[jsword-devel] Adding a transient property to SwordBookMetaData

Martin Denham mjdenham at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 15:57:13 MST 2015

Do the JSword junits currently run?

I was trying to do a simple fix by adding another putProperty method to
swordBookMetaData and also adding a new SwordMetaDataLocator.TRANSIENT :
    public void putProperty(String key, String value, SwordMetaDataLocator
which would allow me to set a property without persisting it.

But I don't think that SwordBookMetaDataTest is currently working - at
least it is one of the few tests that fails on my pc.
The first problem I had was that SwordBookMetaData.KEY_DATA_PATH was not
set causing an NPE in SwordBookMetaData.setLibrary, so I fixed that by
adding this to the junit setUp()

Then I got
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at org.crosswire.common.util.NetUtil.lengthenURI(NetUtil.java:391)
because the test URI is an empty string and 0-1 is out of bounds in NetUtil:
char lastChar = path.charAt(path.length() - 1);

So is the SwordBookMetaDataTest broken or am I doing something silly?


On 2 November 2015 at 21:44, Martin Denham <mjdenham at gmail.com> wrote:

> And Bible adds a temporary property to SwordBookMetaData to identify which
> repository a downloadable book came from.  This sort of property is
> transient and does not need to be stored.  However, to prevent this
> throwing an exception after upgrade to the recent JSword I needed to
> specify this as a ui property which is persisted in the jsword-mods.d
> folder.
> Currently BookMetadata.putproperty takes a boolean property which
> determines where the property is persisted.
> void putProperty(String key, String value, boolean forFrontend);
> Would it be a good idea to make it possible to add transient properties
> that are not persisted?  This might be done by using an enum instead of a
> boolean for the third property.
> Martin
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