[jsword-svn] common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing s

jswordcvs at crosswire.org jswordcvs at crosswire.org
Mon May 16 17:47:04 MST 2005

Update of /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing
In directory www.crosswire.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25437/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing

Modified Files:
	AbstractConfigEditor.java Field.java NumberField.java 
	WizardConfigEditor.java Msg.java ButtonPaneListener.java 
	ConfigEditorFactory.java PasswordField.java FileField.java 
	MapField.java StringArrayField.java BooleanField.java 
	AdvancedConfigEditor.java TreeConfigEditor.java FontField.java 
	OptionsField.java ConfigEditor.java ButtonPane.java 
	DirectoryField.java ColorField.java TextField.java 
	PathField.java FieldMap.java TabbedConfigEditor.java 
Log Message:
Added support for CheckStyle plugin.
Added a few more CheckStyle rules.
Fixed a spelling mistake.

Index: WizardConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/WizardConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** WizardConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.10
--- WizardConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.11
*** 61,65 ****
   * that addresses these shortcomings and others.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 61,65 ----
   * that addresses these shortcomings and others.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: TreeConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/TreeConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** TreeConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.10
--- TreeConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.11
*** 53,57 ****
   * A Tabbed view of a config class.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 53,57 ----
   * A Tabbed view of a config class.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 126,130 ****
          //if (cards > 1)
!             add(BorderLayout.WEST, new JScrollPane(tree));
          add(BorderLayout.CENTER, panel);
--- 126,130 ----
          //if (cards > 1)
!         add(BorderLayout.WEST, new JScrollPane(tree));
          add(BorderLayout.CENTER, panel);

Index: FileField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/FileField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** FileField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- FileField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 36,40 ****
   * A Filename selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 36,40 ----
   * A Filename selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: PasswordField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/PasswordField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** PasswordField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- PasswordField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.6
*** 30,34 ****
   * PasswordField.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 30,34 ----
   * PasswordField.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: Field.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/Field.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** Field.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- Field.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 29,33 ****
   * A Field is an interface for a visual representation of a Choice.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 29,33 ----
   * A Field is an interface for a visual representation of a Choice.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 41,45 ****
       * @param param The options provided by the Choice
!     public void setChoice(Choice param);
--- 41,45 ----
       * @param param The options provided by the Choice
!     void setChoice(Choice param);
*** 47,51 ****
       * @return The current value
!     public String getValue();
--- 47,51 ----
       * @return The current value
!     String getValue();
*** 53,57 ****
       * @param value The new text
!     public void setValue(String value);
--- 53,57 ----
       * @param value The new text
!     void setValue(String value);
*** 59,62 ****
       * (This can well be <code>this</code> in an implementation).
!     public JComponent getComponent();
--- 59,62 ----
       * (This can well be <code>this</code> in an implementation).
!     JComponent getComponent();

Index: FieldMap.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/FieldMap.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** FieldMap.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- FieldMap.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.6
*** 37,45 ****
   * properties file.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class FieldMap
--- 37,45 ----
   * properties file.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class FieldMap

Index: AdvancedConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/AdvancedConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** AdvancedConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- AdvancedConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 45,49 ****
   * A mutable view of Fields setting array.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 45,49 ----
   * A mutable view of Fields setting array.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: NumberField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/NumberField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** NumberField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- NumberField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.6
*** 35,39 ****
   * stores numbers.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 35,39 ----
   * stores numbers.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: PathField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/PathField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** PathField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- PathField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.10
*** 47,51 ****
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 47,51 ----
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 183,187 ****
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private final String currentValue()
          return (String) model.getElementAt(list.getSelectedIndex());
--- 183,187 ----
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private String currentValue()
          return (String) model.getElementAt(list.getSelectedIndex());

Index: ButtonPaneListener.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/ButtonPaneListener.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** ButtonPaneListener.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- ButtonPaneListener.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 27,31 ****
   * A listener for button presses in a ButtonPane.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 27,31 ----
   * A listener for button presses in a ButtonPane.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 37,41 ****
       * @param ev The button press event
!     public void okPressed(ActionEvent ev);
--- 37,41 ----
       * @param ev The button press event
!     void okPressed(ActionEvent ev);
*** 43,47 ****
       * @param ev The button press event
!     public void cancelPressed(ActionEvent ev);
--- 43,47 ----
       * @param ev The button press event
!     void cancelPressed(ActionEvent ev);
*** 49,52 ****
       * @param ev The button press event
!     public void applyPressed(ActionEvent ev);
--- 49,52 ----
       * @param ev The button press event
!     void applyPressed(ActionEvent ev);

Index: ConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/ConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** ConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- ConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.5
*** 30,34 ****
   * Some static methods for using the Config package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 30,34 ----
   * Some static methods for using the Config package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 41,45 ****
       * @param config The configurable settings
!     public void construct(Config config);
--- 41,45 ----
       * @param config The configurable settings
!     void construct(Config config);
*** 48,51 ****
       * @param parent A component to use to find a frame to use as a dialog parent
!     public void showDialog(Component parent, ActionListener al);
--- 48,51 ----
       * @param parent A component to use to find a frame to use as a dialog parent
!     void showDialog(Component parent, ActionListener al);

Index: TextField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/TextField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** TextField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- TextField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.6
*** 30,34 ****
   * Text choice swing componenet.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 30,34 ----
   * Text choice swing componenet.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: ConfigEditorFactory.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/ConfigEditorFactory.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** ConfigEditorFactory.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- ConfigEditorFactory.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 37,45 ****
   * config options.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class ConfigEditorFactory
--- 37,45 ----
   * config options.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class ConfigEditorFactory

Index: BooleanField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/BooleanField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** BooleanField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- BooleanField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 36,40 ****
   * Allow the user to choose from True/False.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 36,40 ----
   * Allow the user to choose from True/False.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: FontField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/FontField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** FontField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- FontField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.8
*** 33,37 ****
   * A swing view of a FontChoice.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 33,37 ----
   * A swing view of a FontChoice.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: AbstractConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/AbstractConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** AbstractConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- AbstractConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 48,52 ****
   * Page of a Config.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 48,52 ----
   * Page of a Config.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: DirectoryField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/DirectoryField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** DirectoryField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.6
--- DirectoryField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.7
*** 27,31 ****
   * A Directory selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 27,31 ----
   * A Directory selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: MapField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/MapField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** MapField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.10
--- MapField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.11
*** 52,56 ****
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 52,56 ----
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 215,219 ****
       * @return The currently selected key
!     private final String currentKey()
          return (String) tableModel.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 0);
--- 215,219 ----
       * @return The currently selected key
!     private String currentKey()
          return (String) tableModel.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 0);
*** 224,228 ****
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private final String currentValue()
          return (String) tableModel.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 1);
--- 224,228 ----
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private String currentValue()
          return (String) tableModel.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), 1);

Index: OptionsField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/OptionsField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** OptionsField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- OptionsField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.8
*** 33,37 ****
   * Allow the user to choose from True/False.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 33,37 ----
   * Allow the user to choose from True/False.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: TabbedConfigEditor.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/TabbedConfigEditor.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** TabbedConfigEditor.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- TabbedConfigEditor.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.6
*** 37,41 ****
   * Some static methods for using the Config package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 37,41 ----
   * Some static methods for using the Config package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: ButtonPane.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/ButtonPane.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** ButtonPane.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- ButtonPane.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.10
*** 37,41 ****
   * A pane that contains ok, cancel and apply buttons.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 37,41 ----
   * A pane that contains ok, cancel and apply buttons.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: Msg.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/Msg.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** Msg.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- Msg.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.5
*** 27,35 ****
   * Compile safe Msg resource settings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class Msg extends MsgBase
      static final Msg EDIT = new Msg("ColorField.Edit"); //$NON-NLS-1$
--- 27,35 ----
   * Compile safe Msg resource settings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class Msg extends MsgBase
      static final Msg EDIT = new Msg("ColorField.Edit"); //$NON-NLS-1$

Index: ColorField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/ColorField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** ColorField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.8
--- ColorField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:02 -0000	1.9
*** 41,45 ****
   * A color selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 41,45 ----
   * A color selection.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: StringArrayField.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/config/org/crosswire/common/config/swing/StringArrayField.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** StringArrayField.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- StringArrayField.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 49,53 ****
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 49,53 ----
   * functionality of the program.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 187,191 ****
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private final String currentValue()
          return (String) list_model.getElementAt(list.getSelectedIndex());
--- 187,191 ----
       * @return The currently selected value
!     private String currentValue()
          return (String) list_model.getElementAt(list.getSelectedIndex());

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