[jsword-devel] regex searching

Trenton D. Adams trent.jsword at trentonadams.ca
Tue Feb 23 18:29:08 MST 2010


I'm getting the impression that regular expression searching is not at all possible without implementing something that loads the books itself, and goes through each verse of the bible.  Is this true?

It seems like the Lucene Index just doesn't support regular expression searches, eh?  And it also seems like SearcherFactory is currently not finished being implemented as a SearcherFactory, correct?  Or, perhaps other methods need to be added, like createSearcher(Book, Class searcherClass)???  Then you could provide another searcher type.

What would be appropriate for this? adding the new SearcherFactory.createSearcher(), adding another "find" method to AbstractBook/Book that is something like "find(SearchRequest, Searcher)"???

Are the books and everything abstract enough that I can search them by loading the text?  Or would I have to restrict it to the book types I know how to parse?

Anything else?


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