[osis-core] Syntax for osisWork

Steve DeRose osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:18:01 -0400

At 05:11 PM -0400 06/30/02, Patrick Durusau wrote:
>Steve notes:
>>C-016: What syntax did we settle on for separting language, 
>>version, edition, author, title, etc within 'work'?
>None. ;-)
>Basically the full stop delimited syntax but since anything can be 
>referenced in work, not sure we can specify much more.
>Not sure if we want to go there but could add an element in the 
>header to hold work declarations with a full set of attributes for 
>all those things. Then osisRef and cite could simply refer to the ID 
>of that item in the header for such information.
>    <work ID="A1" title="" edition="" lang="" version="" date="" />

See my posting a minute ago. Same idea except to use DC for the Dcls.

If we don't indirect, we need a lot more than just dot, to be able to 
implement rational fallbackk algorithms.


Steve DeRose -- http://www.stg.brown.edu/~sjd
Chair, Bible Technologies Group -- http://www.bibletechnologies.net
Email: sderose@speakeasy.net
Backup email: sderose@mac.com, sjd@stg.brown.edu