[ntmss-svn] r10 - trunk/IGNTP

Rachel at crosswire.org Rachel at crosswire.org
Tue Aug 23 08:44:44 MST 2011

Author: Rachel
Date: 2011-08-23 08:44:44 -0700 (Tue, 23 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 10

   trunk/IGNTP/Comparing transcriptions
Added new file

Added: trunk/IGNTP/Comparing transcriptions
--- trunk/IGNTP/Comparing transcriptions	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/IGNTP/Comparing transcriptions	2011-08-23 15:44:44 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Initial transcriptions to be put in Level 0
+Special cases:
+	Change Word transcriptions to BBEdit (Rachel)
+	Change SG to U files (Troy to give Rachel a programme to do this, Rachel to do)
+	Bill's transcriptions: do te2bb conversion (to fix line breaks) where necessary (Troy to fix code so that a new file isn't created with _in progress at end. Rachel to convert)
+	Transcriptions without layout: Add layout: Folio numbers, column numbers and insert line returns (Rachel and Bruce). Troy to write programme to add "|L|" to each new line EXCEPT lines beginning with "|" (pipe), lines within the first set of curly brackets { } and blank lines
+	Commentary MSS: change variations on [K] [/K] to {comm} and record {comm} for each line of commentary. Remove >> to denote biblical text where necessary. (Rachel and Bruce)
+Troy to write programme that can do the following on multiple files:
+		-final sigmas -  Rachel to define search rules
+		-full points at ends of verses - Rachel to define search rules
+		-Book 4 or 04? - Rachel needs to get clarification on this
+		-"|l|" to "|L|"  
+		-"]OM[" to "&om;" 
+		-" OM " (with spaces either side) to "{om}"
+		-remove any amount of space after a pipe "|"
+Rachel or Bruce to fix manually	on multiple files
+		-grep search for <V (.)> &lac; or  <V (..)> &lac; and fix  by putting range of complete lacunose verses in curly brackets)
+Level 0 transcriptions become Level 1 transcriptions at this point, adding _L1 to file name and fixing file name where necessary
+Reconcile two transcriptions using Troy's comparison programme, first stage reconcile layout.
+Troy's programme to:
+	-find differences between stuff within pipes and greater & less than signs "| |" "< >") ignoring everything else
+	-add editing capabilities to this tool so that  Rachel and Bruce can apply changes to both files
+Rachel and Bruce to rerun programme to confirm that all differences have been reconciled	 and when files match change _L1 to _L2
+Reconcile two transcriptions using Troy's comparison programme, second stage reconcile text.
+Troy's programme to:
+		-ignore stuff within first set of braces {  }
+		-ignore all punctuation in transcription
+		-ignore differences between upper and lower case letters		
+		-treat all final nu overlines as final nu
+		-ignore large spaces
+		-create a list of all the differences
+Rachel and Bruce to reconcile differences. Question: make changes to both files or create a new FINAL one?
+Check the following and make individual changes (Rachel and Bruce)		
+		-existence of <K 0><V 0> at beginning and <K 22><V 0> at end
+		-μενει in 14.17
+If making changes to both files, run programme to confirm that all differences have been reconciled	 and when files match change _L2 to L3
+If creating a new FINAL file, file names are as follows: 04_312560_FINAL
+LEVEL 3 (if making changes to both files)
+Choose one of the identical files to be final file and call ..._Final
+(View following) list of files NOT as soft wrap
+	Initial files Level 0 				04_325850_mc                      04-325850.be						04-325850.rk								J–503570.be
+	Interim/working files		04_325850_mc						 04-325850.be_te2bb			04-325850.rk_layout				J–503570.be_comm
+	Initial files Level 1 				04_325850_mc_L1                04_325850_be_L1				04_325850_rk_L1						04_303570_wje_L1
+	Fix layout 								04_325850_mc_L2                04_325850_be_L2				04_325850_rk_L2						04_303570_wje_L2
+	Fix text 									04_325850_mc_L3                04_325850_be_L3				04_325850_rk_L3						04_303570_wje_L3
+	Final file														04_325850_Final							04_325850_Final
+	NOTE: Since we decided to work in a versioning programme we decided it was unnecessary to give files different suffixes at interim/working level
\ No newline at end of file

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