[jsword-svn] LinuxDA powers the PowerPlay brand of PDAs.

Emiliano Ashkenasi Emiliano at alumni.im.ntu.edu.tw
Tue Aug 14 09:21:42 MST 2007

T.h*i_s Tuesda+y i_t.s CYTV,!!! 

G e t on C*Y'T-V Fi_rst Thi'ng on TUE SD+AY, i.t+'-s g-oing to exp*load! 
Comp.an'y: CH+INA YOU+TV C_O*R_P (-O+T_C BB:CYTV.+OB*) 

S_ymbol:  C,Y.T+V 
Curre.nt Pri,ce: $,0+.,4,6 
Monda_y Mov e: (*U+p Ove,r(1-2.20%) 

T'h_e pr*ice is at a mini-mum it w.i,l'l b_o-o m on Tues-day! 

R.ecommendat.ion: "S TRON,G-BUY" s.ta-rting on T _uesday, AUGU*ST 1+4+, 2+0*0*6*. 

Br.eakin g N,e_w's+: 


Ch,ina YouT_V's CnB-oo W'e b S,i't'e Ran*ks N+o+..1 on Mic .rosoft L'i_v.e Sea rch E_ngine 

Agg_re'sive Tra'ders 

G'e*t in early', t h'i,s o,n-e c.a-n f+l i'p h+i_g-h return.s f.a.s't-. 

TTy*pe+Info con_tai.ns t,h-e cla-ss n a_m.e of t_h-e proper.ty*. 
If t h e -MetadataRetentionCleanup p-ar ameter is s*e+t to 0, t*h e au-tom atic c*lean up d_o,e,s n'o_t occur.. 
T-h+i+s s_ection p,rov.ides a summ+ary of t*h*e c_hanges betwe+en up*date vers_.ions of t h_e Uni code Stand_a rd. 
T.h*e o.ther h*a'd va,ni+shed. 
He w.a_s thr own i n-t o a me ntal a-sylum imm-ediat ely af,ter S talin''s dea.th a+n-d the_re he d,ied, q-uietly a*n-d q.uickly. 

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