[bt-devel] Bible Time Development - Search Dialog

Eeli Kaikkonen eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi
Fri Oct 24 08:27:43 MST 2008

Gary Holmlund wrote:
>> I have found how to change the QCompleter(used by QComboBox)
>> to have a filtered popup list like the KDE version. It is a one line
>> change to enable the mode.
>> I have implemented the change for the filtered popup and removing
>> the empty line. I will test a little further before check in.
> Checked in. Let me know what you think.

The completion popup is good. Otherwise the history works still badly. 
Try entering some searches so that there's for example 4 history items. 
Then start entering something which will pop up the completion list. 
Press Esc key. Then press arrow buttons up and down. For me either arrow 
button changes only between two items. And the empty line is still in 
the history list.

But don't put too much work into this. I would very much like to see the 
empty line removed, but otherwise my use case is not very common and the 
fault is a minor one.


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