[jsword-svn] common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util s

jswordcvs at crosswire.org jswordcvs at crosswire.org
Mon May 16 17:47:03 MST 2005

Update of /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util
In directory www.crosswire.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25437/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util

Modified Files:
	IteratorEnumeration.java LucidRuntimeException.java Msg.java 
	Filter.java StringUtil.java Histogram.java ClassUtil.java 
	ResourceUtil.java Convert.java PatternFormatter.java 
	CWClassLoader.java SortedListSet.java CollectionUtil.java 
	LucidException.java NetUtil.java LogConfig.java 
	ReporterEvent.java ReporterListener.java Reporter.java 
	EmptyIterator.java IOUtil.java ReflectionUtil.java 
	ThreadUtil.java FileUtil.java CallContext.java Logger.java 
	MsgBase.java StackTrace.java URLFilter.java 
Log Message:
Added support for CheckStyle plugin.
Added a few more CheckStyle rules.
Fixed a spelling mistake.

Index: CWClassLoader.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/CWClassLoader.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** CWClassLoader.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- CWClassLoader.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 31,35 ****
   * resources that are not held in the same package as the class.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 31,35 ----
   * resources that are not held in the same package as the class.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
*** 137,142 ****
       * Skip a leading '/' if present.
!     private String adjustPackageSearch(String search)
          // If it has embedded '/' there is nothing to do.
          if (search.indexOf('/', 1) == -1)
--- 137,143 ----
       * Skip a leading '/' if present.
!     private String adjustPackageSearch(String aSearch)
+         String search = aSearch;
          // If it has embedded '/' there is nothing to do.
          if (search.indexOf('/', 1) == -1)
*** 168,173 ****
       * Change all but a leading '/' to '.'
!     private String adjustPathSearch(String search)
          if (search.indexOf('/', 1) != -1)
--- 169,175 ----
       * Change all but a leading '/' to '.'
!     private String adjustPathSearch(String aSearch)
+         String search = aSearch;
          if (search.indexOf('/', 1) != -1)

Index: URLFilter.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/URLFilter.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** URLFilter.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- URLFilter.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 25,29 ****
   * This is the URL equivalent of FilenameFilter in the java.io package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 25,29 ----
   * This is the URL equivalent of FilenameFilter in the java.io package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 37,40 ****
       * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the name should be included in the file list; <code>false</code> otherwise.
!     public boolean accept(String name);
--- 37,40 ----
       * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the name should be included in the file list; <code>false</code> otherwise.
!     boolean accept(String name);

Index: Filter.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Filter.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** Filter.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- Filter.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 26,30 ****
   * A method of filtering Objects.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 26,30 ----
   * A method of filtering Objects.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
*** 37,40 ****
       * @return boolean true if it passes, false otherwise
!     public boolean test(Object obj);
--- 37,40 ----
       * @return boolean true if it passes, false otherwise
!     boolean test(Object obj);

Index: StackTrace.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/StackTrace.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** StackTrace.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- StackTrace.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 32,36 ****
   * it is probably a safe enough assumption for the moment.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 32,36 ----
   * it is probably a safe enough assumption for the moment.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 208,212 ****
           * Are there more stack levels
!          private int level;
--- 208,212 ----
           * Are there more stack levels
!         private int level;

Index: ReporterEvent.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ReporterEvent.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** ReporterEvent.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.6
--- ReporterEvent.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.7
*** 27,31 ****
   * An event indicating that some bit of data needs capturing.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 27,31 ----
   * An event indicating that some bit of data needs capturing.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: IOUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/IOUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** IOUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- IOUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.6
*** 35,43 ****
   * .
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class IOUtil
--- 35,43 ----
   * .
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class IOUtil

Index: Convert.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Convert.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** Convert.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- Convert.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 29,37 ****
   * Conversions between various types and Strings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class Convert
--- 29,37 ----
   * Conversions between various types and Strings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class Convert

Index: Histogram.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Histogram.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** Histogram.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- Histogram.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.6
*** 30,34 ****
   * it to order on frequency.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 30,34 ----
   * it to order on frequency.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]

Index: NetUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/NetUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -d -r1.21 -r1.22
*** NetUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.21
--- NetUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.22
*** 36,41 ****
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Date;
  import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
--- 36,41 ----
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Arrays;
  import java.util.Date;
+ import java.util.List;
  import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
*** 44,53 ****
   * java.net package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
   * @author Mark Goodwin
! public class NetUtil
--- 44,53 ----
   * java.net package.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
   * @author Mark Goodwin
! public final class NetUtil
*** 339,347 ****
       * Utility to add a string to the end of a URL.
       * @param orig The URL to strip
!      * @param extra The text to add to the end of the URL
       * @return The stripped URL
!     public static URL lengthenURL(URL orig, String extra)
--- 339,348 ----
       * Utility to add a string to the end of a URL.
       * @param orig The URL to strip
!      * @param anExtra The text to add to the end of the URL
       * @return The stripped URL
!     public static URL lengthenURL(URL orig, String anExtra)
+         String extra = anExtra;

Index: EmptyIterator.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/EmptyIterator.java,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** EmptyIterator.java	10 May 2005 02:10:39 -0000	1.2
--- EmptyIterator.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.3
*** 1,4 ****
!  * Distribution Licence:
   * JSword is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by
--- 1,4 ----
!  * Distribution License:
   * JSword is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by
*** 7,19 ****
   * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
!  * 
   * The License is available on the internet at:
!  *      http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
   * or by writing to:
   *      Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   *      59 Temple Place - Suite 330
   *      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
!  * 
!  * The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
  package org.crosswire.common.util;
--- 7,22 ----
   * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
!  *
   * The License is available on the internet at:
!  *       http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
   * or by writing to:
   *      Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   *      59 Temple Place - Suite 330
   *      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
!  *
!  * Copyright: 2005
!  *     The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
!  *
!  * ID: $Id$
  package org.crosswire.common.util;
*** 26,30 ****
   * over nothing.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 29,33 ----
   * over nothing.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]

Index: StringUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/StringUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** StringUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- StringUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 32,36 ****
   * It would be good if we could put this stuff in java.lang ...
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 32,36 ----
   * It would be good if we could put this stuff in java.lang ...
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 479,487 ****
       * @param array  the array of values to join together, may be null
!      * @param separator  the separator character to use, null treated as ""
       * @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input
!     public static String join(Object[] array, String separator)
          if (array == null)
--- 479,488 ----
       * @param array  the array of values to join together, may be null
!      * @param aSeparator  the separator character to use, null treated as ""
       * @return the joined String, <code>null</code> if null array input
!     public static String join(Object[] array, String aSeparator)
+         String separator = aSeparator;
          if (array == null)

Index: CollectionUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/CollectionUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** CollectionUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- CollectionUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.5
*** 31,39 ****
   * Some utils to help work with Collections.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class CollectionUtil
--- 31,39 ----
   * Some utils to help work with Collections.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class CollectionUtil

Index: Reporter.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Reporter.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** Reporter.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- Reporter.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 47,55 ****
   *     things that listen to reports.</li>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class Reporter
--- 47,55 ----
   *     things that listen to reports.</li>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class Reporter

Index: MsgBase.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/MsgBase.java,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** MsgBase.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.8
--- MsgBase.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.9
*** 43,47 ****
   *   :%s/");\/\/\$NON-NLS-1\$$/
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 43,47 ----
   *   :%s/");\/\/\$NON-NLS-1\$$/
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: SortedListSet.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/SortedListSet.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** SortedListSet.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- SortedListSet.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.5
*** 33,37 ****
   * to indicate an insertion point are ignored.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 33,37 ----
   * to indicate an insertion point are ignored.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]

Index: CallContext.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/CallContext.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** CallContext.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.6
--- CallContext.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.7
*** 28,36 ****
   * It has been tested to work in command line and WebStart environments.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
! public class CallContext extends SecurityManager
--- 28,36 ----
   * It has been tested to work in command line and WebStart environments.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
! public final class CallContext extends SecurityManager

Index: PatternFormatter.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/PatternFormatter.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** PatternFormatter.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.6
--- PatternFormatter.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.7
*** 46,50 ****
   * </ul>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 46,50 ----
   * </ul>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
*** 115,119 ****
              record.getSourceMethodName(), // 6
              new Long(record.getSequenceNumber()), // 7
!             lineSeparator // 8
--- 115,119 ----
              record.getSourceMethodName(), // 6
              new Long(record.getSequenceNumber()), // 7
!             lineSeparator, // 8

Index: LucidRuntimeException.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/LucidRuntimeException.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** LucidRuntimeException.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- LucidRuntimeException.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 35,39 ****
   * </p>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 35,39 ----
   * </p>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 108,112 ****
              return "Error formatting message '" + out + '\''; //$NON-NLS-1$
!      }
--- 108,112 ----
              return "Error formatting message '" + out + '\''; //$NON-NLS-1$
!     }

Index: ReporterListener.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ReporterListener.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** ReporterListener.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- ReporterListener.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 27,31 ****
   * ReporterListener informs users of problems and messages.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 27,31 ----
   * ReporterListener informs users of problems and messages.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
*** 37,41 ****
       * @param ev The event describing the Exception
!     public void reportException(ReporterEvent ev);
--- 37,41 ----
       * @param ev The event describing the Exception
!     void reportException(ReporterEvent ev);
*** 43,46 ****
       * @param ev The event describing the message
!     public void reportMessage(ReporterEvent ev);
--- 43,46 ----
       * @param ev The event describing the message
!     void reportMessage(ReporterEvent ev);

Index: Msg.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Msg.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** Msg.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- Msg.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.5
*** 25,33 ****
   * Compile safe Msg resource settings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! class Msg extends MsgBase
      static final Msg SECURITY = new Msg("CallContext.Security"); //$NON-NLS-1$
--- 25,33 ----
   * Compile safe Msg resource settings.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! final class Msg extends MsgBase
      static final Msg SECURITY = new Msg("CallContext.Security"); //$NON-NLS-1$

Index: FileUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/FileUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** FileUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.5
--- FileUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.6
*** 29,37 ****
   * .
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class FileUtil
--- 29,37 ----
   * .
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class FileUtil

Index: IteratorEnumeration.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/IteratorEnumeration.java,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** IteratorEnumeration.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.4
--- IteratorEnumeration.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.5
*** 31,35 ****
   * that Enumeration does not have the delete method.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 31,35 ----
   * that Enumeration does not have the delete method.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: ClassUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ClassUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** ClassUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.10
--- ClassUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.11
*** 37,45 ****
   * Various Java Class Utilities.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class ClassUtil
--- 37,45 ----
   * Various Java Class Utilities.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class ClassUtil

Index: LucidException.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/LucidException.java,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** LucidException.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.10
--- LucidException.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.11
*** 44,48 ****
   * if this lookup may have been done already.</p>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 44,48 ----
   * if this lookup may have been done already.</p>
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: LogConfig.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/LogConfig.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** LogConfig.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.3
--- LogConfig.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.4
*** 28,32 ****
   * Loads a java logging configuration file using the JSword methodology.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]
--- 28,32 ----
   * Loads a java logging configuration file using the JSword methodology.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com]

Index: ThreadUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ThreadUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** ThreadUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- ThreadUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 29,37 ****
   * controlling their execution.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class ThreadUtil
--- 29,37 ----
   * controlling their execution.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class ThreadUtil

Index: ResourceUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ResourceUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** ResourceUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.9
--- ResourceUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.10
*** 32,41 ****
   * that are less dependent on the specific classloader situation.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com ]
! public class ResourceUtil
--- 32,41 ----
   * that are less dependent on the specific classloader situation.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
   * @author DM Smith [ dmsmith555 at yahoo dot com ]
! public final class ResourceUtil

Index: Logger.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/Logger.java,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** Logger.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.7
--- Logger.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.8
*** 32,36 ****
   * Having our own class will also help with re-factoring.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
--- 32,36 ----
   * Having our own class will also help with re-factoring.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]

Index: ReflectionUtil.java
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/common/java/core/org/crosswire/common/util/ReflectionUtil.java,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** ReflectionUtil.java	10 May 2005 02:38:36 -0000	1.6
--- ReflectionUtil.java	17 May 2005 00:47:01 -0000	1.7
*** 28,36 ****
   * Various utilities for running introspected methods.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.Licence for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public class ReflectionUtil
--- 28,36 ----
   * Various utilities for running introspected methods.
!  * @see gnu.gpl.License for license details.
   *      The copyright to this program is held by it's authors.
   * @author Joe Walker [joe at eireneh dot com]
! public final class ReflectionUtil
*** 64,68 ****
          // so we have to search ourselves...
          Method[] testMethods = clazz.getMethods();
!         outer:
          for (int i = 0; i < testMethods.length; i++)
--- 64,68 ----
          // so we have to search ourselves...
          Method[] testMethods = clazz.getMethods();
!     outer:
          for (int i = 0; i < testMethods.length; i++)
*** 123,127 ****
          // so we have to search ourselves...
          Method[] testMethods = clazz.getMethods();
!         outer:
          for (int i = 0; i < testMethods.length; i++)
--- 123,127 ----
          // so we have to search ourselves...
          Method[] testMethods = clazz.getMethods();
!     outer:
          for (int i = 0; i < testMethods.length; i++)

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