Goodbye/Benefit/CD Release Party...

Kate Russo katerusso at
Thu Jun 9 22:14:43 MST 2005

Hey everyone,
We are having a special Goodbye/Benefit Concert at the
Elliots Compound in Tempe on Friday, July 1st at
8:30PM...  It will double as a special CD Release
Party for our 1st (of 2) new albums, "Home Cookin -
Delicious Demos," which will be available for purchase
at the show.  This is an all-ages, limited-seat show,
and will feature some of your favorite Elliots songs,
Blake Thompson and Kate Russo fare, along with the
intimacy of our singer/songwriter nights formerly
known as "Elliots Night"....
You must RSVP for a spot, and admission is $10
(although donations are accepted too!)  It will be a
BYOB show, so get ready for a long-weekend party for
the 4th of July and get it started right here with us
as you say goodbye to your friends Blake and Kate as
we head off on the rock n roll dream of hittin the
Email or call for tix:  katerussoband at or
We will miss you all and hope to see you sometime down
the road- may be 6 months, may be quite a bit longer--
we'll have to see.  So take this last opportunity to
check out a great new CD and also show support for
live original music right here in the Valley of the
Hope to see you soon, and thanks again for the good
Kate and Blake

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