:choice>|
|       |   <xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=    |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="lg"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>           |
|       |                                                                 |

 element list
|   chil|   headindexitemlistmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStart          |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivitemlistnotepqrdgsalute|
|       |                             speechverse                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          list   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <list> element is used for   |
|       |                             common lists of items, as well as   |
|       |                             simple glossaries and definition    |
|       |                             lists. The <list> element can       |
|       |                             contain embedded lists, thereby     |
|       |                             allowing embedded sublists.</p>     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="list"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <list> element is used for common lists of items, as well as  |
|       |   simple glossaries and definition lists. The <list> element can|
|       |   contain embedded lists, thereby allowing embedded sublists.</p|
|       |   ></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true|
|       |   "><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "head"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="item"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="list"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/></       |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="list"/></xs:complexType></   |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element mentioned
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegtransChangew               |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             closerdivlnotepqsalutespeechverse   |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          mention|
|       |                                                          ed     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <mentioned> element is used  |
|       |                             to mark words (or phrases) that are |
|       |                             mentioned but not used. When        |
|       |                             illustrating a grammatical point, a |
|       |                             commentary may insert a word as an  |
|       |                             example of a particular usage. This |
|       |                             is more important for use in notes  |
|       |                             or commentaries than original texts,|
|       |                             but there are cases where it would  |
|       |                             be appropriate there as well.</p>   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="mentioned"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The <mentioned> element is used to mark words (or phrases)  |
|       |   that are mentioned but not used. When illustrating a          |
|       |   grammatical point, a commentary may insert a word as an       |
|       |   example of a particular usage. This is more important for use |
|       |   in notes or commentaries than original texts, but there are   |
|       |   cases where it would be appropriate there as well.</p></      |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="transChange"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><|
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="mentioned"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>    |
|       |                                                                 |

 element milestone
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             captioncellcloserdivforeignheadhi   |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabellglistmentioned|
|       |                             notepqrdgreferencesalutesegsigned   |
|       |                             speechtitletransChangeverse         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   milestonePt                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          milesto|
|       |                                                          ne     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <milestone> element is a true|
|       |                             empty element that is used to mark  |
|       |                             locations in a text. It carries not |
|       |                             semantics other than a location in  |
|       |                             the text stream. It can be used     |
|       |                             along with its type attribute to    |
|       |                             record elements that otherwise would|
|       |                             overlap. The milestone_Pt attribute |
|       |                             is used to indicate the type of     |
|       |                             attribute, such as a screen break - |
|       |                             sb (also known as a shadow          |
|       |                             milestone), pb (page break) and     |
|       |                             others.</p>                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="milestone"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The <milestone> element is a true empty element that is used|
|       |   to mark locations in a text. It carries not semantics other   |
|       |   than a location in the text stream. It can be used along with |
|       |   its type attribute to record elements that otherwise would    |
|       |   overlap. The milestone_Pt attribute is used to indicate the   |
|       |   type of attribute, such as a screen break - sb (also known as |
|       |   a shadow milestone), pb (page break) and others.</p></        |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><            |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/><xs:attributename=  |
|       |   "type"type="milestonePt"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed=   |
|       |   "milestone"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element milestoneEnd
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivheadhiinscriptioniteml |
|       |                             labellglistmentionednotepqrdg       |
|       |                             referencesalutesegsignedspeech      |
|       |                             transChangeverse                    |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     start                                                       |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          milesto|
|       |                                                          ne     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <milestoneEnd> element is    |
|       |                             used with the <milestoneStart>      |
|       |                             element to carry a semantic of      |
|       |                             containership for an enumerated list|
|       |                             of elements. That element type is   |
|       |                             specified on the milestone_SE       |
|       |                             (Start/End) attribute. Milestones of|
|       |                             this type are linked by having      |
|       |                             identical osisID and splitID        |
|       |                             values.</p>                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="milestoneEnd"><xs:annotation><               |
|       |   xs:documentation><p>The <milestoneEnd> element is used with   |
|       |   the <milestoneStart> element to carry a semantic of           |
|       |   containership for an enumerated list of elements. That element|
|       |   type is specified on the milestone_SE (Start/End) attribute.  |
|       |   Milestones of this type are linked by having identical osisID |
|       |   and splitID values.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><   |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="start"type="xs:string"use="required"/><     |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="milestone"/></xs:complexType>|
|       |   </xs:element>                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |

 element milestoneStart
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivheadhiinscriptioniteml |
|       |                             labellglistmentionednotepqrdg       |
|       |                             referencesalutesegsignedspeech      |
|       |                             transChangeverse                    |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     end                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     who                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level                                                       |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          milesto|
|       |                                                          ne     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <milestoneStart> element     |
|       |                             element is used with the            |
|       |                             <milestoneStart> element to carry a |
|       |                             semantic of containership. That     |
|       |                             element being emulated should be    |
|       |                             specified with the type attribute.  |
|       |                             Milestones of this type are linked  |
|       |                             by the end attribute of the         |
|       |                             milestoneStart and the start        |
|       |                             attribute of milestoneEnd. In cases |
|       |                             where emulated containers have      |
|       |                             special attributes, such as who or  |
|       |                             level for quote, those attributes   |
|       |                             should be added to                  |
|       |                             milestoneStart.</p>                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="milestoneStart"><xs:annotation><             |
|       |   xs:documentation><p>The <milestoneStart> element element is   |
|       |   used with the <milestoneStart> element to carry a semantic of |
|       |   containership. That element being emulated should be specified|
|       |   with the type attribute. Milestones of this type are linked by|
|       |   the end attribute of the milestoneStart and the start         |
|       |   attribute of milestoneEnd. In cases where emulated containers |
|       |   have special attributes, such as who or level for quote, those|
|       |   attributes should be added to milestoneStart.</p></           |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><            |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="end"|
|       |   type="xs:string"use="required"/><xs:attributename="who"type=  |
|       |   "xs:string"/><xs:attributename="level"type="xs:string"/><     |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="milestone"/></xs:complexType>|
|       |   </xs:element>                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |

 element name
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbrcaptioncellcloserdivforeignhead |
|       |                             hiinscriptionitemllabelmentionednote|
|       |                             pqrdgreferencesalutesegsignedspeaker|
|       |                             speechtitletransChangeverse         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   nameType                      |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     regular                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          name   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <name> element is useful as  |
|       |                             it allows the user to declare a     |
|       |                             regular form for a name that may be |
|       |                             written in different forms in the   |
|       |                             text. For example, to recover all   |
|       |                             the instances of the name Susan, it |
|       |                             might be necessary to recover all   |
|       |                             instances of Susan, Susie (as a     |
|       |                             nickname), Susie-Q (another         |
|       |                             nickname), as well as Suzanne (which|
|       |                             might be the person's full legal    |
|       |                             name. The regular attribute on      |
|       |                             <name> allows the use of a single   |
|       |                             form of the name for indexing and   |
|       |                             searching purposes.</p>             |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="name"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <name> element is useful as it allows the user to declare a   |
|       |   regular form for a name that may be written in different forms|
|       |   in the text. For example, to recover all the instances of the |
|       |   name Susan, it might be necessary to recover all instances of |
|       |   Susan, Susie (as a nickname), Susie-Q (another nickname), as  |
|       |   well as Suzanne (which might be the person's full legal name. |
|       |   The regular attribute on <name> allows the use of a single    |
|       |   form of the name for indexing and searching purposes.</p></   |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><         |
|       |   xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></     |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributename="type"type="nameType"use="optional|
|       |   "/><xs:attributename="regular"type="xs:string"use="optional"/>|
|       |   <xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/><xs:attributename= |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="name"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>         |
|       |                                                                 |

 element note
|   chil|   noteaabbrcatchWorddatedivineNamehifigureforeignindex          |
|   dren|   inscriptionlglistmentionedmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStart |
|       |   namepqrdgreferencesegtabletitleversew                         |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser |
|       |                             datedivdivineNamefigureforeignhead  |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabelmentionedname  |
|       |                             notepqrdgreferenceroleroleDescsalute|
|       |                             segspeakerspeechtitletransChange    |
|       |                             versew                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   noteType                      |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisRef                                                     |
|       |                                   osisRefType                   |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          note   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <note> element abounds in    |
|       |                             Bible translations, commentaries and|
|       |                             other works about biblical          |
|       |                             literature. The actual text of the  |
|       |                             <note> is recorded inline, where it |
|       |                             applies to the text, but that is not|
|       |                             necessarily where it is displayed.  |
|       |                             If it is more convenient to record  |
|       |                             notes at the end of a text, care    |
|       |                             should be taken to point to the     |
|       |                             proper reference for the note using |
|       |                             the work and cite attributes.</p>   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="note"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <note> element abounds in Bible translations, commentaries and|
|       |   other works about biblical literature. The actual text of the |
|       |   <note> is recorded inline, where it applies to the text, but  |
|       |   that is not necessarily where it is displayed. If it is more  |
|       |   convenient to record notes at the end of a text, care should  |
|       |   be taken to point to the proper reference for the note using  |
|       |   the work and cite attributes.</p></xs:documentation></        |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:sequence><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><     |
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="catchWord"/><       |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="figure"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="inscription"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="list"/><xs:elementref=    |
|       |   "mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=      |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/><         |
|       |   xs:elementref="rdg"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="seg"/><xs:elementref="table"/><xs:elementref="title"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice></     |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="type"type="noteType"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="osisRef"type="osisRefType"use="optional"/>< |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="note"/></xs:complexType></   |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element osis
|   chil|   osisCorpusosisText                                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          TEI.2  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <osis> element can contain   |
|       |                             either <osisText> which is a single |
|       |                             work or text, or <osisCorpus>, which|
|       |                             is a collection of works or texts.  |
|       |                             The <header> element is required for|
|       |                             the <osis> element and in the case  |
|       |                             of a single work, need not be       |
|       |                             repeated in <osisText>. This allows |
|       |                             a single work to have a single      |
|       |                             header, but preserves the ability to|
|       |                             have a separate header for a        |
|       |                             collection of works, such as would  |
|       |                             be found in a collection of texts,  |
|       |                             and to have a separate header for   |
|       |                             each text in the collection.</p>    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="osis"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <osis> element can contain either <osisText> which is a single|
|       |   work or text, or <osisCorpus>, which is a collection of works |
|       |   or texts. The <header> element is required for the <osis>     |
|       |   element and in the case of a single work, need not be repeated|
|       |   in <osisText>. This allows a single work to have a single     |
|       |   header, but preserves the ability to have a separate header   |
|       |   for a collection of works, such as would be found in a        |
|       |   collection of texts, and to have a separate header for each   |
|       |   text in the collection.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation>|
|       |   <xs:complexType><xs:choice><xs:elementref="osisCorpus"/><     |
|       |   xs:elementref="osisText"/></xs:choice><xs:attributename=      |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="TEI.2"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 element osisCorpus
|   chil|   headerosisText                                                |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             osis                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          teiCorp|
|       |                                                          us.2   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <osisCorpus> is a container  |
|       |                             for a collection of texts or works  |
|       |                             that separately are contained by the|
|       |                             <osisText> element. Best practice   |
|       |                             would be to use the <header> element|
|       |                             under <osis> to record information  |
|       |                             for the collection as a whole and   |
|       |                             then under each <osisText> to record|
|       |                             the details for that individual     |
|       |                             text.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="osisCorpus"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>|
|       |   <p>The <osisCorpus> is a container for a collection of texts  |
|       |   or works that separately are contained by the <osisText>      |
|       |   element. Best practice would be to use the <header> element   |
|       |   under <osis> to record information for the collection as a    |
|       |   whole and then under each <osisText> to record the details for|
|       |   that individual text.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation>< |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:sequencemaxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="header"minOccurs="0"/><xs:elementref="osisText"/></      |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="teiCorpus.2"/></|
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element osisText
|   chil|   headerdiv                                                     |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             osisosisCorpus                      |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     osisIDWork                                                  |
|       |                                   osisWorkType                  |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisRefWork                                                 |
|       |                                   osisWorkType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                             Bible                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          text   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <osisText> element is the    |
|       |                             main container element for texts    |
|       |                             encoded using the OSIS schema. It   |
|       |                             should be noted that users will not |
|       |                             find the usual front-body-back      |
|       |                             division that occurs in TEI or other|
|       |                             encoding initiatives. That          |
|       |                             distinction was dropped because the |
|       |                             content models for all three, they  |
|       |                             all only contained <div> elements,  |
|       |                             were the same. For this first       |
|       |                             release, it was decided to go with  |
|       |                             the simpler model and users can use |
|       |                             the "type" attribute on the <div>   |
|       |                             element if they wish to record that |
|       |                             distinction from a printed work.</p>|
|       |                             <p>The <osisText> element has an    |
|       |                             optional <header> element, which    |
|       |                             should be used in cases where       |
|       |                             <osisText> occurs as a sub-element  |
|       |                             of <osisCorpus> but not in addition |
|       |                             to the <header> element of the      |
|       |                             <osis> element. Thus, for encoding a|
|       |                             single standard Bible edition, the  |
|       |                             markup would in part read:          |
|       |                             <osis><header>header elements       |
|       |                             here<osisText><div type="front><div |
|       |                             type="titlePage">title page         |
|       |                             content</div>content of first       |
|       |                             div</div>more divs and other        |
|       |                             content</osisText></osis>. Fuller   |
|       |                             example texts are in preparation and|
|       |                             will be released at the             |
|       |                             www.bibletechnologies.net           |
|       |                             website..</p>                       |
|       |                             <p>The attribute values for         |
|       |                             osisIDWork and osisRefWork refer to |
|       |                             the osisWork attribute value on the |
|       |                             <work> element in the header. A     |
|       |                             separate <work> element should be   |
|       |                             created for the work that is being  |
|       |                             encoded and one for any reference   |
|       |                             system that will be cited in that   |
|       |                             work. The <work> element has a child|
|       |                             element called <identifier> and that|
|       |                             element can occur multiple times for|
|       |                             a single work. A work may have an   |
|       |                             ISBN or publisher catgalog number   |
|       |                             that the user wishes to record. One |
|       |                             occurrence (and only one) of the    |
|       |                             <identifier> element should have a  |
|       |                             type of OSIS.</p>                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="osisText"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >The <osisText> element is the main container element for     |
|       |   texts encoded using the OSIS schema. It should be noted that  |
|       |   users will not find the usual front-body-back division that   |
|       |   occurs in TEI or other encoding initiatives. That distinction |
|       |   was dropped because the content models for all three, they all|
|       |   only contained <div> elements, were the same. For this first  |
|       |   release, it was decided to go with the simpler model and users|
|       |   can use the "type" attribute on the <div> element if they wish|
|       |   to record that distinction from a printed work.</p><p>The     |
|       |   <osisText> element has an optional <header> element, which    |
|       |   should be used in cases where <osisText> occurs as a          |
|       |   sub-element of <osisCorpus> but not in addition to the        |
|       |   <header> element of the <osis> element. Thus, for encoding a  |
|       |   single standard Bible edition, the markup would in part read: |
|       |   <osis><header>header elements here<osisText><div type         |
|       |   ="front><div type="titlePage">title page content</div>content |
|       |   of first div</div>more divs and other                         |
|       |   content</osisText></osis>. Fuller example texts are in        |
|       |   preparation and will be released at the                       |
|       |   www.bibletechnologies.net website..</p><p>The attribute values|
|       |   for osisIDWork and osisRefWork refer to the osisWork attribute|
|       |   value on the <work> element in the header. A separate <work>  |
|       |   element should be created for the work that is being encoded  |
|       |   and one for any reference system that will be cited in that   |
|       |   work. The <work> element has a child element called           |
|       |   <identifier> and that element can occur multiple times for a  |
|       |   single work. A work may have an ISBN or publisher catgalog    |
|       |   number that the user wishes to record. One occurrence (and    |
|       |   only one) of the <identifier> element should have a type of   |
|       |   OSIS.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType>< |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:elementref="header"/><xs:elementref="div"     |
|       |   minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/></xs:sequence><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="osisIDWork"type="osisWorkType"use="required |
|       |   "/><xs:attributename="osisRefWork"type="osisWorkType"use=     |
|       |   "optional"default="Bible"/><xs:attributeGroupref=             |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="text"/></ |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element p
|   chil|   aabbrcatchWorddatedivineNamehifigureforeignindexinscriptionlg |
|   dren|   listmentionedmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenoteqrdg  |
|       |   referencesalutesegsignedspeakerspeechtitletransChangeversew   |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivitemnoteqrdg           |
|       |                             revisionDescsalutespeech            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          p      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <p> element is probably the  |
|       |                             most common element in encoding     |
|       |                             outside of the Bible itself and then|
|       |                             only if the more recent tradition of|
|       |                             using the <p> as the basis for      |
|       |                             translation is not followed.</p>    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="p"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The   |
|       |   <p> element is probably the most common element in encoding   |
|       |   outside of the Bible itself and then only if the more recent  |
|       |   tradition of using the <p> as the basis for translation is not|
|       |   followed.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><             |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="catchWord"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="figure |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="inscription"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="list"/><xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:elementref=       |
|       |   "milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref=   |
|       |   "milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="rdg"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="salute"/><xs:elementref="seg"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="signed"/><xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="speech"/><xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref=         |
|       |   "transChange"/><xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></ |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="p"/></xs:complexType></      |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

element publisher
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The source of the publication    |
|       |                             that is being documented. In the    |
|       |                             case of some biblical materials,    |
|       |                             such as those that have been        |
|       |                             reproduced in facsimile editions,   |
|       |                             the publisher would be the issuer of|
|       |                             the facsimile edition. Separate     |
|       |                             editions of a particular work, for  |
|       |                             example a reprint of the Bomberg    |
|       |                             Rabbinic Bible, would have separate |
|       |                             work entries.</p>                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="publisher"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The source of the publication that is being documented. In  |
|       |   the case of some biblical materials, such as those that have  |
|       |   been reproduced in facsimile editions, the publisher would be |
|       |   the issuer of the facsimile edition. Separate editions of a   |
|       |   particular work, for example a reprint of the Bomberg Rabbinic|
|       |   Bible, would have separate work entries.</p></xs:documentation|
|       |   ></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><          |
|       |   xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><xs:attributeGroupref=           |
|       |   "globalWithType"/></xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></        |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element q
|   chil|   aabbrcloserdatedivineNamefigureforeignhiindexinscriptionlglist|
|   dren|   mentionedmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepq        |
|       |   referencesalutesegsignedspeakerspeechtabletitletransChange    |
|       |   versew                                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             captioncellcloserdivheadinscription |
|       |                             itemllabelmentionednotepqrdgsalute  |
|       |                             segspeechtitleverse                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     level                                                       |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     who                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          q      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <q> element is used for      |
|       |                             quotes, block quotes, embedded      |
|       |                             quotes, and (quotes within quotes). |
|       |                             There is no real difference between |
|       |                             a quote and a block quote other than|
|       |                             formatting so both of those are     |
|       |                             treated with this single element.   |
|       |                             Note that  this element does not    |
|       |                             contain the element <verse> such    |
|       |                             that is a speaker is citing a verse |
|       |                             in a speech, the proper way to      |
|       |                             encode that would be as a           |
|       |                             <reference> within the larger <q>   |
|       |                             element.</p>                        |
|       |                             <p>When segmenting quotes, use the  |
|       |                             same qID, and increment the segID to|
|       |                             allow retrieval of the entire       |
|       |                             quotation.</p>                      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="q"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The   |
|       |   <q> element is used for quotes, block quotes, embedded quotes,|
|       |   and (quotes within quotes). There is no real difference       |
|       |   between a quote and a block quote other than formatting so    |
|       |   both of those are treated with this single element. Note that |
|       |   this element does not contain the element <verse> such that is|
|       |   a speaker is citing a verse in a speech, the proper way to    |
|       |   encode that would be as a <reference> within the larger <q>   |
|       |   element.</p><p>When segmenting quotes, use the same qID, and  |
|       |   increment the segID to allow retrieval of the entire          |
|       |   quotation.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><            |
|       |   xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs=  |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="closer"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "divineName"/><xs:elementref="figure"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="inscription"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="list"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><    |
|       |   xs:elementref="salute"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "signed"/><xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="speech"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="table"/><xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "transChange"/><xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></ |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="level"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><     |
|       |   xs:attributename="who"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="q"/></xs:complexType></      |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element rdg
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexlglistmilestonemilestoneEnd  |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenotepqreferencesegtransChangew              |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             notep                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          rdg    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <reading> element is found   |
|       |                             only in <note> and records          |
|       |                             alternative readings to a passage in|
|       |                             the text or commentary.</p>         |
|       |                             <p>While not used in a formal       |
|       |                             critical apparatus as is the case in|
|       |                             TEI, there is a fairly close        |
|       |                             correspondence between this element |
|       |                             and the <rdg> element in TEI.</p>   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="rdg"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The |
|       |   <reading> element is found only in <note> and records         |
|       |   alternative readings to a passage in the text or commentary.</|
|       |   p><p>While not used in a formal critical apparatus as is the  |
|       |   case in TEI, there is a fairly close correspondence between   |
|       |   this element and the <rdg> element in TEI.</p></              |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="list"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=          |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="p"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "seg"/><xs:elementref="transChange"/><xs:elementref="w"/></   |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="rdg"/></xs:complexType></    |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element reference
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenotesegtitlew                               |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser |
|       |                             divdivineNameforeignheadinscription |
|       |                             itemllabelmentionednamenotepqrdgrole|
|       |                             roleDescsalutesegsignedspeakerspeech|
|       |                             titletransChangeverse               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     osisRef                                                     |
|       |                                   osisRefType                   |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <reference> element will be  |
|       |                             the subject of extension to include |
|       |                             XLink/XPointer syntax in a later    |
|       |                             OSIS release. At present it marks   |
|       |                             the location of a reference in one  |
|       |                             text to another, whether direct     |
|       |                             (like citation/quotation) or        |
|       |                             indirect (such as an allusion),     |
|       |                             along with the reference/pointing   |
|       |                             mechanism in this release.</p>      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="reference"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The <reference> element will be the subject of extension to |
|       |   include XLink/XPointer syntax in a later OSIS release. At     |
|       |   present it marks the location of a reference in one text to   |
|       |   another, whether direct (like citation/quotation) or indirect |
|       |   (such as an allusion), along with the reference/pointing      |
|       |   mechanism in this release.</p></xs:documentation></           |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "index"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=          |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><    |
|       |   xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributename="osisRef"type="osisRefType"use="optional"/>< |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:complexType></    |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element refSystem
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <refSystem> element specifies|
|       |                             the reference system being used to  |
|       |                             refer to a particular work. Most    |
|       |                             commonly works have only one        |
|       |                             reference system but historical     |
|       |                             texts, St. Augustine's Confessions, |
|       |                             for example, have multiple reference|
|       |                             systems to the same text.</p>       |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="refSystem"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><|
|       |   p>The <refSystem> element specifies the reference system being|
|       |   used to refer to a particular work. Most commonly works have  |
|       |   only one reference system but historical texts, St.           |
|       |   Augustine's Confessions, for example, have multiple reference |
|       |   systems to the same text.</p></xs:documentation></            |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extension |
|       |   base="xs:string"><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></   |
|       |   xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>|
|       |                                                                 |

 element relation
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Allows the relationship of the   |
|       |                             present work to another work to be  |
|       |                             specified. Dublin Core does not give|
|       |                             any specific guidance on this point |
|       |                             but if the relationship is important|
|       |                             enough to record, it is suggested   |
|       |                             that a separate work element be     |
|       |                             created and this field completed    |
|       |                             with the ID of that element so that |
|       |                             the two entries are linked for      |
|       |                             future use.</p>                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="relation"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >Allows the relationship of the present work to another work  |
|       |   to be specified. Dublin Core does not give any specific       |
|       |   guidance on this point but if the relationship is important   |
|       |   enough to record, it is suggested that a separate work element|
|       |   be created and this field completed with the ID of that       |
|       |   element so that the two entries are linked for future use.</p>|
|       |   </xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><          |
|       |   xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string"><              |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></      |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

element revisionDesc
|   chil|   datep                                                         |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             header                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          revisio|
|       |                                                          nDesc  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>This element was added to the    |
|       |                             usual elements for a Dublin Core    |
|       |                             header as encoding biblical         |
|       |                             resources are often ongoing and     |
|       |                             collaborative enterprises. This     |
|       |                             element allows a convenient place to|
|       |                             record versioning information for a |
|       |                             document. Note that the date element|
|       |                             is always required and that best    |
|       |                             practices dictate that the resp     |
|       |                             attribute should be used whenever an|
|       |                             entry is made.</p>                  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="revisionDesc"><xs:annotation><               |
|       |   xs:documentation><p>This element was added to the usual       |
|       |   elements for a Dublin Core header as encoding biblical        |
|       |   resources are often ongoing and collaborative enterprises.    |
|       |   This element allows a convenient place to record versioning   |
|       |   information for a document. Note that the date element is     |
|       |   always required and that best practices dictate that the resp |
|       |   attribute should be used whenever an entry is made.</p></     |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:sequence>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="p"maxOccurs="unbounded |
|       |   "/></xs:sequence><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><    |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="revisionDesc"/></            |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element rights
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Prose description of any rights, |
|       |                             such as copyright statements, or    |
|       |                             notation that it is publically      |
|       |                             available for non-commercial use,   |
|       |                             etc.</p>                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="rights"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   Prose description of any rights, such as copyright statements,|
|       |   or notation that it is publically available for non-commercial|
|       |   use, etc.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><             |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extensionbase="xs:string |
|       |   "><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:extension></   |
|       |   xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>               |
|       |                                                                 |

 element role
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             castItem                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          role   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The name of a role in a text.</p>|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="role"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   name of a role in a text.</p></xs:documentation></            |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs|
|       |   ="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><     |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=        |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="role"/></ |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element roleDesc
|   chil|   aabbrforeignindexnotereferencesegw                            |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             castItem                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          roleDes|
|       |                                                          c      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Describes the role of an actor in|
|       |                             the text.</p>                       |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="roleDesc"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p|
|       |   >Describes the role of an actor in the text.</p></            |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:choice   |
|       |   minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="index"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><        |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="roleDesc"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>     |
|       |                                                                 |

 element row
|   chil|   cell                                                          |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             table                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     role                                                        |
|       |                                   tableRole                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          row    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="row"><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element|
|       |   ref="cell"maxOccurs="unbounded"/></xs:sequence><xs:attribute  |
|       |   name="role"type="tableRole"use="optional"/><xs:attributeGroup |
|       |   ref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="row"/>|
|       |   </xs:complexType></xs:element>                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 element salute
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexlglistmentionedmilestone     |
|   dren|   milestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepqreferencesegspeaker       |
|       |   transChangeversew                                             |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivpqspeech                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          salute |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <salute> element is used to  |
|       |                             encompass the opening salutation of |
|       |                             a letter.</p>                       |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="salute"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <salute> element is used to encompass the opening         |
|       |   salutation of a letter.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation>|
|       |   <xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs= |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="list"/><xs:elementref=    |
|       |   "mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref=      |
|       |   "milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="p"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref=|
|       |   "seg"/><xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="transChange  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><  |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="salute"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>       |
|       |                                                                 |

 element seg
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenoteqreferencesegtransChangew               |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             actorcaptioncatchWordcellcloserdiv  |
|       |                             divineNameforeignheadinscriptionitem|
|       |                             llabelmentionednamenotepqrdg        |
|       |                             referenceroleroleDescsalutesegsigned|
|       |                             speechtitletransChangeversew        |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          seg    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <seg> element is a generic   |
|       |                             phrase container element. Its       |
|       |                             primary use should be for phrase    |
|       |                             level markup that was omitted in    |
|       |                             this release (please send a note to |
|       |                             the project with your requirements),|
|       |                             representation of line breaks in a  |
|       |                             translation (or original text), or  |
|       |                             for some other purpose for which no |
|       |                             other element suffices.</p>         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="seg"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The |
|       |   <seg> element is a generic phrase container element. Its      |
|       |   primary use should be for phrase level markup that was omitted|
|       |   in this release (please send a note to the project with your  |
|       |   requirements), representation of line breaks in a translation |
|       |   (or original text), or for some other purpose for which no    |
|       |   other element suffices.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation>|
|       |   <xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs= |
|       |   "unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref=     |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="transChange|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref=     |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="seg"/></  |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element signed
|   chil|   aabbrdivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd            |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamereferencesegw                               |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivpqspeech               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          signed |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <signed> element is used to  |
|       |                             encode the closing material of a    |
|       |                             letter or similar text.</p>         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="signed"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <signed> element is used to encode the closing material of|
|       |   a letter or similar text.</p></xs:documentation></            |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref=     |
|       |   "reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></     |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="signed"/></xs:complexType></ |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element source
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Used in the sense of the source  |
|       |                             from which an electronic text is    |
|       |                             derived. Not certain how useful that|
|       |                             will be as born electronic texts    |
|       |                             become common but certainly relevant|
|       |                             for older biblical materials.</p>   |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="source"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   Used in the sense of the source from which an electronic text |
|       |   is derived. Not certain how useful that will be as born       |
|       |   electronic texts become common but certainly relevant for     |
|       |   older biblical materials.</p></xs:documentation></            |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extension |
|       |   base="xs:string"><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></   |
|       |   xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>|
|       |                                                                 |

 element speaker
|   chil|   aabbrdivineNameforeignindexnamenotereferencew                 |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivinscriptionlpqsalute   |
|       |                             speechverse                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     who                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          speaker|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <speaker> element can be used|
|       |                             to enclose the name of a speaker in |
|       |                             the text (when reported) but can    |
|       |                             also bear speaker information when  |
|       |                             not apparent in the text, such as   |
|       |                             the shifts of speaker in the Song of|
|       |                             Solomon.</p>                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="speaker"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>|
|       |   The <speaker> element can be used to enclose the name of a    |
|       |   speaker in the text (when reported) but can also bear speaker |
|       |   information when not apparent in the text, such as the shifts |
|       |   of speaker in the Song of Solomon.</p></xs:documentation></   |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="foreign  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="note"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="w"/></|
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><           |
|       |   xs:attributename="who"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="speaker"/></xs:complexType></|
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element speech
|   chil|   speechaabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexinscriptionlglist      |
|   dren|   mentionedmilestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenotepq        |
|       |   referencesalutesegsignedspeakertransChangeversew              |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivinscriptionpqspeech          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          speech |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <speech> element should be   |
|       |                             used to encode reported speeches.   |
|       |                             Those should be distinguished from  |
|       |                             quotes, although that distinction   |
|       |                             will not always be clear.</p>       |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="speech"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p> |
|       |   The <speech> element should be used to encode reported        |
|       |   speeches. Those should be distinguished from quotes, although |
|       |   that distinction will not always be clear.</p></              |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:elementref="speech"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs=    |
|       |   "unbounded"/><xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="inscription"/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="list  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="p"/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><    |
|       |   xs:elementref="salute"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref= |
|       |   "signed"/><xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref=           |
|       |   "transChange"/><xs:elementref="verse"/><xs:elementref="w"/></ |
|       |   xs:choice></xs:sequence><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType |
|       |   "/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="speech"/></xs:complexType|
|       |   ></xs:element>                                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 element subject
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>No standard has been set for     |
|       |                             subject descriptions as they vary   |
|       |                             from system to system. Best         |
|       |                             practices dictate that some standard|
|       |                             system should be chosen and         |
|       |                             indicated on the type attribute for |
|       |                             this element. It may be found useful|
|       |                             to have multiple <subject> elements |
|       |                             that give descriptions from more    |
|       |                             than one classification system.</p> |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="subject"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>|
|       |   No standard has been set for subject descriptions as they vary|
|       |   from system to system. Best practices dictate that some       |
|       |   standard system should be chosen and indicated on the type    |
|       |   attribute for this element. It may be found useful to have    |
|       |   multiple <subject> elements that give descriptions from more  |
|       |   than one classification system.</p></xs:documentation></      |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extension |
|       |   base="xs:string"><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></   |
|       |   xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>|
|       |                                                                 |

 element table
|   chil|   headrow                                                       |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivnoteq                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     rows                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:positiveInteger            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     cols                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:positiveInteger            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          table  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <table> element is used for  |
|       |                             all types of tables. Note that the  |
|       |                             <table> element can nest, so it is  |
|       |                             possible to have tables nested      |
|       |                             within tables. We have followed the |
|       |                             TEI table model, and so both rows   |
|       |                             and cells have a role attribute that|
|       |                             specifies the function of that      |
|       |                             element in the table. Both the      |
|       |                             <table> and <cell> elements can     |
|       |                             specify the number of rows or       |
|       |                             columns occupied by that <table> or |
|       |                             <cell>. There are no controls to    |
|       |                             make sure those values make sense   |
|       |                             other than the requirement that they|
|       |                             be positive integer numbers (in     |
|       |                             other words, 1 or higher).</p>      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="table"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>  |
|       |   The <table> element is used for all types of tables. Note that|
|       |   the <table> element can nest, so it is possible to have tables|
|       |   nested within tables. We have followed the TEI table model,   |
|       |   and so both rows and cells have a role attribute that         |
|       |   specifies the function of that element in the table. Both the |
|       |   <table> and <cell> elements can specify the number of rows or |
|       |   columns occupied by that <table> or <cell>. There are no      |
|       |   controls to make sure those values make sense other than the  |
|       |   requirement that they be positive integer numbers (in other   |
|       |   words, 1 or higher).</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><  |
|       |   xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:elementref="head"minOccurs="0 |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="row"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/></ |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:attributename="rows"type="xs:positiveInteger" |
|       |   use="optional"/><xs:attributename="cols"type=                 |
|       |   "xs:positiveInteger"use="optional"/><xs:attributeGroupref=    |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="table"/></|
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element teiHeader
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          teiHead|
|       |                                                          er     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="teiHeader"><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><     |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:anyprocessContents="skip"maxOccurs="unbounded |
|       |   "/></xs:sequence><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="teiHeader  |
|       |   "/></xs:complexType></xs:element>                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 element title
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamefigureforeignhiindexinscriptionlgmilestone |
|   dren|   namenoteqreferencesegtitlew                                   |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             celldivforeigninscriptionitemnotepq |
|       |                             referencetitleversework             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          title  |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <title> element is used for  |
|       |                             titles both in the sense of those of|
|       |                             divisions in a work, i.e., chapters,|
|       |                             books, but also for titles of other |
|       |                             works that occur in notes or even   |
|       |                             the text. The <title> element can   |
|       |                             occur within itself so users can    |
|       |                             have multiple sub-titles if         |
|       |                             desired.</p>                        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="title"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>  |
|       |   The <title> element is used for titles both in the sense of   |
|       |   those of divisions in a work, i.e., chapters, books, but also |
|       |   for titles of other works that occur in notes or even the     |
|       |   text. The <title> element can occur within itself so users can|
|       |   have multiple sub-titles if desired.</p></xs:documentation></ |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:elementref="divineName"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="figure"/><xs:elementref="foreign"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="hi"/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="inscription |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="lg"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><         |
|       |   xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="q|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="title"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><      |
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/><xs:attributename=     |
|       |   "TEIform"fixed="title"/></xs:complexType></xs:element>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 element transChange
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexmilestonemilestoneEnd        |
|   dren|   milestoneStartnamenotereferencesegw                           |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivitemllabelmentionedpq  |
|       |                             rdgsalutesegspeechverse             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   changeType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
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|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <transChange> element was    |
|       |                             formulated to deal with cases where |
|       |                             a literal translation has added     |
|       |                             words to clarify the translation.   |
|       |                             The Amplified Bible is one example  |
|       |                             of where this element would be      |
|       |                             useful but certainly not the only   |
|       |                             one. Changing the tense of a verb to|
|       |                             agree with modern language usage and|
|       |                             yet wanting to preserve some        |
|       |                             indication that the original text   |
|       |                             had been changed is another.</p>    |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="transChange"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation|
|       |   ><p>The <transChange> element was formulated to deal with     |
|       |   cases where a literal translation has added words to clarify  |
|       |   the translation. The Amplified Bible is one example of where  |
|       |   this element would be useful but certainly not the only one.  |
|       |   Changing the tense of a verb to agree with modern language    |
|       |   usage and yet wanting to preserve some indication that the    |
|       |   original text had been changed is another.</p></              |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="milestone"/><      |
|       |   xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref="milestoneStart  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="reference"/><xs:elementref="seg"/><xs:elementref="w"/></ |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributename="type"type="changeType"use=       |
|       |   "optional"/><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithoutType"/></     |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element type
|   type|   extension of xs:string                                        |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             work                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The current suggested types of   |
|       |                             resources (found at:                |
|       |                             http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi|
|       |                             -type-vocabulary/) will probably be |
|       |                             found too general to be very useful |
|       |                             to biblical scholars. The Bible     |
|       |                             Technologies Group is working on    |
|       |                             developing a suggested typology for |
|       |                             biblical texts that may make this a |
|       |                             more meaningful element.</p>        |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="type"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   current suggested types of resources (found at:               |
|       |   http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/) will   |
|       |   probably be found too general to be very useful to biblical   |
|       |   scholars. The Bible Technologies Group is working on          |
|       |   developing a suggested typology for biblical texts that may   |
|       |   make this a more meaningful element.</p></xs:documentation></ |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:simpleContent><xs:extension |
|       |   base="xs:string"><xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></   |
|       |   xs:extension></xs:simpleContent></xs:complexType></xs:element>|
|       |                                                                 |

 element verse
|   chil|   aabbrdatedivineNamehiforeignindexinscriptionlistmentioned     |
|   dren|   milestonemilestoneEndmilestoneStartnamenoteqreferenceseg      |
|       |   speakertitletransChangew                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             cellcloserdivitemlnotepqsalutespeech|
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <verse> element is used to   |
|       |                             make the standard verse divisions in|
|       |                             Bibles, although obviously a later  |
|       |                             imposition on the text. It is a     |
|       |                             standard method for referencing     |
|       |                             biblical materials.</p>             |
|       |                             <p>Note that verses often cross the |
|       |                             boundaries of other elements and    |
|       |                             that raises the question of how to  |
|       |                             deal with elements that overlap.    |
|       |                             Normally the verse identifier will  |
|       |                             be its osisID, exampe "Matt.1.1" and|
|       |                             the like. When a verse is segmented,|
|       |                             that is split into two or more parts|
|       |                             to cross a boundary, like a         |
|       |                             quotation, the ID should be used to |
|       |                             indicate the various parts.</p>     |
|       |                             <p>The <verse> element in OSIS does |
|       |                             not have a counterpart in the TEI   |
|       |                             Guidelines.</p>                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="verse"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>  |
|       |   The <verse> element is used to make the standard verse        |
|       |   divisions in Bibles, although obviously a later imposition on |
|       |   the text. It is a standard method for referencing biblical    |
|       |   materials.</p><p>Note that verses often cross the boundaries  |
|       |   of other elements and that raises the question of how to deal |
|       |   with elements that overlap. Normally the verse identifier will|
|       |   be its osisID, exampe "Matt.1.1" and the like. When a verse is|
|       |   segmented, that is split into two or more parts to cross a    |
|       |   boundary, like a quotation, the ID should be used to indicate |
|       |   the various parts.</p><p>The <verse> element in OSIS does not |
|       |   have a counterpart in the TEI Guidelines.</p></               |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><|
|       |   xs:choiceminOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="abbr"/><xs:elementref="date"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="divineName"/><xs:elementref="hi"/><xs:elementref="foreign|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="index"/><xs:elementref="inscription"/><    |
|       |   xs:elementref="list"/><xs:elementref="mentioned"/><xs:element |
|       |   ref="milestone"/><xs:elementref="milestoneEnd"/><xs:elementref|
|       |   ="milestoneStart"/><xs:elementref="name"/><xs:elementref="note|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="q"/><xs:elementref="reference"/><xs:element|
|       |   ref="seg"/><xs:elementref="speaker"/><xs:elementref="title"/><|
|       |   xs:elementref="transChange"/><xs:elementref="w"/></xs:choice><|
|       |   xs:attributeGroupref="globalWithType"/></xs:complexType></    |
|       |   xs:element>                                                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 element w
|   chil|   aindexnoteseg                                                 |
|   dren|                                                                 |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             abbractorcaptioncatchWordcellcloser |
|       |                             datedivdivineNameforeignheadhi      |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabelmentionedname  |
|       |                             notepqrdgreferenceroleroleDescsalute|
|       |                             segsignedspeakerspeechtitle         |
|       |                             transChangeverse                    |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     POS                                                         |
|       |                                   attributeExtension            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     morph                                                       |
|       |                                   attributeExtension            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lemma                                                       |
|       |                                   attributeExtension            |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     gloss                                                       |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     src                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     xlit                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     TEIform                                                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                          w      |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <w> element is used to mark  |
|       |                             tokens separated by whitespace,     |
|       |                             which is probably an inadequate     |
|       |                             definition of word. It is provided  |
|       |                             to allow users to attach a variety  |
|       |                             of other information to such        |
|       |                             tokens.</p>                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="w"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The   |
|       |   <w> element is used to mark tokens separated by whitespace,   |
|       |   which is probably an inadequate definition of word. It is     |
|       |   provided to allow users to attach a variety of other          |
|       |   information to such tokens.</p></xs:documentation></          |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:complexTypemixed="true"><xs:choiceminOccurs=|
|       |   "0"maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:elementref="a"/><xs:elementref=  |
|       |   "index"/><xs:elementref="note"/><xs:elementref="seg"/></      |
|       |   xs:choice><xs:attributename="POS"type="attributeExtension"use=|
|       |   "optional"/><xs:attributename="morph"type="attributeExtension"|
|       |   use="optional"/><xs:attributename="lemma"type=                |
|       |   "attributeExtension"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="gloss" |
|       |   type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="src"type=  |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="xlit"type=      |
|       |   "xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributeGroupref=             |
|       |   "globalWithType"/><xs:attributename="TEIform"fixed="w"/></    |
|       |   xs:complexType></xs:element>                                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 element work
|   chil|   titlecontributorcreatorsubjectdatedescriptionpublishertype    |
|   dren|   formatidentifiersourcelanguagerelationcoveragecastListrights  |
|       |   teiHeaderrefSystem                                            |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          element|
|       |                             header                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     osisWork                                                    |
|       |                                   osisWorkType                  |
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                q|
|       |                                                                u|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                r|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                                                                d|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>The <work> element is used to    |
|       |                             allow easy reference to any work    |
|       |                             from within the OSIS document       |
|       |                             instance. It is most commonly used  |
|       |                             in connection with osisID to specify|
|       |                             a particular work that is being     |
|       |                             referenced by the osisID in         |
|       |                             question.</p>                       |
|       |                             <p>A shorthand for use with the     |
|       |                             osisID or osisRef should be entered |
|       |                             as the osisWork attribute value. The|
|       |                             <identifier> element can contain a  |
|       |                             longer string to identify the work  |
|       |                             in question. If the work uses a     |
|       |                             particular reference system, that   |
|       |                             can be noted in the <reference>     |
|       |                             element. The user is responsible for|
|       |                             declaring a reference system for a  |
|       |                             work that may have a different      |
|       |                             reference system, in hopes that the |
|       |                             software will map from the declared |
|       |                             (familiar) reference system to the  |
|       |                             one actually used by the referenced |
|       |                             work. For example, a user could     |
|       |                             declare that he wishes to use the   |
|       |                             KJV reference system when referring |
|       |                             to the French NIV work. That        |
|       |                             declaration is made by recording the|
|       |                             French NIV work information in the  |
|       |                             header and including the refsystem  |
|       |                             element with the content, KJV.</p>  |
|       |                             <p>This set of elements is based    |
|       |                             upon the Dublin Core metadata set as|
|       |                             used in the Open eBook standard.    |
|       |                             Using these metadata elements, a    |
|       |                             precise link between the osisWork   |
|       |                             attribute and a particular work or  |
|       |                             class of works in general can be    |
|       |                             established. For a particular work, |
|       |                             the user should choose a value for  |
|       |                             the osisWork attribute and then     |
|       |                             supply the information necessary to |
|       |                             distinguish it from other works.    |
|       |                             Most generally, that would include  |
|       |                             use of the <title>, <creator>,      |
|       |                             <date>, <publisher>, <identifier>   |
|       |                             (which may have a type attribute of |
|       |                             ISBN, ISSN or other unique          |
|       |                             identifier) but could include the   |
|       |                             other fields as well.</p>           |
|       |                             <p>For those who wish to follow a   |
|       |                             stricter header, we have included an|
|       |                             optional element to contain the     |
|       |                             <teiHeader> element. Note that it is|
|       |                             not processed by any schema         |
|       |                             validator and thus validation of    |
|       |                             that portion of the header is       |
|       |                             entirely the responsibility of the  |
|       |                             user.</p>                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:elementname="work"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation><p>The|
|       |   <work> element is used to allow easy reference to any work    |
|       |   from within the OSIS document instance. It is most commonly   |
|       |   used in connection with osisID to specify a particular work   |
|       |   that is being referenced by the osisID in question.</p><p>A   |
|       |   shorthand for use with the osisID or osisRef should be entered|
|       |   as the osisWork attribute value. The <identifier> element can |
|       |   contain a longer string to identify the work in question. If  |
|       |   the work uses a particular reference system, that can be noted|
|       |   in the <reference> element. The user is responsible for       |
|       |   declaring a reference system for a work that may have a       |
|       |   different reference system, in hopes that the software will   |
|       |   map from the declared (familiar) reference system to the one  |
|       |   actually used by the referenced work. For example, a user     |
|       |   could declare that he wishes to use the KJV reference system  |
|       |   when referring to the French NIV work. That declaration is    |
|       |   made by recording the French NIV work information in the      |
|       |   header and including the refsystem element with the content,  |
|       |   KJV.</p><p>This set of elements is based upon the Dublin Core |
|       |   metadata set as used in the Open eBook standard. Using these  |
|       |   metadata elements, a precise link between the osisWork        |
|       |   attribute and a particular work or class of works in general  |
|       |   can be established. For a particular work, the user should    |
|       |   choose a value for the osisWork attribute and then supply the |
|       |   information necessary to distinguish it from other works. Most|
|       |   generally, that would include use of the <title>, <creator>,  |
|       |   <date>, <publisher>, <identifier> (which may have a type      |
|       |   attribute of ISBN, ISSN or other unique identifier) but could |
|       |   include the other fields as well.</p><p>For those who wish to |
|       |   follow a stricter header, we have included an optional element|
|       |   to contain the <teiHeader> element. Note that it is not       |
|       |   processed by any schema validator and thus validation of that |
|       |   portion of the header is entirely the responsibility of the   |
|       |   user.</p></xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType>< |
|       |   xs:sequence><xs:elementref="title"minOccurs="0"/><xs:element  |
|       |   ref="contributor"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><        |
|       |   xs:elementref="creator"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="subject"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="date"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><     |
|       |   xs:elementref="description"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded  |
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="publisher"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded|
|       |   "/><xs:elementref="type"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="format"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="identifier"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>|
|       |   <xs:elementref="source"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><  |
|       |   xs:elementref="language"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="relation"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="coverage"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="castList"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/>< |
|       |   xs:elementref="rights"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/><   |
|       |   xs:elementref="teiHeader"minOccurs="0"/><xs:elementref=       |
|       |   "refSystem"minOccurs="0"maxOccurs="unbounded"/></xs:sequence><|
|       |   xs:attributename="osisWork"type="osisWorkType"use="required"/>|
|       |   </xs:complexType></xs:element>                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType annotation
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             osisAnnotation                      |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             commentary                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             exposition                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             meditation                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             outline                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             poeticRendering                     |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             rebuttal                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             sermon                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             studyGuide                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             translation                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="annotation"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string|
|       |   "><xs:enumerationvalue="commentary"/><xs:enumerationvalue=    |
|       |   "exposition"/><xs:enumerationvalue="meditation"/><            |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="outline"/><xs:enumerationvalue=          |
|       |   "poeticRendering"/><xs:enumerationvalue="rebuttal"/><         |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="sermon"/><xs:enumerationvalue="studyGuide|
|       |   "/><xs:enumerationvalue="translation"/></xs:restriction></    |
|       |   xs:simpleType>                                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType attributeExtension
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      simpleTypes|
|       |                             changeTypedivTypemilestonePt        |
|       |                             milestoneSenameTypenoteType         |
|       |                             osisAnnotationroleType              |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             w/@lemmaw/@morphw/@POS              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          pattern|
|       |                             x-([^\s]+)                          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="attributeExtension"><xs:restrictionbase=  |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:patternvalue="x-([^\s]+)"/></xs:restriction></|
|       |   xs:simpleType>                                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType calendar
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             date/@type                          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             Chinese                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             Gregorian                           |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             Islamic                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ISO                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             Jewish                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             Julian                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="calendar"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string">|
|       |   <xs:enumerationvalue="Chinese"/><xs:enumerationvalue=         |
|       |   "Gregorian"/><xs:enumerationvalue="Islamic"/><xs:enumeration  |
|       |   value="ISO"/><xs:enumerationvalue="Jewish"/><xs:enumeration   |
|       |   value="Julian"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>             |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType changeType
|   type|   union of (osisChanges, attributeExtension)                    |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             transChange/@type                   |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="changeType"><xs:unionmemberTypes=         |
|       |   "osisChanges attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>            |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType divType
|   type|   union of (osisDivs, attributeExtension)                       |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             div/@type                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="divType"><xs:unionmemberTypes="osisDivs   |
|       |   attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>                         |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType languageType
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             globalWithType/@lang                |
|       |                             globalWithoutType/@lang             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          pattern|
|       |                             (x|i|[A-Za-z]{2,3})                 |
|       |                             (-[A-Za-z0-9]{2,8}){0,}             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="languageType"><xs:restrictionbase=        |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:patternvalue="(x|i|[A-Za-z]{2,3})             |
|       |   (-[A-Za-z0-9]{2,8}){0,}"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>   |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType milestonePt
|   type|   union of (osisMilestonePt, attributeExtension)                |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             milestone/@type                     |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="milestonePt"><xs:unionmemberTypes=        |
|       |   "osisMilestonePt attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType milestoneSe
|   type|   union of (osisMilestoneSe, attributeExtension)                |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="milestoneSe"><xs:unionmemberTypes=        |
|       |   "osisMilestoneSe attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType nameType
|   type|   union of (osisNames, attributeExtension)                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             name/@type                          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="nameType"><xs:unionmemberTypes="osisNames |
|       |   attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>                         |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType noteType
|   type|   union of (osisNotes, attributeExtension)                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                        attribute|
|       |                             note/@type                          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="noteType"><xs:unionmemberTypes="osisNotes |
|       |   attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>                         |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisAnnotation
|   type|   union of (annotation, attributeExtension)                     |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             globalWithType/@annotateType        |
|       |                             globalWithoutType/@annotateType     |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisAnnotation"><xs:unionmemberTypes=     |
|       |   "annotation attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>             |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisChanges
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             changeType                          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             added                               |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             amplified                           |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             changed                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             deleted                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             moved                               |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             tenseChange                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisChanges"><xs:restrictionbase=         |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:enumerationvalue="added"/><xs:enumerationvalue|
|       |   ="amplified"/><xs:enumerationvalue="changed"/><xs:enumeration |
|       |   value="deleted"/><xs:enumerationvalue="moved"/><xs:enumeration|
|       |   value="tenseChange"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>        |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisDivs
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             divType                             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             appendix                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             book                                |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             chapter                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             concordance                         |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             glossary                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             testament                           |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisDivs"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string">|
|       |   <xs:enumerationvalue="appendix"/><xs:enumerationvalue="book"/>|
|       |   <xs:enumerationvalue="chapter"/><xs:enumerationvalue=         |
|       |   "concordance"/><xs:enumerationvalue="glossary"/><             |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="testament"/></xs:restriction></          |
|       |   xs:simpleType>                                                |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisIDType
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             globalWithType/@osisID              |
|       |                             globalWithoutType/@osisID           |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          pattern|
|       |                             (((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N} |
|       |                             |_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.   |
|       |                             (\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?((\s(((\p{L}    |
|       |                             |\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)    |
|       |                             *)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}  |
|       |                             |\p{N}|_)+)*)?)*)?                  |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisIDType"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string|
|       |   "><xs:patternvalue="(((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)  |
|       |   *)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?((\s(((\p{L}  |
|       |   |\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.  |
|       |   (\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?)*)?"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>  |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisMilestonePt
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             milestonePt                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             column                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             footer                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             header                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             line                                |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             pb                                  |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             screen                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisMilestonePt"><xs:restrictionbase=     |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:enumerationvalue="column"/><xs:enumeration    |
|       |   value="footer"/><xs:enumerationvalue="header"/><xs:enumeration|
|       |   value="line"/><xs:enumerationvalue="pb"/><xs:enumerationvalue=|
|       |   "screen"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>                   |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisMilestoneSe
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             milestoneSe                         |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             abbr                                |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             closer                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             div                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             foreign                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             l                                   |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             lg                                  |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             q                                   |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             salute                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             seg                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             signed                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             speech                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             verse                               |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisMilestoneSe"><xs:restrictionbase=     |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:enumerationvalue="abbr"/><xs:enumerationvalue=|
|       |   "closer"/><xs:enumerationvalue="div"/><xs:enumerationvalue=   |
|       |   "foreign"/><xs:enumerationvalue="l"/><xs:enumerationvalue="lg |
|       |   "/><xs:enumerationvalue="q"/><xs:enumerationvalue="salute"/>< |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="seg"/><xs:enumerationvalue="signed"/><   |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="speech"/><xs:enumerationvalue="verse"/></|
|       |   xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>                               |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisNames
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             nameType                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             geographic                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             holiday                             |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             nonhuman                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             person                              |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ritual                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>Enumerated list of name types    |
|       |                             commonly found in biblical          |
|       |                             texts.</p>                          |
|       |                             <p>The attribute nonhuman was       |
|       |                             inserted to allow the marking of    |
|       |                             names that are not encoded with the |
|       |                             element divineName. The divineName  |
|       |                             element was introduced to treat name|
|       |                             occurences that are treated         |
|       |                             differently, i.e., the setting of   |
|       |                             Lord in small caps, to represent a  |
|       |                             name in the original text. Rather   |
|       |                             than attempt to enumerate all the   |
|       |                             varying traditions for such         |
|       |                             practices, the divineName element   |
|       |                             simply recognizes it and allows     |
|       |                             encoders to follow that practice (or|
|       |                             not) as they desire.</p>            |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisNames"><xs:annotation><               |
|       |   xs:documentation><p>Enumerated list of name types commonly    |
|       |   found in biblical texts.</p><p>The attribute nonhuman was     |
|       |   inserted to allow the marking of names that are not encoded   |
|       |   with the element divineName. The divineName element was       |
|       |   introduced to treat name occurences that are treated          |
|       |   differently, i.e., the setting of Lord in small caps, to      |
|       |   represent a name in the original text. Rather than attempt to |
|       |   enumerate all the varying traditions for such practices, the  |
|       |   divineName element simply recognizes it and allows encoders to|
|       |   follow that practice (or not) as they desire.</p></           |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restrictionbase=         |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:enumerationvalue="geographic"/><xs:enumeration|
|       |   value="holiday"/><xs:enumerationvalue="nonhuman"/><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="person"/><xs:enumerationvalue="ritual"/> |
|       |   </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisNotes
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             noteType                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             allusion                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             alternative                         |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             background                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             citation                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             devotional                          |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             exegesis                            |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             explanation                         |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             study                               |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             translation                         |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             variant                             |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisNotes"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string |
|       |   "><xs:enumerationvalue="allusion"/><xs:enumerationvalue=      |
|       |   "alternative"/><xs:enumerationvalue="background"/><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="citation"/><xs:enumerationvalue=         |
|       |   "devotional"/><xs:enumerationvalue="exegesis"/><xs:enumeration|
|       |   value="explanation"/><xs:enumerationvalue="study"/><          |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="translation"/><xs:enumerationvalue=      |
|       |   "variant"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>                  |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisRefType
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             div/@osisReffigure/@osisRef         |
|       |                             note/@osisRefreference/@osisRef     |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          pattern|
|       |                             (((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N} |
|       |                             |_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.   |
|       |                             (\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?(@(cp:\[(\p{Nd})|
|       |                             *\]|s:\[(\p{L}|\p{N}|\s)*\]))?      |
|       |                             (\-(((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)*)((\.(\p{L}    |
|       |                             |\p{N}|_)+)*))(@(cp:\[(\p{Nd})*\]|s:|
|       |                             \[(\p{L}|\p{N}|\s)*\]))?)?          |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisRefType"><xs:restrictionbase=         |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:patternvalue="(((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}   |
|       |   |\p{N}|_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?   |
|       |   (@(cp:\[(\p{Nd})*\]|s:\[(\p{L}|\p{N}|\s)*\]))?(\-(((\p{L}     |
|       |   |\p{N}|_)*)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*))(@(cp:\[(\p{Nd})*\]|s:     |
|       |   \[(\p{L}|\p{N}|\s)*\]))?)?"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>|
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisRoles
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       simpleType|
|       |                             roleType                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             adp                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ann                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             art                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             aut                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             aqt                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             aft                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             aui                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bnd                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bdd                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bkd                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bkp                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bjd                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             bpd                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ctg                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             clb                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             cmm                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             cwt                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             com                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ctb                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             cre                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             edt                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ilu                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             ill                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             pbl                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             trl                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   anno|                                                                 |
|   tati|                                                                 |
|     on|                                                    documentation|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                             <p>This is a selected set of the    |
|       |                             most common role names likely to be |
|       |                             needed for basic encoding. The full |
|       |                             set of relator codes on which this  |
|       |                             listing (and the descriptions are   |
|       |                             based, was taken from: MARC Code    |
|       |                             List: Relator Codes -- Term Sequence|
|       |                             (http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/relators/|
|       |                             re0002r1.html). This listing will be|
|       |                             followed for later OSIS modules.</p>|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisRoles"><xs:annotation><               |
|       |   xs:documentation><p>This is a selected set of the most common |
|       |   role names likely to be needed for basic encoding. The full   |
|       |   set of relator codes on which this listing (and the           |
|       |   descriptions are based, was taken from: MARC Code List:       |
|       |   Relator Codes -- Term Sequence                                |
|       |   (http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/relators/re0002r1.html). This      |
|       |   listing will be followed for later OSIS modules.</p></        |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restrictionbase=         |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:enumerationvalue="adp"><xs:annotation><       |
|       |   xs:documentation>Adapter: Use for a person who 1) reworks a   |
|       |   musical composition,usually for a different medium, or 2)     |
|       |   rewrites novels or stories for motionpictures or other        |
|       |   audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></      |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="ann"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Annotator: Use for a person who writes       |
|       |   manuscript annotations on a printed item.</xs:documentation></|
|       |   xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="art"><   |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Artist: Use for a person      |
|       |   (e.g., a painter) who conceives, and perhaps also implements, |
|       |   an original graphic design or work of art, </xs:documentation>|
|       |   </xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="aut">< |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Author: Use for a person or   |
|       |   corporate body chiefly responsiblefor the intellectual or     |
|       |   artistic content of a work, usually printed text.  This term  |
|       |   may also be used when more than one person or body bears such |
|       |   responsibility.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></          |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="aqt"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Author in quotations or text extracts: Use   |
|       |   for a person whose work is largely quoted or extracted in a   |
|       |   works to which he or she did not contribute directly.  Such   |
|       |   quotations are found particularly in exhibition catalogs,     |
|       |   collections of photographs, etc.</xs:documentation></         |
|       |   xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="aft"><   |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Author of afterword, colophon,|
|       |   etc.: Use for a person or corporate body responsible for an   |
|       |   afterword, postface, colophon, etc. but who isnot the chief   |
|       |   author of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></        |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="aui"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Author of introduction, etc.: Use for a      |
|       |   person or corporate body responsible for an introduction,     |
|       |   preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but |
|       |   who is not the chief author.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation|
|       |   ></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="bnd"><xs:annotation>< |
|       |   xs:documentation>Binder: </xs:documentation></xs:annotation></|
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="bdd"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Binding designer:  Designer of binding</     |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="bkd"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Book designer: Use for the person or firm responsible for the |
|       |   entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type|
|       |   and illustration,choice of materials, and process used.</     |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="bkp"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Book producer: Use for the person or firm responsible for the |
|       |   production of books and other print media, if specific codes</|
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="bjd"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Bookjacket designer:  Designer of bookjacket</xs:documentation|
|       |   ></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="bpd"><|
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Bookplate designer: Designer  |
|       |   of bookplate</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></             |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="ctg"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Cartographer: </xs:documentation></          |
|       |   xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="clb"><   |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Collaborator: Use for a person|
|       |   or corporate body that takes a limited part in the elaboration|
|       |   of a work of another person or corporate body that brings     |
|       |   complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work.</          |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="cmm"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Commentator: Use for a person who provides interpretation,    |
|       |   analysis,or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording,|
|       |   motion picture, or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation|
|       |   ></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="cwt"><|
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Commentator for written text: |
|       |   Use for a person or corporate body responsible for the        |
|       |   commentary or explanatory notes about a text.  For the writer |
|       |   of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use Annotator</  |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="com"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Compiler: Use for a person who produces a work or publication |
|       |   by selecting and putting together material from the works of  |
|       |   various persons or bodies.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation> |
|       |   </xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="ctb"><xs:annotation><  |
|       |   xs:documentation>Contributor: Use for one whose work has been |
|       |   contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial    |
|       |   publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not |
|       |   use for someone whose sole function in relation to a work is  |
|       |   as author, editor, compiler or translator.</xs:documentation> |
|       |   </xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="cre">< |
|       |   xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Creator: Use for a person or  |
|       |   corporate body responsible for the intellectual or artistic   |
|       |   content of a work.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></       |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="edt"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Editor: Use for a person who prepares for    |
|       |   publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by      |
|       |   elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical       |
|       |   matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.</        |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="ilu"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Illuminator: </xs:documentation></xs:annotation></            |
|       |   xs:enumeration><xs:enumerationvalue="ill"><xs:annotation><    |
|       |   xs:documentation>Illustrator: Use for the person who          |
|       |   conceives, and perhaps also implements, a design or           |
|       |   illustration, usually to accompany a written text.</          |
|       |   xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><           |
|       |   xs:enumerationvalue="pbl"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>   |
|       |   Publisher: </xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration|
|       |   ><xs:enumerationvalue="trl"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation> |
|       |   Translator: Use for a person who renders a text from one      |
|       |   language into another, or from an older form of a language    |
|       |   into the modern form.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></    |
|       |   xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>              |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType osisWorkType
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             osisText/@osisIDWork                |
|       |                             osisText/@osisRefWorkwork/@osisWork |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                          pattern|
|       |                             ((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}  |
|       |                             |_)+)*)?                            |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="osisWorkType"><xs:restrictionbase=        |
|       |   "xs:string"><xs:patternvalue="((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}    |
|       |   |\p{N}|_)+)*)?"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>            |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType roleType
|   type|   union of (osisRoles, attributeExtension)                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             contributor/@rolecreator/@role      |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="roleType"><xs:unionmemberTypes="osisRoles |
|       |   attributeExtension"/></xs:simpleType>                         |
|       |                                                                 |

 simpleType tableRole
|   type|   restriction of xs:string                                      |
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                       attributes|
|       |                             cell/@rolerow/@role                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   face|                                                                 |
|     ts|                                                                 |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             label                               |
|       |                                                      enumeration|
|       |                             data                                |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:simpleTypename="tableRole"><xs:restrictionbase="xs:string |
|       |   "><xs:enumerationvalue="label"/><xs:enumerationvalue="data"/> |
|       |   </xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>                             |
|       |                                                                 |

 attributeGroup globalWithoutType
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             datedivmilestonenamenotetransChange |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:attributeGroupname="globalWithoutType"><xs:attributename= |
|       |   "annotateWork"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="annotateType"type="osisAnnotation"use="optional"/><     |
|       |   xs:attributename="ews"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="ID"type="xs:ID"use="optional"/><xs:attribute|
|       |   name="lang"type="languageType"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="osisID"type="osisIDType"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="resp"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename= |
|       |   "splitID"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename=   |
|       |   "subType"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="n"|
|       |   type="xs:string"use="optional"/></xs:attributeGroup>          |
|       |                                                                 |

 attributeGroup globalWithType
|   used|                                                                 |
|     by|                                                                 |
|       |                                                         elements|
|       |                             aabbractorcaptioncastGroupcastItem  |
|       |                             castListcatchWordcellcloser         |
|       |                             contributorcoveragecreator          |
|       |                             descriptiondivineNamefigureforeign  |
|       |                             formatheadhiidentifierindex         |
|       |                             inscriptionitemllabellanguagelglist |
|       |                             mentionedmilestoneEndmilestoneStart |
|       |                             osisTextppublisherqrdgreference     |
|       |                             refSystemrelationrevisionDescrights |
|       |                             roleroleDescrowsalutesegsignedsource|
|       |                             speakerspeechsubjecttabletitletype  |
|       |                             versew                              |
|       |                                                                 |
|   attr|                                                                 |
|   ibut|                                                                 |
|     es|     Name                                                        |
|       |                                   Type                          |
|       |                                                                U|
|       |                                                                s|
|       |                                                                e|
|       |                             Default                             |
|       |                                                          Fixed  |
|       |                       Annotation                                |
|       |     annotateWork                                                |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     annotateType                                                |
|       |                                   osisAnnotation                |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ews                                                         |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     ID                                                          |
|       |                                   xs:ID                         |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     lang                                                        |
|       |                                   languageType                  |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     osisID                                                      |
|       |                                   osisIDType                    |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     resp                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     splitID                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     type                                                        |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     subType                                                     |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |     n                                                           |
|       |                                   xs:string                     |
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                p|
|       |                                                                t|
|       |                                                                i|
|       |                                                                o|
|       |                                                                n|
|       |                                                                a|
|       |                                                                l|
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|       |                                                                 |
|   sour|                                                                 |
|     ce|   <xs:attributeGroupname="globalWithType"><xs:attributename=    |
|       |   "annotateWork"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="annotateType"type="osisAnnotation"use="optional"/><     |
|       |   xs:attributename="ews"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><       |
|       |   xs:attributename="ID"type="xs:ID"use="optional"/><xs:attribute|
|       |   name="lang"type="languageType"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="osisID"type="osisIDType"use="optional"/><xs:attribute   |
|       |   name="resp"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename= |
|       |   "splitID"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename=   |
|       |   "type"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename=      |
|       |   "subType"type="xs:string"use="optional"/><xs:attributename="n"|
|       |   type="xs:string"use="optional"/></xs:attributeGroup>          |
|       |                                                                 |

XML Schema documentation generated with XML Spy Schema Editor