Hello friends and musical counterparts

Kate Russo katerusso at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 29 18:45:45 MST 2005

 Subject: Hello  friends and musical counterparts of
 Blake/TheElliots/Kate Russo

Blake needs help!!!!!!!!    
 Kate and I are leaving on the 5th of July...
 Between now and then we need much help on the
 1. Giving stuff away, 
 2. Some home cleaning and minor maintenance, 
 3. Equipment tweaking (some soldering, putting in
jacks etc...) to gett my small system ready for
 4. Outfitting the inside of the  Great White Hope
.-aka-.  The "No Yoko's" express  for Musical travel
and mobile recording unit. (need someone with some
DC electric, and cool setup ideas.) Tools a bonus...
 5.  Accounting, filing , help to square away some
office paperwork.. 
 And some miscellaneous....
 I will provide beverage of choice(no Manhattans) and
 Come over Anytime except 6-10 pm Fri.nite and  7-11
 Sat. night, as we are having two 8PM acoustic
concerts in our house (Sat. new show by demand just
added.)  We have a few seats available for the Sat.
show-all ages-  $10 per tix.  
You can also call 602-750-7482. 
 I need to p/u  the following if anyone knows where to
get them cheap..
 1.  A case for my imac..  16" x15x16"  (could use a
drum tom soft case)
 2.  A 17" LCD flat panel computer monitor. (We really
need a laptop but no money for that baby right now)
 3.  A case for small t.v    12"x12x12  soft bag would
 4. I can’t think of anything else although I am sure
there is...
 5.  Lots of prayers and finger crossing.....
Thanks, Blake and Kate

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