[bt-devel] Windows Build status

Chris Little chrislit at crosswire.org
Tue Feb 24 01:04:23 MST 2009

Greg Hellings wrote:
> strcasecmp - the case agnostic string comparison function is called
> stricmp on Windows.  Change the name and it works marvelously
> (probably a simple #define macro could work perfectly, even in
> config.h.cmake).

If it's useful to you, sword\src\utilfuns\utilstr.cpp contains the 
generic stricmp definition used by Sword, which in turn calls the 
platform-specific version of the function.

> dirent.h - there is also no such file in Visual Studio, though there
> is in MinGW.  Just glancing through the Qt4 documentations, use of the
> QDir object would allow the same functionality that is being used in
> CSwordBackend::moduleConfig.  As in the case of pthread, it's probably
> desirable to move to using all native Qt functions rather than
> non-Standard  system headers like dirent.h.  But I don't think that I
> quite grasp the exact functionality at this hour, so I will refrain
> from trying to submit a patch for that.

dirent for Win32 is located in sword\src\utilfuns\win32.


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