[jsword-devel] OSIS

DM Smith dmsmith555 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 12 06:02:51 MST 2004

I don't speak German (I studied it "ein bischen") Isn't "und die Erde." 
the end of the verse?
Shouldn't the xml be:
<verse osisID="1.1.1">Im Anfang schuf Gott die Himmel <note 
noteType="x-StudyNote">Im Hebr. steht das Wort "Himmel" immer in der 
Mehrzahl</note>und die Erde.</verse>

Joe, How do you get the raw data out of the book? It is in zipped ThML. 
I would like to see what is being transformed into OSIS.

tmp at nitwit.de wrote:
> On Saturday 12 June 2004 11:07, tmp at nitwit.de wrote:
>>On Friday 11 June 2004 23:49, Joe Walker wrote:
>>>  Passage ref = PassageFactory.createPassage("Gen-Rev");
>>>  Book bible = Books.installed().getBookMetaData(BIBLE_NAME).getBook();
>>>  BookData data = bible.getData(ref);
>>>  SAXEventProvider osis = data.getSAXEventProvider();
>>>  String text = XMLUtil.writeToString(osis);
>>>  System.out.println(text);
> I was able to get an well-formed GerElb1871 XML however jsword made a lot of 
> mistakes in order to do so. E.g. 
> <div divTitle="Gen 1">
> <verse osisID="1.1.1">Im Anfang schuf Gott die Himmel <note 
> noteType="x-StudyNote"></note>Im Hebr. steht das Wort "Himmel" immer in der 
> Mehrzahl  und die Erde.</verse>
> ...
> Don't mind if you don't understand german ;) The last "Im Hebr. ... Erde." 
> part is actually the note which is empty. Correct would have been
> <div divTitle="Gen 1">
> <verse osisID="1.1.1">Im Anfang schuf Gott die Himmel <note 
> noteType="x-StudyNote">Im Hebr. steht das Wort "Himmel" immer in der Mehrzahl  
> und die Erde.</note></verse>
> ...
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