[osis-core] 3.2.2. Book Titles

Chris Little osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 18:07:41 -0700

For the title element, we approved some standard values.  "main" and 
"sub" are the only two I have in my notes.  "short" was voted down since 
it's captured by the osisID itself.

To this list, I would recommend adding both "psalm" and "acrostic".

"psalm" would be for use in Bibles that identify the title of a psalm 
without a verse number.  So the Hebrew and most Catholic translations 
would not use <title type="psalm">--they would simply use a verse 
element--but many other Bibles would.

"acrostic" can be used to mark the Hebrew letter itself that heads an 
acrostic division in Ps 119.  (This would be in addition to the acrostic 
osisDivType already added.)

Anyone have any other common title types?
