[osis-core] osisCore.14.53.xsd
Patrick Durusau
Mon, 09 Jun 2003 07:06:56 -0400
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Lots of little clean up stuff. Added some history prose, check for
missing names, etc.
Going on to write a file to check the various regexes.
Should have the test file and any corrections posted later today.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature
Co-Editor, ISO 13250, Topic Maps -- Reference Model
Topic Maps: Human, not artificial, intelligence at work!
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<?xml version=3D"1.0" encoding=3D"UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=3D"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
<p>This is the OSIS 1.5 schema and is a revision of the OSIS 1.1.1 sche=
ma. There have been a number of changes and modifications to make the sch=
ema more flexible.</p>
<p>Among the major changes are:</p>
<p> 1) The basic hierarchy of an OSIS encoded document is that of <d=
iv>/<p>. Recognizing that many users would prefer the semantics =
of <div> type=3Dbook, <chapter>, <verse>, elements for =
those divisions have been included. It is always possible to derive the d=
iv/chapter/verse division from the div/p hierarchy but the converse is no=
t true. Therefore, the div/p hierarchy has priority and all other element=
s break if they must cross the boundaries of those elements. To make the =
breaking of those elements easier, the revised OSIS schema allows <abb=
r>, <chapter>, <closer>, <div>, <foreign>, <=
;l>, <lg>, <q>, <salute>, <seg>, <signed>=
;, <speech>, <verse>, to be encoded as empty elements, bearin=
g an sID on the starting empty element and eID of the same value on the e=
nding empty element. The sID and eID, allows identification of whether th=
e empty element is a beginning or ending milestone, which may be importan=
t for processing for display or in XML fragment situations. In some cases=
, even though the schema technically permits a <chapter> element as=
a child of <verse> for example, it is constrained in prose to appe=
ar only as the empty element milestone version of that element. This was =
required due to the modern practice of ignoring the classic book/chapter/=
verse divisioning of the text while retaining the older division for refe=
rence purposes.</p>
<p> 2) Numerous <div> types have been added, such as afterword, f=
ront, map, etc. See the simpleType: osisDivs.</p>
<p> 3) Since this schema is intended for use with biblical texts, an at=
tribute to allow elements to be marked as canonical has been added. By de=
fault, the canonical attribute has been set to true, for verses and false=
for notes and titles. Whether a portion of text is canonical or not, is =
inherited from its container element. Thus, all text found in a verse, is=
canonical, while all the text within a note (or its subelements) is not.=
The title and head elements may contain text that is canonical or may be=
material added by a translator.</p>=20
<p>Welcome to the OSIS 1.5 schema for encoding biblical literature! Thi=
s schema is designed as the basic set of elements necessary to encode bib=
les and related literature in XML. It does not provide all the functions =
needed by translators, publishers or scholars, but modules with those enh=
anced abilities are being developed to work with this schema. The user wi=
ll be able to learn a core set of elements (the ones in OSIS 1.5, and the=
n leverage that knowledge by adding the appropriate elements from the add=
itional modules.</p>
<p>The core elements that would be used for encoding a Bible or related=
text number 43 (excluding the header and large container elements such a=
s osisText. This is less than HTML 3.2, which to date is one of the most =
widely used markup languages. It is suggested that beginning users start =
with one of the sample documents and suggested passages to begin using th=
e core element set for basic markup. Once you have mastered the basic use=
s of the core set, you can move onto using some of the optional attribute=
s and features of the core set.</p>
<p>Fuller user documentation on OSIS 1.5 will be made available at our =
website but comments are also included in the schema for the technically =
inclined or those too impatient to await the fuller documentation. OSIS 1=
=2E5 is organized in sections, beginning with the overall structure of an=
OSIS 1.5 document, followed the the elements for the header, then the ma=
in set of elements for the document and then concluding with datatype dec=
larations. For quick access, the following is a table of contents for OSI=
S 1.5:
<head>OSIS 1.5</head>
<head>OSIS 1.5 Structure</head>
<item>osis (root element, must choose osisCorpus or osisText)</item>
<item>osisCorpus (container for multiple texts, optional header)</item>
<item>osisText (container for text, header required)</item>
<item>header (container for header elements)</item>
<head>OSIS 1.1.1 Header Elements</head>
<item>actor (used by castItem)</item>
<item>castGroup (container for castItem)</item>
<item>castItem (contains actor, role, roleDesc)</item>
<item>castList (contains one or more castGroup elements)</item>
<head>OSIS 1.5 Main Elements</head>
<head>OSIS 1.5 Atttribute Groups</head>
<head>OSIS 1.5 complexTypes</head>
<head>OSIS 1.5 simpleTypes</head>
<p>The OSIS family of schemas is definitely a work in progress and is sup=
ported by both the American Bible Society and the Society of Biblical lit=
erature, with additional contributions from the United Bible Society and =
SIL, as well as tireless efforts of numerous volunteers. While freely ava=
ilable for all purposes, it is requested that use of the schemas be ackno=
wledged as appropriate and that problems or suggestions for improvements =
be forwarded to the project.</p>
<p>The OSIS schemas were written by a small core of technical and content=
experts who volunteered large blocks of time for this project: Steve DeR=
ose (sderose@acm.org), co-chair of the Bible Technologies Group (co-spons=
ored by the ABS and SBL), Kees De Blois, co-chair of the Bible Technologi=
es Group (kdeblois@solcon.nl), Troy Griffiths (scribe@crosswire.org), Chr=
is Little (chrisl@crosswire.org), Todd Tillinghast (todd@contentframework=
s.com), Harry Plantinga (hplantin@calvin.edu), Eric Albright (eric-alliso=
n_albright@sil.org), Kirk Lowery (klowery@wts.edu), and Patrick Durusau (=
<p>Outside of the core technical team, special thanks go to Adina Hamik (=
ABS), Bob Hodgson (ABS), John Walter (ABS) and Mike Perez (eABS) for thei=
r organization of both domestic and international meetings of the OSIS pr=
oject and their unflagging support for its efforts.</p>
<p>While the history of the OSIS project is ongoing, users should be awar=
e of the pivotal role of Dennis Drescher (Dennis_Drescher@sil.org) in his=
organization of a breakfast meeting at XML 2000 on Bible encoding that l=
ead to the formation of the Bible Technologies Workgroup and hence the OS=
IS project.</p>
<xs:element name=3D"osis">
<xs:documentation><p>The <osis> element can contain either <o=
sisText> which is a single work or text, or <osisCorpus>, which =
is a collection of works or texts. The <header> element is required=
for the <osis> element and in the case of a single work, need not =
be repeated in <osisText>. This allows a single work to have a sing=
le header, but preserves the ability to have a separate header for a coll=
ection of works, such as would be found in a collection of texts, and to =
have a separate header for each text in the collection.</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"osisCorpus"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"osisText"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"TEI.2"/>
<xs:element name=3D"osisCorpus">
<p>The <osisCorpus> is a container for a collection of texts or=
works that separately are contained by the <osisText> element. Bes=
t practice would be to use the <header> element under <osis> =
to record information for the collection as a whole and then under each &=
lt;osisText> to record the details for that individual text.</p>
<xs:sequence minOccurs=3D"1" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"header" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"osisText"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"teiCorpus.2"/>
<xs:element name=3D"osisText">
<p>The <osisText> element is the main container element for tex=
ts encoded using the OSIS schema. It should be noted that users will not =
find the usual front-body-back division that occurs in TEI or other encod=
ing initiatives. That distinction was dropped because the content models =
for all three, they all only contained <div> elements, were the sam=
e. For this first release, it was decided to go with the simpler model an=
d users can use the "type" attribute on the <div> element=
if they wish to record that distinction from a printed work.</p>
<p>The <osisText> element has an optional <header> elemen=
t, which should be used in cases where <osisText> occurs as a sub-e=
lement of <osisCorpus> but not in addition to the <header> el=
ement of the <osis> element. Thus, for encoding a single standard B=
ible edition, the markup would in part read: <osis><header>he=
ader elements here<osisText><div type=3D"front><div t=
ype=3D"titlePage">title page content</div>content of f=
irst div</div>more divs and other content</osisText></osis=
>. Fuller example texts are in preparation and will be released at the=
www.bibletechnologies.net website..</p>
<p>The attribute values for osisIDWork and osisRefWork refer to the o=
sisWork attribute value on the <work> element in the header. A sepa=
rate <work> element should be created for the work that is being en=
coded and one for any reference system that will be cited in that work. T=
he <work> element has a child element called <identifier> and=
that element can occur multiple times for a single work. A work may have=
an ISBN or publisher catgalog number that the user wishes to record. One=
occurrence (and only one) of the <identifier> element should have =
a type of OSIS.</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"header" minOccurs=3D"1" maxOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"div" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisIDWork" type=3D"osisWorkType" use=3D"require=
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRefWork" type=3D"osisWorkType" use=3D"option=
al" default=3D"Bible"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"text"/>
<xs:element name=3D"header">
<p>The <header> element contains the <work> element, whic=
h holds the Dublin Core metadata used by the Open EBook initiative. The c=
ontainers in the <work> element hold basically unstructured data an=
d that while sufficient for this initial release, far more internal struc=
ture will be added to these elements for the publisher, translator and sc=
holar modules to be released in the future by this initiative.</p>
<p>The <header> element diverges from both Dubline Core and Ope=
n eBook by providing a <revisionDesc> element to describe the revis=
ion history of a document. For further information on Dublin Core, see: h=
ttp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2413.txt or http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_cor=
e. Information on the Open eBook can be found at the Open eBook Forum, ht=
tp://www.openebook.org/. While the Dublin Core source materials are the b=
est reference, short notes have been included in the documentation for ea=
ch of the metadata elements as guides to their usage.</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"revisionDesc" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounde=
<xs:element ref=3D"work" minOccurs=3D"1" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"teiHeader"/>
<!-- elements for header, with exceptions of title and head which are fou=
nd with regular OSIS elements -->
<xs:element name=3D"actor">
<p>Used to mark the name of a person appearing in the &l=
t;castList> element.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"who" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"actor"/>
<xs:element name=3D"castGroup">
<p>Used as a container for related members of a cast, suc=
h as all the human occupants of Noah;s ark.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"head"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"castItem"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"castGroup"/>
<xs:element name=3D"castItem">
<p>Used for a single role in a castList.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"actor"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"role"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"roleDesc"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"castItem"/>
<xs:element name=3D"castList">
<p>The <castList> element and its children are used=
to document roles in the biblical text.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"castGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"castList"/>
<xs:element name=3D"contributor">
<p>The <contributor> element has the same semantics=
as the <creator> element. Can be used for contributors to a work t=
hat are not covered under <creator>. Note that it has attributes fo=
r role (roleType is a defined list of various role types) and a file-as a=
ttribute for additional indexing information.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attribute name=3D"file-as" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"roleType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"coverage">
<p>A description of a place or time described in the work=
=2E </p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"creator">
<p>The <creator> element has the same semantics as =
the <contributor> element. Used for the primary creator or author o=
f a work. If there are multiple authors, there should be a separate <c=
reator> element for each one. Note that it has attributes for role (ro=
leType is a defined list of various role types) and a file-as attribute f=
or additional indexing information.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"roleType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"description">
<p>A prose description of the content of the work.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"format">
<p>A set of descriptors is not yet available from Dublin =
Core for formats.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"identifier">
<p>Any unique identifier for a work, such as an ISBN or I=
SSN number, although those are merely illustrative and not given as limit=
ations. A separate <identifier> element should be used for each suc=
h identifier and its type recorded in the type attribute for the element.=
<p>It should be noted that the type attribute should be OSIS for cases =
where the identifier represents an OSIS identifier. This is promote resol=
ution of OSIS ID and Refs.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"language">
<p>Should comply with the requirements of RFC 1766 (http:=
//www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1766.txt) and any successor standards for specifyin=
g the language of a work.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"publisher">
<p>The source of the publication that is being documented=
=2E In the case of some biblical materials, such as those that have been =
reproduced in facsimile editions, the publisher would be the issuer of th=
e facsimile edition. Separate editions of a particular work, for example =
a reprint of the Bomberg Rabbinic Bible, would have separate work entries=
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"refSystem">
<p>The <refSystem> element specifies the reference system bei=
ng used to refer to a particular work. Most commonly works have only one =
reference system but historical texts, St. Augustine's Confessions, for e=
xample, have multiple reference systems to the same text.</p>
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"relation">
<p>Allows the relationship of the present work to another=
work to be specified. Dublin Core does not give any specific guidance on=
this point but if the relationship is important enough to record, it is =
suggested that a separate work element be created and this field complete=
d with the ID of that element so that the two entries are linked for futu=
re use.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"revisionDesc">
<p>This element was added to the usual elements for a Dub=
lin Core header as encoding biblical resources are often ongoing and coll=
aborative enterprises. This element allows a convenient place to record v=
ersioning information for a document. Note that the date element is alway=
s required and that best practices dictate that the resp attribute should=
be used whenever an entry is made.</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"date" minOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"revisionDesc"/>
<xs:element name=3D"rights">
<p>Prose description of any rights, such as copyright sta=
tements, or notation that it is publically available for non-commercial u=
se, etc.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"role">
<p>The name of a role in a text.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
</xs:choice> =20
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"role"/>
<xs:element name=3D"roleDesc">
<p>Describes the role of an actor in the text.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"roleDesc"/>
<xs:element name=3D"subject">
<p>No standard has been set for subject descriptions as t=
hey vary from system to system. Best practices dictate that some standard=
system should be chosen and indicated on the type attribute for this ele=
ment. It may be found useful to have multiple <subject> elements th=
at give descriptions from more than one classification system.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"source">
<p>Used in the sense of the source from which an electron=
ic text is derived. Not certain how useful that will be as born electroni=
c texts become common but certainly relevant for older biblical materials=
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"teiHeader">
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:any minOccurs =3D "1" maxOccurs =3D "unbounded"
processContents =3D "skip" />
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"teiHeader"/>
<xs:element name=3D"type">
<p>The current suggested types of resources (found at: ht=
tp://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/) will probably be fou=
nd too general to be very useful to biblical scholars. The Bible Technolo=
gies Group is working on developing a suggested typology for biblical tex=
ts that may make this a more meaningful element.</p>
<xs:simpleContent> =09
<xs:extension base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"work">
<p>The <work> element is used to allow easy referenc=
e to any work from within the OSIS document instance. It is most commonly=
used in connection with osisID to specify a particular work that is bein=
g referenced by the osisID in question.</p>
<p>A shorthand for use with the osisID or osisRef should be enter=
ed as the osisWork attribute value. The <identifier> element can co=
ntain a longer string to identify the work in question. If the work uses =
a particular reference system, that can be noted in the <reference>=
element. The user is responsible for declaring a reference system for a =
work that may have a different reference system, in hopes that the softwa=
re will map from the declared (familiar) reference system to the one actu=
ally used by the referenced work. For example, a user could declare that =
he wishes to use the KJV reference system when referring to the French NI=
V work. That declaration is made by recording the French NIV work informa=
tion in the header and including the refsystem element with the content, =
<p>This set of elements is based upon the Dublin Core metadata set as u=
sed in the Open eBook standard. Using these metadata elements, a precise =
link between the osisWork attribute and a particular work or class of wor=
ks in general can be established. For a particular work, the user should =
choose a value for the osisWork attribute and then supply the information=
necessary to distinguish it from other works. Most generally, that would=
include use of the <title>, <creator>, <date>, <pub=
lisher>, <identifier> (which may have a type attribute of ISBN, =
ISSN or other unique identifier) but could include the other fields as we=
<p>For those who wish to follow a stricter header, we have included an o=
ptional element to contain the <teiHeader> element. Note that it is=
not processed by any schema validator and thus validation of that portio=
n of the header is entirely the responsibility of the user.</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"title" minOccurs=3D"0"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"contributor" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"=
<xs:element ref=3D"creator" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbo=
<xs:element ref=3D"subject" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbo=
<xs:element ref=3D"date" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbound=
<xs:element ref=3D"description" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"=
<xs:element ref=3D"publisher" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"un=
<xs:element ref=3D"type" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbound=
<xs:element ref=3D"format" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbou=
<xs:element ref=3D"identifier" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"u=
<xs:element ref=3D"source" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbou=
<xs:element ref=3D"language" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unb=
<xs:element ref=3D"relation" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unb=
<xs:element ref=3D"coverage" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unb=
<xs:element ref=3D"castList" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"=
<xs:element ref=3D"rights" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"/>=
<xs:element ref=3D"teiHeader" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"refSystem" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded=
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisWork" type=3D"osisWorkType" use=3D"requ=
<!-- end of header elements -->
<!-- beginning of elements that occur within <div>, the main OSIS contain=
er element under <osisText> -->
<xs:element name=3D"a">
<p>The <a> element is a clone of <reference> and was adde=
d to allow simple links to be built with the current OSIS release. This w=
ill continue in future releases but expect to see full XLink/XPointer syn=
tax in later releases. Both the standard HTML links and XLinks will be su=
pported for OSIS texts for the foreseeable future.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"href" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"required"/>=
<xs:element name=3D"abbr">
<p>The <abbr> element contains abbreviations and the expansion =
of abbreviations is placed in the expansion attribute. To illustrate: <=
;abbr expansion=3D"Journal of Biblical Literature">JBL</a=
bbr> This will be particularly helpful for users who are not professio=
nal biblical scholars or to make sure references to lesser known publicat=
ions are easy to find (both by researchers and librarians).</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"expansion" type=3D"xs:string"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element name=3D"caption">
<p>The <caption> element is used within <figure> to conta=
in short descriptive information that may appear with an illustration, ph=
oto or map.</p>
<p>It should be noted that this element maps to the TEI <figDesc&g=
t; element and not <caption>. For some reason, <caption< was =
used by TEI for text displayed with a film or screenplay. Not its common =
definition and not followed by OSIS.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"figDesc"/>
<xs:element name=3D"catchWord">
<p>The <catchWord> element occurs in a note to contain text tha=
t occurs as part of the main text and is used to alert the reader to the =
material in the main text under discussion. This is likely to be used whe=
n a note concerns several parts of a single passage and the note wishes t=
o draw attention to a particular part of the text for the following discu=
ssion. While to some degree a holdover from print practice, it does repre=
sent a simple way to create an implied reference from a note to the main =
text and is retained for that purpose. Careful users will make use of the=
linking attributes to make the <catchWord> element attach to a par=
ticular portion of the text. That practice will avoid having to re-edit a=
n electronic text when more robust software is available for linking the =
<catchWord> to the main text.</p>
<p>There is no TEI equivalent for this element.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"cell">
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>=09
<xs:element ref=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"tableRole" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"cell"/>
<xs:element name=3D"chapter">
<p>Chapter added with div content model</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"div"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>=09
<xs:element ref=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"chapterTitle" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional=
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRef" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"div"/>
<xs:element name=3D"closer">
<p>The <closer> element is a child of <div> and <q>=
and is meant to be used with the close of letters (Pauline for example).=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"closer"/>
<xs:element name=3D"date">
<p>The <date> element is used to record the type of date found =
in a text. It bears an optional calendarType attribute which will allow t=
he user to note what sort of date is being recorded. Permissible values f=
or the calendarType attribute are: Chinese, Gregorian, Islamic, ISO, Jewi=
sh, Julian. As with other attribute values in this schema, the user can i=
nsert their own value for this attribute by appending "x-" befo=
re the value they wish to use. Thus, calendarType=3D"x-DisneyLand&qu=
ot; would be one possible value, although probably not a useful one.</p>
<p>The <note> element may occur within <date> as commenta=
tors may wish to record additional information about the date.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"calendar" use=3D"optional" default=3D=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"date"/>
<xs:element name=3D"div">
<p>The <div> element is the principal container below the <o=
sisText> element. As was noted above, there is no separate <front&g=
t;, <body>, or, <back> elements in OSIS markup and the <di=
v> type attribute bears that information about the text. The usage of =
the <div> element should be recorded in the <revisionDesc> el=
ement so users of the text will know what types of <div> elements t=
hey will encounter in processing the text.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"chapter"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"div"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>=09
<xs:element ref=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"divType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"date" type=3D"osisDateType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"divTitle" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRef" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>=
<xs:attribute name=3D"scope" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"div"/>
<xs:element name=3D"divineName">
<p>The <divineName> element is to be used to mark the name of t=
he diety in biblical and other texts. Traditions vary on the writing of t=
he divine name and this is our response to satisfy the need for marking t=
he divine name in the text and yet not make any presumptions about variou=
s traditions concerning the writing of the name. This would be a most app=
ropriate element to record a typology of the divine name as found or tran=
slated in the text.</p>
<p>There is no equivalent TEI element, other than perhaps <name>=
;, since the TEI Guidelines did not specifically address issues related t=
o the encoding of biblical materials.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"figure">
<p>The <figure> element is used more broadly than what might be=
expected from its name. In our usage, figure includes the usual things s=
uch as photographs and line drawings, but also maps and any other non-tex=
tual material that should appear in a text at a particular point.</p>
<p>We have deliberately not made any mention of the notation for the =
value of the "src" attribute as that will vary from system to s=
ystem, depending upon software capabilities. Bodies such as the IEFT (Int=
ernet Engineering Task Force) set standards for use of such notations by =
software and should be consulted for proper usage.</p>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"caption"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRef" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"src" type=3D"xs:string"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"div"/>
<xs:element name=3D"foreign">
<p>The <foreign> element is used to mark foreign words or phras=
es that occur in a text. In some cases that may be for purposes of specia=
l display of such words, such as displaying "foreign" words in =
an English text in italics. In others, it may be to allow the use of a sp=
ecial font to insure properly rendering of the text. Foreign in this sens=
e means different from the text being encoded and not foreign from a part=
icular language. The quotation of Armaic words in a New Testament transla=
tion (whether the translation is English, Spanish or German) is an exampl=
e of foreign words in a text.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element name=3D"head">
<p>The <head> element occurs only within the <list> eleme=
nt. Its function is to provide a header for a list of items. Note that it=
can contain itself, so it is possible to have sub-headings under a main =
heading for a list.</p>
<p>Does not map precisely to TEI <head> because TEI allows <=
head> for things such as tables, figure, etc. Have included the mappin=
g as a reference for users but be aware of the less extensive usage in OS=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"head"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"head"/>
<xs:element name=3D"hi">
<p>The <hi> element is a generic element that can be used to re=
cord emphasis and the type of emphasis for an authored text. It should no=
t be used with primary source materials or translations to mark portions =
of texts that have been rendered differently from the surrounding text. T=
he words of Jesus in a red-letter edition for example, should not be enco=
ded using the <hi> element. To merely record that the words appear =
in the color red is to miss the reason why they are marked in red, a fact=
that will probably be of interest to others reading the text.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element name=3D"index">
<p>The <index> element is an empty element that is =
used to mark index locations in a text. It follows the TEI Guidelines in =
most respects, with the addition of a "see" attribute which is =
explained below. Note that the level attributes (level1 - level4) corresp=
ond to a main entry (level1) and nested entries under that entry. Thus, t=
he levels link the attribute values together in hierarchy of topics. If y=
ou want a separate index entry for a particular
location, use another index element.</p>
<p>The "see" attribute was adde=
d to the TEI syntax to enable the recording of a see or see also entry in=
the index. The value of that attribute should be a level1 entry that occ=
urs in the document instance. Automatic processing should generate a link=
to the appropriate location in the text but use of the string provides a=
useful fallback to the user by specifying the index entry that should be=
a pointer to the appropriate location.</p>
<p>If it is desired to have see or see also=
entries at other levels of the index, separate index tags should be inse=
rted with the appropriate see attributes.</p> =20
<xs:attribute name=3D"index" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"req=
<xs:attribute name=3D"level1" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"re=
quired"/> =20
<xs:attribute name=3D"level2" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"=
<xs:attribute name=3D"level3" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"op=
<xs:attribute name=3D"level4" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"op=
<xs:attribute name=3D"see" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optio=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"index"/>
</xs:element> =20
<xs:element name=3D"inscription">
<p>The <inscription> element should not be used for quotations =
but only in cases where an actual physical inscription is being reported =
or recorded.</p>
<p>The TEI has no equivalent of this element.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"item">
<p>The <item> element is solely used by <list> and is use=
d to contain material commonly found in lists. It can be preceded by a &l=
t;label> so it can be part of a glossary or simple dictionary type lis=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:sequence minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"label" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"item"/>
<xs:element name=3D"label">
<p>The <label> element is an optional element within <list&g=
t; which allows the following: <list><label>Crosswire.org<=
/label><item>A volunteer group of highly skilled programmers who=
write Bible software</item></list>.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"label"/>
<xs:element name=3D"l">
<p>The <l> element is solely a child of <lg>. That means =
that is should not be used to mark lines in a text. Being aware that some=
translations place great emphasis on line breaks, the <seg> elemen=
t should be used for that purpose. Scholars should note that more robust =
mechanisms for marking orthographic (how the text is written) features of=
original texts will be included in the scholarly module to be issued by =
the OSIS initiative.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"chapter"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"l"/>
<xs:element name=3D"lb">
<p>The <lb> element is a true empty element that is used to mar=
k line breaks in the text. It carries no semantics other than a location =
in the text stream. It was added due to the frequency of which line break=
s are required for poetic texts and other purposes in biblical texts.</p>=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"milestone"/>
</xs:element> =20
<xs:element name=3D"lg">
<p>The <lineGroup> element is for use in marking poetic texts, =
such as are found in Psalms and Proverbs. It contains only the <line&g=
t; and <milestone> elements.</p>
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"l"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element name=3D"list">
<p>The <list> element is used for common lists of items, as wel=
l as simple glossaries and definition lists. The <list> element can=
contain embedded lists, thereby allowing embedded sublists.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"head"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"item"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"list"/>
<xs:element name=3D"mentioned">
<p>The <mentioned> element is used to mark words (or phrases) t=
hat are mentioned but not used. When illustrating a grammatical point, a =
commentary may insert a word as an example of a particular usage. This is=
more important for use in notes or commentaries than original texts, but=
there are cases where it would be appropriate there as well.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element name=3D"milestone">
<p>The <milestone> element is a true empty element that is used=
to mark locations in a text. It carries not semantics other than a locat=
ion in the text stream. It can be used along with its type attribute to r=
ecord elements that otherwise would overlap. The milestone_Pt attribute i=
s used to indicate the type of attribute, such as a screen break - sb (al=
so known as a shadow milestone), pb (page break) and others.</p>
<p>Note that a special milestone element, <lb>, has been added =
due to the common use of line breaks in biblical texts in modern translat=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"milestonePt"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"milestone"/>
</xs:element> =20
<xs:element name=3D"milestoneEnd">
<p>NOTICE: This element along with <milestoneStart> is s=
everely deprecated. Elements that commonly cross other elments are now ex=
tensions of the milestoneable complexType and thus retain the semantics o=
f the original container element. They are written as XML empty elements =
with sID and eID to indicated the starting and ending of the element. Be =
aware that <milestoneEnd> and <milestoneStart> will in all li=
kelihood be completely removed in the 2.0 OSIS release.</p>
<p>The <milestoneEnd> element is used with the <milestoneSta=
rt> element to carry a semantic of containership for an enumerated lis=
t of elements. That element type is specified on the milestone_SE (Start/=
End) attribute. Milestones of this type are linked by having a start attr=
ibute that matches the end attribute of the starting milestone.</p>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"milestoneSe"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"start" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"required"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"milestone"/>
</xs:element> =20
<xs:element name=3D"milestoneStart">
<p>NOTICE: This element along with <milestoneStart> is s=
everely deprecated. Elements that commonly cross other elments are now ex=
tensions of the milestoneable complexType and thus retain the semantics o=
f the original container element. They are written as XML empty elements =
with sID and eID to indicated the starting and ending of the element. Be =
aware that <milestoneEnd> and <milestoneStart> will in all li=
kelihood be completely removed in the 2.0 OSIS release.</p>
<p>The <milestoneStart> element element is used with the <mi=
lestoneStart> element to carry a semantic of containership. That eleme=
nt being emulated should be specified with the type attribute. Milestones=
of this type are linked by the end attribute of the milestoneStart and t=
he start attribute of milestoneEnd. In cases where emulated containers ha=
ve special attributes, such as who or level for quote, those attributes s=
hould be added to milestoneStart.</p>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"milestoneSe"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"end" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"required"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"milestone"/>
</xs:element> =20
<xs:element name=3D"name">
<p>The <name> element is useful as it allows the user to declar=
e a regular form for a name that may be written in different forms in the=
text. For example, to recover all the instances of the name Susan, it mi=
ght be necessary to recover all instances of Susan, Susie (as a nickname)=
, Susie-Q (another nickname), as well as Suzanne (which might be the pers=
on's full legal name. The regular attribute on <name> allows the us=
e of a single form of the name for indexing and searching purposes.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"nameType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"regular" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"name"/>
<xs:element name=3D"note">
<p>The <note> element abounds in Bible translations, commentari=
es and other works about biblical literature. The actual text of the <=
note> is recorded inline, where it applies to the text, but that is no=
t necessarily where it is displayed. If it is more convenient to record n=
otes at the end of a text, care should be taken to point to the proper re=
ference for the note using the work and cite attributes.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:element ref=3D"note" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"=
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"catchWord"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"rdg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"canonical" default=3D"false"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"noteType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRef" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"note"/>
<xs:element name=3D"p">
<p>The <p> element is probably the most common element in encod=
ing outside of the Bible itself and then only if the more recent traditio=
n of using the <p> as the basis for translation is not followed.</p=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"catchWord"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"chapter"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"rdg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"p"/>
<xs:element name=3D"q">
<p>The <q> element is used for quotes, block quotes, embedded q=
uotes, and (quotes within quotes). There is no real difference between a =
quote and a block quote other than formatting so both of those are treate=
d with this single element. Note that this element does not contain the =
element <verse> such that is a speaker is citing a verse in a speec=
h, the proper way to encode that would be as a <reference> within t=
he larger <q> element.</p>
<p>When segmenting quotes, use the same qID, and increment the segID =
to allow retrieval of the entire quotation.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"level" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"who" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"q"/>
<xs:element name=3D"rdg">
<p>The <reading> element is found only in <note> and reco=
rds alternative readings to a passage in the text or commentary.</p>
<p>While not used in a formal critical apparatus as is the case in TE=
I, there is a fairly close correspondence between this element and the &l=
t;rdg> element in TEI.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"rdg"/>
<xs:element name=3D"reference">
<p>The <reference> element will be the subject of extension to =
include XLink/XPointer syntax in a later OSIS release. At present it mark=
s the location of a reference in one text to another, whether direct (lik=
e citation/quotation) or indirect (such as an allusion), along with the r=
eference/pointing mechanism in this release.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisRef" type=3D"osisRefType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"row">
<xs:element ref=3D"cell" minOccurs=3D"1" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"/=
<xs:attribute name=3D"role" type=3D"tableRole" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"row"/>
<xs:element name=3D"salute">
<p>The <salute> element is used to encompass the opening saluta=
tion of a letter.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element name=3D"seg">
<p>The <seg> element is a generic phrase container element. Its=
primary use should be for phrase level markup that was omitted in this r=
elease (please send a note to the project with your requirements), repres=
entation of line breaks in a translation (or original text), or for some =
other purpose for which no other element suffices.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element name=3D"signed">
<p>The <signed> element is used to encode the closing material =
of a letter or similar text.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element name=3D"speaker">
<p>The <speaker> element can be used to enclose the name of a s=
peaker in the text (when reported) but can also bear speaker information =
when not apparent in the text, such as the shifts of speaker in the Song =
of Solomon.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"who" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"sp"/>
<xs:element name=3D"speech">
<p>The <speech> element should be used to encode reported speec=
hes. Those should be distinguished from quotes, although that distinction=
will not always be clear.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:element ref=3D"speech" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounde=
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"p"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"salute"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"signed"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"table"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"verse"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"speech"/>
<xs:element name=3D"table">
<p>The <table> element is used for all types of tables. Note th=
at the <table> element can nest, so it is possible to have tables n=
ested within tables. We have followed the TEI table model, and so both ro=
ws and cells have a role attribute that specifies the function of that el=
ement in the table. Both the <table> and <cell> elements can =
specify the number of rows or columns occupied by that <table> or &=
lt;cell>. There are no controls to make sure those values make sense o=
ther than the requirement that they be positive integer numbers (in other=
words, 1 or higher).</p>
<xs:element ref=3D"head" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"1"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"row" minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"rows" type=3D"xs:positiveInteger" use=3D"optional=
<xs:attribute name=3D"cols" type=3D"xs:positiveInteger" use=3D"optional=
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"table"/>
<xs:element name=3D"title">
<p>The <title> element is used for titles both in the sense of =
those of divisions in a work, i.e., chapters, books, but also for titles =
of other works that occur in notes or even the text. The <title> el=
ement can occur within itself so users can have multiple sub-titles if de=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"figure"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"title"/>
<xs:element name=3D"transChange">
<p>The <transChange> element was formulated to deal with cases =
where a literal translation has added words to clarify the translation. T=
he Amplified Bible is one example of where this element would be useful b=
ut certainly not the only one. Changing the tense of a verb to agree with=
modern language usage and yet wanting to preserve some indication that t=
he original text had been changed is another.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"changeType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithoutType"/>
<xs:element name=3D"verse">
<p>The <verse> element is used to make the standard verse divis=
ions in Bibles, although obviously a later imposition on the text. It is =
a standard method for referencing biblical materials.</p>
<p>Note that verses often cross the boundaries of other elements and =
that raises the question of how to deal with elements that overlap. Norma=
lly the verse identifier will be its osisID, exampe "Matt.1.1" =
and the like. When a verse is segmented, that is split into two or more p=
arts to cross a boundary, like a quotation, the ID should be used to indi=
cate the various parts.</p>
<p>The <verse> element in OSIS does not have a counterpart in t=
he TEI Guidelines.</p>
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:extension base=3D"milestoneable">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"chapter"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"date"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"divineName"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"hi"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"inscription"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"lb"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"list"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"mentioned"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestone"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneEnd"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"milestoneStart"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"name"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"q"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"reference"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"speaker"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"title"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"transChange"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"w"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"canonical" default=3D"true"/>
<xs:element name=3D"w">
<p>The <w> element is used to mark tokens separated by whitespa=
ce, which is probably an inadequate definition of word. It is provided to=
allow users to attach a variety of other information to such tokens.</p>=
<xs:complexType mixed=3D"true">
<xs:choice minOccurs=3D"0" maxOccurs=3D"unbounded">
<xs:element ref=3D"a"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"index"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"note"/>
<xs:element ref=3D"seg"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"POS" type=3D"attributeExtension" use=3D"optional"=
<xs:attribute name=3D"morph" type=3D"attributeExtension" use=3D"optiona=
<xs:attribute name=3D"lemma" type=3D"attributeExtension" use=3D"optiona=
<xs:attribute name=3D"gloss" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"src" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"xlit" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=3D"globalWithType"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"TEIform" fixed=3D"w"/>
<!-- attributes -->
<xs:attributeGroup name=3D"globalWithType">
<xs:attribute name=3D"annotateWork" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"=
<xs:attribute name=3D"annotateType" type=3D"osisAnnotation" use=3D"opti=
<xs:attribute name=3D"ID" type=3D"xs:ID" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisID" type=3D"osisIDType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"resp" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"type" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"subType" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"n" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name=3D"globalWithoutType">
<xs:attribute name=3D"annotateWork" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"=
<xs:attribute name=3D"annotateType" type=3D"osisAnnotation" use=3D"opti=
<xs:attribute name=3D"ID" type=3D"xs:ID" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"osisID" type=3D"osisIDType" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"resp" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"subType" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"n" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>=09
<!-- complex types -->
<xs:complexType name=3D"milestoneable" mixed=3D"true">
<xs:attribute name=3D"sID" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<xs:attribute name=3D"eID" type=3D"xs:string" use=3D"optional"/>
<!-- simple types -->
<xs:simpleType name=3D"annotation">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"commentary"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"exposition"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"meditation"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"outline"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"poeticRendering"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"rebuttal"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"sermon"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"studyGuide"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"translation"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"attributeExtension">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"x-([^\s]+)"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"calendar">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"Chinese"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"Gregorian"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"Islamic"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ISO"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"Jewish"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"Julian"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"changeType">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisChanges attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"divType">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisDivs attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"languageType">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"(x|i|[A-Za-z]{2,3})(-[A-Za-z0-9]{2,8}){0,}"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"milestonePt">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisMilestonePt attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"milestoneSe">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"abbr"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"chapter"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"closer"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"div"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"foreign"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"l"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"lg"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"q"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"salute"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"seg"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"signed"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"speech"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"verse"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"nameType">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisNames attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"noteType">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisNotes attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisAnnotation">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"annotation attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisChanges">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"added"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"amplified"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"changed"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"deleted"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"moved"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"tenseChange"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisDateType">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"(~(-(([0-9]{4})?:)?((([0-9]{2})?:){0,2})?)?)=
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisDivs">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"acknowledgement"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"afterword"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"appendix"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"back"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"body"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"book"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bookGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"colophon"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"commentary"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"concordance"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"coverPage"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"dedication"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"devotional"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"entry"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"front"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"gazetter"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"glossary"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"imprimatur"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"index"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"introduction"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"majorSection"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"map"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"outline"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"preface"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"section"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"subSection"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"titlePage"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisIDType">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"(((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L=
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisMilestonePt">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"column"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"footer"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"header"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"line"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"pb"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"screen"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisNames">
<p>Enumerated list of name types commonly found in biblical texts.</p>=
<p>The attribute nonhuman was inserted to allow the marking of names t=
hat are not encoded with the element divineName. The divineName element w=
as introduced to treat name occurences that are treated differently, i.e.=
, the setting of Lord in small caps, to represent a name in the original =
text. Rather than attempt to enumerate all the varying traditions for suc=
h practices, the divineName element simply recognizes it and allows encod=
ers to follow that practice (or not) as they desire.</p>
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"geographic"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"holiday"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"nonhuman"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"person"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ritual"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisNotes">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"allusion"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"alternative"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"background"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"citation"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"crossreference"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"devotional"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"exegesis"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"explanation"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"study"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"translation"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"variant"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisRefType">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"(((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?:)?((\p{L=
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisRoles">
<p>This is a selected set of the most common role names likely to be =
needed for basic encoding. The full set of relator codes on which this li=
sting (and the descriptions are based, was taken from: MARC Code List: Re=
lator Codes -- Term Sequence (http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/relators/re0002r1=
=2Ehtml). This listing will be followed for later OSIS modules.</p>
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"adp">
<xs:documentation>Adapter: Use for a person who 1) reworks a musical=
composition,usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or sto=
ries for motionpictures or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ann">
<xs:documentation>Annotator: Use for a person who writes manuscript =
annotations on a printed item.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"art">
<xs:documentation>Artist: Use for a person (e.g., a painter) who con=
ceives, and perhaps also implements, an original graphic design or work o=
f art, </xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"aut">
<xs:documentation>Author: Use for a person or corporate body chiefly=
responsiblefor the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually p=
rinted text. This term may also be used when more than one person or bod=
y bears such responsibility.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"aqt">
<xs:documentation>Author in quotations or text extracts: Use for a p=
erson whose work is largely quoted or extracted in a works to which he or=
she did not contribute directly. Such quotations are found particularly=
in exhibition catalogs, collections of photographs, etc.</xs:documentati=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"aft">
<xs:documentation>Author of afterword, colophon, etc.: Use for a per=
son or corporate body responsible for an afterword, postface, colophon, e=
tc. but who isnot the chief author of a work.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"aui">
<xs:documentation>Author of introduction, etc.: Use for a person or =
corporate body responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or oth=
er critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.</xs:doc=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bnd">
<xs:documentation>Binder: </xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bdd">
<xs:documentation>Binding designer: Designer of binding</xs:documen=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bkd">
<xs:documentation>Book designer: Use for the person or firm responsi=
ble for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of typ=
e and illustration,choice of materials, and process used.</xs:documentati=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bkp">
<xs:documentation>Book producer: Use for the person or firm responsi=
ble for the production of books and other print media, if specific codes<=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bjd">
<xs:documentation>Bookjacket designer: Designer of bookjacket</xs:d=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"bpd">
<xs:documentation>Bookplate designer: Designer of bookplate</xs:docu=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ctg">
<xs:documentation>Cartographer: </xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"clb">
<xs:documentation>Collaborator: Use for a person or corporate body t=
hat takes a limited part in the elaboration of a work of another person o=
r corporate body that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"cmm">
<xs:documentation>Commentator: Use for a person who provides interpr=
etation, analysis,or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, m=
otion picture, or other audiovisual medium.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"cwt">
<xs:documentation>Commentator for written text: Use for a person or =
corporate body responsible for the commentary or explanatory notes about =
a text. For the writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use =
<xs:enumeration value=3D"com">
<xs:documentation>Compiler: Use for a person who produces a work or =
publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of =
various persons or bodies.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ctb">
<xs:documentation>Contributor: Use for one whose work has been contr=
ibuted to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or oth=
er compilation of individual works. Do not use for someone whose sole fun=
ction in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"cre">
<xs:documentation>Creator: Use for a person or corporate body respon=
sible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work.</xs:documentati=
<xs:enumeration value=3D"edt">
<xs:documentation>Editor: Use for a person who prepares for publicat=
ion a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding=
introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an edito=
rial staff.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ilu">
<xs:documentation>Illuminator: </xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"ill">
<xs:documentation>Illustrator: Use for the person who conceives, and=
perhaps also implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany =
a written text.</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"pbl">
<xs:documentation>Publisher: </xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"trl">
<xs:documentation>Translator: Use for a person who renders a text fr=
om one language into another, or from an older form of a language into th=
e modern form.</xs:documentation>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"roleType">
<xs:union memberTypes=3D"osisRoles attributeExtension"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"osisWorkType">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=3D"((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)((\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*)?"/>
<xs:simpleType name=3D"tableRole">
<xs:restriction base=3D"xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=3D"label"/>
<xs:enumeration value=3D"data"/>