[bt-devel] clucene and BibleTime

Martin Gruner mg.pub at gmx.net
Thu Feb 7 13:15:56 MST 2008

Hi Ben,

you know that the BibleTime project makes use of clucene, and I wish to thank 
everyone for the excellent work you and your team are doing.

Our users report that with the latest released version of clucene, 0.9.20, 
they are getting crashes when trying to create indices. We use this code:

	// do not use any stop words
	const TCHAR* stop_words[]  = { NULL };
	lucene::analysis::standard::StandardAnalyzer an( stop_words );


	boost::scoped_ptr<lucene::index::IndexWriter> writer( new 
lucene::index::IndexWriter(index.toAscii().constData(), &an, 
true) ); //always create a new index
	writer->setUseCompoundFile(true); //merge segments into a single file



Is there a problem with our code? It used to work fine with pre-0.9.20 
releases, now we are getting crashes. Can it be that there is a problem with 
the stop word handler?

Another question: I heard that in Lucene "there is a flag in QueryParser class 
called setAllowLeadingWindcard(boolean). It is available since Lucene v2.1.". 
Is this also available in clucene? That would be awesome, as it would allow 
users to make queries like "*word*", which has not been possible so far.

Thank you for your time reading this. I would sincerely appreciate a reply.

Best regards,

Martin Gruner

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