[bt-devel] Showstopper bugs

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Sun Nov 8 03:20:12 MST 2009

In my opinion the keychooser bugs must be solved before the final
release. It's very annoying to navigate when it doesn't work correctly
with two different methods, dropdown lists and next/prev buttons.

But what shall we do with bookshelf installer problems? As I told, the
crash fix by Gary did actually create more problems which may be even
more annoying than simple crash. The reproducible crash happened only
when the user cancelled a download before it had begun but after
preparing the module had begun. The proposed fix caused for example
confusing situations where items where stalled indefinitely. Which one
is more serious? I don't think We can fix it for 2.4 release. We would
need either new backend or fixed SWORD. The latter will happen only with
a new release of SWORD. It's of course possible to patch Windows version
but I don't consider it a good practice.

I propose that we just leave the bookshelf installer as it was before
Gary's fix. After the final release we can discuss what to do next. The
other option is to write a new backend, but I don't know how long it
takes and even if it's possible to get working at all.

	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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