[osis-core] Element Review: <blockQuote>
Patrick Durusau
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 16:16:46 -0400
<blockQuote>: has <abbr>, <closer>, <foreign>, <lineGroup>, <milestone>,
<name>, <note>, <p>, <q>, <reference>, <salute>, <seg>, <speaker>,
<speech>, <transChange>, <verse>.
Question: Shouldn't we add (or correct my mistake): <blockQuote> to
recur?; <divineName>, <signed> (suspect this was simple error on my
part), <w>?
Note I have not suggested adding <title> since in a blockQuote, a title,
should occur within a reference, even if the reference is the speaker or
author of the text citing another work. Best practice would be:
<blockQuote>blah, blah <reference><title>Works of Great Markup
Writers</title></reference>blah, blah</blockquote>
Note that the reference element may, but is not required to point to an
actual resource. In some cases, the Book of the wars of YHWH, the
resource is simply known by title and cannot actually be referenced
directly or indirectly.
Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature