[jsword-devel] Integrating AndBible's changes into master

DM Smith dmsmith at crosswire.org
Mon Feb 10 10:31:14 EST 2025

In a quest to integrate AndBible and STEPBible’s forks of JSword, I’m working on a branch integrate-AndBible first. AndBible had integrated much of STEPBible earlier, so this seemed like a good start. I started with AndBible’s JSword’s master.

Please take a look at it the branch and give a feel as to whether it is ready to merge into master. I’m ready to do that.

I noticed a significant change to blur, which came from STEP. Originally blur would take a reference and pull in context from either side. So blurring John 3:10 by 6 would pull in John 3:4-3:16. The change allowed blur up and/or down, by overloading blur with two booleans blurUp and blurDown. This is fine, but when JSword was put into git, and CI was put into place some tests were disabled to get it going. One of those tests pertained to blurring.

I re-enabled that test and found bugs in the blurring code. I’ve committed those changes into integrate-AndBible.

Since ESV2011 is not part of the CrossWire repo, I changed tests to hit KJV or KJVA.

I updated gradle’s version of the jsword-2.3 jar to be jsword-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar This also updated the gradle files to something more current, but still the same version of gradle.

Since I’m still using maven to build, I updated it to match gradle configuration. This reqired updating from Java 1.5 to Java 1.8. The code is still Java 1.7 compilable.

I also noted that the test for the XZ compression was deleted and the library was removed. I see that Apache’s common-compress now has support for it. I did not determine whether this works for XZ. As SWORD C++ has support for XZ, we need to make sure it works. It is one of the compressions that can be used to create modules.

In His Service,

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