[jsword-svn] jsword-web/web s
jswordcvs at crosswire.org
jswordcvs at crosswire.org
Thu Mar 10 18:10:20 MST 2005
Update of /cvs/jsword/jsword-web/web
In directory www.crosswire.org:/tmp/cvs-serv17335/web
Modified Files:
index.html cvs.html
Added Files:
linuxjava.html Eclipse.html
Log Message:
Added web pages for using and developing JSword and BibleDesktop under Unix, specifically Fedora Core 3.
Fixed a couple of broken links.
--- NEW FILE: linuxjava.html ---
<title>Installing Java under Fedora Core 3</title>
<h1>Installing Java under Fedora Core 3</h1>
<h3>This will need to be done as root. If you don't have root access, ask your system administrator to do this for you</h3>
For whatever reason, JSword and Bible Desktop does not work with /usr/bin/java, which is GNU's java. Actually it is a link to /etc/alternatives/java which is a link to a shell script which runs GNU's java. You will need to download and install Sun's Java. As open source, Fedora does not come with Sun's Java, which is a licensed product.
<li>Download Java 1.4 (Java 1.5 does not work yet)<br/>
<ol type="a">
<li>You need the Java Software Development Kit, if you plan to help develop Bible Desktop or the JSword API.<br/>
Click on the <q>Download J2SE SDK for Other Platforms</q> link.<br/>
Agree to the licensing agreement.<br/>
Under Linux Platform, click on the <q>RPM in self-extracting file (...)</q> link.</li>
<li>Otherwise, you only need the Java Runtime Engine.<br/>
Click on the <q>Download J2SE JRE for Other Platforms</q> link.<br/>
Agree to the licensing agreement.<br/>
Under Linux Platform, click on the <q>RPM in self-extracting file (...)</q> link.<br/>
Save it to a location of your choosing.</li>
<li>Unpack the bin file.
<ol type="a">
<li>Open a terminal.</li>
<li>cd to the directory containing the download file.</li>
<li>execute the file. The command will be something like<br/>
<kbd>sh j2re-1_4_2_07-linux-i586-rpm.bin</kbd><br/>
sh j2sdk-1_4_2_07-linux-i586-rpm.bin<br/>
Note: the 07 is the point release and yours may be different<br/>
Bible Desktop should work with any version of Sun's Java 1.4.</li>
<li>Page through the license agreement (same one you already read) and when prompted, type yes.</li>
<li>This will create an rpm with -rpm.bin replaced with .rpm</li>
<li>Install Java 1.4
<ol type="a">
<li>Become root with <kbd>su -</kbd></li>
<li>In the same directory as the unpacked rpm, install it with rpm.<br/>
rpm -ihv j2re-1_4_2_07-linux-i586-rpm.bin<br/>
rpm -ihv j2sdk-1_4_2_07-linux-i586-rpm.bin</li>
<li>Fedora uses <q>alternatives</q> to manage multiple versions of java.
<ol type="a">
Make the Java you downloaded an alternative.<br/>
This must be done as root.<br/>
<li>Add it as an alternative:<br/>
At the command line execute the following command:<br/>
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_07/bin/java 300<br/>
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_07/bin/java 301<br/>
The number on the end is the priority to give to the alternative.<br/>
The highest numbered version is considered the <em>best</em> one.</li>
<li>Then make this the default.<br/>
alternative --config java<br/>
This will display a numbered list of the java <q>alternatives</q> and let you change the default.</li>
<li>Confirm the change.<br/>
alternative --display java</li>
<li>If you installed the sdk repeat a) - c) for javac<br/>
alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_07/bin/javac 301<br/>
alternative --config java<br/>
alternative --display java</li>
<li>Make JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME be defined for everyone.<br/>
Create /etc/profile.d/java.sh and /etc/profile.d/java.csh<br/>
This must be done as root.<br/>
These are instructions for java.sh. java.csh is left as an exercise to the reader.<br/>
<ol type="a">
<li>If you installed the JRE use the following lines:<br/>
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_07<br/>
export J2RE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME<br/>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$J2RE_HOME/bin:$PATH</li>
<li>If you installed the SDK use the following lines:<br/>
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_07<br/>
export J2RE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre<br/>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$J2RE_HOME/bin:$PATH</li>
<li>If you installed both the SDK and the JRE use the following lines:<br/>
<code>export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_07</code><br/>
export J2RE_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_07<br/>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$J2RE_HOME/bin:$PATH</li>
<li>Reboot to automatically add JAVA_HOME and J2RE to your PATH.</li>
Index: index.html
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/jsword-web/web/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** index.html 15 Oct 2004 23:28:12 -0000 1.6
--- index.html 11 Mar 2005 01:10:18 -0000 1.7
*** 41,46 ****
<a href="download.jsp">J-Sword download page</a>.
You can download Sword modules from <a href="http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules.jsp">here</a>
! There is a page of <a href="screenshot.html">screenshots</a> showing what
! J-Sword looks like, and a page of recent <a href="news.html">news</a>.
and there is a list of the <a href="change.html">changes</a> that
have taken place in each of the released versions.
--- 41,46 ----
<a href="download.jsp">J-Sword download page</a>.
You can download Sword modules from <a href="http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules.jsp">here</a>
! There is a page of <a href="/bibledesktop/screenshot.html">screenshots</a> showing what
! BibleDesktop looks like (a program built with JSword), and a page of recent <a href="news.html">news</a>.
and there is a list of the <a href="change.html">changes</a> that
have taken place in each of the released versions.
--- NEW FILE: Eclipse.html ---
<title>Setting Up Eclipse for JSword and BibleDesktop</title>
<h1>Setting Up Eclipse for JSword and BibleDesktop</h1>
JSword and Bible Desktop are being actively developed in Eclipse.
While this is not an endorsement of Eclipse, you will find project
files for Eclipse that will speed your ability to develop JSword.
You may use any other mean of developing JSword, but we may not be
able to provide guidance.
This document should help you set up Eclipse so you can help develop
JSword and BibleDesktop. If you find it incomplete, please let us know
or once you have Eclipse set up, make the changes and send us a patch.
<h2>Obtain and install Sun's Java 1.4.2_x</h2>
To develop JSword with Eclipse, you will need to tell it to use
Sun's Java 1.4.2. I recommend using the most recent point release
which at the time of this writing was 1.4.2_07. You can find instructions
on installing Sun's for Linux under
<a name="linuxjava" href="linuxjava.html">Installing Java under Fedora Core 3</a>.
<h2>Obtain and install Eclipse 3.x</h2>
Any version of Eclipse 3 will work well. The screenshots that
are provided are from 3.1M5a, Linux, GTK version, running under
the Gnome desktop.
You can get Eclipse from here:
<a href="http://www.eclipse.org/downloads">http://www.eclipse.org/downloads</a>.
The download will be about 90M, so it is best to have a broadband connection.
With Windows, you will only have one choice. If you are running linux, you will
have a choice between Motif and GTK versions. I don't know if there is any practical
difference. The screenshots are from the GTK version.
<h2>Installing Eclipse</h2>
As root, install the program to a directory of your choice. Do not install it to a
directory containing an existing <q>eclipse</q> directory. Either rename the
<q>eclipse</q> directory, delete it or choose a different Eclipse location.
I use <code>/usr/java</code> on linux and <code>c:\java</code> on Windows.
It will create the Eclipse installation in that directory. For Windows, just unzip
it to the c:\java directory. For linux, in the /usr/java directory, run
<code>gtar zxvf eclipse-SDK-3.1M5a-linux-gtk.tar.gz</code>.
<h2>Launching Eclipse 3.x under Linux</h2>
Perhaps the best way to run Eclipse from inside the Gnome desktop is to create a
Launcher for it. This is not an endorsement of the Gnome desktop. I don't have any
experience with KDE. Perhaps someone can provide instructions on how to do that.
<li>Assuming that you installed Java as instructed above, you can use
<code>-vm /usr/bin/java.</code> I strongly recommend that you explicitly
tell Eclipse which Java to run. Please note, you can independently tell
Eclipse which Java to use to compile code with.</li>
<li>By default, Java caps memory usage to too low a value. You will need to increase
it to 512M, with <code>-vmargs -Xmx512M</code></li>
<li>The icon for the program is <code>/usr/java/eclipse/icon.xpm</code>
You can create a <q>Launcher</q> that will be in a Gnome panel of your choice by:
<li>Right click on the panel in which you want to create the <q>Launcher</q></li>
<li>Choose <q>Add to Panel...</q>.
<a href="images/linux/addpanel.png">[Image]</a></li>
<li>Choose <q>Custom Application Launcher</q>
<a href="images/linux/choosecustom.png">[Image]</a></li>
<li>In the dialog fill in the following values:
<a href="images/linux/createlauncher.png">[Image]</a>
<td>JSword Eclipse</td>
<td>/usr/java/eclipse/eclipse -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Xmx512M</td>
<td colspan="2">Click on the icon and enter /usr/java/eclipse/icon.xpm</td>
<h2>Setting up the JSword projects in Eclipse</h2>
<h3>Setup an Eclipse Workspace</h3>
When you start up Eclipse, you can choose which workspace to work
in or you can create a new one. Eclipse will provide a default workspace
in your home directory of <q>workspace</q>.
<a href="images/eclipse/startup.png">[Image]</a>
Since I develop more than one project, I want to keep each in different workspaces.
For JSword, I use ~/eclipse/jsword.
<a href="images/eclipse/changeworkspace.png">[Image]</a>
Another project would be ~/eclipse/flashcards.
<h3>Welcome to Eclipse</h3>
When you first enter Eclipse you will be presented with an opportunity
to learn about Eclipse. You can get back to this view at anytime by choosing
Welcome from the Help menu.
Click on the <q>Workbench</q> button to use Eclipse.
<a href="images/eclipse/firstrun.png">[Image]</a>
<h3>Connect to JSword's CVS repository</h3>
After we release JSword and BibleDesktop version 1.0,
we will be migrating to SVN
Add the CVS Respository Exploring perspective.
<a href="images/eclipse/repositoryperspective.png">[Image]</a>
<li>This will automatically open the CVS Repository Exploring perspective.</li>
<li>Click on the <q>Add CVS Repository</q> button.</li>
<li>Fill in the dialog with the following values:
<td><strong>Repository Path:</strong></td>
<td colspan="2">Click on <q>Save Password</q> as it is no secret!</td>
<td colspan="2">Click on <q>Finish</q></td>
This will provide you with read-only access to the repository.
To change the code you will submit patches which is explained below.
<li>Open the repository and expand HEAD.</li>
<li>Right click on bibledesktop, choose <q>Check Out As...</q>
and then click <q>Finish</q>.</li>
<li>Repeat this for common, jsword and jsword-support.
Later you may wish to do help maintain the website and then you will
want bibledesktop-web and jsword-web.</li>
<li>You don't need this perspective for day to day development,
so you can remove it.</li>
<h3>Setting up preferences in Eclipse</h3>
In order to speed development we request that you conform to the style of
coding that is currently used. Everyone has their own favorite way of doing
things, so we had to establish one style standard. And we try to maintain these.
You can read more about these standards <a href="writingcode.html">here</a>.
If you want to know how to setup Eclipse to use the same compiler settings
as we do then the following screenshots (from an earlier version of Eclipse)
ought to help:
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler1-style.gif">Style Tab</a></li>
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler2-advanced.gif">Advanced Tab</a></li>
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler3-unused.gif">Unused Code Tab</a></li>
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler4-javadoc.gif">JavaDoc Tab</a></li>
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler5-compliance.gif">Compliance and Classfiles Tab</a></li>
<li><a href="images/eclipse/compiler6-build.gif">Build Path Tab</a></li>
In addition Eclipse provides a code formatter
<a href="images/eclipse/FormatPrefs.png">[Image]</a>
We have a file you can import to get the basic settings. You can find the
file in the jsword project in the etc/eclipse/jsword-format.xml file.
Just click on the Import button and navigate to it.
<a href="images/eclipse/FormatPrefsLocation.png">[Image]</a>
It is about as close as we can get to our formatting standards, but it is
not exact. For this reason, we do not let Eclipse reformat the entire file.
<h3>Working under the Java Perspective</h3>
Eclipse provides several perspectives under which you can develop code.
My personal rut is the Java Perspective. This can be added in the same manner
that the CVS Repository Exploring Perspective was added.
<h3>Working under the Team Synchronization Perspective</h3>
This can be added in the same manner that the
<q>CVS Repository Exploring Perspective</q> was added.
To initially connect this perspective to the CVS Repository, click on the
<q>Synchronize...</q> button. Click on the <q>Next</q> button and then
the <q>Finish</q> button.
When you make changes to any of the projects, this perspective will track the changes.
Also, you can click the same button, now labelled <q>Sychronize CVS (Workspace)</q>
to get the latest changes from the repository.
To submit changes you will create a patch file, one for each project.
Zip them all up and email it to
<a href="mailto:jsword-devel at crosswire.org">jsword-devel at crosswire.org</a>.
Make sure you explain in detail what you have done and how you have tested it.
Generally, we will review the patch and apply it locally. Then we will make
changes to make it conform to the coding standards, test it and then check it in.
If we are in the middle of a big change that we cannot check in at the moment,
your change may have to wait until we can commit our changes. Typically, turn
around is a week or less.
Index: cvs.html
RCS file: /cvs/jsword/jsword-web/web/cvs.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
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*** cvs.html 19 Aug 2004 16:17:06 -0000 1.2
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you will need to check-out <code>jsword-support</code>.
+ <p>
+ For detailed instruction on how to use Eclipse as a CVS client see:
+ <a href="Eclipse.html">Using Eclipse with JSword</a>
+ </p>
<h1>SVN Access</h1>
More information about the jsword-svn
mailing list