[jsword-devel] Ant + generated sources

Joe Walker jsword-devel@crosswire.org
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 22:24:07 +0100

What I've done to build.xml is similar - there is a new generate task 
that does all the generation. I've also moved the config compile into 
the main compile.
Shout if I'm barking up the wrong tree.


Mark Goodwin wrote:

> Hello.
> I've had a couple of problems building after CVS updates recently. The
> problems have all been to do with generated sources (OSIS / config
> stuff).
> The problems were simple to fix; a quick look at the ant script revealed
> that all I needed to do was an "ant veryclean" to nuke old generated
> files.  I say 'all', because then, of course, I had to do an "ant all"
> which takes between a quarter of an hour and 20 minutes on my machine
> (yes, I should get a new one)..... which brings me to my question: 
> Is there any reason why we shouldn't have something like a "source.gen"
> target that just does the necessary generation?  E.g. an "ant xjc
> check.config" does this for me from a very clean tree (even though the
> current check.config fails in the javac task). This way to get working
> sources again from a major update (or new checkout) all that would be
> necessary would be "ant veryclean source.gen" (takes just under 40
> seconds on my machine using the suggestion below).
> All that would need doing is something like this:
>   <target name="check.config" depends="config.gen">
>   <!-- stuff in config.gen used to be at the start of this target -->
>     <mkdir dir="${target.classes}/config"/>
>     <javac debug="on" includes="**/*.java"
> destdir="${target.classes}/config">
>       <src path="${gener.root}/config"/>
>       <classpath>
>         <dirset dir="${target.classes}"/>
>         <fileset dir="${source.jar}" includes="**/*.jar"/>
>       </classpath>
>     </javac>
>   </target>
> <!--=======================================================================-->
>   <target name="config.gen">
>   <!-- generate the config sources -->
>     <mkdir dir="${gener.root}/config"/>
>     <style
>         in="${source.res}/config.xml"
>         out="${gener.root}/config/ConfigTest.java"
>         style="${source.etc}/config-test.xsl"/>
>   </target>
> <!--=======================================================================-->
>   <!-- generate sources -->
>   <target name="source.gen" depends="xjc, config.gen" />
> What do you think?
> MarkG
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