[osis-core] Yesterday's regex

Steve DeRose osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 10:24:25 -0400

>I am going to attempt to re-write the regex I forwarded yesterday as 
>a series of named simple types that are gathered into osisRef. That 
>should allow users to over-ride parts of the regex without having to 
>redo the full expression (which was no fun the first time around). 
>Sort of testing my theory of further restricting the content model 
>of the full regex as well.
>Hope to have results (with a test file later this morning).

Three (at least) cheers for modularity.....


Steve DeRose -- http://www.stg.brown.edu/~sjd
Chair, Bible Technologies Group -- http://www.bibletechnologies.net
Email: sderose@speakeasy.net
Backup email: sderose@mac.com, sjd@stg.brown.edu