[bt-devel] Windows package size

Gary Holmlund gary.holmlund at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 07:58:27 MST 2009

Eeli Kaikkonen wrote:
> I'm just trying to compile BibleTime on Windows using the wiki
> instructions. It has worked this far but I've not still compiled the app
> itself.
> But the actual subject is the size of the Windows installer/installed
> files. The installer installs now both debug and release versions of Qt.
> Qt itself is the part of our package which takes most of the space. Here
> are the largest files, for example:
> QtWebKitd4.dll (debug)	>17 MB
> QtWebKit4.dll (release)	>8 MB
> QtGuid4.dll (debug)	>12 MB
> QtGui4.dll (release)	>7 MB
> We can save >40 MB (which is about half of the total, including stuff
> under share/) in install size by leaving the debug files out of the
> final release. I'm not sure but the same may be true for the msvc files.
I don't see the Qt debug  files in the installer. I believe  the 
earliest installer versions did have the debug files in them. Perhaps 
these files are left over from an earlier version. I sugget 
uninstalling, removing any files in c:\Program Files\BibleTime, and 
> Actually I don't know how useful the debug files are even for
> developers. Is there any need for them?
> As a side note, I also compiled Qt with some configure flags to save
> time. I used -release -opensource -fast -no-qt3-support -no-libmng
> -no-libtiff -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-scripttools. The result of
> leaving out the stuff (phonon, tiff/mng support) we don't need isn't
> very radical, but saves some compile time.
>   Yours,
> 	Eeli Kaikkonen (Mr.), Oulu, Finland
> 	e-mail: eekaikko at mailx.studentx.oulux.fix (with no x)

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