[bt-devel] PDFs and other object files in source tarballs (was: Re: Committed English handbook pdf, r1829)

Martin Gruner mg.pub at gmx.net
Thu Nov 19 10:16:38 MST 2009


I agree with you on the definitions of source and derived files. We _do_ 
distribute the source files and therefore fulfill the stipulations of the GPL.

Currently, our source tree does contain some derived files. All of them can be 
automatically created from the source files with a simple make call, _if_ the 
user has the required software installed. We need to document how that can be 

So our derived files are redundant data that can be auto-created. Given that 
the only drawback is increased size of the tarball, but the benefits are
a) less effort when building and installing BibleTime
b) less required software to build and install BibleTime
I feel that I would like to keep the current approach.

Especially because we want to support platforms like Windows where not the 
entire toolchain is present. It would probably be possible to require 
packagers to get the full toolchain working even on windows or mac, but I 
don't see the need for it. We have to make a compromise.

That said, you can easily strip the derived files and re-generate them if you 
have to. =) Use
    make messages
    make howto
    make handbook
to re-generate the files.


Am Donnerstag, 19. November 2009 11:10:12 schrieb Jonathan Marsden:
> Martin Gruner wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 17. November 2009 23:26:14 schrieb Jonathan Marsden:
> >> I'd prefer not, or I'll probably have to do extra work to create a
> >> special PDF-less tarball each time!  PDF is not the preferred source
> >> form of the information,
> >
> > Who defines that?
> Whoever creates and edits the documentation.  If they actually edit it
> as PDF files using a PDF editing application, then sure, in that case,
> those PDFs are the preferred source form of that documentation!
> However, if they edit it as XML, docbook or whatever other schema they
> choose, then *that* is the preferred source form of that documentation.
> In the case of BibleTime, it appears to me that DocBook XML is the
> preferred source form of that documentation, by this definition.  Am I
> correct about that?
> The GPLv2 says:
>     The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
>     making modifications to it.
> Therefore, as I understand this, a "source tarball" is a tarball in
> which the files are in the preferred form for making modifications to them.
> Similarly, GPLv3 says:
>     The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
>     for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
>     form of a work.
> This suggests to me that HTML and PDF files of the BibleTime
> documentation are considered to be "object code" forms of that
> documentation.
> The Ubuntu Packaging Guide says:
>   Packages must not be accepted if any of these points is not fulfilled:
>   ...
>     * Files shipped under the GPL must be in the 'preferred form of
>       modification' format. This applies to some other free licenses
>       like the MPL, too (but e. g. not to BSD). Negative examples are
>       Flash animations (*.swf), most PostScript/PDF files, and
>       automatically generated source code.
> Now I'm looking over things in detail in response to your message, I
> think the *.qm files which are apparently being included in the
> BibleTime "source" tarballs may also be a problem, for the same reason.
>  They do not seem to be in a preferred editable form, to me.  I strongly
> suspect they are object format files derived from their *.ts
> counterparts.  I did not notice these *.qm files until now.
> >> so the PDF file should not be in a source tarball. Just like object
> >> files are not in the source tarball.
> >
> > Well, following that philosophy, we could also not have the generated
> > HTML files in our sources, because the information is maintained in
> > the docbook files.
> Right, omitting them would be much better.  They are derived files.  See
> above.  Please leave out the HTML files from the source tarball (and
> from svn).
> I confess, I knew about those, but had been "conveniently ignoring" the
> issue.  I'd hoped to continue that approach, even when the issue if PDFs
> was raised.  But apparently it is not to be.  This 'can of worms' is now
> open -- you raised the issue.  So, let's solve the problem.  From my
> perspective, the easy way to do so is to create a true source tarball,
> and then make sure the cmake/makefile rules do their thing to create all
> needed derived files during the build process.
> My sense is that, as a practical matter, derived HTML files in a source
> package will slip through the usual checks on Debian packages, usually
> (because some people do write documentation directly in HTML).  GPLed
> PDFs in a source package will almost certainly be challenged (because
> almost no-one writes docs directly in PDF).  If a source tarball
> includes derived files, non-source material, then it is (by definition)
> no longer a source tarball, but a mixture of source and "object"
> (derived, compiled, etc.) format files.
> > We do include them, however, to ease the burden of compiling and
> > installing BibleTime for end-users not as skillful as an experienced
> > packager or end-users on other platforms. That is the same, or even
> > more so, in the case of PDFs.
> That is a worthy motive.  However, unskilled users do not generally
> choose to use obscure platforms for which no binary packages are
> available, do they?
> Further, what would an unskilled end user be doing with a *source*
> tarball in the first place?  Such end users should probably not be using
> such a thing at all, they should be downloading a compiled and packaged
> version of the software, or using an automated system like the *BSD
> Ports Collection to obtain and compile and install it for them.
> Under what circumstances do unskilled end users really need to manually
> download and work with a source tarball for BibleTime?  If such
> circumstances do still exist, how can we minimize them?
> If there really are such end users, why not make a "precompiled
> documentation" tarball, containing the documentation in whatever
> precompiled forms are believed to be useful, just for such folks?  It
> could be automatically generated from the source tarball, by definition.
> If such users strongly object to having to download two tarballs, for
> some reason, then we could generate some kind of a
> "source-plus-precompiled-documentation" tarball, just for them.
> > I think it is reasonable to distribute the documentation along with
> > the application.
> Yes.  I agree 100%.  Source documentation should usually be distributed
> along with source of the application.  Compiled documentation should
> usually be distributed along with compiled form of the application.
> The source tarball contains the source form of the application, so it
> should contain the source form of the related documentation.  Similarly,
> if the BT project distributes binary installers (for Windows, for
> instance) or images (.dmg files for Mac, for instance), then clearly
> *those* should contain appropriate compiled forms of the BT
> documentation, not just the XML source form of that documentation.
> Those binary installers are what unskilled BT end users will download
> and use anyway in practice on those platforms, I would think, just as on
> Debian or Ubuntu (or Fedora or SuSE) such users will (generally) install
> the BT binary packages for their distribution, not BT source packages.
> If the BT team really believes that there is significant value to end
> users in having BT release "source-plus-extra-precompiled-documentation"
> tarballs, please also release actual source tarballs if at all possible.
> One more related request: if you really *have* to include these object
> format documents and files, please could we at least make sure they will
> be correctly regenerated from their corresponding source files if they
> are deleted, and the project is then built from source?
> I'm not entirely sure if this is currently the case, not being any kind
> of Cmake expert at all.  I can see that rules in
> cmake/BTDocumentation.cmake should do this generation, using xsltproc
> for the HTML generation and lrelease for the qm file generation.
> However, I can't see how these rules are being invoked from a top level
> make, at all.  It looks like the main make just assumes the *.qm files
> are already built and present in the source tree, and fails if they do
> not exist?  Am I just not understanding Cmake here?
> Is the current process for generating both the HTML and the qm files
> documented somewhere?  If not, can someone please document it for me :)
>  I found http://devel.bibletime.info/wiki/Translation but it does not
> seem to specify how the Cmake stuff related to documentation/translation
> works, and it doesn't mention lrelease at all.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
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