[osis-core] Eliminate quote and blockQuote as elements and put back quote milestones.

Steve DeRose osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 15:51:42 -0400

At 02:18 PM -0500 06/05/02, Todd Tillinghast wrote:
>If the proposal for a "role" to contain "actual" scripture text is
>accepted most of the overlapping hierarchies are simply handled.   (The
>proposal will eliminate the high occurrence of overlapping between
><verse> and <lineGroup>/<line> and <list>/<item> when <lineGroup>/<line>
>and <list>/<item> are used.)
>Quotes and block quotes seem to OFTEN overlap with other hierarchies.
>If they alone were represented as milestones the occurrence of
>overlapping hierarchies would be largely limited to a few occurrences of
>paragraphs and verses overlapping (71 cases of paragraphs and verses
>overlapping in the TEV version of Matthew out of a total of 461
>paragraphs or 15% of paragraphs).

Quotes are definitely among the worst culprits for this -- you seem 
them all over the place in secular drama and poetry, too.

>The original argument of eliminating milestones to handle overlapping
>hierarchies was because the occurrence was infrequent. 
>If the occurrence is frequent more than 50% then it would seem the
>milestone approach would be more appropriate.  The other positive factor
>for quotes is that the handling of them as milestones is simpler that
>with other milestone types.  If an attribute for quote level and one for
>quote type were added to <qStart> and <qEnd> elements then it would be
>fairly simple to look forward and backward for the matching quote and to
>determine what to do when rendering based on the level and type
>attribute alone.  (The type attribute would eliminate the need for both
>blockQuote and q.  Still waiting on clarification on the difference
>between those two.)
>However, I think we should EITHER milestones OR elements for quote and

Yes -- allowing more than one mechanism for the same thing just makes 
for confusions.

>I think that quotes as milestones will make encoding easier as well.


No real thoughts; and mixed feelings.



Steve DeRose -- http://www.stg.brown.edu/~sjd
Chair, Bible Technologies Group -- http://www.bibletechnologies.net
Email: sderose@speakeasy.net
Backup email: sderose@mac.com, sjd@stg.brown.edu