Hi,<br><br>Some Books like Pilgrim's Progress and Edersheim have keys with identical names but different parents.<br><br>Here is an example from Pilgrims Progress:<br> Part I/The First Stage<br> Part II/The First Stage<br>
<br>So if I have a key1='The First Stage' (in Part II) and I go through a list of keys looking for a key that equals key1 I will arrive at the wrong key.<br><br>I am currently changing my code so that if a TreeKey has a parent I also compare parents but I was wondering if you think the KeyTree equals method in JSword should be extended to check parents.<br>
<br>If the above isn't clear I can create a simple junit so show the problem because I may possibly be taking the wrong approach.<br><br>Regards<br>Martin<br>