[osis-core] Re: Schema Problems

Troy A. Griffitts osis-core@bibletechnologieswg.org
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 15:52:23 -0700

I'll try to tackle commenting on a few...

> Separate the notion of Bible references from other references more
> generally. For non-Bible references, simply defer by declaring non-Bible
> references to be "x-" and to be treated at some later point with a
> validation mechanism like we have for Bible references.

Why are Bible references treated differently than non-Bible references? 
Per a previous email from Todd, we have a work= attribute that dictates
schema (should it be a separate schema= attribute?), if we want to
enforce a schema.  Am I not following your thread of thought on this

> For verse milestones, restrict the IDs to the compScriptureReferenceType
> so that we get validation for the "who am i" function here.
> (Agreeing with Troy here that StartVerse and StartVerse as attribute is
> confusing. Just use ID, datetype ID.)


<bookStart ID="John" />
  <chapterStart ID="John.1" />
    <verseStart ID="John.1.1" />
      <w ID="John.1.1.1">In</w>
    <verseEnd refID="John.1.1" />
  <chapterEnd refID="John.1" />
<bookEnd refID="John" />

is this the mechanism you were thinking (syntax aside)?  how's this

or were you thinking of a more general syntax, like:

<refStart ID="John" />
  <refStart ID="John.1" />
    <refStart ID="John.1.1" />
      <refStart ID="John.1.1.1"><w>In</w><refEnd refID="John.1.1.1" />
    <refEnd refID="John.1.1" />
  <refEnd refID="John.1" />
<refEnd refID="John" />

> 6. figure: used entity, Chris suggested src to reference matter to be
> inserted, suggestions?

I justed finished img -> figure conversion in our filter and entity was
a little generic.  src might be more meaningful, especially with people
with any html experience.

> 8. supplied: should we retain this and drop ampRead? make ampRead into
> on of the types of supplied? Cleaner modeling I think.

IIRC, _supplied_ is for things not found in the original language, but
possibly implied, but have been supplied by the translator.  ampRead is
for works like the Amplified Bible that give multiple definitions of an
original language word.... e.g.  "Troy hates [despises, abhors, loaths]
javadoc'ing his code" (ampRead), as opposed to "Troy hates javadoc'ing
[his] code." (supplied)