[osis-core] osisCore_Candiate_1.1_003 - 9 Tricky point with default work and refSystem

Todd Tillinghast osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:42:29 -0600


> At 11:52 AM -0600 08/21/02, Todd Tillinghast wrote:
> >
> >This is an interesting distinction between declaring that a reference
> >system is the default and declaring that a document fully supports a
> >reference system.  (Does fully support mean that all identifiers in
> >reference system OR that all identified elements are identified using
> >the reference system where possible?)  Also it would seem that the
> >default reference system need not be fully supported and that more
> >one reference system could be fully supported.  For this behavior it
> >seems that we need add an "entirellyImplementedRefSystems" attribute
> >that is a list or refSystem IDREFs to <osisText>.
> >
> >>    - use the occasional osisID from it
> >>
> For example, a commentary may include translation of some parts,
> identified using a 'normal' reference system (many authors may not
> even know there are refsys differences). Also, what about something
> like a NT+Psalms edition -- does it 'fully support' its reference
> system if it only does so for the books it includes?

So is the conclusion that we don't need an attribute that indicates that
a document supports a reference system or just that the meaning of
supporting a reference system needs to be broader?

> >
> >
> >
> >>  It might be worth knowing that a document entirely implements
> >>  a reference system. Would that be worth specifying?
> >
> >It might be worth specifying.  In the future the issues of mapping
> >be hashed out.  If a document does not implement any reference system
> >then an external mapping to the document would have to be created for
> >least one reference system.  I would think that the external document
> >would basically be a basically an XLink document that matches up
> >XPointer expressions with identifiers from the reference system.  It
> >might also be more meaningful (if possible) to specify the document
> >provides the mapping between a reference system and the document that
> >does not implement a reference system.  I not sure how much of this
> >information needs to be put in the <work> element and how much needs
> >just exist in the document being pointed to.
> The cheap way to do this is to require that people include the
> 'normative' reference system we pick, regardless of what *else* they
> may also include. But getting compliance on that seems unlikely.
> --
> Steve DeRose -- http://www.stg.brown.edu/~sjd
> Chair, Bible Technologies Group -- http://www.bibletechnologies.net
> Email: sderose@speakeasy.net
> Backup email: sjd@stg.brown.edu