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Hi all,<br>
Using the BT SourceForger tracking system since yesterday, I have a
question/suggestion about the 'rules of the game':<br>
Checking the Bugs and Feature Requests section, I found that all the
reports/commentaries have the status marked <br>
- either by Open or Closed (a few are deleted).<br>
There is a helpful Status-Pending, which is not used. I am wondering
<b>Suggestion: Use of Status-Pending </b><br>
What do you think about the following kind of use of Status-Pending?:<br>
use it for reports, which have been looked at and give a feedback to
the one, who wrote the report<br>
- either if the item has been done (bug solved or feature added) and
needs testing if this works<br>
- or to tell the tester to do something (choose a certain setting or
choose a certain tool, he was not aware of) in order to find out, if
the report is still valid or not.<br>
Example1: <br>
Person X writes a report , e.g. 1464187 <a
Bold, underline not showing in text</a>: Status-Open<br>
Y-Comment from personY: Use another template: Status-Pending<br>
X-Comment: have no idea about templates: Status-Open (as the problem is
not yet solved for X)<br>
Y-Comment (not yet done): Y tells X how to use templates: Status-Pending<br>
X-Comment (not yet done): <br>
- X used templates as suggested by Y and find out, that problem is
solved: Status-Closed, or<br>
- X still cannot solve problem: Status-Open<br>
.... <br>
Example2: <br>
X writes report: Status-Open<br>
Y suggests solution: Status-Pending<br>
X tests OK: Status-Closed<br>
Y looks at it and finds it still a problem (in his setup): Status-Open<br>
X shows his arguments why he think that the report should be closed:
..... this goes on, till X and Y are both convinced that all is OK:
<b>Definition: Reports are marked by Status-Pending</b>, if <br>
- one of the participants discussing this report thinks, that the
problem is solved (or the feature added) and <br>
- asks the other one(s) to approve this by testing this (and shows his
approvlal by closing the report).<br>