[jsword-svn] jsword-support/tools/java2html/java2html-1.3.1 s

jswordcvs at crosswire.org jswordcvs at crosswire.org
Tue Aug 16 11:03:06 MST 2005

Update of /cvs/jsword/jsword-support/tools/java2html/java2html-1.3.1
In directory www.crosswire.org:/tmp/cvs-serv29457/tools/java2html/java2html-1.3.1

Added Files:
	readme.txt java2html_ant_task.html j2h.jar java2html.html 
Log Message:
Upgrading jsword-support/tools

--- NEW FILE: java2html.html ---

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="description"
content="Java2HTML Converts your entire Java Project into Colourized, Browsable HTML, creating a basic Source Code Explorer. Also useful for colour prints.">
<meta name="keywords"
content="Java to 2 HTML colour color printing formatted source code browser Free Freeware download good Java2HTML JavaToHTML jason shattu">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<title>Java2HTML Tool</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <td>&nbsp; <a
        href="download.html"><u>Download</u></a> </td>
        <td align="right" valign="top">
        <a href="http://www.jars.com"><img
        src="R895.GIF" border="0" width="104" height="56"></a></td>


<p align="center"><font size="6">The Java2HTML Tool</font> </p>


    <li><a href="#Intro">Introduction</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Feature">Feature List</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Ant">Ant</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#API">API</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Installing">Installing</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Options">Options</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Examples">Example Usage</a>:- <ul>
            <li><a href="examples/Java2D_demo/index.html"><font
            <li><a href="examples/SwingSet_demo/index.html"><font
            <li><font size="3">example3 </font><a href="examples/SwingSet_demo/TreeDemo.java.html#80"><i>TreeDemo.java.html#80</i></a></li>
    <li><a href="#Known">Known Limitations and Future Extensions</a>
    <li><a href="#Support">Support</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Change">Change History</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#License">License Agreement</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Credits">Credits</a> </li>
    <li><a href="#Payment">Payment</a> </li>

<h3><a name="Intro"></a>Introduction</h3>

<p>Java2HTML is a simple-to-use tool which converts a bunch of
Java Source Code into a <font color="#FF00FF">col</font><font
color="#0000FF">ouri</font><font color="#008000">zed</font> and <font
color="#0000FF"><u>browsable</u></font>  HTML representation. Go
to <a href="download.html"><u>download</u></a> (Version 1.3.1) to
get the tool now and/or see some <a href="#Example Outputs">example</a>
 outputs. You <strong>must</strong> read the <a href="#License">License
Agreement </a>before downloading this software.</p>

<p>Java2HTML output has been tested with Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4, 5, 6 and Netscape Navigator 4, running on NT and

<p>Java2HTML is used by thousands of organizations to publish their source code
on the internet, including&nbsp; Sun Microsystems (<a href="http://java.sun.com/blueprints/code/jps131/src">Java Pet Store Demo 1.3.1</a>)
and Oracle (<a href="http://otn.oracle.com/sample_code/tech/xml/xmldb/saxloader">XML

<p>For discussions regarding Java2HTML please subscribe to to our mailing list:-&nbsp;

  <li><a href="mailto:java2html.discussion-subscribe at vaegar.force9.co.uk">Subscribe</a></li>
  <li><a href="mailto:java2html.discussion-unsubscribe at vaegar.force9.co.uk">Unsubscribe</a><br>

<h3><a name="Feature"></a>Feature List</h3>

<p>Main features include:-</p>

    <li>Converts Java Code into Colourized HTML. </li>
    <li>Specify TAB Spacing. </li>
    <li>Specify style and colour options of all Java keywords
        types via standard cascading style sheets. </li>
    <li>JavaDoc Look'n Feel. </li>
    <li>Links Class references into source code for Class
        definitions. </li>
    <li>Links external Class references into 'JavaDoc' output. </li>
    <li>Optional Line Number feature.</li>

<h3><a name="Ant"></a>Ant

<p>Java2HTML can be used from within <a href="http://ant.apache.org">Ant</a>.
View the <a href="java2html_ant_task.html">Java2HTML Task</a> documentation to
see&nbsp; how to do this.

<h3><a name="API"></a>API

<p>Java2HTML can be used from within a Java program by using the Java2HTML <a href="docsapi/index.html">API </a>. This is only available in 1.3Beta onwards.&nbsp;

<p>View the
Java2HTML API <a href="api_examples/TestExample.java.html">example</a> to see
how to use it.

<h3><a name="Installing"></a>Installing</h3>

<p>Installing, assumes a certain level of technical knowledge. </p>

    <li>Unzip <i>Java2HTML.zip</i> into a temporary directory,
        using either <a href="http://www.winzip.com">WinZIP </a>or
        the <a href="http://www.javasoft.com">JDK</a> jar tool
        (using &quot;jar-xf Java2HTML.zip&quot;) <br>
    <li>Copy <i>j2h.jar</i> and one of the scripts to an
        appropriate area on your file system (e.g. <i>C:\Tools\Java2HTML</i>)<br>
    <li>Place the installation directory in your PATH.<br>
    <li>Edit the script to reflect the installation directory, or
        create an appropriate script if you are not using a
        DOS/Unix based operating system.<br>
    <li>Use of the scripts is optional, alternatively you can
        place the <i>j2h.jar</i> location in your class path, and
        type <em>&quot;java j2h</em>&quot; in its place or if you
        are using Java 2, you can type, <em>&quot;java -jar
    <li>Type, <i>&quot;j2h&quot;</i> to see if your installation
        has succeeded. You should see a usage description if it
        is has been successful.<br>
    <li>Alternatively you can now use Java2HTML from within Ant.<br>

<h3><a name="Requirements"></a>Requirements</h3>

    <li>Java2HTML is written in Java and therefore needs a Java
        1.1 or above compatible JVM. </li>

<h3><a name="Options"></a>Options</h3>

<p>Type, <em>&quot; </em><i>j2h&quot; </i>(if using the script) with
no arguments to get a list of options. </p>

<table border="1">
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>Option</b></td>
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>aka</b></td>
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>Default</b></td>
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>Description</b></td>
        <td>-d &lt;directory&gt;</td>
        <td>Specifies the HTML output directory.</td>
        <td>-js &lt;directory&gt;</td>
        <td>current directory</td>
        <td>Specifies the Java Source directory that will be
        converted to HTML. Repeat for each Java Source directory.</td>
        <td>-jd &lt;directory&gt; [web_reference]</td>
        <td>Used to specify JavaDoc directories that the
        generated HTML will link to. Specify the optional extra
        parameter [web_reference] to indicate the web address if
        the Java HTML is to be accessed from a web server.</td>
        <td>Margin size, with Line Numbers.</td>
        <td>The number of spaces that Tabs will be converted to.</td>
        <td>Java Source</td>
        <td>Name used in the frames.</td>
        <td>-help, /? or j2h with no arguments</td>
        <td>Display Help Options.</td>
        <td>prevents the header from being displayed.</td>
        <td>prevents the footer from being displayed.</td>
        <td>Simple output, just include the Java source and stylesheet.css
          files. Also
          package links will not be set within the source</td>

<p>In addition, Java2HTML will produce a <i>&quot;stylesheet.css&quot;</i>,
in the output directory which can be edited to change the colour
or style scheme. (Warning: this will get overwritten if it
already exists when you run j2h) </p>

<h3><a name="Examples"></a>Example Usage</h3>

<p>To review the output of running Java2HTML, view the<i>
index.html </i>produced in the output directory with your
favorite web browser. </p>

<p>I highly recommend the use of the -jd option. You will nearly
always want to link into the standard Java libraries, so you will
typically supply the following parameter, &quot;<i>-jd
C:\JDK1.2\DOCS\API</i>&quot;. Use the -jd option for each set of
Java Doc you have access to. </p>

<p>Assuming you are using the Dos or Unix scripts <i>&quot;j2h.bat&quot;</i>
or <i>&quot;j2h&quot;</i>, type the examples for the specified
effects. </p>

    <li><i>j2h -js C:\JDK1.2\src<br>
        This will produce HTML representation under <i>output</i>
        in the current directory, for the JDK1.2 public source
        code. <br>
    <li><i>j2h -js \home\billgates\dev\cooljavaproject -jd \usr\jdk1.2\docs\api
        This will produce HTML representation under <i>output</i>
        for the <i>cooljavaproject</i> source code with links
        into the standard Java Doc output for the JDK1.2
        libraries. <br>
    <li><i>j2h -n COOL_PROJECT -t 8<br>
        This will produce HTML representation under <i>output</i>
        for any Java Source files in the current directory, with
        tabs set to 8 spaces and a title of <i>COOL_PROJECT.</i> <br>
    <li><i>j2h -m 4 COOL_PROJECT<br>
        This will produce HTML representation under <i>output</i>
        for any Java Source files in the current directory, with
        line numbers and a title of <i>COOL_PROJECT.</i><br>
    <li><i>j2h -js C :\dev\project1 -js C: \dev\project2 -jd C :\jdk1.2\docs\api
      -jd C: \JavaXML\docs\api<br>
        This will produce HTML representation under <i>output</i>
        for any Java Source files under <i>C:\dev\project1 or
        C:\dev\project2</i> with Java Doc links to the standard
        JDK1.2 API and the SUN Microsystems XML libraries. <br>

<h4><a name="Example Outputs"></a>Example Outputs</h4>

<p>Examples are from the SUN Microsystems JDK 1.3 Demos. If you
experience any strange problems whilst browsing these links,
please email a description of the problem to <a href="mailto:support at java2html.com">support at java2html.com</a>

    <li><a href="examples/Java2D_demo/index.html">Example Output
        Shows Source code for JDK 1.3 Java 2D Demo, created with
        the following command:- <p><i>j2h -js C:\jdk1.3.1\demo\jfc\Java2D -d examples\Java2D_demo
      -jd C:\jdk1.3.1\docs\api http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.3/docs/api -n JAVA2D_DEMO</i> <br>
        &nbsp; </p>
    <li><a href="examples/SwingSet_demo/index.html">Example
        Output 2</a> (with line numbers)<br>
        Shows Source code for JDK 1.3 SwingSet2 Demo, created with
        the following command:-<p><i>j2h -js
        </i><i>C:\jdk1.3.1\</i><i>demo\jfc\SwingSet2 -d examples\SwingSet_demo -jd
        </i><i>C:\jdk1.3.1</i><i>\docs\api http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.3/docs/api -n SwingSet_DEMO -m 4<br>
    <li><i>Example Output 3 - </i><a href="examples/SwingSet_demo/TreeDemo.java.html#80"><i>TreeDemo.java.html#80</i></a></li>

<p align="left">Note: These examples use the <em>web_reference </em>feature
of the -jd option, to point the web documentation at the Sun Java website. It would be more typical in general use to point the
web_reference at your own local copy of the documentation.</p>

<h3><a name="Known"></a>Known Limitations and Future Extensions</h3>

<p>Please send requests for enhancements to <a href="mailto:support at java2html.com">support at java2html.com</a>
If I use your ideas I will give you a credit in this document.</p>

    <li>Support for Apples Macs and a java properties file to
        specify options.<br>
    <li>Method and Object Instance hyper links.<br>
    <li>Make use of a proper installer package.<br>
    <li>Hyper links of references within comments and strings<br>
    <li>Style sheet option, to prevent the overwriting of a customized
    <li>Better handling of non-conformant java code.<br>
    <li>Extend Java2HTML to deal with other languages such as JSP, SQLJ, XML, SQL
        scripts, Perl and C/C++ and/or extend the architecture to
        allow third parties to implement additional language
    <li>Possibly publish the source code with an appropriate
    <li>HTML driven Search Facility.<br>
    <li><a href="mailto:tohagan at dstc.edu.au">Tony O'Hagan</a> suggested
      providing a -link option so that JavaDoc can be linked directly from a


<h3><a name="Support"></a>Support</h3>

<p>Please report bugs to <a
href="mailto:java2html.bugs at vaegar.f9.co.uk">support</a><a href="mailto:support at java2html.com">@java2html.com</a>, before emailing make sure that the bug is not listed in <a
href="#Known">Known Limitations and Possible Extensions</a>.</p>

<h3><a name="Change"></a>Change History</h3>

<table border="1">
        <td valign="top" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><strong>Version</strong></td>
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><strong>Date</strong></td>
        <td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><strong>Change</strong></td>
        <td valign="top">1.0</td>
        <td>19th Aug 1999</td>
        <td valign="top">1.0.1</td>
        <td>20th Aug 1999</td>
        <td>front.html now appears with white background on all
        mainstream browsers. (See Version Change 1.0.3)</td>
        <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
        <td>Fixed JavaDoc URL Reference, now uses &quot;/&quot;,
        instead of &quot;\&quot; which does not work with all
        mainstream browsers. </td>
        <td>23rd Aug 1999</td>
        <td>Fixed Java Source URL Reference now uses
        &quot;/&quot;, instead of &quot;\&quot; which does not
        work with all mainstream browsers. </td>
        <td>Added extra information in the usage description.</td>
        <td>5th Sept 1999</td>
        <td>front.html now appears with white background on all
        mainstream browsers. (Accidentally not released in Version
        <td>when using the -jd option with a single parameter it
        will now automatically convert the parameter into proper
        URL references in the JavaDoc links. (This can be done
        anyway using the second parameter). Requested by Anand
        Santhanam &amp; David Karr, .</td>
        <td>Java2HTML now deals with accented characters
        properly. Thanks to Gerald Pfarrand &amp; Martin
        Desruisseaux for spotting that one.</td>
        <td>Tidied up HTML generation in many places.</td>
        <td>Added manifest file to j2h.jar. This allows Java 2
        users to type, <em>&quot;java -jar j2h.jar&quot;</em>.
        Thanks to Martin Desruisseaux for that.</td>
        <td><pre><font size="2">interface A {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; class B {};&nbsp; // &lt;-- ';' is problematic
        <p>The above code would generate a parse error in
        Java2HTML. Not anymore. Thanks to Kang Pilsung for
        spotting that. </p>
        <td>27th Oct 1999</td>
        <td>Returns exit code, for better integration with
        Scripting Languages. Requested by <a
        href="mailto:delirium at club-internet.fr">Kaze</a></td>
        <td>Improved Line Number rendering. (Looks a lot better
        <td>Added more information to front.html.</td>
        <td>4th Nov 1999</td>
        <td>Fixed typo on front.html.</td>
        <td>Error message inserted into HTML output for Non Legal
        Java files.</td>
        <td><pre><font size="2">class Foo {
&nbsp; SomeObject thing = something;; // &lt;-- Extra semi-colon
        <p>The extra semi-colon would generate a parse error. Not
        anymore. Thanks to <a href="mailto:mike at mikera.net">Mike</a>
        for spotting that. You're right Mike, even though it
        isn't Kosher Java, most of the compilers accept it.</p>
        <td>17th Nov 1999 </td>
        <td>Output messages have been improved.</td>
        <td>Catches Lexical Errors properly. Thanks to Jason King
        of Sun MicroSystems for pointing that out.</td>
        <td>Added Meta &quot;GENERATOR&quot; Tag to all generated
        <td>31st Oct 2000</td>
        <td>Added Line Number Tags. So you can no use URL
        references such as, <a href="examples/SwingSet_demo/TreeDemo.java.html#80"><i>TreeDemo.java.html#80</i></a></td>
        <td>Fixed typos in the j2h usage message. Thanks to <a
        href="mailto:robertb at socs.uts.edu.au">Robert Biuk-Aghai</a>&nbsp;of
        University of Technology, Sydney, for so kindly pointing
        that out. He also noted a few typos on this page which
        have also been fixed.</td>
        <td>Deprecated the -dir option. Java2HTML now uses a
        superior (if what slower) two-parse mechanism.</td>
        <td>Please note that ownership of Java2HTML has now been
        transferred to RiteLink Computing Limited.</td>
        <td>Added j2h wrapper class. </td>
        <td>Added -nh -nf options to remove Header and Footer.</td>
        <td>Import lists in source now link to JavaDoc.</td>
        <td>Package declaration in source now links to package
        <td>Operating System &quot;new line&quot; is used
        throughout generated HTML, instead of hard coded DOS/NT
        new line.</td>
        <td>Changed 'Package' to 'Packages' text in top left
        <td>Fixed single line comment on last line parse failure
        bug, also spotted by <a
        href="mailto:brwells at strong-funds.com">Brad Wells</a>.</td>
        <td>11th Nov 2000</td>
        <td>Fixed &quot;Project&quot; hyper text reference (top
        Right hand Corner) to refer to front.html instead of FRONT.HTML.</td>
        <td>2nd Feb 2002</td>
        <td>Fixed some HTML output bugs, most importantly line number anchors
          were not being terminated with &lt;/A&gt;. Spotted by a <a href="mailto:Luschny at wanadoo.fr">Peter Luschny</a>,
          <a href="mailto:Markus.Schmidt at pass-consulting.com">Markus.Schmidt</a>
          and <a href="mailto:q4543327 at bonsai.fernuni-hagen.de">Andreas Schenk</a>&nbsp;</td>
        <td>Changed the instructions on the front page so that 'this' in 'Text
          displayed like <u>this</u> represents', is in the same style as the
          actual links within Java Source. Thanks for&nbsp; <a href="mailto:chris.laprun at nist.gov">Christophe Laprun</a>
          for pointing that out.</td>
        <td>Operating System &quot;new line&quot; is now used in the generated
          stylesheet. Thanks again to <a
        href="mailto:robertb at socs.uts.edu.au">Robert Biuk-Aghai </a> for that.</td>
        <td>15th Oct 2002</td>
        <td>Footer/Header not correct for Netscape Browser</td>
        <td>Now recognizes .super() method Calls. Spotted by&nbsp; <a href="mailto:jim.fisher at sequencegroup.com">Jim Fisher</a>.</td>
        <td>Added Support for Java Version 1.4.</td>
        <td>Fixed problem with /**/&nbsp; when it appeared more than once within
          a file.</td>
        <td>Fixed problem with use of \u9999. (This problem was originally fixed
          in an earlier version but got reintroduced)</td>
        <td>25th Oct 2002</td>
        <td>Expanded the lexical range of characters allowed for a java
          identifier, requested by <a href="mailto:dz at tangro.de">Dirk Zoettl</a></td>
        <td>Added &quot;.java&quot; to the header and changed the background
        <td>2nd Feb 2003</td>
        <td>default.index.html replaces .index.html, Raised by <a href="mailto:perennou at ensica.fr">Tanguy PERENNOU</a></td>
        <td>Moved Java2HTML to an ANT based build script</td>
        <td>Numerous changes to the internals of Jav2HTML.&nbsp;</td>
        <td>Ownership of Java2HTML Transferred to <a href="http://www.passwordmanager.co.uk/polygon/index.htm"> Polygon
        <td>Better supports Integration with Ant</td>
        <td>Published Java2HTML API.</td>
        <td>22nd Feb 2003</td>
        <td>Fixed 'null' bug when no JavaDoc option was set</td>
        <td>Added -simple option</td>
        <td>23rd Feb 2002</td>
        <td>(Internal changes only)</td>
        <td>23rd April 2003</td>
        <td>Added Ant Support, recommended by numerous users.</td>
        <td>Fixed -jd command line option problem. Spotted by <a href="mailto:Cal.Holman at paymentech.com">Cal
        <td>Changed the Java2HTML API to support Ant.</td>
        <td>Removed references to the deprecated -dir option.</td>
        <td>28th April 2003</td>
        <td>No Changes</td>
        <td>15 May 2003</td>
        <td>(Internal changes only)</td>

<h3><a name="License"></a>License Agreement</h3>

<p><font size="3">You should carefully read the following terms
and conditions before using this software package. Your use of
this software package indicates your acceptance of this license
agreement. This is a legal agreement (this &quot;Agreement&quot;)
between you (either an individual or an entity) and the
proprietor of this software. This Agreement is part of the
software package.</font></p>

<p><font size="3">1. GRANT OF LICENSE. The proprietor hereby
grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to
use one copy of this Software. This grant of license gives the
right to use the software on your computer. You may not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer this software, and
you may not create derivative works of the this software. You may
modify, translate or adapt the generated HTML code. You are not
granted any right, title, or interest in the the software except
the right to use it in accordance with this Agreement. </font></p>

<p><font size="3">2. REDISTRIBUTION Redistribution of the
software ZIP file is allowed by shareware and freeware sites or
CDROM media and similar without the permission of the proprietor.
Redistribution for commercial purposes or reselling is not
allowed. </font></p>

<p><font size="3">3. WARRANTY. This software and the accompanying
files are provided &quot;AS IS,&quot; without a warranty of any
kind. </font></p>

<p><font size="3">4. COPYRIGHT. Copyright is owned by Polygon Enterprises and is protected by United Kingdom copyright
law and international treaty provisions. </font></p>

<p><font size="3">5. TERMINATION The license will terminate
immediately without notice from the proprietor if you fail to
comply with any provision of this license. Upon termination, you
must destroy all copies of the software and its components on any
and all forms of media. </font></p>


<p><font size="3">7. GOVERNING LAW This agreement is made under,
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws
of the United Kingdom.</font></p>

<h3><a name="Credits"></a>Credits</h3>

    <li><a href="http://www.sun.com/">Sun MicroSystems</a>,
        thanks for making <a href="http://java.sun.com/">Java</a>.<br>
    <li>Peter Van der Linden, Maintainer of the <a
        href="http://www.afu.com/intro.html"><i>Java FAQ</i></a>,
        and author of <i>&quot;Just Java 1.2&quot;</i> as well as
        many other good books.<br>
    <li>The people who put together JavaCC, especially Siram Sankar for his help.<br>
    <li>Guys on the JavaCC newsgroup, including David Williams
        for his Java 1.2 extensions.<br>
    <li>Thanks to the people at <a
        href="http://www.jars.com">JARS</a> for giving this tool
        (version 1.0.3) a, &quot;rated JARS Top 25%&quot;,
        although it actually got 895 out of a 1000, losing marks
        on presentation :-(<br>
    <li>Jason Shattu, the original creator of Java2HTML.<br>
    <li> <a href="http://www.passwordmanager.co.uk/polygon/index.htm"> Polygon
          Enterprises</a>, the owners of this product.<br>
    <li>Other good products out there:-<br>
        <li>Bruce Blackshaw's <a href="http://www.enterprisedt.com/downloads/ftp.html">Java
          FTP Client</a>&nbsp;</li>
        <li>David Shattu's <a href="http://www.passwordmanager.co.uk/index.htm">Easy
          Password Manager</a></li>

<h3><a name="Payment" href="#Payment"></a>Payment</h3>

<p>Java2HTML is distributed as free software but should a user or company make
significant use of it, they are encouraged to make a $50 contribution which
gives them registration status and helps towards future development costs.
Please click on the following link.</p>

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="paypal at polygon-enterprises.co.uk">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Java2HTML Full Registration Donation">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="Java2HTMLFullRegistration">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="50.00">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/images/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" width="73" height="44">


<table border="0" width="100%">
        <td valign="top" width="50%"><font size="1">last updated: May 31 2003</font></td>

<a href="http://www.123-reg.co.uk/affiliate.cgi?id=AF23336"><img src="http://www.123-reg.co.uk/images/banners/butt1.gif" border=0></a>
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--- NEW FILE: java2html_ant_task.html ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us>
<META content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>

<table border="0" width="100%">
        <td valign="top" width="50%"><a href="java2html.html">Home</a> </td>
        <td align="right" valign="top" width="50%">


<H2><A name=java2html>Java2HTML</A></H2>
<P>The Java2HTML task coverts java source code into browsable and colourized
<P>This task requires the j2h.jar to be on the class path. This is available
from the <a href="http://www.java2html.com">www.java2html.com</a> website.</P>
<P>FileSets should be specified to indicate which source code files should be
included in the HTML output.</P>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=1>
    <TD vAlign=top><B>Attribute</B></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top><B>Description</B></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle><B>Required</B></TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>title</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>the title that will be used in the HTML.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>simple</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>Simple output, just include the Java source and stylesheet.css files.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>tabsize</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>the number of spaces that tabs will be converted to, defaults to
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>marginsize</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>sets the margin size, with line numbers, defaults to 0 with
      no line numbers.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>header</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>Display header, defaults to 'yes'.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>footer</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>Display footer, defaults to 'yes'.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>destination</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>Output directory.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
<H3>Parameters specified as nested elements</H3>
<P>The java2html&nbsp; task supports any number of nested <A 
elements. These are used&nbsp; to specify the java files that are to be included in the Java2HTML output.</P>
<P>The java2html task also supports any number of javadoc elements. The javadoc
elements can be used to link the Java2HTML output to JavaDoc output files.</P>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=1>
    <TD vAlign=top><B>Attribute</B></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top><B>Description</B></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle><B>Required</B></TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>localRef</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>A local directory containing&nbsp; the JavaDoc source.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>Yes</TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top>httpRef</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top>A Http Reference of the Java Doc source.</TD>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>No</TD></TR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>&lt;taskdef name=&quot;java2html&quot; classname=&quot;com.java2html.Java2HTMLTask&quot;/&gt;

&lt;target name=&quot;main&quot; &gt;
	&lt;java2html title=&quot;Example&quot; 
		&lt;fileset dir=&quot;C:\project\java&quot;&gt;
			&lt;include name=&quot;**/*.java&quot;/&gt;
		&lt;javadoc localRef=&quot;c:\jdk1.4\docs\api&quot; httpRef=&quot;http://somewebsite.com/docs/api&quot;/&gt;
		&lt;javadoc localRef=&quot;c:\ant\docs\api&quot; httpRef=&quot;http://somewebsite.com/docs/api&quot;/&gt;

<P align=center>Copyright © 2000-2003 Polygon Enterprises. All Rights Reserved</P></BODY></HTML>

--- NEW FILE: j2h.jar ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: readme.txt ---
* Java2HTML Version 1.3.1 is a tool that converts a whole bunch of Java Source Code into colourised browsable HTML format.

* Unzip Java2HTML.zip to a temporary directory. Java2HTML.zip contains the following files and directories:- 

Java2HTML.html	Further Instructions on the Installation and use of Java2HTML.
java2html_ant_task.html Instructions on the use of Java2HTML wil Ant.
j2h			Unix Script to wrap the Java2HTML call. Change as required.
j2h.bat			Dos Script to wrap the Java2HTML call. Change as required.
j2h.jar			Java2HTML JAR file, see Java2HTML.html for instructions on use. 
example1.bat		Example1 Script.
example2.bat		Example2 Script.
api_examples		Example of Using Java2HTML API.
docsapi			JavaDoc for Java2HTML API.
readme.txt		This File.

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