[bt-devel] Search Analysis

Gary Holmlund gary.holmlund at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 18:01:58 MST 2008

Martin Gruner wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> thank you so much for your work! It looks good.
> I noticed that when I'm moving the mouse over the analysis, one CPU is being 
> used at 100%. I guess that there are too many events being fired of which all 
> result in some calculation being done. Can you try to improve that, maybe with 
> some QTimers which make sure that updates are only performed once in a while?
> mg
I looked and found it happens without the mouse being over the dialog. 
It also happened in the Qt3 BibleTime. I found the issue in the paint() 
function of CSearchAnalysisItem and CSearchAnalysisLegendItem. I found 
lines like the following in each:

    setPen( QPen(Qt::black,2) );
    setBrush( QBrush(Qt::white) );

Notice that these are not setting the pen or brush for the QPainter 
object, but for the widget. So the paint event was modifying the widget 
which causes a repaint to be scheduled. This was happening continuously 
so that the dialog was always repainting.

The lines were serving no useful purpose. After I deleted these lines 
the problem was gone.


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