[jsword-svn] r2218 - trunk/jsword/src/main/resources
mjdenham at crosswire.org
mjdenham at crosswire.org
Sun Jan 22 22:07:22 MST 2012
Author: mjdenham
Date: 2012-01-22 22:07:22 -0700 (Sun, 22 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 2218
Committed translation (nb, nn).
Modified: trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nb.properties
--- trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nb.properties 2012-01-23 05:07:06 UTC (rev 2217)
+++ trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nb.properties 2012-01-23 05:07:22 UTC (rev 2218)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# Copyright: 2005-2011
# The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
-# ID: $Id: BibleNames.properties 2196 2012-01-03 13:53:37Z dmsmith $
+# ID: $Id: BibleNames.properties 2215 2012-01-17 23:18:17Z dmsmith $
# Old Testament
Gen.Full = 1 Mosebok
@@ -401,6 +401,18 @@
Herm.Vis.Short =
Herm.Vis.Alt =
+# Other non-canonical books
+AddDan.Full = Tillegg til Daniels bok
+AddDan.Short = TilleggDan
+AddDan.Alt =
+AddPs.Full = Tillegg til Salmene
+AddPs.Short = TilleggSal
+AddPs.Alt =
+EsthGr.Full = Ester (Gresk)
+EsthGr.Short = EstGr
+EsthGr.Alt =
# Introduction titles for the book as a whole, the OT and the NT.
Intro.Bible.Full = Bibelintroduksjon
Intro.Bible.Short = Bibelintro
Modified: trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nn.properties
--- trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nn.properties 2012-01-23 05:07:06 UTC (rev 2217)
+++ trunk/jsword/src/main/resources/BibleNames_nn.properties 2012-01-23 05:07:22 UTC (rev 2218)
@@ -16,398 +16,410 @@
# Copyright: 2005-2011
# The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
-# ID: $Id: BibleNames.properties 2196 2012-01-03 13:53:37Z dmsmith $
+# ID: $Id: BibleNames.properties 2215 2012-01-17 23:18:17Z dmsmith $
# Old Testament
-Gen.Full = Fyrste Mosebok
-Gen.Short = 1. Mos
-Gen.Alt =
-Exod.Full = Andre Mosebok
-Exod.Short = 2. Mos
-Exod.Alt =
-Lev.Full = Tredje Mosebok
-Lev.Short = 3. Mos
-Lev.Alt =
-Num.Full = Fjerde Mosebok
-Num.Short = 4. Mos
-Num.Alt =
-Deut.Full = Femte Mosebok
-Deut.Short = 5. Mos
-Deut.Alt =
-Josh.Full = Josva
-Josh.Short = Jos
-Josh.Alt =
-Judg.Full = Domarane
-Judg.Short = Dom
-Judg.Alt =
-Ruth.Full = Rut
-Ruth.Short = Rut
-Ruth.Alt =
-1Sam.Full = Fyrste Samuelsbok
-1Sam.Short = 1. Sam
-1Sam.Alt =
-2Sam.Full = Andre Samuelsbok
-2Sam.Short = 2. Sam
-2Sam.Alt =
-1Kgs.Full = Fyrste Kongebok
-1Kgs.Short = 1. Kong
-1Kgs.Alt =
-2Kgs.Full = Andre Kongebok
-2Kgs.Short = 2. Kong
-2Kgs.Alt =
-1Chr.Full = Fyrste Kr\u00F8nikebok
-1Chr.Short = 1. Kr\u00F8n
-1Chr.Alt =
-2Chr.Full = Andre Kr\u00F8nikebok
-2Chr.Short = 2. Kr\u00F8n
-2Chr.Alt =
-Ezra.Full = Esra
-Ezra.Short = Esra
-Ezra.Alt =
-Neh.Full = Nehemja
-Neh.Short = Neh
-Neh.Alt =
-Esth.Full = Ester
-Esth.Short = Est
-Esth.Alt =
-Job.Full = Job
-Job.Short = Job
-Job.Alt =
-Ps.Full = Salmane
-Ps.Short = Sal
-Ps.Alt =
-Prov.Full = Salomos ordt\u00F8ke
-Prov.Short = Ordt
-Prov.Alt =
-Eccl.Full = Forkynnaren
-Eccl.Short = Fork
-Eccl.Alt =
-Song.Full = H\u00F8gsongen
-Song.Short = H\u00F8gs
-Song.Alt =
-Isa.Full = Jesaja
-Isa.Short = Jes
-Isa.Alt =
-Jer.Full = Jeremia
-Jer.Short = Jer
-Jer.Alt =
-Lam.Full = Klagesongane
-Lam.Short = Klag
-Lam.Alt =
-Ezek.Full = Esekiel
-Ezek.Short = Esek
-Ezek.Alt =
-Dan.Full = Daniel
-Dan.Short = Dan
-Dan.Alt =
-Hos.Full = Hosea
-Hos.Short = Hos
-Hos.Alt =
-Joel.Full = Joel
-Joel.Short = Joel
-Joel.Alt =
-Amos.Full = Amos
-Amos.Short = Am
-Amos.Alt =
-Obad.Full = Obadja
-Obad.Short = Ob
-Obad.Alt =
-Jonah.Full = Jona
-Jonah.Short = Jona
-Jonah.Alt =
-Mic.Full = Mika
-Mic.Short = Mi
-Mic.Alt =
-Nah.Full = Nahum
-Nah.Short = Nah
-Nah.Alt =
-Hab.Full = Habakkuk
-Hab.Short = Hab
-Hab.Alt =
-Zeph.Full = Sefanja
-Zeph.Short = Sef
-Zeph.Alt =
-Hag.Full = Haggai
-Hag.Short = Hag
-Hag.Alt =
-Zech.Full = Sakarja
-Zech.Short = Sak
-Zech.Alt =
-Mal.Full = Malaki
-Mal.Short = Mal
-Mal.Alt =
+Gen.Full = Fyrste Mosebok
+Gen.Short = 1. Mos
+Gen.Alt =
+Exod.Full = Andre Mosebok
+Exod.Short = 2. Mos
+Exod.Alt =
+Lev.Full = Tredje Mosebok
+Lev.Short = 3. Mos
+Lev.Alt =
+Num.Full = Fjerde Mosebok
+Num.Short = 4. Mos
+Num.Alt =
+Deut.Full = Femte Mosebok
+Deut.Short = 5. Mos
+Deut.Alt =
+Josh.Full = Josva
+Josh.Short = Jos
+Josh.Alt =
+Judg.Full = Domarane
+Judg.Short = Dom
+Judg.Alt =
+Ruth.Full = Rut
+Ruth.Short = Rut
+Ruth.Alt =
+1Sam.Full = Fyrste Samuelsbok
+1Sam.Short = 1. Sam
+1Sam.Alt =
+2Sam.Full = Andre Samuelsbok
+2Sam.Short = 2. Sam
+2Sam.Alt =
+1Kgs.Full = Fyrste Kongebok
+1Kgs.Short = 1. Kong
+1Kgs.Alt =
+2Kgs.Full = Andre Kongebok
+2Kgs.Short = 2. Kong
+2Kgs.Alt =
+1Chr.Full = Fyrste Kr\u00F8nikebok
+1Chr.Short = 1. Kr\u00F8n
+1Chr.Alt =
+2Chr.Full = Andre Kr\u00F8nikebok
+2Chr.Short = 2. Kr\u00F8n
+2Chr.Alt =
+Ezra.Full = Esra
+Ezra.Short = Esra
+Ezra.Alt =
+Neh.Full = Nehemja
+Neh.Short = Neh
+Neh.Alt =
+Esth.Full = Ester
+Esth.Short = Est
+Esth.Alt =
+Job.Full = Job
+Job.Short = Job
+Job.Alt =
+Ps.Full = Salmane
+Ps.Short = Sal
+Ps.Alt =
+Prov.Full = Salomos ordt\u00F8ke
+Prov.Short = Ordt
+Prov.Alt =
+Eccl.Full = Forkynnaren
+Eccl.Short = Fork
+Eccl.Alt =
+Song.Full = H\u00F8gsongen
+Song.Short = H\u00F8gs
+Song.Alt =
+Isa.Full = Jesaja
+Isa.Short = Jes
+Isa.Alt =
+Jer.Full = Jeremia
+Jer.Short = Jer
+Jer.Alt =
+Lam.Full = Klagesongane
+Lam.Short = Klag
+Lam.Alt =
+Ezek.Full = Esekiel
+Ezek.Short = Esek
+Ezek.Alt =
+Dan.Full = Daniel
+Dan.Short = Dan
+Dan.Alt =
+Hos.Full = Hosea
+Hos.Short = Hos
+Hos.Alt =
+Joel.Full = Joel
+Joel.Short = Joel
+Joel.Alt =
+Amos.Full = Amos
+Amos.Short = Am
+Amos.Alt =
+Obad.Full = Obadja
+Obad.Short = Ob
+Obad.Alt =
+Jonah.Full = Jona
+Jonah.Short = Jona
+Jonah.Alt =
+Mic.Full = Mika
+Mic.Short = Mi
+Mic.Alt =
+Nah.Full = Nahum
+Nah.Short = Nah
+Nah.Alt =
+Hab.Full = Habakkuk
+Hab.Short = Hab
+Hab.Alt =
+Zeph.Full = Sefanja
+Zeph.Short = Sef
+Zeph.Alt =
+Hag.Full = Haggai
+Hag.Short = Hag
+Hag.Alt =
+Zech.Full = Sakarja
+Zech.Short = Sak
+Zech.Alt =
+Mal.Full = Malaki
+Mal.Short = Mal
+Mal.Alt =
# New Testament
-Matt.Full = Matteus
-Matt.Short = Matt
-Matt.Alt =
-Mark.Full = Markus
-Mark.Short = Mark
-Mark.Alt =
-Luke.Full = Lukas
-Luke.Short = Luk
-Luke.Alt =
-John.Full = Johannes
-John.Short = Joh
-John.Alt =
-Acts.Full = Apostelgjerningane
-Acts.Short = Apg
-Acts.Alt =
-Rom.Full = Romarane
-Rom.Short = Rom
-Rom.Alt =
-1Cor.Full = 1. Korintarane
-1Cor.Short = 1. Kor
-1Cor.Alt =
-2Cor.Full = 2. Korintarane
-2Cor.Short = 2. Kor
-2Cor.Alt =
-Gal.Full = Galatarane
-Gal.Short = Gal
-Gal.Alt =
-Eph.Full = Efesarane
-Eph.Short = Ef
-Eph.Alt =
-Phil.Full = Filipparane
-Phil.Short = Fil
-Phil.Alt =
-Col.Full = Kolossarane
-Col.Short = Kol
-Col.Alt =
-1Thess.Full = 1. Tessalonikarane
-1Thess.Short = 1. Tess
-1Thess.Alt =
-2Thess.Full = 2. Tessalonikarane
-2Thess.Short = 2. Tess
-2Thess.Alt =
-1Tim.Full = 1. Timoteus
-1Tim.Short = 1. Tim
-1Tim.Alt =
-2Tim.Full = 2. Timoteus
-2Tim.Short = 2. Tim
-2Tim.Alt =
-Titus.Full = Titus
-Titus.Short = Tit
-Titus.Alt =
-Phlm.Full = Filemon
-Phlm.Short = Filem
-Phlm.Alt =
-Heb.Full = Hebrearane
-Heb.Short = Hebr
-Heb.Alt =
-Jas.Full = Jakob
-Jas.Short = Jak
-Jas.Alt =
-1Pet.Full = 1. Peter
-1Pet.Short = 1. Pet
-1Pet.Alt =
-2Pet.Full = 2. Peter
-2Pet.Short = 2. Pet
-2Pet.Alt =
-1John.Full = 1. Johannes
-1John.Short = 1. Joh
-1John.Alt =
-2John.Full = 2. Johannes
-2John.Short = 2. Joh
-2John.Alt =
-3John.Full = 3. Johannes
-3John.Short = 3. Joh
-3John.Alt =
-Jude.Full = Judas
-Jude.Short = Jud
-Jude.Alt =
-Rev.Full = Johannes\u2019 openberring
-Rev.Short = Op
-Rev.Alt =
+Matt.Full = Matteus
+Matt.Short = Matt
+Matt.Alt =
+Mark.Full = Markus
+Mark.Short = Mark
+Mark.Alt =
+Luke.Full = Lukas
+Luke.Short = Luk
+Luke.Alt =
+John.Full = Johannes
+John.Short = Joh
+John.Alt =
+Acts.Full = Apostelgjerningane
+Acts.Short = Apg
+Acts.Alt =
+Rom.Full = Romarane
+Rom.Short = Rom
+Rom.Alt =
+1Cor.Full = 1. Korintarane
+1Cor.Short = 1. Kor
+1Cor.Alt =
+2Cor.Full = 2. Korintarane
+2Cor.Short = 2. Kor
+2Cor.Alt =
+Gal.Full = Galatarane
+Gal.Short = Gal
+Gal.Alt =
+Eph.Full = Efesarane
+Eph.Short = Ef
+Eph.Alt =
+Phil.Full = Filipparane
+Phil.Short = Fil
+Phil.Alt =
+Col.Full = Kolossarane
+Col.Short = Kol
+Col.Alt =
+1Thess.Full = 1. Tessalonikarane
+1Thess.Short = 1. Tess
+1Thess.Alt =
+2Thess.Full = 2. Tessalonikarane
+2Thess.Short = 2. Tess
+2Thess.Alt =
+1Tim.Full = 1. Timoteus
+1Tim.Short = 1. Tim
+1Tim.Alt =
+2Tim.Full = 2. Timoteus
+2Tim.Short = 2. Tim
+2Tim.Alt =
+Titus.Full = Titus
+Titus.Short = Tit
+Titus.Alt =
+Phlm.Full = Filemon
+Phlm.Short = Filem
+Phlm.Alt =
+Heb.Full = Hebrearane
+Heb.Short = Hebr
+Heb.Alt =
+Jas.Full = Jakob
+Jas.Short = Jak
+Jas.Alt =
+1Pet.Full = 1. Peter
+1Pet.Short = 1. Pet
+1Pet.Alt =
+2Pet.Full = 2. Peter
+2Pet.Short = 2. Pet
+2Pet.Alt =
+1John.Full = 1. Johannes
+1John.Short = 1. Joh
+1John.Alt =
+2John.Full = 2. Johannes
+2John.Short = 2. Joh
+2John.Alt =
+3John.Full = 3. Johannes
+3John.Short = 3. Joh
+3John.Alt =
+Jude.Full = Judas
+Jude.Short = Jud
+Jude.Alt =
+Rev.Full = Johannes\u2019 openberring
+Rev.Short = Op
+Rev.Alt =
# Apocrypha
-Tob.Full =
-Tob.Short =
-Tob.Alt =
-Jdt.Full =
-Jdt.Short =
-Jdt.Alt =
-AddEsth.Full =
-AddEsth.Short =
-AddEsth.Alt =
-Wis.Full =
-Wis.Short =
-Wis.Alt =
-Sir.Full =
-Sir.Short =
-Sir.Alt =
-Bar.Full =
-Bar.Short =
-Bar.Alt =
-EpJer.Full =
-EpJer.Short =
-EpJer.Alt =
-PrAzar.Full =
-PrAzar.Short =
-PrAzar.Alt =
-Sus.Full =
-Sus.Short =
-Sus.Alt =
-Bel.Full =
-Bel.Short =
-Bel.Alt =
-1Macc.Full =
-1Macc.Short =
-1Macc.Alt =
-2Macc.Full =
-2Macc.Short =
-2Macc.Alt =
-3Macc.Full =
-3Macc.Short =
-3Macc.Alt =
-4Macc.Full =
-4Macc.Short =
-4Macc.Alt =
-PrMan.Full =
-PrMan.Short =
-PrMan.Alt =
-1Esd.Full =
-1Esd.Short =
-1Esd.Alt =
-2Esd.Full =
-2Esd.Short =
-2Esd.Alt =
-Ps151.Full =
-Ps151.Short =
-Ps151.Alt =
+Tob.Full =
+Tob.Short =
+Tob.Alt =
+Jdt.Full =
+Jdt.Short =
+Jdt.Alt =
+AddEsth.Full =
+AddEsth.Short =
+AddEsth.Alt =
+Wis.Full =
+Wis.Short =
+Wis.Alt =
+Sir.Full =
+Sir.Short =
+Sir.Alt =
+Bar.Full =
+Bar.Short =
+Bar.Alt =
+EpJer.Full =
+EpJer.Short =
+EpJer.Alt =
+PrAzar.Full =
+PrAzar.Short =
+PrAzar.Alt =
+Sus.Full =
+Sus.Short =
+Sus.Alt =
+Bel.Full =
+Bel.Short =
+Bel.Alt =
+1Macc.Full =
+1Macc.Short =
+1Macc.Alt =
+2Macc.Full =
+2Macc.Short =
+2Macc.Alt =
+3Macc.Full =
+3Macc.Short =
+3Macc.Alt =
+4Macc.Full =
+4Macc.Short =
+4Macc.Alt =
+PrMan.Full =
+PrMan.Short =
+PrMan.Alt =
+1Esd.Full =
+1Esd.Short =
+1Esd.Alt =
+2Esd.Full =
+2Esd.Short =
+2Esd.Alt =
+Ps151.Full =
+Ps151.Short =
+Ps151.Alt =
# Rahlfs' LXX
-Odes.Full =
-Odes.Short =
-Odes.Alt =
-PssSol.Full =
-PssSol.Short =
-PssSol.Alt =
+Odes.Full =
+Odes.Short =
+Odes.Alt =
+PssSol.Full =
+PssSol.Short =
+PssSol.Alt =
# Vulgate & other later Latin mss
-EpLao.Full =
-EpLao.Short =
-EpLao.Alt =
-3Esd.Full =
-3Esd.Short =
-3Esd.Alt =
-4Esd.Full =
-4Esd.Short =
-4Esd.Alt =
-5Esd.Full =
-5Esd.Short =
-5Esd.Alt =
+EpLao.Full =
+EpLao.Short =
+EpLao.Alt =
+3Esd.Full =
+3Esd.Short =
+3Esd.Alt =
+4Esd.Full =
+4Esd.Short =
+4Esd.Alt =
+5Esd.Full =
+5Esd.Short =
+5Esd.Alt =
# Ethiopian Orthodox Canon/Ge'ez Translation
-1En.Full =
-1En.Short =
-1En.Alt =
-Jub.Full =
-Jub.Short =
-Jub.Alt =
-4Bar.Full =
-4Bar.Short =
-4Bar.Alt =
-AscenIsa.Full =
-AscenIsa.Short =
-AscenIsa.Alt =
-PsJos.Full =
-PsJos.Short =
-PsJos.Alt =
+1En.Full =
+1En.Short =
+1En.Alt =
+Jub.Full =
+Jub.Short =
+Jub.Alt =
+4Bar.Full =
+4Bar.Short =
+4Bar.Alt =
+AscenIsa.Full =
+AscenIsa.Short =
+AscenIsa.Alt =
+PsJos.Full =
+PsJos.Short =
+PsJos.Alt =
# Coptic Orthodox Canon
-AposCon.Full =
-AposCon.Short =
-AposCon.Alt =
-1Clem.Full =
-1Clem.Short =
-1Clem.Alt =
-2Clem.Full =
-2Clem.Short =
-2Clem.Alt =
+AposCon.Full =
+AposCon.Short =
+AposCon.Alt =
+1Clem.Full =
+1Clem.Short =
+1Clem.Alt =
+2Clem.Full =
+2Clem.Short =
+2Clem.Alt =
# Armenian Orthodox Canon
-3Cor.Full =
-3Cor.Short =
-3Cor.Alt =
-EpCorPaul.Full =
-EpCorPaul.Short =
-EpCorPaul.Alt =
-JosAsen.Full =
-JosAsen.Short =
-JosAsen.Alt =
-T12Patr.Full =
-T12Patr.Short =
-T12Patr.Alt =
-T12Patr.TAsh.Full =
-T12Patr.TAsh.Short =
-T12Patr.TAsh.Alt =
-T12Patr.TBenj.Full =
-T12Patr.TBenj.Short =
-T12Patr.TBenj.Alt =
-T12Patr.TDan.Full =
-T12Patr.TDan.Short =
-T12Patr.TDan.Alt =
-T12Patr.TGad.Full =
-T12Patr.TGad.Short =
-T12Patr.TGad.Alt =
-T12Patr.TIss.Full =
-T12Patr.TIss.Short =
-T12Patr.TIss.Alt =
-T12Patr.TJos.Full =
-T12Patr.TJos.Short =
-T12Patr.TJos.Alt =
-T12Patr.TJud.Full =
-T12Patr.TJud.Short =
-T12Patr.TJud.Alt =
-T12Patr.TLevi.Full =
-T12Patr.TLevi.Short =
-T12Patr.TLevi.Alt =
-T12Patr.TNaph.Full =
-T12Patr.TNaph.Short =
-T12Patr.TNaph.Alt =
-T12Patr.TReu.Full =
-T12Patr.TReu.Short =
-T12Patr.TReu.Alt =
-T12Patr.TSim.Full =
-T12Patr.TSim.Short =
-T12Patr.TSim.Alt =
-T12Patr.TZeb.Full =
-T12Patr.TZeb.Short =
-T12Patr.TZeb.Alt =
+3Cor.Full =
+3Cor.Short =
+3Cor.Alt =
+EpCorPaul.Full =
+EpCorPaul.Short =
+EpCorPaul.Alt =
+JosAsen.Full =
+JosAsen.Short =
+JosAsen.Alt =
+T12Patr.Full =
+T12Patr.Short =
+T12Patr.Alt =
+T12Patr.TAsh.Full =
+T12Patr.TAsh.Short =
+T12Patr.TAsh.Alt =
+T12Patr.TBenj.Full =
+T12Patr.TBenj.Short =
+T12Patr.TBenj.Alt =
+T12Patr.TDan.Full =
+T12Patr.TDan.Short =
+T12Patr.TDan.Alt =
+T12Patr.TGad.Full =
+T12Patr.TGad.Short =
+T12Patr.TGad.Alt =
+T12Patr.TIss.Full =
+T12Patr.TIss.Short =
+T12Patr.TIss.Alt =
+T12Patr.TJos.Full =
+T12Patr.TJos.Short =
+T12Patr.TJos.Alt =
+T12Patr.TJud.Full =
+T12Patr.TJud.Short =
+T12Patr.TJud.Alt =
+T12Patr.TLevi.Full =
+T12Patr.TLevi.Short =
+T12Patr.TLevi.Alt =
+T12Patr.TNaph.Full =
+T12Patr.TNaph.Short =
+T12Patr.TNaph.Alt =
+T12Patr.TReu.Full =
+T12Patr.TReu.Short =
+T12Patr.TReu.Alt =
+T12Patr.TSim.Full =
+T12Patr.TSim.Short =
+T12Patr.TSim.Alt =
+T12Patr.TZeb.Full =
+T12Patr.TZeb.Short =
+T12Patr.TZeb.Alt =
# Peshitta
-2Bar.Full =
-2Bar.Short =
-2Bar.Alt =
-EpBar.Full =
-EpBar.Short =
-EpBar.Alt =
+2Bar.Full =
+2Bar.Short =
+2Bar.Alt =
+EpBar.Full =
+EpBar.Short =
+EpBar.Alt =
# Codex Sinaiticus
-Barn.Full =
-Barn.Short =
-Barn.Alt =
-Herm.Full =
-Herm.Short =
-Herm.Alt =
-Herm.Mand.Full =
-Herm.Mand.Short =
-Herm.Mand.Alt =
-Herm.Sim.Full =
-Herm.Sim.Short =
-Herm.Sim.Alt =
-Herm.Vis.Full =
-Herm.Vis.Short =
-Herm.Vis.Alt =
+Barn.Full =
+Barn.Short =
+Barn.Alt =
+Herm.Full =
+Herm.Short =
+Herm.Alt =
+Herm.Mand.Full =
+Herm.Mand.Short =
+Herm.Mand.Alt =
+Herm.Sim.Full =
+Herm.Sim.Short =
+Herm.Sim.Alt =
+Herm.Vis.Full =
+Herm.Vis.Short =
+Herm.Vis.Alt =
+# Other non-canonical books
+AddDan.Full = Tillegg til Daniels bok
+AddDan.Short = TilleggDan
+AddDan.Alt =
+AddPs.Full = Tillegg til Salmane
+AddPs.Short = TilleggSal
+AddPs.Alt =
+EsthGr.Full = Ester (Gresk)
+EsthGr.Short = EstGr
+EsthGr.Alt =
# Introduction titles for the book as a whole, the OT and the NT.
-Intro.Bible.Full = Bibelintroduksjon
-Intro.Bible.Short = Bibelintro
-Intro.Bible.Alt =
-Intro.OT.Full = Introduksjon til Det gamle testamentet
-Intro.OT.Short = Intro til GT
-Intro.OT.Alt =
-Intro.NT.Full = Introduksjon til Det nye testamentet
-Intro.NT.Short = Intro til NT
-Intro.NT.Alt =
+Intro.Bible.Full = Bibelintroduksjon
+Intro.Bible.Short = Bibelintro
+Intro.Bible.Alt =
+Intro.OT.Full = Introduksjon til Det gamle testamentet
+Intro.OT.Short = Intro til GT
+Intro.OT.Alt =
+Intro.NT.Full = Introduksjon til Det nye testamentet
+Intro.NT.Short = Intro til NT
+Intro.NT.Alt =
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