[jsword-devel] Updated Indonesian Locale for JSword and BibleDesktop

Tonny Kohar tonny.kohar at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 01:24:40 MST 2008


On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Tonny Kohar <tonny.kohar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> The problem with the '-' is a design flaw in both SWORD and JSword. It
>> needs to be fixed. It is not all that easy given how the code is
>> written. But it is becoming more important.
>> There is another problem regarding non-English Bible book names. JSword
>> does not handle them well on input for a lookup. This too needs to be fixed.
>> I'll see what I can do about these, but anyone that can take a look at
>> it and figure it out would be greatly appreciated.
> I will try to look at it and maybe could come out with something, is
> there specific package (org.crosswire.xxx) or class implementation
> that I need to pay attention to ?

I am still looking through org.crosswire.jsword.versification.* and
org.crosswire.jsword.passage.*, it seem ok, it deal with number for
book, chapter,verse), so it should not be a problem for locale, but I
haven't dig deep enough.

Another note:
- Is it possible to give the following consistent API especially for the null.
*public static Verse getVerse(Key key)
 this part will return funny things (undefined) if the key is null
*public static Passage getPassage(Key key)
 this part will return null, if the key is null
so it is possible for the above to methods to have consistent api ? I
think adding null key check for getVerse similar to getPassage in the
first line.

Tonny Kohar
Alkitab Bible Study
imagine, design, create ...

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